Samacheer Kalvi 12th Commerce Notes Chapter 2 Functions of Management

Samacheer Kalvi 12th Commerce Notes Chapter 2 Functions of Management

→ Managerial functions are time specific institution specific and country specific. To explain the management functions of 20th century and after.

→ Management functions are called as managerial process. This process is 24 hours non-stop process for attaining the objectives again and again for reaching the highest level.

→ Functions of management can be classified into two categories, they are
(a) Main functions
(b) Subsidiary functions.

→ Planning, organizing, staffing, directing, motivating, controlling and co-ordination are the main functions of management.

→Innovation representations, decision making and communication are the subsidiary functions of management.

→Scholars in the field of management have their own classification of functions of management. Some scholars add few functions and delete some other functions.

Check for the criterias that add cost in the absence of planning

Resource availability includes information about what resources we can use on our project when they are available to us and the conditions of their availability. The goal of activity resource estimating is to assign resources to each activity in the activity list.

Every company faces unique set of risk and it needs to plan for to identifying a through risk assessment, contingency planning is one response to risk. In some cases it may be safer or more cost effective to tackle it or to avoid risk by investing in new equipment.

Design a communication network that speeds up the work

Communication design can also refer to a system based approach in which totally of media and messages within a culture or organisation are designed a single integrated process rather than a series of discrete efforts.

Communication help the regulation of job and co-ordinates the activities (printed, crafted electronic media, all of these communicate with people).

Identify the need for financial and non-financial motivators relating to Gen Z

The generation “Z” study or Technology initimates an arrival study created to better understand the emerging technology network and communication needs to todays sawiest generation. The generation will be work from different locations, travel more for their jobs and want to stay, connected 24/7 they plan to work so many countries so employers recognize and emerging social media and networking technologies (smart phones).

What kind of control measures can be planned for minimal waste for future organisations

  1. Refusing, reducing, reusing, recycling and composting waste.
  2. By reducing or eliminating the generation of harmful and persistent wastes, waste minimisation,
  3. Effort should be taken to promote more sustainable society.
  4. To carry out proper waste management, proper waste disposal, in an effective safe and sustainable manner.

Samacheer Kalvi 12th Commerce Notes