Samacheer Kalvi 12th Commerce Notes Chapter 9 Fundamentals of Human Resource Management
→ The human resources is the most important element is any organization. The success, growth and development of organizations depend on the quality of work force they possess.
→ With the advent of globalization, liberalization and privatization leading to advancement in information, communication and technology paved way exhibiting the high level of innovation and creativity in human resource.
→ As per the views of Michael J. Jucius Human Resource is a “whole consisting of interrelated interdependent and interacting physiological, sociological and ethical components”.
→ The unique, peculiar and distinctive features of human resources are as under. It is created all other resources, it exhibits innovation and creativity, human resources alone can think, act, analyze and interpret, human resources are movable and it can work as a team.
→ In the words of E.F.L. Brech HRM as that part of management process which is primarily concerned with the human constituents of an organization.
→ The functions of human resource management may be classified. Managerial function – Planning, organizing, directing, controlling.
→ Operative function – procurement, development, compensation, retention, integration, maintenance.
→ The strategic role of human resource management is the process of acquiring, training, appraising and compensating employees and attending to their labour relation, health, safety and fairness concerns.
Ensuring the quality of work force through quality assurance
Benefits / compensation / Legal Recruitment staffing, Training Technology / HR Administration, An Human Resources subsystem Training, Communicating, quality effort using quality principles with the customer satisfaction. Mutual respect and team work in all the department in a company.
High quality system in companies with the Boards. Standardization with the guidelines all applicable to law and regulation, agreement with federal state agencies monitoring results – workforce system and contractors changes in Training. Measure the agent performance procedures to boost customer service regular training is must to development of workforce.
Describe two management techniques to improve job satisfaction
- To provide a positive working environment.
- Reward recognition
- Develop workers skill and knowledge, evaluate and measuring job satisfaction.
- Respectful treatment of employees at all levels.
- Job security / compensation / pay.
To prepare Human Resource Planning Schedule
- Analysis organization objectives.
- Inventory present HR’s.
- Forecasting demand and supply of HR.
- Estimating manpower gap.
- Formulating the final HR action plan.
- Monitoring control and feedback.
Analyse the ways of forecasting Human resource requirements.
HR forecasts both short term and long term staffing needs based on projected sales, office growth projecting Labour and materials, machineries needs. Forecasting the number of workers you will need. HR planning includes cost and administrative work that along with regular work.
Evaluate the shortfalls of Human resource management and its consequence
- Lack of support of top management.
- Improper utilisation of Resources .
- Inadequate development and Training and skill based programme inadequate information, datas related human resources.
Identify points of differences between HRM and HRD
Art of managing all aspects of the human workforce at a company. | It focuses on the personal development of employees. |
It refers to principles of management to manage the people working in organization. | To develop skills, knowledge and competency of employees. |
To improve the performance of the employees. | It refers to continuous development function. |
It is concerned with people only. | It is concerned with development of the entire organization. |
Analyse the impact of Change Management
Change management is a board discipline to ensuring that changes is implemented smoothly and it have wide impact on the organization and people within it.
- To adopt the changes and they have right path of training to improve quality of work force.
- To motivate the people move to current situation to new policy or strategy.
- The organization make the people ready to adopt the changes in a company.
Prescribe ways of resolving Conflict Management
To meet the employee separately to know about the problem and situation to avoid emotional feelings that will hurt company’s development misunderstanding due to different communication system. In sometimes emotional feelings should be expressed and acknowledged. To keep the conversation goal oriented.
Project ways of having a control over the operation of Trade Unions
Unions play a vital role both in securing legislated labour protections and rights such as safety, health overtime, medical leave, enforcing those rights on the job. If any labour receive below the wage in equality arise union will interfere asking higher wages for workers. They demand other benefits compensation, medical facilities and pension plan for workers in an organization.
Clearly specify the available Competency Mapping Process.
(i) To identify the organizational structure.
(ii) To conduct job analysis, then to prepare a job and description of job.
(iii) To identify the required skill set employees.
(a) Interview,
(b) Questionnaires,
(c) Aptitude
(d) Competency – Skill – knowledge
(e) Role to play selecting recruiting and retaining right people.