Tamilnadu State Board New Syllabus Samacheer Kalvi 7th English Guide Pdf Term 1 Prose Chapter 1 Eidgah Text Book Back Questions and Answers, Summary, Notes.

Tamilnadu Samacheer Kalvi 7th English Solutions Term 1 Prose Chapter 1 Eidgah

7th English Guide Eidgah Text Book Back Questions and Answers

Warm Up
Observe the pictures and write the names of the festivals in the blanks. One is done for you.
Samacheer Kalvi 7th English Solutions Term 1 Prose Chapter 1 Eidgah 1
Samacheer Kalvi 7th English Solutions Term 1 Prose Chapter 1 Eidgah 2

Discuss in pairs.

1. Which is your favourite festival?
My favourite festival is Pongal.

2. When do you celebrate it?
I celebrate it in the month of January.

Samacheer Kalvi 9th English Guide Prose Chapter 2 I Can’t Climb Trees Anymore

3. Do you celebrate with your family or friends?
I celebrate it with my family.

4. Why do you celebrate it?
I celebrate it to get the blessings of the Sun God. and to enrich the agriculture.

Section – I

Textual Exercise (Text Book Page No. 87)

Choose the correct answers and fill in the blanks.

1. ‘Finally the day had come’. Here the day refers to
a. Pongal
b. Christmas
c. Eid
c) Eid

2. With their treasure, the boys would buy in Eidgah.
a) pens and pencils
b) toys and rubber balls
c) chocolates and cakes
b) toys and rubber balls

Samacheer Kalvi 9th English Guide Prose Chapter 2 I Can’t Climb Trees Anymore

3. Hamid’s friends are
a) Mahmood, Mohsin, Noorey and Sammi.
b) Raghul, Preethi, Sam and Mufeed.
c) Rani, Verghese, Sita and Zahir.
a) Mahmood, Mohsin, Noorey and Sammi

4. ‘If only her son were there, it would have been a different kind of Eid’! What had happened to her son?
a) Her son had died.
b) Her son had gone abroad.
c) Her son had gone on a tour.
a) Her son had died

5. Hamid was like one with wings on his feet. This means
a) He ran fast.
b) He ran slowly.
c) He was an angel.
a) He ran fast

Section – II

Textual Exercise (Text Book Page No. 89)

Work in pairs and answer the following questions.
There were many toys in the stall. Three of Hamid’s friends had bought some toys.

1. Write the names of Hamid’s friends in column A and the toys they bought in column B.
Samacheer Kalvi 7th English Solutions Term 1 Prose Chapter 1 Eidgah 3

Mahmooda policeman in Khaki
Mohsina water-carrier
Nooreya lawyer

2. Write the names of the toys against each picture.
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Think and Answer.
‘They’ descended on the sweet and toy-vendors’ stores like an army moving to attack.

1. Whom do they refer to? Did they move one by one in a line or in a big group?
They refer to the men. They moved in a big group.

2. Hamid’s friends enjoyed the ride in the merry-go-round. But Hamid didn’t go on it. Why?
As Hamid had only three paisas with him, he did not enjoy the ride in the merry-go-round.’

Samacheer Kalvi 9th English Guide Prose Chapter 2 I Can’t Climb Trees Anymore

3. How did Hamid’s friends show that they enjoyed eating the sweets?
Hamid’s friends showed their enjoyment on eating the sweets by smacking their lips with relishment.

Section – III

Textual Exercise

Tick the correct answer. (Text Book Page No. 92)

1. Hamid thought that his grandma would be pleased if he bought ………………………..
a) a pair of tongs
b) sweets for himself
c) toys
a) a pair of tongs

2. Hamid’s heart sank because the price of the tongs was ………………………. for him.
a) too high
b) too low
c) affordable
a) too high

3. ‘My tongs are like a tiger among toys.’ It means ………………………..
a) Hamid valued his toy
b) Hamid bought a tiger toy
c) Hamid wanted to exchange his toy
a) Hamid valued his toy

Samacheer Kalvi 9th English Guide Prose Chapter 2 I Can’t Climb Trees Anymore

4. Hamid’s granny scolded him for buying iron tongs. Then she understood that Hamid had bought it ………………………..
a) out of compulsion
b) out of love and concern
c) out of interest
b) out of love and concern

Read and Understand (Text Book Page No. 92)

A. Answer the following questions.

1. What did Granny say about Hamid’s parents?
Hamid was a happy, four-year-old, poor, and thin boy. His parents had died. He lived with his granny.

2. Write about Hamid in one or two sentences.
Hamid is a thin, poorly dressed, four years old boy. He lives with his Granny as his parents were passed away. He is the happiest of the boys in the village.

3. How did Hamid’s friends enjoy the games at the fair?
Hamid’s friends mounted on the wooden horses and camels in the merry-go-round and enjoyed twenty-five rounds of fun in the fair.

Samacheer Kalvi 9th English Guide Prose Chapter 2 I Can’t Climb Trees Anymore

4. What did Hamid buy at the fair? And for whom?
Hamid bought a pair of tongs for his Granny at the fair.

5. Why did Granny scold Hamid?
Granny scolded Hamid for not eating or drinking anything till almost noon.

B. Rearrange the jumbled sentences and write them in the correct order.

  • But Hamid bought a pair of tongs.
  • Granny Ameena felt proud of her grandson.
  • Hamid’s friends bought different toys of their choice.
  • Hamid proudly compared his tongs with a brave tiger.
  • Hamid had less money than his friends.

Granny Ameena was worried as he had to go to the Eidgah alone.
Granny Ameena was worried as he had to go to the Eidgah alone. Hamid had less money than his friends.
Hamid’s friends bought different toys of their choice.
But Hamid bought a pair of tongs.
Hamid proudly compared his tongs with a brave tiger.
Granny Ameena felt proud of her grandson.

Vocabulary (Text Book Page No. 93)

C. Fill in the blanks with the help of the picture clues.
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D. Who am I? (Use a pair of…)

1. We wear this on our face to see better
a pair of spectacles

2. We wear this on our ears
a pair of earrings

Samacheer Kalvi 9th English Guide Prose Chapter 2 I Can’t Climb Trees Anymore

3. We wear this on our face when it is sunny
a pair of sunglasses

4. We cut things with
a pair of scissors

5. We wear this on our feet
a pair of shoes

E. Add a suitable prefix or suffix and make new words. (Text Book Page No. 94)
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F. Match the following and write them in Column C.
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a cupful ofmoney.a cupful of coffee
a bagful ofsugara bagful of silver
a spoonful ofcoffeea spoonful of sugar
a pocketful ofsilvera pocketful of money

G. Fill in the blanks with suitable words from the box.
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1. The thieves came out of the house with a …………………. of gold and silver.

2. My mother throws a …………………. of grains for the parrots every day.

3. He took a …………………. of the cake.

Samacheer Kalvi 9th English Guide Prose Chapter 2 I Can’t Climb Trees Anymore

4. Ram takes a …………………. of soup before food.

5. John added a …………………. of sugar to the lemon juice.

6. The child was happy with his …………………. of chocolates.

Listening (Text Book Page No. 95)

H. Listen to the teacher read the passage. Read the questions given below. Then listen to the passage again and tick the correct answers.

1. The three boys went bathing /swimming in the sea.

2. They watched the waves/dolphins tumbling towards the shore.

3. The gulls were flying over the sea /oyster catchers.
oyster catchers

4. When the sea was calm /rough they would skim stones.

Samacheer Kalvi 9th English Guide Prose Chapter 2 I Can’t Climb Trees Anymore

5. Twenty six/thirty six was Gopal’s record.
Twenty six

Speaking (Text Book Page No. 95)

I. Talk about yourself using the clues given. You may start like this.

1. When I was a little boy, ………………..
I had a red bicycle.

2. On the first day of school ……………………
I went by my bicycle

3. As a child I spent my free time …………………..
riding it

4. I used to admire ……………………
at many varieties of bicycles

5. Last year at this time I …………………..
was enjoying cycling with my friends

6. Now I really enjoy …………………..

7. While I was …………………..
going for a long trip, I miss my bicycle

Samacheer Kalvi 9th English Guide Prose Chapter 2 I Can’t Climb Trees Anymore

8. I have never visited ……………………
any bicycle races

J. Tick the correct option. (Text Book Page No. 96, 97)

1. There are ………………… (many/much) apples in the basket.
Only ………………… (some/a few) are green.
a few

2. There isn’t ………………… (many/much) traffic on Sundays.

3. There isn’t ………………… (some/any) water in the glass.

Samacheer Kalvi 9th English Guide Prose Chapter 2 I Can’t Climb Trees Anymore

4. There aren’t ………………… (some/any) eggs in the basket.
But there are ………………… (much/a few) near to it.
a few

K. Fill in the blanks with some/ any/ much/ many. Some options can be used more than once.

1. There is ………………. coffee left in the pot. Do you want to?

2. Do you have ………………. coins with you? I need some.

3. She asked me for ………………. magazines, but I could not find
some, much

4. I can’t carry the luggage ………………. more. I need ………………. help.
any, some

Samacheer Kalvi 9th English Guide Prose Chapter 2 I Can’t Climb Trees Anymore

5. There are ………………. places to visit but we don’t have ………………. time to visit them.
many, much

Writing (Text Book Page No. 97)

L. Describe Kandan’s family in about 60 words using the pictures and clues given. One is done for you.
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M. Read the telephonic conversation between Malar and Selvi. Malar needs to leave a message for her father. (Text Book Page No. 98)
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14.04.2020                                                                                                                                        7.00 a.m.

Dear Mr. Rao,

I had to leave for Madurai all of a sudden since my father is ill. So I will not be able to come to work for few days. It will be nice if you inform the office.

Creative Writing (Text Book Page No. 99)

N. Describe the picture in 50 words and give a suitable title. Make use of the words given below.
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World Grandparents Day is celebrated every year on October 1st. But in this modem world grandparents are left alone and we are busy with electronic gadgets such as cell phones. They are ignored by us. And so they feel alone. The grandparents are nowadays suffering from loneliness and sad feeling.

O. Here are some words that express feelings. Read the situations and write a suitable one in the blanks.
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1. Your mom made your favourite dinner

2. You lost your geometry box, and some one returns it to you

3. You are waiting for your exam results

Samacheer Kalvi 9th English Guide Prose Chapter 2 I Can’t Climb Trees Anymore

4. It is very late at night and your father hasn’t returned from the office.

5. You have won the first prize in the essay writing competition

6. The first day at school

7. You find it tough to leam a new language

Eidgah Summary in English

Hamid, a boy of 4 years old lived with his poor grandma. His parents were dead. It was the morning of Eid. Ameena did not have ever a handful of grains at home. Hamid ran out with his friends. Stores were full of sweets.

Eidgah Summary in Tamil

ஹமீது 4 வயது பையன் ஆவான். அவன் தன் ஏழை பாட்டியுடன் வசித்து வந்தான். அவன் பெற்றோர் இறந்து விட்டனர். அன்று ஈத் பெருநாள். பாட்டி அமீனாவிடம் ஒரு கைப்பிடி அளவு தானியம் கூட இல்லை. ஹமீது தன் நண்பர்களுடன் வெளியே ஓடினான். கடைகளில் இனிப்பு பலகாரங்கள் நிறைந்து வழிந்த து.