Samacheer Kalvi 7th Social Science Guide History Term 3 Chapter 1 New Religious Ideas and Movements

Tamilnadu State Board New Syllabus Samacheer Kalvi 7th Social Science Guide Pdf History Term 3 Chapter 1 New Religious Ideas and Movements Text Book Back Questions and Answers, Notes.

Tamilnadu Samacheer Kalvi 7th Social Science Solutions History Term 3 Chapter 1 New Religious Ideas and Movements

7th Social Science Guide New Religious Ideas and Movements Text Book Back Questions and Answers

I. Choose the correct answer:

Question 1.
Who of the following composed songs on Krishna putting himself in the place of mother Yashoda?
a) Poigaiazhwar
b) Periyazhwar
c) Nammazhwar
d) Andal
b) Periyazhwar

Samacheer Kalvi 7th Social Science Guide History Term 3 Chapter 1 New Religious Ideas and Movements

Question 2.
Who preached the Advaita philosophy?
a) Ramanujar
b) Ramananda
c) Nammazhwar
d) Adi Shankara
d) Adi Shankara

Question 3.
Who spread the Bhakthi
a) Vallabhacharya
b) Ramanujar
c) Ramananda
d) Surdas
c) Ramananda

Question 4.
Who made Chishti order popular in India?
a) Moinuddin Chishti
b) Suhrawardi
c) Amir Khusru
d) Nizamuddin Auliya
a) Moinuddin Chishti

Samacheer Kalvi 7th Social Science Guide History Term 3 Chapter 1 New Religious Ideas and Movements

Question 5.
Who is considered their first guru by the Sikhs?
b) Guru Amir Singh
c) Guru Nanak
d) Guru Gobind Singh
c) Guru Nanak

II. Fill in the Blanks:

1. Periyazhwar was earlier known as ……………………
Vishnu Chittar

2. ……………………is the holy book of the Sikhs.
Guru Granth Sahib

3. Meerabai was the disciple of ……………………

Samacheer Kalvi 7th Social Science Guide History Term 3 Chapter 1 New Religious Ideas and Movements

4. ……………………philosophy is known as vishistadvaita.
Answer: Ramanuja

5. Gurudwara Darbar Sahib is situated at. ……………………. in Pakistan.

III. Match the following:

1. Pahula) Kabir
2. Ramcharitmanasb) Sikhs
3. Srivaishnavismc) Abdul-Wahid Abu Najib
4. Granthavalid) Guru Gobind Singh
5. Suhrawardie) Tulsidas


1. Pahuld) Guru Gobind Singh
2. Ramcharitmanase) Tulsidas
3. Srivaishnavismb) Sikhs
4. Granthavalia) Kabir
5. Suhrawardic) Abdul-Wahid Abu Najib

Samacheer Kalvi 7th Social Science Guide History Term 3 Chapter 1 New Religious Ideas and Movements

IV. Find out the right pair/pairs:

Question 1.
1. Andal – Srivilliputhur
2. Tukaram – Bengal
3. Chaitanyadeva – Maharashtra
4. Brahma-sutra – Vallabacharya
5. Gurudwaras – Sikhs
1. Andal – Srivilliputhur
5. Gurudwaras – Sikhs

Question 2.
Assertion (A) : After Guru Gohind Singh, the holy book Guru Granth Sahib came to be considered the guru.
Reason (R) : Guru Gobind Singh was the compiler of Guru Granth Sahib,
a) R is not the correct explanation of A
b) R is the correct explanation of A
c) A is correct but R is wrong
d) Both A and R are wrong
c) A is correct but R is wrong

Samacheer Kalvi 7th Social Science Guide History Term 3 Chapter 1 New Religious Ideas and Movements

Question 3.
Find the odd person out.
Poigai Azhwar, Bhoothathu Azhwar, Periazhwar, Andal, Nammazhwar.
Samacheer Kalvi 7th Social Science Guide History Term 3 Chapter 1 Sources of Medieval India 1

V. State true or false:

1. Sufism was responsible for the spread of Islamic culture.

2. The best known Sufi sage of the early medieval period was Nizamuddin Auliya of the Chishti order.

3. Guru Nanak is considered the first guru of Sikhs.

4. Sufis believed that realization of God can be achieved only through passionate devotion to God and intense meditation.

Samacheer Kalvi 7th Social Science Guide History Term 3 Chapter 1 New Religious Ideas and Movements

5. The basic Tamil Saivite sacred canon consists of 12 books.

VI. Give short answers:

Question 1.
What do you know about Thirumurai?

  • It is the basic Tamil Saivite sacred canon.
  • It consists of 12 books, and 11 of them were assembled by Nambi.
  • The 12th book is Sekkizhar’s Periyapuranam.

Question 2.
How many Nayanmars were there and who were prominent among them?

  • There are 63 legendary Nayanmars.
  • Among them, Gnanasampandar, Appar, and Sundarar (often called “the trio”) are worshipped as saints through their images in South Indian temples.

Question 3.
How did Gurunanak help to found Sikhism?

  • Guru Nanak nominated his disciple Lehna to succeed him as the guru.
  • Following this precedent, the successors are named by the incumbent Sikh Guru.

Question 4.
What had Tukaram to do with the Vitthoba temple of Pantharpur?

  • Tukaram, a 17th-century saint-poet of Maharashtra. .
  • It is devoted to Vitthoba, an avatar of Krishna.
  • There is a Vitthoba/Panduranga temple at Pantharpur or Pandaripuram in the Sholapur district, Maharashtra.
  • What is Chaitanya deva to Bengal is Tukaram to Maharashtra.

Samacheer Kalvi 7th Social Science Guide History Term 3 Chapter 1 New Religious Ideas and Movements

Question 5.
Highlight the spiritual ideas of Kabir that appealed to lower classes.

  1. As a Muslim, Kabir came under the influence of Varanasi – based Saint Ramananda.
  2. He accepted some Hindu ideas and tried to reconcile Hinduism and Islam.
  3. He opposed discrimination on the basis of religion, caste, and wealth.
  4. Kabir believed that God is one with different names and forms.

VII. Answer the following in detail:

Question 1.
Give an account of the contributions of exponents of the Bhakti Movement in the southern as well as northern parts of India.
Vaishnavite Saints (12Azhwars):
Eg: Poigai Azhwar, Bhoothathu Azhwar, and Pei Azhwar.

Saivite Saints (63 Nayanmars):
There are 63 legendary Nayanmars. Among them, Gnanasampandar, Appar, and Sundarar (often called “the trio”) are worshipped as saints through their images in South Indian temples.

Adi Shankara:

  • He preached the Advaita philosophy.
  • Shankara enthusiastically endeavoured to restore the orthodox Vedic tradition.


  • Ramanuja, a Vaishnava saint, was the most influential thinker of Vaishnavism.
  • In the 16th and 17th centuries, Vaishnavism spread across India.
  • He established centres to spread his doctrine of devotion, Srivaishnavism, to God Vishnu and his consort Lakshmi.

Meera Bai, the wife of the crown prince of Mewar, was an ardent devotee of Lord Krishna.

Chaitanya deva popularised Krishna worship through ecstatic songs.

He is retelling of the story of Rama in Hindi.

Samacheer Kalvi 7th Social Science Guide History Term 3 Chapter 1 New Religious Ideas and Movements

Question 2.
What is Sufism? How did it find its footing in India?

  • The word Sufi takes its origin from suf, meaning wool.
  • The Sufis wore coarse garments made of wool and hence they were called Sufis.

Sufism in India:

  • The advent of Suf is to India dates back to the Arab conquest of Sind.
  • It gained prominence in the 10th and 11th centuries during the reign of the Delhi Sultans.
  • Sufism adopted many native Indian concepts such as yogic postures, music and dance.
  • Sufism found adherents among both Muslims and Hindus.
  • Sufis in medieval India were divided into three major orders.
  • They were Chisti, suhrawardi, and Firdausi.
  • Moinuddin Chishti made Chisti order popular in India.
  • His resting place is in the Ajmer Sharif Dargah in Ajmer, Rajasthan.

Question 3.
What impact did the Bhakti movement make on Indian society?
Impact of the Religious / Bhakti Movement:

  • Vedic Hinduism was regenerated and thus saved from the onslaught of Islam.
  • The Islamic tenets – unity of God and universal brotherhood – emphasised by the saints promoted harmony and peace.
  • Bhakti was a movement of the common people; it used the language of the common people for its devotional literature.
  • Bhakti movement opened up space for Indian languages to grow.
  • It stimulated literary activity in regional languages.
  • What sustained Sanskrit,despite its decline during this period, was the support extended by the rulers of Hindu kingdoms.
  • Tamil was the only ancient Indian language remained vibrant during this period.
    Caste system and social disparities came to be criticised.

Samacheer Kalvi 7th Social Science Guide History Term 3 Chapter 1 New Religious Ideas and Movements


Question 1.
Examine the statement that the Bhakti movement saved Vedic Hinduism from the onslaught of Islam.

  1. The Bhakthi movement emphasize the mutual emotional attachment and love of a devotee towards a personal God and of God for the devotee.
  2. The Nayanmars and the Azhwars composed devotional Lymns in the Tamil Language.
  3. These poet-saints criticize caste-based social status and advocate gender equality.
  4. In the religious movements of the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries in Northern India, one has to keep in mind the two very different attitudes towards Islam.

7th Social Science Guide New Religious Ideas and Movements Additional Important Questions and Answers

I. Choose the Correct answer:

Question 1.
The ………….. proposed that the path of bhakti marga is superior to the two other religions.
a) Ramayanam
b) Thirukkural
c) Bhagavad Gita
d) Nanneri
c) Bhagavad Gita

Samacheer Kalvi 7th Social Science Guide History Term 3 Chapter 1 New Religious Ideas and Movements

Question 2.
The Bhakti movement started in Tamil Nadu around …………. century A.D.
a) Krishna
b) Vishnu
c) Sivan
d) Bhrama
a) Krishna

Question 3.
……………. songs were composed in Tamil and other South Indian languages such as Kannada and telugu
a) Krishna
b) Vishnu
c) Sivan
d) Bhrama
a) Krishna

Question 4.
……………. was one and only female Azhwar.
a) Koshalai
b) Nachiyar
c) Thirumozhi
d) Andal
d) Andal

Samacheer Kalvi 7th Social Science Guide History Term 3 Chapter 1 New Religious Ideas and Movements

Question 5.
There are …………… legendary Nayanmars.
a) 63
b) 73
c) 60
d) 62
a) 63

Question 6.
Among the 12 books of Tirumurai, the book is Sekkizhar’s Periyapuranam.
a) 10th
b) 12th
c) 11th
d) 9th
b) 12th

Question 7.
Adi Shankara masterpiece is the commentary on the
a) Bhrama thegam
b) Brahma Vishnu
c) Bhrama Sutra
d) Athavaitham
c) Bhrama Sutra

Samacheer Kalvi 7th Social Science Guide History Term 3 Chapter 1 New Religious Ideas and Movements

Question 8.
………….was a popular centre for Sanskrit learning.
a) Sri rangam
b) Kanchipuram
c) Thirupathi
d) Ariyakudi
b) Kanchipuram

Question 9.
…………..gained popularity through her bhajans.
a) Chaitanya
b) Meera Bai
c) Pandaribai
d) Surthas
b) Meera Bai

Question 10.
Meera Bai, wife of the crown prince of
a) Thakkanam
b) Kuvaliyar
c) Mewar
d) Kaligam
c) Mewar

Samacheer Kalvi 7th Social Science Guide History Term 3 Chapter 1 New Religious Ideas and Movements

II. Fill in the Blanks:

1. …………….. were of the view that this type of meditation would enable the devotee to understand the true nature of God.

2. …………….is based on Vishnu’s avatars, particularly Krishna and Rama.

3. Nammazhwar’s fame lies in his……………..stanza Thiruvaimozhi.

4. The Thiruppavai and the Nachiyar Thirumozhiare are …………….. celebrated works.
A war

5. …………… said to have compiled the songs of all of the Nayanmars.
Nambi Andar Nambi

6. …………… a fundamental text of the Vedanta school.

Samacheer Kalvi 7th Social Science Guide History Term 3 Chapter 1 New Religious Ideas and Movements

7. …………….. center of learning were Badrinath, Puri, Dwarka, and Sringeri.
Adi Shankara

8. …………….., Ramanajun was the most influential thinker.
Vaishnava saint

9. Thenkalai Vaishnavism centred on ……………..

10. In Tulsidas’s Hindi retelling of the story of Rama in the……………..

11. Chisti, Suhrawardi, and Firdausi were the three important order of ……………..

12. ……………..tried to reconcile Hinduism and Islam.

Samacheer Kalvi 7th Social Science Guide History Term 3 Chapter 1 New Religious Ideas and Movements

13. The ……………..and the ……………..were collections of Kabir’s verses.
Granthavali, Bijak

14. He visited many holy places and finally settled in ……………..near Lahore.

15. Guru Nanak preached that ……………..
God is without form

III. Match the following:

1. Azhwarsa) Advaita
2. Nayanmarsb) Adira temple
3. Adishankarac) Vishnu Bhakti
4. Ramanujard) 63 members
5. Sufise) vishistadvaita


1. Azhwarsc) Vishnu Bhakti
2. Nayanmarsd) 63 members
3. Adishankaraa) Advaita
4. Ramanujare) vishistadvaita
5. Sufisb) Adira temple

IV. Find out the right pair/pairs:

Question 1.
Find out the right pair/pairs.
1. Nayanmars – Vaishnava – Bhakthi
2. Azhwars – Vaishnava – Bhakthi
3. Thulasithassar – Maharastra
1. Nayanmars – Vaishnava – Bhakthi

Samacheer Kalvi 7th Social Science Guide History Term 3 Chapter 1 New Religious Ideas and Movements

Question 2.
Assertion (A): Sufism: The word Sufi takes its origin from suf, meaning wool.
Reason (R): The Sufis wore course garments made of wool and hence they were called Sufis.
a) R is not the correct explanation of A
b) R is the correct explanation of A
c) A is correct but R is wrong
d) Both A and R are wrong
Answer: b) R is the correct explanation of A

Question 3.
Find the odd person out.
Vallabhacharya, Surdas, Meera Bai, Chaitanya Deva, Adi Shankarar , Nammazhwar.
Samacheer Kalvi 7th Social Science Guide History Term 3 Chapter 1 Sources of Medieval India 2

V. State true or false:

1. Kabir had trusted that Hindu and Islam are a brotherhood.

2. Poigai Azhwar, Bhoothathu Azhwar, and Pei Azhwar are the three different Azhwars.

Samacheer Kalvi 7th Social Science Guide History Term 3 Chapter 1 New Religious Ideas and Movements

3. There was no Statue Prayer in South India.

4. North Indians give importance to Divya Prabhatham.

5. Chaitanyadeva popularised Krishna worship.

VI. Give short answers:

Question 1.
Write short notes on Andal.

  • Andal, the only female Azhwar, is another.
  • Periyazhwar, who was earlier known as Vishnu Chittar, made lots of songs on Krishna putting himself in the place of mother Yashoda.
  • She grew up in the temple town of Srivilliputhur and became known as Andal-she who ruled.

Question 2.
Write a note on Thenkalai and Vadakaiai.

  • Thenkalai Vaishnavism centred on Srirangam.
  • Vadakaiai sect focused on Vedic literature, which is written in Sanskrit.
  • The Thenkalai gave importance to Divya Prabandhams, written in Tamil.

Samacheer Kalvi 7th Social Science Guide History Term 3 Chapter 1 New Religious Ideas and Movements

Question 3.
Write short notes on Meera Bhai.

  • Meera Bai, the wife of the crown prince of Mewar, was an ardent devotee of Lord Krishna.
  • She was a disciple of Ravidas. Meera Bai gained popularity through her bhajans.

VII. Answer the following in detail:

Question 1.
Explain the teaching of Guru Nanak’s

  • Guru Nanak preached that God is without form and wanted his followers to practice meditation upon the name of God for peace and ultimate salvation.
  • Guru Nanak had great contempt for Vedic rituals and caste discrimination. The teachings of Guru Nanak formed the basis of Sikhism, a new religious order, founded in the late 15th century.
  • His and his successors’ teachings are collected in the Guru Granth Sahib, which is the holy book of the Sikhs.
  • Guru Nanak’s teachings were spread through the group singing of hymns, called kirtan.
  • The devotees gathered in Dharamshala’s (rest houses), which became gurudwaras in course of time.

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7th Social Science Guide Market and Consumer Protection Text Book Back Questions and Answers

Samacheer Kalvi 7th Social Science Guide Civics Term 3 Chapter 2 Market and Consumer Protection

I. Choose the correct answer:

Question 1.
In which case a consumer cannot complain against the manufacturer for a defective product?
a) Date of expiry unspecified
b) Price of the commodity
c) Batch number of the commodity
d) Address of the manufacturer
c) Batch number of the commodity

Question 2.
Consumer’s face various problems from the producer’s end due to
a) Unfair trade practices
b) Wide range of goods
c) Standard quality goods
d) Volume of production
a) Unfair trade practices

Samacheer Kalvi 7th Social Science Guide Civics Term 3 Chapter 2 Market and Consumer Protection

Question 3.
Consumers must be provided with adequate information about a product to make
a) Investment in production
b) Decision in sale of goods
c) Credit purchase of goods
d) Decision in purchase of goods
d) Decision in purchase of goods

Question 4.
The system of consumer courts at the national, state, and district levels, looking into consumers grievances against unfair trade practices of businessmen and providing necessary compensation, is called as
a) Three tier system
b) One tier system
c) Two tier system
d) Four tier system
a) Three tier system

Question 5.
Mixing other extraneous material of inferior quality with a superior quality material is called
a) Purification
b) Adulteration
c) Refinement
d) Alteration
b) Adulteration

Samacheer Kalvi 7th Social Science Guide Civics Term 3 Chapter 2 Market and Consumer Protection

II. Fill in the blanks:

1. A set up where two or more parties engage in …………… of goods, services and information is called a market.
Buying and selling

2. In regulated Markets, there is some oversight by appropriate ………………. authorities.

3. …………… refers to a market structure in which there is a single producer or seller that has a control on
the entire market.

Samacheer Kalvi 7th Social Science Guide Civics Term 3 Chapter 2 Market and Consumer Protection

4. ……………… statue is regarded as the ‘Magna Carta’ in the field of consumer protection for checking
unfair trade practices.

III. Match the following:

1. The Consumer Protection Acta) 1955
2. The Legal Metrology Actb) 1986
3. The Bureau of Indian Standardsc) 2009
4. The Essential Commodities Actd) 1986


1. The Consumer Protection Actc) 2009
2. The Legal Metrology Actb) 1986
3. The Bureau of Indian Standardsd) 1986
4. The Essential Commodities Acta) 1955

IV. Consider the following statements:

Question 1.
Tick the appropriate answer:
Assertion (A) : In local Markets the buyers and sellers are limited to the local region or area.
Reason (R) : A market is not restricted to one physical or geographical location.
a) Both, A and R, are true and R is the correct explanation of A
b) Both, A and R, are true but R is not the correct explanation of A
c) If A is true but R is false
d) If A is false but R is true
b) Both, A and R, are true but R is not the correct explanation of A

Samacheer Kalvi 7th Social Science Guide Civics Term 3 Chapter 2 Market and Consumer Protection

VI. Answer the following questions:

Question 1.
What is the market?
A setup where two or more parties are engaged in an exchange of goods, services, and information is called a market.

Question 2.
Describe consumer protection.

  • Consumer protection is a group of laws enacted to protect the rights of consumers, fairtrade, competition, and accurate information in the marketplace.
  • This Act was enacted in 1986 in the Parliament of India to protect the interests of consumers.

Samacheer Kalvi 7th Social Science Guide Civics Term 3 Chapter 2 Market and Consumer Protection

Question 3.
List out the rights of consumers.

  1. The Right to Basic Needs.
  2. The Right to Safety.
  3. The Right to Information.
  4. The Right to Choose.
  5. The Right to representation.
  6. The Right to Redress.
  7. The Right to Consumer Education.
  8. The Right to a Healthy Environment.

Question 4.
Discuss the role of consumer courts.
Consumer courts in India:

National Consumer Disputes Redressal Commission (NCDRC):

  • A national-level court works for the whole country and deals compensation claimed exceeds rupees one crore.
  • The National Commission is the Apex body of Consumer Courts; it is also the highest appellate court in the hierarchy.

The National Consumer Disputes Redressal Commission (NCDRC),

  • It is a quasi-judicial commission in India which was set up in 1988 under the Consumer Protection Act of 1986.
  • Its head office is in New Delhi.

State Consumer Disputes Redressal Commission (SCDRC):
A state-level court works at the state level with cases where compensation claimed is above 20 lakhs but up to one core.

District Consumer Disputes Redressal Forum (DCDRF):
A district-level court works at the district level with cases where the compensation claimed is up to 20 lakhs.

Samacheer Kalvi 7th Social Science Guide Civics Term 3 Chapter 2 Market and Consumer Protection

Question 5.
Write about the types of markets and their functions.
On the Basis of Geographic Location:

  1. Local Markets: In such a market the buyers and sellers are limited to the local region or area.
  2. Regional Markets: These markets cover a wider are than local markets like a district, or a cluster of few smaller states
  3. National Market: This is when the demand for the goods is limited to one specific country. Or the government may not allow the trade of such goods outside national boundaries.
  4. International Market: When the demand for the product is international and the goods are also traded internationally in bulk quantities, we call it an international market.

On the Basis of Time:

  1. Very Short Period Market: This is when the supply of the goods is fixed, and so it cannot be changed instantaneously. For example the market for flowers, vegetables. Fruits etc.
  2. Short Period Market: The market is slightly longer than the previous one. Here the supply can be slightly adjusted. Example: The demand of fish, milk or egg,
  3. Long Period Market: Here the supply can be changed easily by scaling production. So it can change according to the demand of the market.

On the Basis of Nature of Transaction

  1. Spot Market: This is where spot transactions occur, that is the money is paid immediately. There is no system of credit.
  2. Future Market: This is where the transactions are credit transactions. There is a promise to pay the consideration sometime in the future.

On the Basis of Regulation:

  1. Regulated Market: In such a market there is some oversight by appropriate government authorities. For example, the stock market is a highly regulated market.
  2. Unregulated Market: This is an absolutely free market. There is no oversight or regulation, the market forces decide everything.

On the basis of Nature of competition:

  1. Monopoly: Monopoly refers to a market structure in which there is a single producer or seller that has control over the entire market. This single seller deals in products that have no close substitutes.
  2. Monopolistic Competition: Monopolistic competition refers to a market situation in which there are a large number of buyers and sellers of products.

7th Social Science Guide Market and Consumer Protection Additional Important Questions and Answers

I. Choose the Correct answer:

Question 1.
……………. is where the transactions are credit transactions.
a) Future Market
b) Local Market
c) Regional Market
d) National Market
a) Future Market

Samacheer Kalvi 7th Social Science Guide Civics Term 3 Chapter 2 Market and Consumer Protection

Question 2.
The term oligopoly has been derived from two …………….. words.
a) Arabic
b) Greek
c) Tamil
d) none
b) Greek

Question 3.
The COPRA Consumer Protection Act enacted in ……………… in the Parliament of India to protect the interests of consumers.
a) 1933
b) 1986
c) 1968
d) 1965
b) 1986

Samacheer Kalvi 7th Social Science Guide Civics Term 3 Chapter 2 Market and Consumer Protection

Question 4.
The COPRA was passed in Assembly in …………….
a) November 1988
b) October 1986
c) October 1968
d) December 1976
b) October 1986

Question 5.
Indian Parliament passed the landmark Consumer Protection Bill in ……………..
a) November 1988
b) October 2018
c) October 2019
d) August 2019
d) August 2019

Samacheer Kalvi 7th Social Science Guide Civics Term 3 Chapter 2 Market and Consumer Protection

II. Fill in the blanks:

1. In …………., the buyers and sellers are limited to the local region or area.
Local Markets

2. …………….. covers a wider area than local markets like a district, or a cluster of few smaller states.
Regional Markets

3. ………….. is the demand for the goods is limited to one specific country.
National Market

Samacheer Kalvi 7th Social Science Guide Civics Term 3 Chapter 2 Market and Consumer Protection

4. When the demand for the product is international and the goods are also traded internationally in bulk quantities, is called as ……………..
international market

5. There is no system of credit in ………………
Spot market

6. ……………….. is a highly regulated market
Regulated Market

7. …………….. refers to a market structure.

Samacheer Kalvi 7th Social Science Guide Civics Term 3 Chapter 2 Market and Consumer Protection

8. TRAI means ……………
Telecom Regulatory Authority of India.

9. IRDAI means ……………….
Insurance – Regulatory and Development Authority of India

10. The Bureau of Indian Standards Act was passed in …………………..

Samacheer Kalvi 7th Social Science Guide Civics Term 3 Chapter 2 Market and Consumer Protection

III. Match the following:

1. Local marketa) exceeds one crore
2. Spot marketb) no credit system
3. Oligopolyc) 2009
4. NCDRCd) perishable goods
5. The Legal Metrologye) Market form


1. Local marketd) perishable goods
2. Spot marketb) no credit system
3. Oligopolye) Market form
4. NCDRCa) exceeds one crore
5. The Legal Metrologyc) 2009

IV. Answer the following questions:

Question 1.
Who is a Consumer?
A Consumer is a person who purchases a product or avails a service for a consideration, either for his personal use or to earn his livelihood by means of self-employment.

Samacheer Kalvi 7th Social Science Guide Civics Term 3 Chapter 2 Market and Consumer Protection

Question 2.
Write the rules of Unfair Trade Practice.

  • “Goods once sold will not be taken back”
  • “No exchange”
  • “No refund under any circumstances”

Question 3.
Write down the highlights of the Consumer Protection Act.

  • E-Commerce Transactions
  • Enhancement of Pecuniary Jurisdiction
  • E-Filing of complaints
  • Penalties for Misleading Advertisement

Samacheer Kalvi 7th Social Science Guide Civics Term 3 Chapter 3 Road Safety

Tamilnadu State Board New Syllabus Samacheer Kalvi 7th Social Science Guide Pdf Geography Term 3 Chapter 3 Road Safety Text Book Back Questions and Answers, Notes.

Tamilnadu Samacheer Kalvi 7th Social Science Solutions Geography Term 3 Chapter 3 Road Safety

7th Social Science Guide Road Safety Text Book Back Questions and Answers

I. Choose the Correct answer:

Question 1.
Road safety is meant for
a) Passersby
b) drivers
c) public
d) all who use roads
d) all who use roads

Samacheer Kalvi 7th Social Science Guide Civics Term 3 Chapter 3 Road Safety

Question 2.
Road accidents affect a country’s
a) improvement
b) life
c) finance
d) all the above
d) all the above

Question 3.
Permit refers to
a) permission for driving
b) permission for carrying goods
c) certificate for drivers
d) registration of vehicles
a) permission for driving

Question 4.
Raksha safe drive is a device useful for
a) pedestrians
b) motorists
c) car drivers
d) passengers
c) car drivers

Samacheer Kalvi 7th Social Science Guide Civics Term 3 Chapter 3 Road Safety

Question 5.
Road safety week celebration was first imitated in India in the year
a) 1947
b) 1989
c) 1990
d) 2019
b) 1989

II. Fill in the blanks:

1. The most useful invention of man for transport is ………………….

2. Using …………………. is inevitable in our journey of life.

Samacheer Kalvi 7th Social Science Guide Civics Term 3 Chapter 3 Road Safety

3. Too many vehicles on the road cause …………………. and …………………. pollution.
Air, Noise

4. …………………. is the monetary supporter of a family.

5. In case of emergency for medical assistance call …………………. for help.

III. Match the following:

1. Informatory signa) Traffic lights
2. The Legal Metrology Actb) Narrow bend sign
3. Mandatory signc) Petrol pump sign
4. Cautionary signd) License
5. Right to drive a vehiclee) walkers


1. Informatory signc) Petrol pump sign
2. The Legal Metrology Acte) walkers
3. Mandatory signa) Traffic lights
4. Cautionary signb) Narrow bend sign
5. Right to drive a vehicled) License

Samacheer Kalvi 7th Social Science Guide Civics Term 3 Chapter 3 Road Safety

IV. Consider the following statements:

Question 1.
Tick the appropriate answer:
Assertion (A) : Car pooling is the use of vehicles by turns. Reason (R) : It saves fuel, time and money and also.
a) A is correct and R is not correct
b) A is correct and R is also correct
c) A is wrong and R is correct
d) Both are wrong
c) A is wrong and R is correct

Question 2.
Find the odd one
a) car
b) trucks
c) tempos
d) aeroplanes
d) aeroplanes

Samacheer Kalvi 7th Social Science Guide Civics Term 3 Chapter 3 Road Safety

Question 3.
Consider the following statements and choose the correct answer from the codes given below.

a) Road safety education in the school curriculum is an additional burden for the students.

b) An ounce of practice is worth more than tons of preaching.

c) Hoarding on roads has to be banned.

d) Following road safety rules from childhood will become a habit in future.

V. Answer in one or two sentences:

Question 1.
What are the distractors while driving?

  • This is a larger threat and the leading cause of road accidents.
  • It is the distraction of the driver, engaging in any other activity while driving.
  • It may be talking over the mobile phone or texting messages or engaging in any activities with attention diverted from driving.

Samacheer Kalvi 7th Social Science Guide Civics Term 3 Chapter 3 Road Safety

Question 2.
Mention the 2 safety gears for safe driving.

  • Obey the traffic rules and signs.
  • Keep vehicle fit.

Question 3.
Why is not safe to drive at night?

  • Extra alertness is needed while driving at night.
  • Uncontrolled sleep, tiredness due to the long drive, poor lighting on the road can cause fatal accidents.

Question 4.
When can a person obtain the night to drive a vehicle?
As per Indian law, one should be eligible to get a driving license at the age of 18.

Question 5.
How can media promote road safety among the public?
Mass media and journals could play a key role to raise awareness of road safety. In particular, they can disseminate preventive messages and promote safe behaviours, increase people’s knowledge and understanding of the gravity of the problem, and advocate for safer roads and systems.

Samacheer Kalvi 7th Social Science Guide Civics Term 3 Chapter 3 Road Safety

VI. Answer the following in detail:

Question 1.
List out the documents necessary for an Indian while driving.
One who drives a vehicle should have undergone the training and tests to obtain a driving license.
It is compulsory to have the following documents:

  • driving license
  • registration certificate of the vehicle
  • Insurance certificate
  • Taxation certificate
  • fitness certificate and permit.

Question 2.
What is the need for including road safety education in the school curriculum?

  • Provide Road Safety education since childhood.
  • It has to be made a part of the school curriculum, syllabus, textbook and included in competition on road safety.
  • Activities like writing slogans, essays, and paintings on this theme should be conducted for reinforcement.

Samacheer Kalvi 7th Social Science Guide Civics Term 3 Chapter 3 Road Safety

Question 3.
How can parents teach their children road safety rules?

  • Parents and Teachers play a vital role in imparting road safety Education to young ones.
  • If a child’s parent violates the traffic rules, the child too will initiate the same in the future.
  • So the elders have to set an example for them in adhering to the safety rules and regulations.
  • Video and computer games that simulate driving should be banned by the government.
  • Help your children learn about traffic signals and rules.
  • Warn them not to run across or along the road.
  • Teach them to use the footpath while walking on the road.


Question 1.
Knowing the road safety rules, how will you influence your parents and relatives?

  1. We will educate parents on following road safety rules.
  2. Explain the risk of not wearing a helmet.
  3. We will insist our parents wear a seat belt while driving a car.
  4. We will tell them not to exceed the speed limit while riding or driving.

Question 2.
If the wheel had not been invented, what might have been our mode of transport?

  • If the wheel had not been invented, there is a need for road transport.
  • Walking would have been the only mode of transport.

Samacheer Kalvi 7th Social Science Guide Civics Term 3 Chapter 3 Road Safety

7th Social Science Guide Road Safety Additional Important Questions and Answers

I. Choose the Correct answer.

Question 1
……………….. is the world’s largest contributor to road accidents.
a) China
b) India
c) Africa
d) none
b) India

Question 2.
India accounts for about ……………….. of road accident fatalities at worldwide.
a) 50%
b) 70%
c) 10%
d) 20%
c) 10%

Samacheer Kalvi 7th Social Science Guide Civics Term 3 Chapter 3 Road Safety

Question 3.
……………….. failure can result in crucial collisions.
a) Brake
b) Accelerator
c) Gear
d) all of these
a) Brake

Question 4.
The Government of India observes; Road Safety Week; awareness during ……………….. Every year.
a) December
b) January
c) November
d) none
b) January

Question 5.
Every country celebrates ……………….. week.
a) Road safety
b) Road rules
c) Regulation
d) Traffic Signs
a) Road safety

II. Fill in the blanks:

1. Accident occurs to the ……………….. of the driver, engaging in any other activity while driving.

Samacheer Kalvi 7th Social Science Guide Civics Term 3 Chapter 3 Road Safety

2. ……………….. is a major traffic violation of rules.
Reckless driving

3. Increase of ……………….. on the road create a heavy traffic jam and cause more pollution.
4. Impatience of ……………….. and violation of traffic rules result in accidents.

5. Avoiding the use of ……………….. for two-wheelers lead to unwanted happenings.

6. ……………….. is a device capable of automatic crash detection.
Raksha safe drive

7. ……………….. will reduce the number of vehicles on the road.

8. Parents and Teachers play a vital role in imparting road safety Education ………………..
young ones

Samacheer Kalvi 7th Social Science Guide Civics Term 3 Chapter 3 Road Safety

9. ……………….. is a healthy habit and reduces pollution.

10. ……………….. act as silent conductors of the traffic on the road.
Traffic signs

III. Match the following

1. Night drivinga) Safe instrument
2. Driving licenseb) Loss their Stability
3. Raksha drivec) Road safety week
4. Drinking alcohold) tiredness
5. January monthe) Age 18


1. Night drivingd) tiredness
2. Driving licensee) Age 18
3. Raksha drivea) Safe instrument
4. Drinking alcoholb) Loss their Stability
5. January monthc) Road safety week

Samacheer Kalvi 7th Social Science Guide Civics Term 3 Chapter 3 Road Safety

IV. Consider the following statements:

Question 1.
Assertion (A) : Reckless driving is a major traffic violation of rules.
Reason (R) : In which the driver Purposely disregards the rules of the road.
a) A is correct and R is not correct
b) A is correct and R is also correct
c) A is wrong and R is correct
d) Both are wrong
b) A is correct and R is also correct

Question 2.
Find the odd one.
e) PROHIBITION the hoarding soil
e) PROHIBITION the hoarding soil

Samacheer Kalvi 7th Social Science Guide Civics Term 3 Chapter 3 Road Safety

V. Answer in one or two sentences :

Question 1.
Define Raksha safe drive.
Raksha safe drive is a device capable of automatic crash detection, two-way call connectivity, GPS tracking, engine health monitoring, and a smart panic button.

Question 2.
Write short notes on Carpooling.
Carpooling is the sharing of car journeys so that more than one person travels in the car, and prevents the need for more cars to the same location.

Question 3.
Write the impact of Alcohol.

  • Alcohol leads to fatal accidents.
  • Alcohol affects your vision, judgment, and ability to react quickly.

Samacheer Kalvi 7th Social Science Guide Civics Term 3 Chapter 3 Road Safety

VI. Answer the following in detail:

Question 1.
Explain the Golden Rules for Road Safety.

  • Stop or slow down
  • Buckle up
  • Obey traffic rules and signs
  • Obey speed limits
  • Keep vehicle fit
  • Never use mobile while driving
  • Wear helmet
  • Never drive dangerously
  • Be courteous
  • Never mix drinking and driving.

Samacheer Kalvi 7th Social Science Guide Civics Term 3 Chapter 1 Women Empowerment

Tamilnadu State Board New Syllabus Samacheer Kalvi 7th Social Science Guide Pdf Civics Term 3 Chapter 1 Women Empowerment Text Book Back Questions and Answers, Notes.

Tamilnadu Samacheer Kalvi 7th Social Science Solutions Civics Term 3 Chapter 1 Women Empowerment

7th Social Science Guide Women Empowerment Text Book Back Questions and Answers

Samacheer Kalvi 7th Social Science Guide Civics Term 3 Chapter 1 Women Empowerment

I. Choose the correct answer:

Question 1.
Which of the following is NOT a consequence of gender inequality?
a) Poor maternal health
b) Greater insecurity for men
c) The spread of HIV/AIDS
d) Lower literacy rates for women
c) The spread of HIV/AIDS

Question 2.
Gender equality is an issue that is relevant to
a) Girls and women; it’s a women’s issue
b) All societies, women and men alike
c) Third world countries only
d) Developed Countries only
b) All societies, women and men alike

Samacheer Kalvi 7th Social Science Guide Civics Term 3 Chapter 1 Women Empowerment

Question 3.
Which of the following strategies will help women become more socially and economically empowered?
a) Women working together to challenge discrimination
b) More income sources for women
c) Improved access to education
d) All of the above
d) All of the above

Question 4.
Why are girls more likely than boys to miss out on secondary education in the developing world?
a) Because of high school fees, only boys are sent to school
b) Girls are expected to help out at home
c) Child Marriage restricts girls mobility and freedom
d) All of the above
d) All of the above

Samacheer Kalvi 7th Social Science Guide Civics Term 3 Chapter 1 Women Empowerment

II. Fill in the blanks:

1. Jyotirao Phule is remembered as the champion of women’s education in India. He, along with his wife ………….., opened the first school for girls in 1848.
Savitribai Phule

2. ………………… is the First Woman to hold a Union Foreign Minister’s post.
Sushma Swaraj

3. ………………… is the first Woman Director General of Police (DGP).
Kanchan Chaudhary Bhattacharya

Samacheer Kalvi 7th Social Science Guide Civics Term 3 Chapter 1 Women Empowerment

4. …….. is the first Indian Woman to win Booker.
Arundhati Roy

III. Match the following:

1. Sirimavo Bandaranaikea) England
2. Valentina Tereshkovab) Japan
3. Junko Tabeic) Sri Lanka
4. Charlotte Cooperd) USSR


1. Sirimavo Bandaranaikec) Sri Lanka
2. Valentina Tereshkovad) USSR
3. Junko Tabeib) Japan
4. Charlotte Coopera) England

IV. Consider the following statements:

Question 1.
Tick the appropriate answer:
Assertion (A): Now women are being integrated at all steps of humanitarian operations.
Reason (R): Women and girls suffer the most from any kind of conflict in society.
a) Both A and R, are true and R is the correct explanation of A
b)Both A and R, are true but R is not the correct explanation of A
c) If A is true but R is false
d)If A is false but R is true
a) Both A and R, are true and R is the correct explanation of A

Samacheer Kalvi 7th Social Science Guide Civics Term 3 Chapter 1 Women Empowerment

Question 2.
Assertion: Violence against women cuts across caste, class, religion, age, and even education.
Reason: Domestic violence is manifested in the form of foeticide, infanticide, dowry murder, marital cruelty, battering, child abuse, etc.
a) Both A and R, are true and R is the correct explanation of A
b) Both A and R, are true but R is not the correct explanation of A
c) If A is true but R is false
d) If A is false but R is true
b) Both A and R, are true but R is not the correct explanation of A

Samacheer Kalvi 7th Social Science Guide Civics Term 3 Chapter 1 Women Empowerment

V. Answer the following questions:

Question 1.
Discuss various roles played by women in Society.
The women have the ability to face any kind of challenges in society.
The roles of women are:

  • Daughter,
  • Student,
  • Life partner,
  • Mother,
  • Good employee,
  • Grandmother.

Question 2.
What is gender equality?
Gender equality is the state of equal ease of access to resources and opportunities regardless of gender, including economic participation and decision-making; and the state of valuing different behaviors, aspirations, and needs equally, regardless of gender.

Samacheer Kalvi 7th Social Science Guide Civics Term 3 Chapter 1 Women Empowerment

Question 3.
Explain the woman’s rights.

  • Women’s rights are the fundamental human rights that were enshrined by the United Nations for every human being on the planet nearly 70 years ago.
  • These rights include the right to live free from violence, slavery, and discrimination; to be educated; to own property; to vote; to earn a fair and equal wage.

Question 4.
List out the essential factors of woman empowerment.
The essential factors for empowerment are:
1. Education:
Education gives one the ability to think wisely and make thoughtful decisions.

2. Gender Discrimination:
A Society which discriminates between the two genders can never be empowered.

3. Discrimination based on caste, creed, religion, etc.

Samacheer Kalvi 7th Social Science Guide Civics Term 3 Chapter 1 Women Empowerment

Question 5.
Write an essay on the importance of a woman’s education.
1. Increased Literacy:
Of the illiterate youth across the globe, nearly 63 percent are female. Offering all children education will prop up literacy rates, pushing forward development in struggling regions.

2. Human Trafficking:
Women are most vulnerable to trafficking when they are undereducated and poor, according to the United Nations Inter-Agency Project on Human Trafficking.

3. Political Representation:
Across the globe, women are underrepresented as voters and restricted from political involvement.

4. Thriving Babies:
According to the United Nations Girls.’ Education Initiative, children of educated mothers are twice as likely to survive past the age of five.

5. Later Marriage:
As suggested by the United Nations Population Fund, in underdeveloped countries, one in every three girls is married before reaching the age of 18.

6. Income Potential:
Education also, increases a woman’s earning capabilities.

7. Prospering GDP:

  • Gross Domestic Product also rises when both girls and boys are being offered educational opportunities.
  • When 10 percent more women attend school, GDP increases by three percent on average.

8. Poverty Reduction:
When women are provided with equal rights and equal access to education, they go on to participate in economic activity.

Samacheer Kalvi 7th Social Science Guide Civics Term 3 Chapter 1 Women Empowerment

7th Social Science Guide Women Empowerment Additional Important Questions and Answers

I.Choose the Correct answer:

Question 1.
…………….gives one the ability to think wisely and make thoughtful decisions.
a) Education
b) Gender
c) Discrimination
d) none
a) Education

Question 2.
More than …………… years ago, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights asserted that
everyone has the “right to education”.
a) 60
b) 40
c) 20
d) 45
b) 40

Samacheer Kalvi 7th Social Science Guide Civics Term 3 Chapter 1 Women Empowerment

Question 3.
Of the illiterate youth across the globe, nearly ……………… percent are female.
a) 53
b) 63
c) 60
d) 66

Question 4.
As suggested by the United Nations Population Fund, in underdeveloped countries, one
in every three girls is married before reaching the age of …………..
a) 18
b) 28
c) 16
d) 28
a) 18

Samacheer Kalvi 7th Social Science Guide Civics Term 3 Chapter 1 Women Empowerment

Question 5.
……………..was the first female teacher in the first girl’s school.
a) Savitribai Phule
b) Jyotirao Phule
c) Meira Kumar
d) Vijaya Lakshmi Pandit
a) Savitribai Phule

Question 6.
Jyotirao Phule along with his wife Savitribai Phule opened the first school for girls in …………….
a) 1848
b) 1826
c) 1866
d) 1836
a) 1848

Question 7.
Maharshi Karve starts First Women’s University, ie, SNDT University in Pune with five students in the year ……………….
a) 1966
b) 1926
c) 1916
d) 1936
c) 1916

Samacheer Kalvi 7th Social Science Guide Civics Term 3 Chapter 1 Women Empowerment

Question 8.
The First Women Prime Minister of India was …………..
a) Indira Gandhi
b) Jyotirao Phule
c) Meira Kumar
d) Vijaya Lakshmi Pandit
a) Indira Gandhi

Question 9.
The First Women President of UN General Assembly was ……………..
a) Savitribai Phule
b) Jyotirao Phule
c) Meira Kumar
d) Vijaya Lakshmi Pandit
d) Vijaya Lakshmi Pandit

Samacheer Kalvi 7th Social Science Guide Civics Term 3 Chapter 1 Women Empowerment

Question 10.
The First woman Finance Minister of India was …………………………
a) Sushma Swaraj
b) Nirmala Sitharaman
c) Prathpa Patel
d) Indira Gandhi
b) Nirmala Sitharaman

II Fill in the blanks:

1. You educate a woman; you educate a ……………..

2. ……… the biological trait that societies use to assign people into the category of either male or female.

Samacheer Kalvi 7th Social Science Guide Civics Term 3 Chapter 1 Women Empowerment

3. ………… the biological trait.

4. Women are most vulnerable to trafficking when they are undereducated and poor, according to the United Nations Inter-Agency Project on ……………….
Human Trafficking

5. ……………… are underrepresented as voters.

Samacheer Kalvi 7th Social Science Guide Civics Term 3 Chapter 1 Women Empowerment

6. UNESCO stands for United Nations ……………… Scientific and Cultural Organisation.

7. Jyotirao Phule along with his wife ……………., opened the first school for girls in 1848.
Savitribai Phule

8. ………………..from England is the first women to win the Olympic gold.
Charlotte Cooper

Samacheer Kalvi 7th Social Science Guide Civics Term 3 Chapter 1 Women Empowerment

9. The First Indian Women to win the Booker Prize is ……………. in 1997.
Arundhati Roy

10. The First Women Speaker of LokSabha is ……………. in 2009.
Meira Kumar

Samacheer Kalvi 7th Social Science Guide Civics Term 3 Chapter 1 Women Empowerment

III. Match the following:

1. Gendera) Sucheta Kripalani
2. First women in Spaceb) 1848
3. First women Governorc) never be empowered
4. First women Schoold) Pune
5. First women universitye) Valentina Tereshkova


1. Genderc) never be empowered
2. First women in Spacee) Valentina Tereshkova
3. First women Governora) Sucheta Kripalani
4. First women Schoolb) 1848
5. First women universityd) Pune

IV. Answer the following questions:

Question 1.
What is Sociology?
The sociology of gender examines how society influences our understandings and perception of differences between masculinity and femininity.

Question 2.
Write a short note on Savitribai Phule.

  • Savitribai Phule as a tradition breaker, the first female teacher at the first girls’ school.
  • Her Husband, Jyotirao Phule is remembered as the champion of women’s education in India.
  • Jyotirao Phule along with his wife Savitribai Phule opened the first school for girls in 1848

Samacheer Kalvi 7th Social Science Guide Economics Term 3 Chapter 1 Tax and its Importance

Tamilnadu State Board New Syllabus Samacheer Kalvi 7th Social Science Guide Pdf Economics Term 3 Chapter 1 Tax and its Importance Text Book Back Questions and Answers, Notes.

Tamilnadu Samacheer Kalvi 7th Social Science Solutions Economics Term 3 Chapter 1 Tax and its Importance

7th Social Science Guide Tax and its Importance Text Book Back Questions and Answers

I. Choose the correct answer:

Question 1.
Taxes are ………………. payment.
a) Voluntary
b) Compulsory
c) a&b
d) None of the above
b) Compulsory

Samacheer Kalvi 7th Social Science Guide Economics Term 3 Chapter 1 Tax and its Importance

Question 2.
Minimum possible amount should be spent in the collection of taxes is
a) canon of equality
b) canon of certainity
c) canon of economy
d) canon of convenience
Answer: a) canon of equality

Question 3.
This taxation is a very opposite of progressive taxation.
a) degressive
b) proportional
c) regressive
d) none
c) regressive

Question 4.
Income tax is a
a) direct tax
b) indirect tax
c) a & b
d) degressive tax
a) direct tax

Samacheer Kalvi 7th Social Science Guide Economics Term 3 Chapter 1 Tax and its Importance

Question 5.
Which tax is raised on provision of service.
a) wealth
b) corporate
c) wealth
d) service
b) Compulsory

II. Fill in the blanks:

1. ………………. is a term for when a taxing authority usually a government levies or imposes a tax.

2. ………………. is the method, where the rate of tax is the same regardless size of the income.
Proportional Taxation

Samacheer Kalvi 7th Social Science Guide Economics Term 3 Chapter 1 Tax and its Importance

3. ………………. is paid to the Government by the recipient of the gift depending on the value of the gift.
Gift Tax

4. ………………. burden cannot be shifted by taxpayers.
Indirect tax

5. Indirect tax is elastic.

III. Match the following:

1. Principle of taxationa) Direct Tax
2. Estate taxb) Goods and Service Tax
3. Excise Taxc) Adam Smith
4. 01.07.2017d) Less elastic
5. Direct Taxe) Indirect Tax


1. Principle of taxationa) Direct Tax
2. Estate taxb) Goods and Service Tax
3. Excise Taxc) Adam Smith
4. 01.07.2017d) Less elastic
5. Direct Taxe) Indirect Tax

Samacheer Kalvi 7th Social Science Guide Economics Term 3 Chapter 1 Tax and its Importance

IV. Odd one out:

Question 1.
Which one of the following is not an indirect tax?
a) Service tax
b) Value Added Tax(VAT)
c) Estate duty
d) Excise duty
c) Estate duty

V. Correct one out:

Question 1.
Which one of the following tax is a direct tax?
a) Service tax
b) Wealth tax
c) Sales tax
d) Progressive tax
d) Progressive tax

Samacheer Kalvi 7th Social Science Guide Economics Term 3 Chapter 1 Tax and its Importance

VI. Give a short answer:

Question 1.
Define tax.
Taxes are compulsory payments to the government without expectations of direct or return or benefit to the taxpayers.

Question 2.
Why taxes are imposed?

  • For the welfare of society, the government has to perform various functions so it requires revenue.
  • The main source of revenue is tax.

Question 3.
Write the name of taxation types and draw its diagram.
There are three types of Taxation:

  1. Proportional Tax
  2. Progressive Tax
  3. Regressive Tax.

Samacheer Kalvi 7th Social Science Guide Economics Term 3 Chapter 1 Tax and its Importance

Question 4.
Write any three importance of tax.

  1. Health
  2. Education
  3. Governance.

Question 5.
What are the types of tax? and explain it.
Taxes are classified into two types. They are:
1. Direct Tax:

  • A Direct tax is paid directly by an individual or organisation to imposing an entity
  • Eg: Income tax, Wealth Tax, etc.

2. Indirect Tax:

  • Indirect Tax is a tax whose burden can be shifted to others.
  • Eg: Service tax, Value added tax, etc.

Samacheer Kalvi 7th Social Science Guide Economics Term 3 Chapter 1 Tax and its Importance

Question 6.
Write a short note on Gift Tax and Service Tax.
Gift Tax:
It is paid to the Government by the recipient of the gift depending on the value of the gift.

Service Tax:

  • It is raised on the provision of Service.
  • This tax is collected from the service recipients and paid to the Central Government.

Question 7.
What is Goods and Service Tax?

  • Goods and Services Tax is a kind of tax imposed on the sale, manufacturing, and usage of goods and services.
  • This is applied to achieve overall economic growth.
  • GST is particularly designed to replace indirect taxes.

Question 8.
Write a distinction between direct and indirect tax.
Direct Tax:

  1. Burden cannot be shifted by taxpayers.
  2. Tax is imposed on personal income and corporate income.
  3. Direct tax has no inflation pressure.
  4. The impact and incidence are the same in case of direct tax.
  5. Direct tax is less elastic.

Indirect Tax:

  1. Easily be shifted to another person.
  2. Taxes imposed on various goods and services.
  3. This tax has inflation pressure.
  4. The impact and incidence are different in the case of indirect tax.
  5. Indirect tax is more elastic.

Samacheer Kalvi 7th Social Science Guide Economics Term 3 Chapter 1 Tax and its Importance

VII. Give a brief answer:

Question 1.
Write answer briefly the principles of taxation.
Adam Smith’s principles or camions of taxation still form the basis of the tax structure of a modem state.
Adam Smith’s four Canons of Taxation:

  1. Canon of Equality
  2. Canon of Certainty
  3. Canon of Convenience
  4. Canon of Economy.

1. Canon of Equality:

  • The government should impose taxes in such a way that people have to pay according to their ability.
  • It does not mean an equal amount of tax but it means that the burden of a tax must be fair and just.

2. Canon of Certainty:
Certainty creates confidence in the taxpayer’s cost of collection of taxes and increases economic welfare because it tends to avoid all economic waste.

3. Canon of Convenience:

  • Taxes should be levied and collected in such a manner that it provides maximum convenience to the taxpayers.
  • It should always be kept in view that the taxpayers suffer the least inconvenience in payment of the tax.

4. Canon of Economy:

  • Minimum possible money should be spent in the collection of taxes.
  • The collected amount should be deposited in the Government treasury.

Question 2.
Explain the taxation types.
There are three types of Taxation:
Samacheer Kalvi 7th Social Science Guide Economics Term 3 Chapter 1 Tax and its Importance 1

  1. Proportional Tax
  2. Progressive Tax
  3. Regressive Tax

Proportional Taxation:

  • The rate of tax is the same regardless of the size of the income.
  • The tax amount realized will vary in the same proportion as that of income.

Progressive Taxation:
The rate of tax will also increase with the increase of income of the person.

Regressive tax;

  • A regressive tax is a tax applied uniformly, taking a larger percentage of income from low-income earners than from high-income earners.
  • It is in opposition to a progressive tax.

Samacheer Kalvi 7th Social Science Guide Economics Term 3 Chapter 1 Tax and its Importance

Question 3.
Explain the importance of tax.
Importance of Tax: Taxes are crucial because governments collect this money and use it to finance the following social projects.

  1. Without taxes, government contributions to the health sector would be impossible.
  2. Taxes go to funding health services such as social healthcare, medical research, social security, etc.


  1. Education could be one of the most deserving recipients of tax money.
  2. Governments put a lot of importance in the development of human capital and education is central in this development.


  1. Governance is a crucial component in the smooth running of country affairs.
  2. Poor governance would have far-reaching ramifications on the entire country with a heavy toll on its economic growth.
  3. Good governance ensures that the money collected is utilized in a manner that benefits citizens of the country.

Other important sectors are infrastructure development, transport, housing, etc.

  1. Apart from social projects, governments also use money collected from taxes to fund sectors that are crucial for the wellbeing of their citizens such as security, scientific research, environmental protection, etc.
  2. Some of the money is also channeled to fund projects such as pensions, unemployment benefits, childcare, etc,

Question 4.
Explain the direct and indirect tax with examples.
Taxes are classified into two types. They are:

1. Direct Tax:

  • A Direct tax is paid directly by an individual or organisation to an imposing entity.
  • Eg: Incometax, WealthTax,etc.

2. Indirect Tax:

  • IndirectTaxisataxwhoseburdencanbeshiftedtoothers. LSIOTT
  • Eg: Servicetax,Valueaddedtax,etc.

Direct Tax:

Gift Tax:
It is paid to the Government by the recipient of the gift depending on the value of the gift.

Estate Duty:

  • It is charged from success or of inherited property.
  • It is not desirable to avoid payment of taxes

It is imposed on the property of individuals depending upon the value of the property.

Indirect Tax :

Service Tax:

  • It is raised on the provision of Service.
  • This tax is collected from the service recipients and paid to the Central Government.

Sales TaxorVAT:
It is an indirect tax on the sale of goods because the liability to collect tax is that of the shopkeeper but the burden of that tax falls on the customer.

Goods and Services Tax(GST):

  • Goods and Services Tax is a kind of tax imposed on the sale, manufacturing, and usage of goods and services.
  • This is applied to achieve overall economic growth.
  • GST is particularly designed to replace indirect taxes.

Samacheer Kalvi 7th Social Science Guide Economics Term 3 Chapter 1 Tax and its Importance

Question 5.
Why the need for a tax on people’s welfare? And explain it.

  • The levying of taxes aims to raise revenue to fund governing or to alter prices in order
    to affect demand.
  • Some of these include expenditures on economic infrastructure like transportation, sanitation, public safety, education, health-care systems, etc., military, scientific research, culture, and the arts, public works, public insurance, etc., and the operation of government itself.
  • When expenditures exceed tax revenue, a government accumulates debt. A portion of taxes may be used to service past debts.
  • Governments also use taxes to fund welfare and public services. These services can include education systems, pensions for the elderly, unemployment benefits, and public transportation.
  • Energy, water, and waste management systems are also common public utilities.
  • The purpose of taxation is to maintain the stability of the currency, express public policy regarding the distribution of wealth, subsidizing certain industries or population groups, or isolating the costs of certain benefits, such as highways or social security.

7th Social Science Guide Tax and its Importance Additional Important Questions and Answers

I. Choose the Correct answer:

Question 1.
According to Prof. Seligman, taxes are defined as a compulsory contribution from a person to the government to defray the expenses incurred in the common interest of ail without reference to special benefits conferred.
a) Chamberlin
b) Seligman
c) Adam smith
d) Marshal
b) Seligman

Samacheer Kalvi 7th Social Science Guide Economics Term 3 Chapter 1 Tax and its Importance

Question 2.
A regressive tax is a tax applied uniformly, taking a larger percentage of income from low-income earners than from high-income earners.
a) Progressive tax
b) Regressive tax
c) Proportional tax
d) Health
b) Regressive tax

Question 3.
Without taxes, governments would be unable to meet the demands of their societies.
a) societies
b) Revenue
c) Economic
d) Expenditure types
a) societies

Samacheer Kalvi 7th Social Science Guide Economics Term 3 Chapter 1 Tax and its Importance

Question 4.
Wealth tax is imposed on the property of individuals depending upon the value of the property.
a) Company
b) Gift
c) Wealth tax
d) Direct tax
c) Wealth tax

Question 5.
The gift tax is paid to the Government by the recipient of the gift depending on the value of the gift.
a) Gift tax
b) Indirect tax
c) Direct tax
d) Service
a) Gift tax

Question 6.
Goods and service tax is applied on services and goods at a national level with the purpose of achieving overall economic growth.
a) State
b) National
c) Rounding off
d) Town
b) National

Samacheer Kalvi 7th Social Science Guide Economics Term 3 Chapter 1 Tax and its Importance

Question 7.
Excise tax in India is levied by the Central Government.
a) Service tax
b) VAT
c) Excise tax
d) direct tax
b) VAT

II. Fill in the blanks:

1. ………………… the government should impose taxes in such a way that people have to pay according to
their ability.
Canon of Equality

2. …………………. is the taxes should be levied and collected in such a manner that it provides a maximum of convenience to the taxpayers.
Canon of Convenience

Samacheer Kalvi 7th Social Science Guide Economics Term 3 Chapter 1 Tax and its Importance

3. …………………. is the minimum possible money should be spent in the collection of taxes.
Canon of Economy

4. …………………. could be one of the most deserving recipients of tax money.

5. A …………….is paid directly by an individual or organisation to imposing entity.
Direct tax

6. The central Board of Revenue act implemented in the year.

7. The tax is levied on the profit of corporations and companies is
Corporation Tax

Samacheer Kalvi 7th Social Science Guide Economics Term 3 Chapter 1 Tax and its Importance

8. ………………… is a liability to collect tax is that of shopkeeper but the burden of that tax falls on the customer.

9. ………………… is a kind of tax imposed on the sale, manufacturing, and usage of goods and services.
Goods and Services Tax

10. A government’s ability to raise taxes is called its ………………….
fiscal capacity

III. Match the following

1. Adam smitha) Payment using aadhar
2. Progressive taxb) 1963
3. Digital Indiac) 2005
4. Central Board of Revenue Actd) Canon of Taxation
5. VATe) increase the income


1. Adam smithd) Canon of Taxation
2. Progressive taxe) increase the income
3. Digital Indiaa) Payment using aadhar
4. Central Board of Revenue Actb) 1963
5. VATc) 2005

IV. Odd one out:

Question 1.
a) Service Tax – Swachh Bharat cess
b) Road Development – Toll-Tax Road Tax
c) Indirect Tax – More elastic.
a) Service Tax – Swachh Bharat cess

Samacheer Kalvi 7th Social Science Guide Economics Term 3 Chapter 1 Tax and its Importance

V. Give a short answer:

Question 1.
What was the Kalidas said about taxes?
“It was only for the good of his subjects that he collected taxes from them, just as the Sun draws moisture from the Earth to give it back a thousandfold”.

Question 2.
What are Adam Smith’s four Canons of Taxation?
Samacheer Kalvi 7th Social Science Guide Economics Term 3 Chapter 1 Tax and its Importance 2

  • Canon of Equality
  • Canon of Certainty
  • Canon of Convenience
  • Canon of Economy.

Question 3.
Mention some of the Wealth Taxes.

  • Home
  • Motor Car
  • Jewellery
  • Cash
  • Urban Land
  • Yachats, Boats, Aircraft.

Samacheer Kalvi 7th Social Science Guide Economics Term 3 Chapter 1 Tax and its Importance

V. Detail

Question 1.
Explain the following
a) Toll Tax and & Road Tax
b) Swachh Bharat Cess
a) Toll Tax and & Road Tax:
Toll tax is a tax you often pay to use any form of infrastructure developed by the government, for example, roads and bridges. The tax amount levied is rather negligible which is used for maintenance and basic upkeep of a particular project.

b) Swahh Bharat Cess:
This is a cess imposed by the government of India and was started on 15 November 2015. This tax is applicable on all taxable services arid the cess currently stands at 0.5%. Swachh Bharat cess is levied over and above the 14% service tax that is prevalent in the present times.

Samacheer Kalvi 7th Social Science Guide Geography Term 3 Chapter 3 Natural Hazards – Understanding of Disaster Management in Practice

Tamilnadu State Board New Syllabus Samacheer Kalvi 7th Social Science Guide Pdf Geography Term 3 Chapter 3 Natural Hazards – Understanding of Disaster Management in Practice Text Book Back Questions and Answers, Notes.

Tamilnadu Samacheer Kalvi 7th Social Science Solutions Geography Term 3 Chapter 3 Natural Hazards – Understanding of Disaster Management in Practice

7th Social Science Guide Natural Hazards – Understanding of Disaster Management in Practice Text Book Back Questions and Answers

I. Choose the correct answer:

Question 1.
………………………. is a event which causes enormous physical damage to property, loss of life and change in the environment.
a) Hazard
b) Disaster
c) Recovery
d) mitigation
b) Disaster

Samacheer Kalvi 7th Social Science Guide Geography Term 3 Chapter 3 Natural Hazards – Understanding of Disaster Management in Practice

Question 2.
Activities that reduce the effects of disaster
a) Preparation
b) Response
c) Mitigation
d) Recovery
c) Mitigation

Question 3.
A sudden movement (or) trembling of the earth’s crust is called as ……………….
a) Tsunami
b) Earthquake
c) Fire
d) Cyclone
b) Earthquake

Question 4.
A sudden overflow of water in a large amount caused due to heavy rainfall is called ……………………….
a) Flood
b) Cyclone
c) Drought
d) Seasons
b) Cyclone

Samacheer Kalvi 7th Social Science Guide Geography Term 3 Chapter 3 Natural Hazards – Understanding of Disaster Management in Practice

Question 5.
Road accidents can be avoided by permitting the persons who have ………………………. is allowed to drive vehicle.
a) Ration card
b) License
c) permission
d) Documents
b) License

II. Fill in the blanks:

1. A hazard is a ……………….. event that can causes harm or damage to human and their property.

2. Activities taken during a disaster is called …………………

3. Displacement of water can produce one or more huge destructive waves known as

Samacheer Kalvi 7th Social Science Guide Geography Term 3 Chapter 3 Natural Hazards – Understanding of Disaster Management in Practice

4. In case of fire accidents call the nearby police station or the no ……………….. for the fire service.

5. Disaster management refers to ……………….. of lives and property during a natural or manmade disaster.

III. Match the following:

1. Earthquakea) Gigantic waves
2. Cycloneb) Creak / Fault
3. Tsunamic) Uneven rainfall
4. Industrial accidentd) Eye of the storm
5. Droughte) Carelessness


1. Earthquakeb) Creak / Fault
2. Cycloned) Eye of the storm
3. Tsunamia) Gigantic waves
4. Industrial accidente) Carelessness
5. Droughtc) Uneven rainfall

Samacheer Kalvi 7th Social Science Guide Geography Term 3 Chapter 3 Natural Hazards – Understanding of Disaster Management in Practice

IV. Consider the following statement and tick the appropriate answer:

Question 1.
Assertion (A) : In the modem world we can’t live happing everyday.
Reason (R) : Due to pollution and environmental degradation we are undergoing natural hazard and Disaster
a) A and R are correct and A explains R
b) A and R are correct but A does not explain R
c) A is in correct bt R is correct
d) Both A and R are in correct
a) A and R are correct and A explains R

Question 2.
Assertion (A) : Sudden movement (or) trembling of the earth’s crust is called an Earthquake.
Reason (R) : Movement of the tectonic plates, mass wasting, surface fault all leads to earthquake.
a) A and R are correct and A explains R
b) A and R are correct but A does not explain R
c) A is in correct but R is correct
d) Both A and R are in correct
a) A and R are correct and A explains R

Samacheer Kalvi 7th Social Science Guide Geography Term 3 Chapter 3 Natural Hazards – Understanding of Disaster Management in Practice

V. Answer the following briefly:

Question 1.
Define Hazard.
Generally, a hazard is a dangerous phenomenon, substance, human activity, or condition that may cause loss of life, injury, health impacts, property damage, loss of livelihoods, services, social and economic disruption or environmental damage.

Question 2.
What is a disaster?
A disaster can be generally defined as “A serious disruption in the society causing widespread material, economic, social or environmental losses.

Question 3.
What are the 4 concepts of the Disaster management cycle?

  1. Prevention
  2. Mitigation
  3. Preparedness
  4. Response
  5. Recovery
  6. Rehabilitation

Samacheer Kalvi 7th Social Science Guide Geography Term 3 Chapter 3 Natural Hazards – Understanding of Disaster Management in Practice

Question 4.
Name any two agency which involves in the warring system in Tamil Nadu.

  • Tamil Nadu State Disaster Response Force (SDRF) has been constituted with a strength of 80 Police Personnel.
  • They have been trained in disaster management and rescue operations in consultation with the National Disaster Response Force(NDRF).

Question 5.
Write about any three effects of the flood.

  • Loss of life and property
  • Displacement of people
  • Spread of contagious diseases such as Cholera and Malaria etc.

Question 6.
Give any four Rail safety tips.
Rail Safety Tips:

  • Stay alert. Train scans come from either direction at any time.
  • Never sit on the edge of the Station Platform.
  • Cross the tracks safely.

Question 7.
Name any four different industry which goes under industrial disaster frequently.

  • Nuclear industries
  • Chemical industries
  • Match and crackers factory
  • Cotton and Paper industry.

Samacheer Kalvi 7th Social Science Guide Geography Term 3 Chapter 3 Natural Hazards – Understanding of Disaster Management in Practice

VI. Distinguish between:

Question 1.
Earthquake and Tsunami.

  1. A sudden movement (or) trembling of the earth’s crust.
  2. The movement of the tectonic plates, mass wasting, landslides, surface fault,etc., causes earth quake.


  1. When an earthquake jolts the ocean floor, the sudden dislocation of the sea bed occurs and the resulting displacement of water can produce one or more huge, destructive waves.
  2. These waves rise to several meters and may reach the coast within a few minutes.

Question 2.
Flood and cyclone.
Flood :

  1. Heavy rainfall, cyclone, melting of snow, Tsunami or a dam burst.
  2. A large amount of water is burst out.
  3. Displacement of people, Spread of contagious diseases such as Cholera and Malaria, etc.

Cyclone :

  1. Heavy rainfall, cyclone, melting of snow, Tsunami or a dam burst.
  2. When it reaches land and destroys buildings and kills people, it can be described as a disaster.
  3. Disrupts transportation, power communication.

Samacheer Kalvi 7th Social Science Guide Geography Term 3 Chapter 3 Natural Hazards – Understanding of Disaster Management in Practice

Question 3.
Hazard and disaster.

  1. A hazard is a dangerous phenomenon.
  2. Human activity or condition that may cause loss of life.
  3. Eg: Injury, health impacts, property damage, loss of livelihoods, services.


  1. Disaster occurs naturally.
  2. A serious disruption in society.
  3. Eg: economic, social, or environmental losses.

VII. Answer the following questions in detail:

Question 1.
Write about the disaster management cycle.
The six disaster management phases that have been used in the concept of disaster cycle are as follows;
Pre-Disaster phase:
Prevention and Mitigation:

  1. The term prevention is often used to embrace the wide diversity of measures to protect persons and property.
  2. Mitigation embraces all measures taken to reduce both the effects of the hazard itself and the vulnerable conditions to it in order to reduce the scale of a future disaster.
  3. Therefore, mitigation may incorporate addressing issues such as land ownership, tenancy rights, wealth distribution, implementation of earthquake-resistant building codes, etc.


  1. The process includes various measures that enable governments, communities and individuals to respond rapidly to disaster situations to cope with them effectively.
  2. Preparedness includes for example, the formulation of viable emergency plans, the development of warning systems, the maintenance of inventories, public awareness and education and the training of personnel.

Early Warning:

  1. This is the process of monitoring the situation in communities or areas known to be vulnerable to slow onset hazards, and passing the knowledge of the pending hazard to people harmless way.
  2. To be effective, warnings must be related to mass education and training of the population who know what actions they must take when warned.

The Disaster Impact:

  1. This refers to the “real-time event of a hazard occurrence and affecting elements at risk.
  2. The duration of the event will depend on the type of threat; ground shaking may only occur in a matter of seconds during an earthquake while flooding may take place over a longer sustained period.

During Disaster Phase:

Response: This refers to the first stage of response to any calamity, which includes examples such as setting up control rooms, putting the contingency plan in action, issue warning, action for evacuation, taking people to safer areas, rendering medical aid to the needy, etc., simultaneously rendering relief to the homeless, food, drinking water, clothing, etc. to the needy, restoration of communication, disbursement of assistance in cash or kind.

The Post- Disaster Phase:

Recovery: Recovery is used to describe the activities that encompass the three overlapping phases of emergency relief, rehabilitation, and reconstruction.

Rehabilitation: Rehabilitation includes the provision of temporary public utilities and housing as interim measures to assist long-term recovery.

Reconstruction: Reconstruction attempts to return communities with improved pre-disaster functioning. It includes the replacement of buildings; infrastructure and lifeline facilities so that long-term development prospects are enhanced rather than reproducing the same conditions, which made an area or population vulnerable in the first place.

Development: In an evolving economy, the development process is an ongoing activity. Long-term prevention/disaster reduction measures. For example like the construction of embankments against flooding, irrigation facilities as drought-proofing measures, increasing plant cover to reduce the occurrences of landslides, etc.

Samacheer Kalvi 7th Social Science Guide Geography Term 3 Chapter 3 Natural Hazards – Understanding of Disaster Management in Practice

Question 2.
Write about the flood, its effects, and the mitigation
Flood: Sudden overflow of water in a large amount caused due to heavy rainfall, cyclone, melting of snow, Tsunami or a dam burst.

  1. Loss of life and property
  2. Displacement of people and
  3. Spread of contagious diseases such as cholera and Malaria etc.,

Mitigation for a flood:
They include flood walls/sea walls, flood gates, levees, and evacuation routes. Nonstructural measures reduce damage by removing people and property out of risk areas. They induce elevated structures, property buyouts, permanent relocation, zoning, subdivision and building codes.

Question 3.
Write about any five general survival techniques.
General Survival Techniques:

  1. During the earthquake be under the table, chair, kneel to the floor and protect yourself. Go near a sturdy wall, sit on the floor and hold the floor strongly and protect yourself. Use only torch lights,
  2. During flood forecast, store up necessary things like first aid etc. Listen to the local Radio/TV for instructions. Cut off all the electrical supplies during flood and earthquake,
  3. In case of fire accidents call fire service (No. 101)
  4. If clothes are on fire, “Don’t Run; Stop, Drop and Roll,”
  5. Stay alert. Trains can come from either direction at any time,
  6. Never sit on the edge of the Station Platform,
  7. Cross the tracks safely.

Samacheer Kalvi 7th Social Science Guide Geography Term 3 Chapter 3 Natural Hazards – Understanding of Disaster Management in Practice

Question 4.
Write about the earthquake, its effects, and mitigation steps.
A sudden movement (or) trembling of the earth’s crust is called an earthquake. The movement of the tectonic plates, mass wasting, landslides, surface fault, etc., causes earthquakes.
Due to a strong earthquake, loss of lives, buildings, roads, bridges, and dams are damaged. Earthquakes cause floods, tsunamis, landslides, fires, breakdown of water supply, and electrical lines. It may change the course of a river too.
Mitigation steps:

  1. Construct an Earthquake resistant building.
  2. Seek shelter under stable tables.
  3. Move to open areas.
  4. Secure your belonging.
  5. Put latches on cabinet doors and file cabinets.
  6. Store hazardous materials in a sturdy place.
  7. Keep fire extinguishers.


Question 1.
Why should we know about the natural disaster?

  • To prevent loss of life.
  • To Protect our belongings.
  • To create awareness among youngsters.
  • To be prepared with emergency phone nos.
  • To be stocked with food, water medicine.
  • For children and old age people.

Samacheer Kalvi 7th Social Science Guide Geography Term 3 Chapter 3 Natural Hazards – Understanding of Disaster Management in Practice

Question 2.
Name four places in India which undergo landslide.

  • Tamil Nadu, Kerala, and Maharastra (Western ghats and Konkan hills)
  • North Eastern Himalayas – (Darjeeling, and Sikkim)
  • North West Himalayas – (Uttarakhand, Himachal Pradesh)
  • Jammu and Kashmir.

7th Social Science Guide Natural Hazards – Understanding of Disaster Management in Practice Additional Important Questions and Answers

I. Choose the Correct answer.

Question 1.
On 2nd to 3rd May ………………….. high-velocity dust storms swept across the parts of North India and more than 125 people died and over 200 were injured.
a) 2019
b) 2018
c) 2016
d) 2017
b) 2018

Samacheer Kalvi 7th Social Science Guide Geography Term 3 Chapter 3 Natural Hazards – Understanding of Disaster Management in Practice

Question 2.
After …………………..  tsunami, cyclone Gaja is the worst natural disaster to hit Tamilnadu.
a) 2004
b) 2005
c) 2006
d) 2007
a) 2004

Question 3.
The word “Tsunami” is derived from the …………………..  word.
a) Italy
b) Germany
c) Korea
d) Japanese
d) Japanese

Question 4.
A low-pressure area that is encircled by high-pressure wind is called a …………………..
a) Hurricane
b) Cyclone
c) Flood
d) Tsunami
b) Cyclone

Samacheer Kalvi 7th Social Science Guide Geography Term 3 Chapter 3 Natural Hazards – Understanding of Disaster Management in Practice

Question 5.
In the early hours of November 10, 2018………………….. cyclone had been spread around 120(Kmph).
a) Suthrina
b) vartha
c) Gaja
d) Verdan
c) Gaja

Question 6.
…………………..  is used to describe the activities that encompass the three overlapping phases of emergency relief, rehabilitation, and reconstruction.
a) Recovery
b) Reconstruction
c) Rehabilitation
d) Development
a) Recovery

Samacheer Kalvi 7th Social Science Guide Geography Term 3 Chapter 3 Natural Hazards – Understanding of Disaster Management in Practice

Question 7.
…………………..  attempts to return communities with improved predisaster functioning.
a) Recovery
b) Reconstruction
c) Rehabilitation
d) Development
b) Reconstruction

Question 8.
State Disaster Management plan – The perspective plan – …………………..  prepared by the Revenue and Disaster Management Department.
a) 2018-2030
b) 2010-2030
c) 2020-2030
d) 2030-2040
a) 2018 – 2030

Question 9.
During the earthquake be under the ………………….., kneel to the floor and protect yourself.
a) table
b) below the wall
e) below the steps
d) near the mirror
a) table

Samacheer Kalvi 7th Social Science Guide Geography Term 3 Chapter 3 Natural Hazards – Understanding of Disaster Management in Practice

Question 10.
In case of fire accidents dial ………………….. for fire service.
a) 102
b) 103
c) 101
d) 100
c) 101

II. Fill in the blanks:

1. Generally, a hazard is a …………………..
dangerous phenomenon

2. A ………………….. (or) trembling of the earth crust is called as earthquake.
sudden movement

3. Due to a strong earthquake, loss of lives, buildings, roads, bridges, and dams are damaged are called …………………..

4. ………………….. is a natural hazard. It develops at sea.

5. ………………….. means harbor waves.

Samacheer Kalvi 7th Social Science Guide Geography Term 3 Chapter 3 Natural Hazards – Understanding of Disaster Management in Practice

6. The term………….. is a sudden rush of a crowd of people.

7. …………………..  is a disaster.

8. ………………….. refers to the “real-time event of a hazard occurrence and affecting elements at risk.
Disaster Impact

9. ………………….. embraces all measures taken to reduce both the effects of the hazard itself and the vulnerable conditions.

10. If any ………………….. occur dial, 101 for Fire service and 108 for the Ambulance.
emergency medical help

III. Match the following:

1. Man-made disastera) NDMA
2. Industrial disasterb) SDRF
3. CSIRc) Warfare
4. National Disaster Management Authorityd) Bhopal gas leakage
5. Tamilnadu State Disaster Response Forcee) Laboratories


1. Man-made disasterc) Warfare
2. Industrial disasterd) Bhopal gas leakage
3. CSIRe) Laboratories
4. National Disaster Management Authoritya) NDMA
5. Tamilnadu State Disaster Response Forceb) SDRF

Samacheer Kalvi 7th Social Science Guide Geography Term 3 Chapter 3 Natural Hazards – Understanding of Disaster Management in Practice

IV. Answer the following briefly:

Question 1.
Write down the examples of Natural disasters.
Earthquakes, tsunamis, volcanic eruptions Landslides , Windstorms, Floods, and Epidemics.

Question 2.
What is the post-disaster phase in Disaster?

  • Response
  • Recovery
  • Rehabilitation

Question 3.
What is Preparedness?
The process includes various measures that enable governments, communities, and individuals to respond rapidly to disaster situations to cope with them effectively.

Samacheer Kalvi 7th Social Science Guide Geography Term 3 Chapter 3 Natural Hazards – Understanding of Disaster Management in Practice

V. Answer the following questions in detail:

Question 1.
Explain the general survival techniques while happening disasters.

  • During the earthquake be under the table.
  • Hold the floor strongly.
  • During flood forecast, store up necessary things like first aid.
  • In case of fire accidents dial 101 for fire service.
  • Road accidents can be avoided by following Road safety rules.
  • Read the safety briefing card available in the seat pocket carefully.