Tamilnadu State Board New Syllabus Samacheer Kalvi 7th English Guide Pdf Term 2 Prose Chapter 1 Adventures of Don Quixote Text Book Back Questions and Answers, Summary, Notes.
Tamilnadu Samacheer Kalvi 7th English Solutions Term 2 Prose Chapter 1 Adventures of Don Quixote
7th English Guide Adventures of Don Quixote Text Book Back Questions and Answers
Warm-Up (Text Book Page No. 82)
My Hand of Imagination
- Trace around your hand on a white paper.
- Make a list of your five choices.
- Draw a picture to indicate what would your finger becomes.
- Erase one finger at a time and draw your choice in its place.
- Write and share in the class.
If my fingers are five sweets like laddu, jilabi, I will eat them whenever I want.
Read and Understand (Text Book Page No. 91)
Answer the following questions.
1. What kinds of books did Don Quixote like to read? What were these books like?
Don Quixote liked to read books about courageous knights and their unbelievable adventures.
2. What effect do the things Don Quixote reads have on him?
The books made Don Quixote be placed in the imaginary world of knights.
3. Why didn’t Don Quixote believe Sancho Panza when Sancho told him the ogres were actually windmills?
As Don Quixote imagined himself placed in the world of knights, he didn’t believe Sancho.
4. Why do you think Sancho continued to journey on with Don Quixote after the windmill incident?
Sancho was a peasant. Don Quixote promised him an island to be a reward if Sancho served him. So, Sancho might have continued to journey on with Don Quixote.
5. When Don Quixote sees the cloud of dust on the plain in the distance, what does he think causes it?
As Don Quixote and Sancho pass a farm, they see a thick cloud of dust. Don Quixote thinks it to be a great army marching towards them.
6. Sancho sees two clouds of dust, leading him to conclude that there are two armies. What does Don Quixote think will happen next?
Don imagined meeting the leaders and principal knights of different nations. He also imagined that he heard the neighing of steeds, the sound of trumpets, and the rattling of drums.
7. What is the reaction of the shepherds when they see that Don Quixote is attacking their sheep?
The shepherds pelted stones at Don Quixote and soon, he fell wounded to the ground.
Discuss and Answer (Text Book Page No. 92)
To Dream the Impossible Dream
Don Quixote might be seen as not simply crazy in his refusal to see things as they really are but more like a person who wants to accomplish a greater good and so refuses to compromise his ideals. Examples of such people include Nelson Mandela, Mahatma Gandhi, and Martin Luther King Jr.
Discuss (with examples and other evidence) whether or not they think Quixote deserves to be put in the company of real-world idealists or is merely delusional.
The story of Don Quixote was written for enjoyment. This story was read largely by children and they relished the fun. So, Don Quixote cannot be put in the company of the real world idealists. He is merely
Vocabulary (Text Book Page No. 92)
A. Explain the difference between these words by making sentences. One is done for you.
1. see / sea – Can you see the birds flying over the sea?
2. knight/night – The knight came to the city at night.
3. right / write – Babu writes his rights as a citizen of India.
4. arms/alms – A beggar who did not have an arm asked for alms.
5. fair/fare – I spent rupees five as bus fare and went to the village fair.
6. here / hear – She came here to hear the sweet songs of her sister.
7. heard / herd – The herd of cattle heard the chiming of church bells.
8. our / hour – Only one hour is more to finish our test.
9. no / know – I know that no one can help me if I do not study well.
10. not/knot – I could not free the knot of the rope.
B. Read the following sentences and write the meaning of the italicised words. One is done for you.
1. The bandage was wound around the wound.
wound – injury
wound – past tense of wind
2. There is a fair Arts and Craft fair this weekend.
fair – beautiful
fair – festival
3. The woodcutter saw a huge saw in his dream.
saw – past tense of see
saw – a device to cut wood
4. Write the right answers on the right side.
right – opposite of wrong
right – opposite of left
5. The well was dug by a well-known king.
well – water source
well – good
6. We have march past in March.
march – parading of soldiers
march – the third month of the year
7. Can you get me a can?
can – auxiliary verb
can – container
8. How long will the live fish live without food?
live – alive (having life)
live – living in a place
9. She has tears in her eyes as she tears old photos.
tears – salty water from eyes
tears – pulling to pieces
10. I will be second in line if I wait one more second.
second – a basic unit of time
second – coming after first in a sequence or order.
C. Divide each word by putting a slash (/) symbol between each syllable. On the space provided, write how many syllables each word has. Use a dictionary if you’re not sure where to divide the syllables.
1. adventure | ad / ven / ture | 3 syllables |
2. courageous | cou / ra / ge / ous | 4 syllables |
3. incredible | in / ere / di / ble | 4 syllables |
4. knight | / knight / | 1 syllable |
5. hilarious | hi / la / ri / ous | 4 syllables |
6. excitement | ex / cite / ment | 3 syllables |
7. peasant | pea/sant | 2 syllables |
8. imagine | im / ag /ine | 3 syllables |
9. shepherd | sheph / erd | 2 syllables |
10. entreat | en /treat | 2 syllables |
Listening (Text Book Page No. 95)
D. Listen to your teacher reading a passage on Adventure Trips. Visualize the activities. Draw the scenes in the given boxes. (Text for listening is in page number -136)
Speaking (Text Book Page No. 95)
F. Ask the students to tell a story. It may be a true story or an imaginative story. Choose one of the titles from the following.
- A time I was very late
- A funny story about my friend
- I met someone very interesting
- An unusual event
- A funny story about my life
Think about your story
- When did it happen?
- Where were you?
- Who was there?
- What happened?
When I was rushing to my school in the morning, as usual, f saw an accident. The son of one of my neighbours was hit by a car. He fell down from his bicycle. I went to him. He was hit on his head and bleeding. 1 called an auto. I took him to a hospital nearby. I bought coffee and biscuits. I rang his parents. Within 15 minutes his parents arrived. They thanked me. Then I rushed to my school.
Use Grammar (Text Book Page No. 98)
G. Solve the crossword puzzle using superlative adjectives. (Text Book Page No. 98)
Down | Across |
2. The oldest man ever whose age has been verified is Jiroemon Kimura. | 1. Deserts are the driest places on Earth. |
4. Antarctica is the coldest continent in the world. | 3. Russia is the largest country in the world. |
6. The elephant is the heaviest animal in the world. | 4. Mercury is the closest planet to the Sun. |
8. Mount Everest is the tallest mountain in the world. | 5. Vatican City is the smallest country in the world. |
6. Diamonds are the hardest material in the world. | |
7. cheetah the fastest animal in the world. |
H. Put students in pairs and tell them to interview their partners. To do this they must make questions, e.g. What’s the worst storm you’ve ever seen? They can also ask follow-up questions to find out more information. Do feedback on this as a whole class. Other thematic questionnaires of this kind could be:
Emotional experiences
→ The most frightened I’ve ever been …
Which is the most frightening experience you’ve ever been?
→ The happiest moment I’ve ever had …
Which is the happiest moment you’ve ever had?
→ The most nervous I’ve ever been …
Which is the most nervous moment you’ve ever been?
Musical experiences
→ The best song I’ve ever heard …
Which is the best song you’ve ever heard?
→ The worst song I’ve ever heard …
Which is the worst song you’ve ever heard?
→ The longest time I’ve ever danced …
Which is the longest time you’ve ever danced?
Places in your life
→ The most dangerous place I’ve been in …
Which one is the most dangerous place you’ve been in?
→ The cheapest restaurant I’ve eaten in …
Which is the cheapest restaurant you’ve eaten?
→ The most boring town I’ve ever visited …
Which is the boring town you’ve ever visited?
Writing (Text Book Page No. 98)
I. Write a paragraph comparing Don Quixote and Sancho Panza. The following words will help you to write a compare and contrast paragraph.
Don Quixote wanted an adventurous life which is similar to the life of knights of the middle ages. On the other hand, Sancho Panza was a peasant who lived in the reality. Both of them had a journey. Sancho also liked adventure. He wanted to become rich too. He also wanted to be the squire of Don. However, he saw reality in contrast to Don Quixote. In this way, he differs from Don Qtt|kd% While Don was living only in his imaginary world, Sancho was seeing the reality. Unlike Don, Sancho was a simple man. But Sancho as well as Don loved the life of adventure.
Creative Writing (Text Book Page No. 100)
J. Local Historians
- Ask students to collect stories about their town from older people.
- Ask them to find out how the streets were named.
- Are there any interesting people or legends to which the street names refer?
- Are there any local places in town about which people tell stories?
- Any haunted houses?
- Let students find out when the town was founded and by whom.
- Visit a local historical society to see old photographs or artifacts.
Let student create original historical fiction:
Describe the town from the point of view of a fictitious citizen who might have lived in the town long ago. Include local issues of the time in the story. Write the story of the town from the fictionalized point of view of a resident who actually lived.
A resident in my neighbourhood named Chandran told me that my town got its name from a foreign official. That foreigner built a school, hospital, college, orphanage, and many other buildings for the welfare of the people. He donated a lot of money for constructing a dam on the river which runs around my place. Chandran got this information from his ancestors who lived in this town long ago.
Adventures of Don Quixote Summary in English
Once upon a time in Spain there lived a man named Don Quixote. He loved to read books. He read about knights and their adventures. He placed himself in the world of knights. He took Sancho Panza, a farmer as his squire. Don saw a windmill. He thought it to be a giant. He attacked it and fell down. He saw the dust made by a flock of sheep. Thinking them to be an army, Don charged into the midst of the sheep. The farmers stoned him. They laughed at him. They thought him crazy. Don returned home. Children enjoyed his fantastic stories.
Adventures of Don Quixote Summary in Tamil
ஒரு காலத்தில் ஸ்பெயின் நாட்டில், டான் குயிக்சாட் என்ற மனிதன் வாழ்ந்து வந்தான். கதைகள் வாசிப்பதை நேசித்தான். பழங்கால குதிரை வீரர்கள், அவர்களது வீரச் செயல்கள் பற்றி தொடர்ந்து வாசித்தான். அதனால் பழங்கால வீரர்கள் வாழ்ந்த உலகத்தில் தன்னையும் நிலை நிறுத்திக் கொண்டான். பக்கத்தில் உள்ள விவசாயி, சாங்கோ பான்சாவை தன் உதவியாளனாய் ஆக்கிக் கொண்டான். வழியில் உள்ள காற்றாலையைப் பார்த்து ராட்சதன் என்று எண்ணித் தாக்கி கீழே விழுந்தான். ஆட்டுமந்தையால் உருவாக்கப்பட்ட தூசிப்படலத்தைப் பார்த்து பெரும் சேனை வருவதாய் குறுக்கே புகுந்து தாக்கினான். அதைப் பார்த்த விவசாயிகள் அவனை பைத்தியம் என்று நினைத்து கல்லால் அடித்தனர். டான் வீடு திரும்பினான். குழந்தைகளுக்கு மாயாஜாலக் கதைகள் சொல்லி அவர்களை மகிழ்ச்சியுற வைத்தான்.
Adventures of Don Quixote About the Author in English
Miguel de Cervantes is the most important and celebrated figure in Spanish literature. He is best known for being the author of ‘Adventures of Don Quixote’. He was also noted for his short story collection. Cervantes was a great experimenter. He tried his hand in all the major literary genres. He was a notable short story writer. He was bom on September 29, 1547, in Alcala de Henares, Spain, and died on April 22, 1616. He was the great Spanish novelist, playwright, poet, and creator of Don Quixote.
Adventures of Don Quixote About the Author in Tamil
மிகில் டி செர்வான்டிஸ் என்பவர் ஸ்பானிஷ் இலக்கியத்தின் முக்கியமான, புகழ்பெற்ற எழுத்தாளர் ஆவார். ‘டான்குயிக்சாடின் சாகசங்கள்’ என்னும் புத்தகம் அவருக்குப் புகழை தேடிக் கொடுத்த புத்தகமாகும். அவர் சிறந்த கதை எழுத்தாளரும் ஆவார். பரிசோதனை செய்து பார்ப்பதில் அவர் வல்லவர். எல்லா விதமான இலக்கிய வடிவங்கள் கையாளுதலை அவர் முயற்சித்துள்ளார். அவர் குறிப்பிடத்தக்க சிறுகதை எழுத்தாளர் ஆவார். 1547ம் ஆண்டு செப்டம்பர் 29ம் நாள் ஸ்பெயினில் உள்ள அல்கேலா டி ஹெனாரேஸ் என்ற இடத்தில் பிறந்தார். 1616ம் ஆண்டு ஏப்ரல் 22இல் மறைந்தார். அவர் நாடக ஆசிரியர், கவிஞர் மற்றும் புதினங்கள் படைக்கும் எழுத்தாளர். டான்குயிசாட்டை உருவாக்கியவரும் இவரே.