Samacheer Kalvi 3rd Standard Social Science Guide Term 1 Chapter 3 Panchayat

Samacheer Kalvi 3rd Standard Social Science Book Solutions Term 1 Chapter 3 Panchayat

I. Choose the correct answer.

Question 1.
Panchayat is a _________ level government.
a) District
b) State
c) Village
c) Village

Question 2.
________ introduced the word ‘Gram Swaraj’.
a) Kamarajar
b) Mahatma Gandhi
c) Nehru
b) Mefliatma Gandhi

Question 3.
The lower level of the three tier system is ________ panchayat.
a) District
b) Block level
c) Village
c) Village

Question 4.
Who elects / elect the Vice President of the Panchayat?
a) People
b) Ward members
c) District collector
a) People

Question 5.
The tenure of the members of the Panchayat is ________
a) 15 years
b) 10 years
c) 5 years
c) 5 years

Samacheer Kalvi 3rd Standard Social Science Guide Term 1 Chapter 3 Panchayat

II. Match the following.

1. Kudavolaia. development of plan
2. Gram Panchayatb. obligatory function
3. Planting treesc. old system of election
4. Street lightsd. discretionary function
5. Gram sabhae. people above 500


1. Kudavolaia. old system of election
2. Gram Panchayatb. people above 500
3. Planting treesc. discretionary function
4. Street lightsd. obligatory function
5. Gram sabhae. development of plan

Samacheer Kalvi 3rd Standard Social Science Guide Term 1 Chapter 3 Panchayat

III. Answer the following.

Question 1.
What is Village Panchayat?
Village panchayat is the root of Panchayat Raj system. It provides the basic facilities for the village people.

Question 2.
Illustrate the Three tier system.
Panchayat Raj is the three-tier system, they are

  1. District Level: District Panchayat (Zilla Parishad)
  2. Block Level: Panchayat Union (Mandal Parishad/Panchyat Samiti)
  3. Village Level: Village Panchayat (Gram Parishad)

Question 3.
Write any three obligatory functions of the Panchayat.

  1. Providing electricity and maintaining the street lights.
  2. Construction and maintenance of village wells.
  3. Providing drinking water.

Samacheer Kalvi 3rd Standard Social Science Guide Term 1 Chapter 3 Panchayat

Question 4.
Write any three discretionary functions of the Panchayat.

  1. Planting trees on either sides of roads
  2. Setting up and maintenance of public markets
  3. Setting up of “Gardens”.

Question 5.
When is the Gram Sabha meeting held?
Gram Sabha meeting must be held at least four times a year.
Meeting must be conducted on following dates.

  1. 26th January
  2. 1st – May
  3. 15th – August
  4. 2nd – October

Samacheer Kalvi 3rd Standard Social Science Guide Term 1 Chapter 3 Panchayat

Project work:

Question 1.
Write the facilities which you get from your Panchayat.

  1. We get good drinking water facilities.
  2. We get good road and gardens in our village.
  3. Maintaining the village wells.
  4. Setting and maintaining the village library.
  5. We get good electricity facilities.
  6. Providing and maintaining sanitation facilities.
  7. Setting up sewage channels.
  8. Setting up and maintenance of playgrounds.
  9. Setting up and maintenance of public market.

Samacheer Kalvi 3rd Standard Social Science Guide Term 1 Chapter 3 Panchayat

Activity Let us Answer (Text Book Page No. 172):

Question 1.
Write the name of your village panchayat president?
Mr. Vellaisamy

Question 2.
How many ward members are there in your village panchayat?

Samacheer Kalvi 3rd Standard Social Science Guide Term 1 Chapter 3 Panchayat

Think Zone (Text Book Page No. 175):

Question 1.
Is there any library, in your village?
Yes, we have one small library in our village.

Question 2.
Is there any park, in your village?
No, there is no park in my village

Question 3.
Is there any playground in your village?
Yes, we have a big play ground in our village.

Samacheer Kalvi 3rd Standard Social Science Guide Term 1 Chapter 3 Panchayat

3rd Standard Social Science Guide Panchayat Additional Questions and Answers

I. Choose the correct answer.

Question 1.
_________ is the root of panchayat raj system.
a) Village panchayat
b) Municipality
c) Town panchayat
a) Village panchayat

Question 2.
The 73rd Constitutional Amendment Act was passed by the parliment in _________.
a) March, 1993
b) April, 1993
c) April, 1995
b) April, 1993

Question 3.
Gram sabha meeting must be held at least _________ times a year.
a) two
b) three
c) four
c) four

Question 4.
Collection tax is a compulsory duty of _________.
a) panchayat
b) village officer
c) councellor
a) panchayat

Samacheer Kalvi 3rd Standard Social Science Guide Term 1 Chapter 3 Panchayat

II. Match the following.

1. Grama sabhaa. election
2. 73rd Constitutional Amendment Actb. chola kingdom
3. Presidentc. Mahatma Gandhi
4. Gram Swarajd. April 1993
5. Kudavalaie. root of democracy


1. Grama sabhaa. root of democracy
2. 73rd Constitutional Amendment Actb. April 1993
3. Presidentc. election
4. Gram Swarajd. Mahatma Gandhi
5. Kudavalaie. chola kingdom

Samacheer Kalvi 3rd Standard Social Science Guide Term 1 Chapter 3 Panchayat

III. Answer the following.

Question 1.
What is Gram sabha meeting?
People of our village gather together and discuss about the roles of the panchayat board.

Question 2.
How the panchayat members are selected?
Village people select the president and members through the election. There is one electing every five years.

Question 3.
Write the duties of Gram Sabha.

  1. Planning and executing village developmental programs.
  2. Verifying income and expenditure of village funds.
  3. Planning to rectify the grievances of the people.

Samacheer Kalvi 3rd Standard Social Science Guide