TN Board 12th Commerce Important Questions Chapter 12 Employee Training Method

TN State Board Kalvi 12th Commerce Notes Chapter 12 Employee Training Method

Question 1.
What is meant by training?

  1. Training enables the employees to guide their behaviour.
  2. Training refers to the teaching and learning activities carried on for the primary purpose of helping members of an organization.
  3. To acquire and to apply the required knowledge, skill and attitudes to perform their jobs effectively and efficiently.

Question 2.
What is Mentoring training method?

  1. Mentoring is the process of sharing knowledge and experience of an employee.
  2. It is mostly used for managerial employees.
  3. Mentoring is always done by senior person. It is also one to one interaction.

Samacheer Kalvi TN State Board 12th Commerce Notes Chapter 12 Employee Training Method

Question 3.
What is Role play?

  1. Under this method, trainees are explained the situation and assigned roles.
  2. They have to act out the roles assigned to them without any rehearsal.
  3. They have to assume role and play the role without any preparation.

Question 4.
State e-learning method.

  1. E-leaming is the use of technological process to access of a traditional classroom or office.
  2. E-leaming is also often referred to us online learning or web based training.
  3. Web based training is anywhere and anytime information can pass over the internet.

Question 5.
What is vestibule training?

  1. Vestibule training of employees in an environment similar to actual work environment artificially created for training purpose.
  2. This type of training is given to avoid any damage or loss to machinery in the actual place by trainees and avoid disturbing normal work flow in the actual work place.
  3. It is given to drivers, pilots, space scientists etc.

Samacheer Kalvi TN State Board 12th Commerce Notes Chapter 12 Employee Training Method

Question 6.
What do you mean by on the job training?

  1. On the job training refers to the training which is given to the employee at the work place by his immediate supervisor.
  2. The employee learns the job in the actual work environment.
  3. It is based on the principle of “Learning by doing and learning while earning”.
  4. On the job training is suitable for imparting skills that can be learnt in a relatively short period of time.

Question 7.
Write down various steps in a training programme.
Training is one of the planned activities to transfer or modify knowledge, skill and attitude.

  1. Whom to train?
  2. Who is the trainee?
  3. Who are the trainers?
  4. What methods will be used for training?
  5. What should be the level of training?
  6. Where to conduct the training programme?

Samacheer Kalvi TN State Board 12th Commerce Notes Chapter 12 Employee Training Method

Question 8.
Write short note on trainer and trainee.

  1. Trainer is a person, who teaches skills to employee and prepare them for a job activity.
  2. Trainers may be supervisor, co-workers, HR staffs, specialists in other parts of the company outside the consultants.
  3. The trainer is otherwise called instructor, coach, teacher, mentor, counsellor, guide manager, tutor and educator etc.


  1. A person who is learning and practising the skills of particular job is called trainee.
  2. Trainees should be selected on the basis of self interest and recommendation by the supervisor or by the human resource department itself.

Question 9.
Define training. Discuss various types of training.
According to Dale.S.Bean defined training as “the organized procedure by which people learn knowledge and skill for a definite purpose”.

There are two principal methods of employee training which are used by the organization.

On the job training:

  • On the job training refers to the training which is given to the employee at the work place by his immediate supervisor.
  • The employee learns the job in the actual work environment.
  • It is based on the principle of “Learning by doing and Learning while Earning”.
  • On the job training is suitable for imparting skills that can be learnt in a relatively short period of time.

The following are on the job training methods.

  1. Coaching method
  2. Mentoring method
  3. Job rotation method
  4. Job Instruction Techniques (JIT) method
  5. Apprenticeship training method
  6. Committee assignment
  7. Understudy / Internship training method.

Off the job training:
Off the job training method where in the workers/employees leam the job role away from the actual work floor. Training which is carried out away from our normal place of work.

Off the job training comprises of a place specifically allotted for the training purpose which may be near the actual work place where the workers are required to leam the skills and get well equipped with the tools and techniques that are to be used at the actual work floor.

  1. Lecture method
  2. Group discussion method
  3. Case study method
  4. Seminar / conference method
  5. Role play method
  6. Field trip method
  7. Vestibule training method
  8. e-learning
  9. Demonstration training method
  10. Programmed instruction method

Samacheer Kalvi TN State Board 12th Commerce Notes Chapter 12 Employee Training Method

Question 10.
What are the difference between on the job training and off the job training?
On the job training:

  1. Training which is given to the employee at work place.
  2. It is suitable for imparting skill, that can be leamt in a short period of time.
  3. Training is given by his immediate supervisor.
  4. Employees leams the job in the actual workplace.

Off the job training:

  1. The employees leam the job away from the actual workplace.
  2. When the workers are required to leam the skill and get well equipped with the tools and techniques.
  3. Training is carried out away from our normal place of work.
  4. Trainer may be generally drawn from colleges, universities, consultancies and institutions.

Question 11.
Explain the benefits of training.
Benefits of the organization:

  1. It improves the skill of employees and enhances productivity and profitability of the entity.
  2. It reduces wastage of materials and idle time.
  3. It exposes employees to latest trends.
  4. It minimizes the time for supervision.
  5. It reduces labour turnover of employee.
  6. It improves union and management relation.

Benefits to the Employees:

  1. It adds to the knowledge skill and competency of employee.
  2. It improves the employees productivity.
  3. It enhances the morale of the employee.
  4. Employees get higher earnings through incentives and rewards.

Benefits of the customer:

  1. Customers get better quality of product/service.
  2. Customers get innovative products or values added or feature rich products.

Samacheer Kalvi TN State Board 12th Commerce Notes Chapter 12 Employee Training Method

Choose the correct answer:

Question 1.
Off the Job training is given:
(a) In the class room
(b) On off days.
(c) Outside the factory
(d) In the playground
(c) Outside the factory

Question 2.
Vestibule training is provided:
(a) On the job
(b) In the class room
(c) In a situation similar to actual working environment
(d) By the committee
(c) In a situation similar to actual working environment

Question 3.
Improves Skill Levels of Employees to ensure better job performance:
(a) Training
(b) Selection
(c) Recruitment
(d) Performance appraisal
(a) Training

Samacheer Kalvi TN State Board 12th Commerce Notes Chapter 12 Employee Training Method

Question 4.
When trainees are trained by supervisor or by superior at the job is called:
(a) Vestibule training
(b) Refresher training
(c) Role play
(d) Apprenticeship training
(d) Apprenticeship training

Question 5.
__________ is useful to prevent skill obsolescence of employees.
(a) Training
(b) Job analysis
(c) Selection
(d) Recruitment
(a) Training

Question 6.
Training methods can be classified into training __________ training.
(a) Job rotation and Job enrichment
(b) On the Job and Off the Job
(c) Job analysis and Job design
(d) Physical and mental
(b) On the Job and Off the Job

Samacheer Kalvi TN State Board 12th Commerce Notes Chapter 12 Employee Training Method

Question 7.
Case study method is ______ type of trainee.
(a) Only theoritical training
(b) Both theory and practical training
(c) Hands on training
(d) Abservation Training
(b) Both theory and practical training

Question 8.
Elaborate discussion on specific topic comes under _________ method of training.
(a) Under study
(b) Coaching
(c) Conferences
(d) Counseling
(c) Conferences

TN Board 12th Commerce Important Questions