TN State Board Kalvi 12th Commerce Notes Chapter 9 Fundamentals of Human Resource Management
Question 1.
Give the meaning of Human Resource.
- The advent of globalization, liberalization and privatization leading to advancement in information, communication and technology paved way for exhibiting the high level of innovation and creativity in human resource.
- Individuals who acquired the required skill sets, talents, knowledge, competencies and capabilities in the accomplishment of both individual and organisational objectives.
Question 2.
What is Human Resource Management?
- The branch of management that deals with managing human resource is known as Human resource management.
- Human resource management is a function of management concerned with hiring, motivating and maintaining people is an organization. It focuses on people is an organization.
Question 3.
State two features of HRM.
(i) Universally relevant:
Human resource management has universal relevance. The approach and style varies depending the nature of organization structure and is applicable at all levels.
(ii) Goal oriented:
The accomplishment of organizational goals is made possible through best utilization of human resource in an organization.
Question 4.
Mention two characteristics of Human Resource.
- Human resource exhibits innovation and creativity.
- Human resource alone can think, act, analyze and interpret.
- Human resource is the only factor of production that lives.
Question 5.
List the functions of HRM.
- Managerial function: Planning, organizing, directing, controlling.
- Operative function: Procurement, development, compensation, retention, integration and maintenance.
Question 6.
Define the term Human Resource Management.
- Human resource management is a function of management concerned with hiring motivating and maintaining people in an organization.
- In order to achieve the personal and organizational objectives human resources are to be trained up and managed.
- According to Dale Yoder Human resource management as “the effective process of planning and directing the application, development and utilization of human resources in employment”.
Question 7.
What are the features of Human resources?
- Human resource is the only factor of production that lives.
- Human resource created all other resource.
- Human resource exhibits innovation and creativity
- Human resource alone can think, act, analyze and interpret.
- Human resources are emotional beings.
- The behaviour of Human resources are unpredictable.
- Human resources are movable.
- Human resources can work as a team.
Question 8.
Give two points of differences between HR and HRM.
Human Resource | Human Resource Management |
Human resource exhibits innovation and creativity. | Managing the human resource is to motivate, participate and co ordinate the available work force. |
Human resource alone can think, act analyze and interpret. | HRM focuses on the development of man power through training and development programmes. |
Over years human resources gains value and appreciates. | Honing of skills through training increases the effective use of the resource procured. |
Question 9.
What is the importance of Human resource?
- It is only through human resources all other resources are effectively used.
- Industrial relations depend on human resources.
- Human resource manages all other factors of production.
- Human resource can be utilized at all levels of management.
- Human resources are well protected by legislative frame works.
- The sustainable growth of an organization depends on the important resource called human resource.
Question 10.
State the functions of Human Resource Management.
(a) Managerial function:
- Planning
- Organizing
- Directing
- Controlling
(b) Operative function:
- Procurement
- Development
- Compensation
- Retention
- Integration
- Maintenance
Question 11.
Explain the unique features of Human Resource.
- Human resource is the only factor of production that lives.
- Human resource created all other resources.
- It is only the labour of employees that is hired and not the employee himself.
- Human resource exhibits innovation and creativity.
- Human resources are emotional beings.
- Human resources can be motivated either financially or non-financially.
- The behaviour of human resources are unpredictable.
- Human resources are movable.
- Human resources can work as a team.
- Human resources alone can think, act, analyse and interpret.
Question 12.
Describe the significance of Human Resource Management.
There are various reasons why Human resource management is important. They are as follows:
To identify man power needs:
The number of men required are to be identified accurately to optimize the cost.
To incorporate change:
Change is constant in any organisation and change has to be introduced in such a way that Human resource management acts as an agent to make the change effective.
To ensure the correct requirement of man power:
At any time the organisation should not suffer from shortage or surplus man power which is made possible through Human resource management.
To select right man for right job:
To ensures the right talent available for the right job, so that no employee is either under qualified or over qualified.
To update the skill and knowledge:
In the process of employee, skill and knowledge enhancement to enable the employees to remain upto date through training and development programmes.
To provide incentives and bonus to best performers:
HRM to recognize the best performers and to provide them with bonus and incentives as a form of appreciation for their work.
Question 13.
Elaborate on the Managerial functions of Human Resource Management.
Planning is deciding in advance what to do, how to do and who is to do it. It helps in the systematic operation of business. It involves determination objectives, policies, procedures, rules, strategies, programmes and budgets.
It includes division of work among employees. By assigning each employee their duties, delegation of authority as required and creation of accountability to make employees responsible.
It involves issue of orders and instructions along with supervision guidance and motivation to get the best out of employees.
The control process includes fixing of standards, measuring actual performance comparing actual with standard laid down and taking corrective action. This is made possible through observation, supervision, reports, records and audit.
Question 14.
Differentiate HR from HRM.
Human Resource:
- Individuals who acquired the required skill sets, talents, knowledge, competencies, capabilities is known as Human resources.
- HR created all other resources.
- Human resource alone can think, act, analyse and interpret.
- Human resource can work as a team.
- Human resource can be utilized at all levels of management.
Human Resource Management:
- It is a function, of management concerned with hiring, motivating and maintaining people in an organization.
- The approach and style varies depending the nature of organization structure.
- Managing the human resource is to motivate, participate and coordinate the available work force.
- HRM is a intangible function which can be measured only by results.
- HRM ensures the right talent available for the right job and to secure favourable employee attitude towards the management.
Question 15.
Discuss the Operating functions HRM.
(i) Procurement:
Acquisition deals with job analysis. Human resource planning, recruitment, selection placement, transfer and promotion.
(ii) Development:
Development includes performance, appraisal, training, executive development, career planning and organizational development.
(iii) Compensation:
It deals with job evaluation, wage and salary administration, incentives bonus, and social security schemes.
(iv) Retention:
This is made possible through health and safety, welfare social security, job satisfaction and quality of work life.
(v) Integration:
Aim to bring about reconciliation between personal interest and organizational interest.
(vi) Maintenance:
This encourages employees to work with job satisfaction, reducing labour turnover accounting for human resource and carrying out audit and research.
Choose the correct answer:
Question 1.
Human resource is a asset.
(a) Tangible
(b) Intangible
(c) Fixed
(d) Current
(b) Intangible
Question 2.
Human Resource management is both _______ and ________
(a) Science and art
(b) Theory and practice
(c) History and Geography
(d) None of the above
(a) Science and art
Question 3.
Planning is a _______ function.
(a) selective
(b) pervasive
(c) both (a) and (b)
(d) None of the above
(b) pervasive
Question 4.
Human resource management determines the ________ relationship.
(a) internal, external
(b) employer, employee
(c) Owner, Servant
(d) Principle, Agent
(b) employer, employee
Question 5.
Labour turnover is the rate at which employees _________ the organisation.
(a) enter
(b) leave
(c) Salary
(d) None of the above
(b) leave