TN State Board 12th Computer Applications Important Questions Chapter 2 An Introduction to Adobe Pagemaker
Question 1.
Write the command to open a Adobe PageMaker 7.0.
Start → All programs → Adobe → PageMaker 7.0 → Adobe Pagemaker 7.0
Question 2.
What are main components of the window?
The main components of the window are Title bar, Menu bar, Tool bar, Ruler, Scroll bars and Text area.
Question 3.
What are the menus contains by Menu bar?
Menu bar contains the following menus File, Edit, Layout, Type, Element, Utilities, View, Window and Help.
Question 4.
What is scrolling? Write its types.
- Scrolling is the process of moving up and down or left and right through the document window.
- There are two scrollbars namely Vertical and Horizontal scroll bars.
Question 5.
What purpose using Enter key at the end of a paragraph?
The Enter key should be pressed only at the end of a paragraph or when a blank line is to be inserted.
Question 6.
What is use of UNDO Command?
- The Undo command is used to reverse the action of the last command.
- To reverse the last command, click on Edit → Undo in the Menu bar or press Ctrl + Z in the keyboard.
Question 7.
Differentiate Copy and Paste command in PageMaker.
Copy | Paste |
In PageMaker, the copy command can be used to copy text from one location in a document. | In Pagemaker, the paste command cap be used to paste it as different location in a document. |
The copy command creates a duplicate of the selected text, leaving the original text unchanged. | The paste command pastes the copied text at the position where the insertion point is placed. |
Question 8.
Differentiate Cut and Paste command using PageMaker.
Cut | Paste |
The cut command is used to selected text easily deleted. | The paste command is used for deleted text to be pasted in required location. |
The cut command delete the selected text from its original position. | The paste command then place this text at the position where the insertion point is located. |
Question 9.
What is called window shades?
- When you select a text block with the pointer tool, the block’s boundaries become visible.
- Two handles are seen above and below the text block. These handles are called window shades.
Question 10.
What is meant by resizing a Text block?
- Two handles are seen above and below the text block.
- There is a dark square on both ends of the handle. These are used to change the size of the text block.
Question 11.
Write the difference between threaded text and unthreaded text.
Threaded Text | Unthreaded Text |
A process of connecting text among text blocks is called Threaded Text. | Unthreaded Text is where a text block stands alone, without being connected to any other block. |
A threaded text block can be identified by a plus sign in its top and / or bottom handles. | These blocks have nothing in their top and bottom handles. |
Question 12.
How do you separating text from the frame?
To separate text from a frame,
- Click the frame with the pointer tool.
- Choose Element → frame → Delete content in the menu bar.
The Text will not appear in the frame.
Question 13.
How can you close a document?
After saving, the document can be closed using the file -» close command in the menu bar. (OR)
Ctrl + W shortcut key using from the keyboard.
Question 14.
What are the types of Scroll bar in PageMaker?
In PageMaker, there are two sets of scroll bars, one for up and down movement and the other for the left and right movement of the document.
Question 15.
How can you magnify a part of page by dragging?
- Select the zoom tool.
- Drag to draw a marque around the area you want to magnify.
Press Ctrl + Space bar to zoom in, press Ctrl + Alt + Space bar to zoom out.
Question 16.
What is known as formatting a document?
Formatting is the process of changing the general arrangement of text, that is improving the appearance of the text by using various fonts, fonts colours, and font styles.
Question 17.
What is a font?
- A font is a set of letters, numbers or symbols in a certain style.
- Each font looks different from other fonts.
Question 18.
What is meant by Character formatting?
- Character formatting means displaying text in a certain way.
- Character formatting consists of text properties – bold, italic, underline, font type, font size, font color etc.,
Question 19.
What is useful for character formatting using the control Palette?
- The control palette is especially useful when you are doing lot of formatting.
- Its features change based on the object that is selected on your layout.
Question 20.
How can do to modify character attributes using the character control palette?
- Select the text you want to modify.
- Make the appropriate changes in the control palette.
Question 21.
What are the main drawing tools in PageMaker?
- There are so many drawing tools in PageMaker.
- Line tool, Rectangle tool, Ellipse tool and Polygon tool are four main drawing tools.
Question 22.
What are the Drawing Lines in PageMaker?
- PageMaker has two line tools.
- The first one creates a straight line at any orientation.
- The second is a constrained line tool that draws only at increments of 45 degrees.
Question 23.
What are the Master pages containing?
- Master pages commonly contain repeating logos, page numbers, headers, and footers.
- They also contain non printing layout guides, such as column guides, ruler guides, and margin guides.
Question 24.
How can you to make master items invisible or Hiding?
To make the master items invisible on a particular page, switch to the appropriate page, then choose view → Display Master items (which is usually ticked).
Question 25.
How can you showing Master Page Palette?
To show Master Page palette.
- Choose windows → Show Master pages in the menu bar.
- The master pages palette appears.
Question 26.
What are rulers? How can you show and hide the ruler?
There are two rulers bars. One is at the top and the other is at the left side.
To show the ruler:
- Click on view. The view menu will appear.
- Click on show rulers to show the rulers.
To hide the ruler:
- Click on view. The view’ menu will appear.
- Click on Hide Rulers to hide the rulers.
Question 27.
How can you selecting text using the mouse?
To select text using a mouse, the steps as follows:
- Place the insertion point to the left of the character to be selected.
- Press the left mouse button and drag the mouse to a position where you want to stop selecting.
- Release the mouse button.
- The selected text gets highlighted.
Question 28.
How can you selecting text using the keyboard?
To select text using keyboard, the steps as follows:
- Place the insertion point to the left of the first character you wish to select.
- The Shift key is pressed down and the movement keys are used to highlight the required text.
- When the Shift key is released, the text is selected.
Question 29.
How can do create a Text block with the text tool?
To create a text block with the text tool:
- Select the- text tool (T) from the toolbox. The pointer turns into an I-beam.
- On an empty area of the page or pasteboard, click the I-beam where you. want to insert text.
- Type the text you want.
Question 30.
How can you to resize a Text block?
To resize a text block, the steps as follows:
- Click on the pointer tool.
- Click either to left or right comer handle on the bottom of the text block and drag.
- A red triangle in the bottom window shade means there is more text in the text block than is visible on the page.
- Drag the window shade handle down to show more text.
Question 31.
How can you splitting a text block into two part?
To split a text block into two part, the steps as follows:
- Place the cursor on the bottom handle, click and drag upwards.
- When you release the bottom handle will contain a red triangle.
- Click once on this, and the cursor changes to a loaded text icon.
- Position this where the second part of the text is to be, and click.
Question 32.
How can you importing text as automatic text flow?
- Before importing the text, first select Layout → Autoflow in the menu bar.
- Then you should import the text;
- Now, the loaded text icon looks different, it contains a squiggly narrow
- Place the loaded text icon at the top of the page and click.
- But how the text will automatically flow on to the succeeding pages.
Question 33.
What do you understanding story in PageMaker?
- A PageMaker story is similar to a newspaper article.
- The front page of a newspaper may contain several independent articles, some of which continue on other pages .
- In PageMaker, several stories may appear on the same publication page and continue elsewhere in the publication.
Question 34.
Write the steps to opening an existing document.
- Choose file → open in the menu bar or click on open icon in the tool bar or press Ctrl + O from keyboard.
- The filename is given in the file name list box.
- The name of the file to be opened can be choosen from the list.
- Now click on the open button, the required file is opened.
Question 35.
What are the procedures should follows scrolling the document?
The scrolling procedure is as follows:
- To scroll left and right, the left and right arrow respectively clicked.
- To scroll up and down the up and down arrow respectively should be clicked.
- To scroll a relative distance in the document the scroll box should be drawn up or down.
Question 36.
What are the steps to make the appropriate changes in the character specifications Dialog Box?
- Click the drop-down menu arrow of the font box and select the desired font.
- Click the drop-down menu arrow of the font size box and select the font size.
- Click the drop-down menu arrow of the color box and select the desired colour.
- Click the Bold, italic, or underline buttons to make the text respectively changed. Then click on OK.
Question 37.
How can you changing the Text Colour?
- Select the text you want to colour.
- Choose window → Show colors in the menu bar.
- The colours palette appears, click the color you want to apply to the selected text.
- The character change to the colour you selected in the palette.
Question 38.
How can you draw a line in PageMaker?
- Select the Line tool from the toolbox. The cursor changes to a cross hair.
- Click and drag on the screen to draw your line. As you drag, a line appears.
- Release the mouse button and the line will be drawn and selected, with sizing handles on either end.
- Resize the line by clicking and dragging the handles, if necessary.
Question 39.
Drawing a star with given number of sides and required inset.
(i) The value of star inset = 50 %
The number of sides = 15
(ii) The value of star inset = 25 %
The number of sides = 25
(iii) The value of star inset = 35 %
The number of sides = 70
Question 40.
How can you remove the unused pages from your document?
Remove the unused pages from your document with a remove pages dialog box.
- Choose Layout → Remove pages in the menu bar. The remove pages dialog box appears.
- Type the page range you want to remove.
- Click on OK button.
Question 41.
How can you create a new Master page in PageMaker?
To create new master page should follow as:
- Click the New Master page icon in the master pages palette. The New Master page dialog box appears.
- Enter the name of the new master page in the Name field.
- Make the appropriate changes in the margins and columns Guides fields.
- Click on OK.
Question 42.
Draw a work space window and write the parts of the window.
Question 43.
Explain Main components of the Workspace window in PageMaker?
The main components of the Workspace window are Title bar, Menu bar, Tool bar, Ruler, Scroll bars and Text areas.
(i) Title Bar:
It is topmost part of the window. It shows the name of the software and the name of the document at the left, and the control buttons (minimize, maximize and close) at the right.
(ii) Menu bar:
Menu bar contains File, Edit, Layout, Type, Element, Utilities, View, Window, Help menus. There may be sub-menus under certain options in the pull-down menus.
(iii) Tool Bar:
When you place the mouse pointer on a button in the Tool bar, a short text will appear as its description called Tool Tip.
If the tool box is not available on the screen, click on Window → Show tools, the tool box appears on the screen.
There are two ruler bars one is at the top and the other is at the left side.
Click view → Show Rulers, to show the ruler.
Click view → Hide Rulers, to hide the ruler.
Scroll bars:
There are two scroll bars namely Vertical and Horizontal scroll bars for scrolling the document Vertically or horizontally.
Text areas:
In PageMaker the text of the document can be typed inside a text block. So we must use the text tool to create those text blocks.
After creating a Text block, you can type the text directly into the text block.
Question 44.
How can you delete a character, or word, or block of text in a document?
Delete a character or word:
- Position the insertion point to the left of the character to be deleted.
- Then Press Delete key.
- Position the insertion point to the right of the character to be deleted.
- Then Press Backspace key.
Delete a block of Text:
- Select the text to be Deleted.
- Press Delete or Backspace Key or Edit → Clear from the menu.
Question 45.
How can you move the text in the required location?
The cut and paste command is used to move the text in the required location.
- Select the text to be moved.
- Choose Edit → Cut in the menu bar or Press Ctrl + X or click right mouse button and choose cut from the Pop-up menu.
- Insertion point is moved to the place where the text is to be pasted.
- Choose Edit → Paste in the menu bar, or Press Ctrl + V or click the right mouse button and choose paste from the Pop-up menu.
- The selected text can be easily cut and pasted in this way.
Question 46.
How can you copy the text in the required location?
The selected text can be easily copied in the required location.
- Select the text to be copied.
- Choose Edit → Copy or Press Ctrl + C or click the right mouse button and choose copy from the Pop-up menu.
- Insertion point is moved to the place where the text is to be pasted.
- Choose Edit → Paste or Press Ctrl + V or click the right mouse button and choose paste from the Pop-up menu.
- The text can also be pasted in this way to different location.
Question 47.
How can you placing (Importing) Text from other software program in the PageMaker documents?
- Choose File → Place. The place dialog box will appear.
- Locate the document that contains the text you want to place and select it.
- Click on open in the place dialog box. The pointer changes to the loaded text icon.
- Make a text block to place the text or click in the page to place the text. The text will be placed in the page.
- If the text to be placed is too big to fit on one page, PageMaker allows you to place it place it on several pages.
This can be done manually or automatically.
Question 48.
Explain different method to unthread a threaded block.
Method 1:
- Select the block that you wish to unthread with the pointer tool
- Click on Edit → Cut in the menu bar.
- Now click on Edit → Paste in the menu bar. The block will reappear in the same position, but it is now an unthreaded block.
Method 2:
- Select the block that you wish to unthread with the pointer tool.
- Choose the text tool and select all the text in the block
- Then click on Edit → Cut in the menu bar. Now click the insertion point within an existing threaded block
- Click on Edit → Paste in the menu bar. The text will be added in this block.
Question 49.
How can you save, close and open a document in PageMaker?
(i) Saving a Document: To save a document for a first time following commands are used.
(a) Choosing File → Save in the Menu bar or save icon in the Tool bar or Press Ctrl + S in the keyboard.
(b) Now save dialog box appear, then select or type filename in the list box, and then click on the save button.
(c) Save as command is used to save a file name in different location. File → Save as or shift + Ctrl + S is used.
(ii) Closing a Document:
After saving the document can be closed using File —» Close or Ctrl + W command is used.
(iii) Opening an existing Document:
Choose File → Open or open icon or Ctrl + O command is used to opening an existing file document.
Now open publication dialog box is opened, the file name is typed or select from the list box, then click on open button. Now the required file is opened.
Question 50.
Tabulate the different types of movement keys using PageMaker document.
Move | Press |
One character to the left | Left Arrow |
One character to the right | Right Arrow |
One word to the left | Ctrl + Left Arrow |
One word to the right | Ctrl + Right Arrow |
Up one line | Up Arrow |
Down one line | Down Arrow |
To the end of a line | End |
To the beginning of a line | Home |
Up one paragraph | Ctrl + Up Arrow |
Down one paragraph | Ctrl + Down Arrow |
Question 51.
How can you draw a Dotted line in PageMaker?
(i) Double click the Line tool from the tool box. A custom stroke dialog box appears.
(ii) Select the required stroke style in the drop-down list box
(iii) Then Click OK button, Now cursor changes to a cross hair.
(iv) Click and drag on the screen to draw your dotted line. As you drag, the line appears.
(v) Release the mouse button and the line will be drawn and selected, with sizing handles on either end.
Question 52.
Write the steps to draw Rectangle or Ellipse.
To draw a rectangle or Ellipse.
(i) Click on the Rectangle or Ellipse tool from the tool box. The cursor changes to a cross hair.
(ii) Click and drag anywhere on the screen. As you drag, a rectangle or ellipse appears.
(iii) Release the mouse button when the rectangle or ellipse is of the desired size.
(iv) Press the shift key while you’re drawing to constrain the shape to a square or circle.
(v) Now, required shape of Rectangle and Ellipse are displayed in the document.
Question 53.
Write the steps to draw a Rounded corner Rectangle.
(i) Double-click the Rectangle tool in the tool box. The rounded comers dialog box appears.
(ii) Choose a comer setting from the Dreset shapes.
Method 2:
The Page icons at the left bottom of the screen is move from one page to another page.
Click on the Page icon that corresponds to the page that you want to view. The page is displayed.
Method 3: (Page dialog box):
Choose Layout → Go to Page or Press Alt + Ctrl + G. Now Go to page dialog box appears.
In the dialog box, type the page number that you want to view.
Then click on OK. The required page is displayed on the screen.
Question 54.
Write the steps to filling Rectangle with colour patterns.
(i) Draw a Rectangle using Rectangle tool.
(ii) Select the Rectangle.
(iii) Choose Window → Show color (or) Press Ctrl + J, Now colors palette appears.
(iv) Click on the required colour from the colors palette.
(v) The rectangle has been filled with the colour.
Question 55.
Write the different methods for navigating the pages in your publication.
Method 1:
By using the page up and page down keys. This is most probably the navigation methods you will use most often.
Method 2:
The Page icons at the left bottom of the screen is move from one page to another page.
Click on the Page icon that corresponds to the page that you want to view. The page is displayed.
Method 3: (Page dialog box):
Choose Layout → Go to Page or Press Alt + Ctrl + G. Now Go to page dialog box appears.
In the dialog box, type the page number that you want to view.
Then click on OK. The required page is displayed on the screen.
Question 56.
Write the steps to inserting pages in PageMaker.
In PageMaker, insert pages before, after, or between the pages you’re currently viewing.
- Identify, before the page you want to insert.
- Choose Layout → Insert pages in the menu bar. The Insert pages dialog box appears.
- Type the number of pages you want to insert.
- To insert pages after the current page, choose ‘after’ from the Pop-up menu.
- Now, click on Insert button.
- The New pages are inserted in your publication.
Question 57.
Write the steps to print a document in PageMaker?
(i) Choose File → Print or Ctrl + P. The Print Document dialog box appears.
(ii) Select the printer from the printer drop-down list box.
(iii) Choose the pages to be printed in the pages group box by selecting one of the following available options.
All – This option prints the whole document.
Ranges – This option prints individual pages by the page number or a range of pages.
Eg: 1.(5, 7, 20)
2. (1, -20)
3.(5, 7, 10, -25)
Print – Select Odd or Even pages option that will print odd or even number pages.
(i) Type the number of copies you want in the copies text box.
(ii) If the collate option is selected, PageMaker will print a complete set of pages. For example to print pages 1 to 10, then a second set 25 to 50 and so on.
(iii) Finally choosing from the options in the print document dialog box, click print button to print the document.
Question 58.
What is desktop publishing?
- Desktop Publishing (DTP) is the creation of document using page layout software on a computer.
- Desktop Publishing software can generate layouts and produce typographic quality text and images comparable to traditional typography and printing.
Question 59.
Give some example of DTP Software.
Some of the popular DTP Software are Adobe Pagemaker, Adobe In Design, Quarkxpress etc.,
Question 60.
Write the steps to open PageMaker.
We can open Adobe PageMaker using this command steps.
Start → All Programs → Adobe → PageMaker 7.0 → Adobe PageMaker 7.0
Question 61.
How do you create a New document in PageMaker?
Step 1: Choose File → New (or) Press Ctrl + N
Step 2: Now document setup dialog box appears, Now enter the appropriate settings for your new document.
Step 3: Click OK button.
Question 62.
What is a Pasteboard in PageMaker?
- A document page is displayed within a dark border.
- The area outside of the dark border is reffered to as the pasteboard.
- Anything that is placed completely in the pasteboard is not visible when you print the document.
Question 63.
Write about the Menu bar of PageMaker.
- Menu bar is one of the main component of work space window in PageMaker.
- Menu bar contains File, Edit, Layout, Type, Element, Utilities, View, Window, Help.
- There may be sub-menus under certain options in the pull-down menus.
Question 64.
Differentiate Ellipse tool from Ellipse frame tool.
Ellipse tool | Ellipse frame tool |
Used to draw circles and ellipses | Used to create elliptical placeholders for text and graphics. |
An ellipse tool can be drawn anywhere in the image by defining its points. | An ellipse frame tool can be include any item you can add or create in the document window, including Open paths, Closed paths, Compound shapes and paths, type, artwork, 3D objects, and any placed file, such as an image. |
Question 65.
What is text editing?
- Editing means making changes to the text.
- Editing encompasses many tasks, such as inserting and deleting words and phrases, correcting errors, and moving and copying text to different places in the document.
Question 66.
What is text block?
A text block contains text you type, paste, or import. All text in PageMaker resides inside containers called Text blocks. A Text block can be connected to other text blocks so that the text in one text block can flow into another text.
Question 67.
What is threading text blocks?
- The process of connecting text among text blocks is called threading text.
- Text that flows through one or more threaded blocks is called story.
- A threaded text block can be identified by a plus sign in its top and / or bottom handles.
Question 68.
What is threading text?
The process of connecting text among text blocks is called threading text.
Question 69.
How do you insert a page in PageMaker?
- We can insert pages before, after or between the pages.
- Choose Layout → Insert pages in the menu bar.
- Type the number of pages in the dialog box.
- Click on Insert.
Question 70.
What is PageMaker? Explain its uses.
PageMaker is a page layout software. Page layout software includes tools that allow you to easily position text and graphics on document pages.
- It is used to design and produce documents that can be printed.
- We can create anything from a simple business card to a large book.
- We could create a newsletter that includes articles and pictures on each page.
Question 71.
Mention three tools in PageMaker and write their keyboard shortcuts.
Question 72.
Write the use of any three tools in PageMaker along with symbols.
Question 73.
How do you rejoin split blocks?
To rejoin the two text blocks that,
- Place the cursor on the bottom handle of the second text block, click and drag the bottom handle up to the top.
- Then place the cursor on the bottom handle of the first text block, and click and drag the bottom handle down if necessary.
Question 74.
How do you link frames containing text?
To link frames containing text that,
- Draw a second frame with the frame tool of your choice.
- Click the first frame to select it.
- Click on the red triangle to load the text icon.
- Click the second frame, PageMaker flows the text into the second frame.
Question 75.
What is the use of Master Page?
In master page, Any text or object that you place on the master page will appear on the entire document pages to which the master is applied.
- It shortens the amount of time because you don’t have to create the same objects repeatedly on subsequent pages.
- Master pages commonly contain repeating logos, page numbers, headers and footers.
- Master pages also contain non printing layout guides, such as column guides, ruler guides and margin guides.
Question 76.
How to you insert page numbers in Master pages?
To make page numbers appear on every page for inserting page numbers in master pages.
- Click on Master pages icon.
- Then click on Text tool. Now the cursor changes to I – beam.
- Then click on the left master page where you want to put the page number.
- Press Ctrl + Alt + P
- The page number displays as ‘LM’ on the left master page.
- Similarly click on the right master page where you want to put the page number.
- Press Ctrl + Alt + P
- The Page number displays as ‘RM‘ on the right master page, but will appear correctly on the actual pages.
Question 77.
Explain the tools in PageMaker toolbox.
Question 78.
Write the steps to place the text in a frame.
The following steps are to place text in a frame:
- Click on one of a frame tool from the Tool box.
- Draw a frame with one of PageMaker’s frame tools (Rectangle frame tool or Ellipse frame tool or polygon frame tool). Make sure the object remains selected.
- Click on file. The file menu will appear.
- Click on place. The place dialog box will appear.
- Locate the document that contains the text you want to place, select it.
- Click on open.
- Click is a frame to place the text in it.
- The text will be placed in the frame.
Question 79.
How can you convert text in a text block to a frame?
Converting text in a Text block to a frame, you can do this, by using the following steps:
- Draw the frame of your choice using one of the PageMaker’s frame tool.
- Select the text block you want to insert in the frame.
- Click the frame while pressing the shift key. Now both elements will be selected.
- Choose Element → Frame → Attach content on the menu bar.
- Now the text appears in the frame.
Question 80.
Write the steps to draw a star using polygon tool?
Drawing a star using Polygon tool, you can do this the following steps can be used.
- Click on the polygon tool from the tool box. The cursor changes to a cross hair.
- lick and drag anywhere on the screen. As you drag, a polygon appears.
- Release the mouse button when the polygon is of the desired size.
- Choose Element → Polygon settings in the menu bar. Now polygon settings dialogue box appears.
- Type 5 in the number of sides text box.
- Type 50 % in star inset text box.
- Click OK.
Now the required star appears on the screen.
Choose the correct answer:
Question 1.
Which of the following is called a page layout software?
(a) python
(b) Adobe PageMaker
(c) C++
(d) Oracle
(b) Adobe PageMaker
Question 2.
Which of the following is not a DTP software?
(a) MS Powerpoint
(b) Adobe PageMaker
(c) Adobe In Design
(d) Quark X press
(a) MS Powerpoint
Question 3.
Which of the following is correct shortcut key to create a new document in • PageMaker?
(a) Ctrl + O
(b) Ctrl + N
(c) Ctrl + R
(d) Ctrl + W
(b) Ctrl + N
Question 4.
Which is topmost part of the window?
(a) Menu bar
(b) Tool bar
(c) Scroll bar
(d) Title bar
(d) Title bar
Question 5.
Which is shows at the right side of the title bar?
(a) File name
(b) Software name
(c) Control buttons
(d) User name
(c) Control buttons
Question 6.
Which is shows at the left side of the title bar?
(a) Software name
(b) User name
(c) Control buttons
(d) Both (a) and (b)
(d) Both (a) and (b)
Question 7.
Which short cut key is used to pointer tool in PageMaker?
(a) F9
(b) F7
(c) F5
(d) F2
(a) F9
Question 8.
Which is shortcut key used for polygon tool?
(a) Shift + F3
(b) Shift + F4
(c) Shift + F5
(d) Shift + F6
(d) Shift + F6
Question 9.
Which shortcut key is used for Text tool?
(a) Shift + Alt + F1
(b) Shift + Alt + F2
(c) Shift + Alt + F3
(d) Shift + Alt + F4
(a) Shift + Alt + F1
Question 10.
Which tool is used to select, move and resize text objects and graphics?
(a) Pointer tool
(b) Text tool
(c) Line tool
(d) Polygon tool
(a) Pointer tool
Question 11.
Which tool is used to trim imported graphics?
(a) Pointer tool
(b) Text tool
(c) Rotating tool
(d) Cropping tool
(d) Cropping tool
Question 12.
Which tool is used to scroll the page?
(a) polygon tool
(b) Hand tool
(c) Zoom tool
(d) Ellipse tool
(b) Hand tool
Question 13.
Which is the moving up and down or left and right through the document window?
(a) Title bar
(b) Menu bar
(c) Tool bar
(d) Scroll bar
(d) Scroll bar
Question 14.
Which menu will click appear to show rulers?
(a) View
(b) Edit
(c) File
(d) Tool
(a) View
Question 15.
In PageMaker the text of the document can be typed inside a:
(a) Window
(b) Text block
(c) Paragraph
(d) Page
(b) Text block
Question 16.
As the characters are typed, the flashing vertical bar called:
(a) Editing
(b) Insertion point
(c) Pointer
(d) Rulers
(b) Insertion point
Question 17.
Which key should be pressed only at the end of a paragraph?
(a) Ctrl key
(b) Alt key
(c) Enter key
(d) Shift key
(c) Enter key
Question 18.
Double-click with I-Beam which text gets selected:
(a) A line
(b) A word
(c) A sentence
(d) A paragraph
(b) A word
Question 19.
Triple-click with I-beam which text gets selected:
(a) A line
(b) A word
(c) A sentence
(d) A paragraph
(d) A paragraph
Question 20.
Which key is pressed down and the movement keys are used to highlight the required text?
(a) Ctrl key
(b) Alt key
(c) Enter key
(d) Shift Key
(d) Shift Key
Question 21.
Which key is used, the insertion point to the left of the character to be deleted?
(a) Delete
(b) Backspace
(c) Cut
(d) None of these
(a) Delete
Question 22.
Which key is used, the insertion point to the right of the character to be deleted?
(a) Delete
(b) Backspace
(c) Cut
(d) None of these
(b) Backspace
Question 23.
Which of the following is used to delete the block of text?
(a) Delete
(b) Backspace
(c) Edit → Clear
(d) All of these
(d) All of these
Question 24.
Which command is used to reverse the action of the last command?
(a) Do
(b) Undo
(c) Paste
(d) Copy
(b) Undo
Question 25.
Which shortcut key is used to reverse the action of the last command?
(a) Ctrl + U
(b) Ctrl + R
(c) Ctrl + Z
(d) Ctrl+ X
(c) Ctrl + Z
Question 26.
Which menu can choose to reverse the action of the last command?
(a) Edit → Clear
(b) Edit → UNDO
(c) Edit → Delete
(d) Edit → Reverse
(b) Edit → UNDO
Question 27.
Which command can creates a duplicate of the selected text?
(a) Move
(b) Paste
(c) Copy
(d) Cut
(c) Copy
Question 28.
Which command is used to places the text at the position where the insertion point is placed?
(a) Move
(b) Paste
(c) Copy
(d) Cut
(b) Paste
Question 29.
Which of the shortcut key to delete the selected text?
(a) Ctrl + D
(b) Alt + D
(c) Ctrl + X
(d) Ctrl + V
(c) Ctrl + X
Question 30.
Which of the shortcut key to be pasted for deleted or copied text?
(a) Ctrl + D
(b) Alt + D
(c) Ctrl + X
(d) Ctrl + V
(d) Ctrl + V
Question 31.
Choose the menu in the menu bar to delete the selected text:
(a) Edit → Cut
(b) File → Cut
(c) Insert Cut
(d) Tools → Cut
(a) Edit → Cut
Question 32.
Choose the menu from the menu bar to paste the text:
(a) Edit → Paste
(b) File → Paste
(c) Insert → Paste
(d) Tools → Paste
(a) Edit → Paste
Question 33.
Choose the menu from the menu bar to be copied:
(a) File → Copy
(b) Edit → Copy
(c) Insert → Copy
(d) Tools → Copy
(b) Edit → Copy
Question 34.
Which of the shortcut key is used to copy the selected text?
(a) Ctrl + V
(b) Ctrl + O
(c) Ctrl + C
(d) Ctrl + S
(c) Ctrl + C
Question 35.
Which tool is select from the toolbox, the pointer turns into an I-beam?
(a) Text Tool (T)
(b) Pointer Tool
(c) Line Tool (\)
(d) Rectangle Tool
(a) Text Tool (T)
Question 36.
Which tool is used to select a text block and become visible?
(a) Text Tool
(b) Pointer Tool
(c) Line Tool
(d) Rectangle Tool
(b) Pointer Tool
Question 37.
__________ in the bottom window shade means there is more text in the text block than is visible on the page.
(a) Red triangle
(b) Red rectangle
(c) Red square
(d) Red parallelogram
(a) Red triangle
Question 38.
A PageMaker story is similar to a article.
(a) Word processor
(b) Spread sheet
(c) Newspaper
(d) Document
(c) Newspaper
Question 39.
All text in PageMaker resides inside containers called:
(a) Auto flow
(b) Text blocks
(c) Layout
(d) Threaded
(b) Text blocks
Question 40.
The process of connecting text among text blocks is called:
(a) Text blocks
(b) Story
(c) Threading text
(d) Text
(c) Threading text
Question 41.
Text that flows through one or more threaded blocks is called a:
(a) Text blocks
(b) Story
(c) Threading text
(d) Text
(b) Story
Question 42.
Which sign is identified by its top and / or bottom handles a threaded text ‘ block?
(a) plus (+)
(b) minus (-)
(c) slash (/)
(d) back slash (\)
(a) plus (+)
Question 43.
Which of the following is not save your document?
(a) Ctrl + S
(b) Ctrl + W
(c) Save icon
(d) File → Save
(b) Ctrl + W
Question 44.
Which command is used to save a new file name in a different location?
(a) Save as
(b) Save on
(c) Save in
(d) Save me
(a) Save as
Question 45.
Which short cut key is used to close the document?
(a) Ctrl + E
(b) Ctrl + C
(c) Ctrl + L
(d) Ctrl + W
(d) Ctrl + W
Question 46.
Which shortcut key is used to open the document?
(a) Ctrl + E
(b) Ctrl + C
(c) Ctrl + O
(d) Ctrl + W
(c) Ctrl + O
Question 47.
Which key is pressed, to move the insertion point at end of a line?
(a) End
(b) Home
(c) Up arrow
(d) Ctrl + Up arrow
(a) End
Question 48.
Which key is pressed, to move the insertion point at the beginning the line?
(a) End
(b) Home
(c) Up arrow
(d) Ctrl + Up arrow
(b) Home
Question 49.
Which key is used to toggle between magnification and reduction?
(a) Ctrl
(b) Alt
(c) End
(d) Home
(a) Ctrl
Question 50.
Which shortcut key is used to zoom in?
(a) Ctrl + S
(b) Ctrl + Space bar
(c) Ctrl + Enter
(d) Ctrl + Insert
(b) Ctrl + Space bar
Question 51.
Which shortcut key is used to zoom out?
(a) Ctrl + Alt + Space bar
(b) Ctrl + Alt + Enter
(c) Ctrl + Alt + Insert
(d) Ctrl + Alt + Home
(a) Ctrl + Alt + Space bar
Question 52.
Which is the process of changing the general arrangement of text?
(a) Magnifying
(b) Zoom in
(c) Zoom out
(d) Formatting
(d) Formatting
Question 53.
A is a set of letters, numbers or symbols is a certain style.
(a) Style
(b) Font
(c) Color
(d) Text
(b) Font
Question 54.
Which shortcut key is used to appear character specifications Dialog Box?
(a) Ctrl + D
(b) Ctrl + B
(c) Ctrl + T
(d) Ctrl + C
(c) Ctrl + T
Question 55.
How many types of drawing tools in PageMaker?
(a) 2
(b) 3
(c) 4
(d) many
(d) many
Question 56.
How many types of line tools in PageMaker?
(a) 2
(b) 3
(c) 4
(d) 5
(a) 2
Question 57.
Which shortcut key is used to appear colour pallette?
(a) Ctrl + C
(b) Ctrl + B
(c) Ctrl + J
(d) Ctrl + R
(c) Ctrl + J
Question 58.
Which is main purpose of PageMaker?
(a) Drawing
(b) Composing Pages
(c) Inserting pages
(d) Allignment pages
(b) Composing Pages
Question 59.
Which shortcut key is used to go to a specific page in a document?
(a) Alt + Ctrl + G
(b) Alt + Ctrl + P
(c) Alt + Ctrl + V
(d) Alt + Ctrl + B
(a) Alt + Ctrl + G’
Question 60.
Which shortcut key is used to put the page number on every page?
(a) Ctrl + Alt + N
(b) Ctrl + Alt + P
(c) Ctrl + Alt + M
(d) Ctrl + Alt + K
(b) Ctrl + Alt + P
Question 61.
By default, all PageMaker documents have a master page already created:
(a) Text
(b) File
(c) Dialog box
(d) Document master
(d) Document master
Question 62.
Which shortcut key is used to print a document?
(a) Ctrl + S
(b) Ctrl + P
(c) Ctrl + O
(d) Ctrl + C
(b) Ctrl + P
Question 63.
Match the following:
(A) Rotating Tool | (i) Shift + F6 |
(B) Line Tool | (ii) Shift + F5 |
(C) Ellipse Tool | (iii) Shift + F3 |
(D) Polygon Tool | (iv) Shift + F2 |
(a) (A) – (ii); (B) – (iii); (C) – (iv); (D) – (i)
(b) (A) – (iv); (B) – (iii); (C) – (ii); (D) – (i)
(c) (A) – (ii); (B) – (iv); (C) – (i); (D) – (iii)
(d) (A) – (iv); (B) – (ii); (C) – (i); (D) – (iii)
(b) (A) – (iv); (B) – (iii); (C) – (ii); (D) – (i)
Question 64.
Match the following:
(A) Zoom Tool | (i) Scroll |
(B) Hand Tool | (ii) Resize |
(C) Ellipse Tool | (iii) Magnify |
(D) Pointer Tool | (iv) Circles |
Question 65.(a) (A) – (iii); (B) – (i); (C) – (iv); (D) – (ii)
(b) (A) – (iii); (B) – (ii); (C) – (iv); (D) – (i)
(c) (A) – (iv); (B) – (i); (C) – (ii); (D) – (iii)
(d) (A) – (iv); (B) – (iii); (C) – (ii); (D) – (i)
(a) (A) – (iii); (B) – (i); (C) – (iv); (D) – (ii)
Question 66.
Match the following:
(A) View | (i) Reverse action |
(B) Word | (ii) Rulers |
(C) Paragraph | (iii) Double click |
(D) UNDO | (iv) Triple click |
(a) (A) – (iii); (B) – (ii); (C) – (iv); (D) – (i)
(b) (A) – (iii); (B) – (i); (C) – (iv); (D) – (ii)
(c) (A) – (ii); (B) – (iii); (C) – (iv); (D) – (i)
(d) (A) – (ii)- (B) – (i); (C) – (iv); (D) – (iii)
(c) (A) – (ii); (B) – (iii); (C) – (iv); (D) – (i)
Match the following:
(A) Ctrl + Z | (i) Close |
(B)Ctrl + W | (ii)UNDO |
(C) Ctrl + Spacebar | (iii) Character |
(D) Ctrl + T | (iv) Zoom in |
(a) (A) – (ii); (B) – (i); (C) – (iv); (D) – (iii)
(b) (A) – (ii); (B) – (iii); (C) – (iv); (D) – (i)
(c) (A) – (iv); (B) – (iii); (C) – (i); (D) – (ii)
(d) (A) – (iv); (B) – (i); (C) – (ii); (D) – (iii)
(a) (A) – (ii); (B) – (i); (C) – (iv); (D) – (iii)
Question 67.
Match the following:
(A) Ctrl + A | (i) Move beginning of the line |
(B) Shift + Home | (ii) One line up |
(C) Shift + End | (iii) Select whole document |
(D) Shift + t | (iv) Move end of the current line |
(a) (A)-(iii); (B)-(ii); (C)-(ii); (D)-(i)
(b) (A)-(iii); (B)-(i): (C)-(iv); (D)-(ii)
(c) (A)-(ii); (B)-(iii); (C)-(iv): (D)-(i)
(d) (A)-(ii); (B)-(i); (C)-(iv); (D)-(iii)
(b) (A)-(iii); (B)-(i): (C)-(iv); (D)-(ii)
Question 68.
Choose the incorrect pair:
(a) Ctrl + N – New file
(b) Ctrl + 0 – open file
(c) Shift + F3 – Rectangle Tool
(d) F9 – Pointer Tool
(c) Shift + F3 – Rectangle Tool
Question 69.
Choose the incorrect pair:
(a) Text Tool –
(b) Pointer Tool –
(c) Line Tool –
(d) Rectangle Tool –
(c) Line Tool –
Question 70.
Choose the incorrect pair:
(a) View – Show Rulers
(b) Enter key – blank line
(c) Del key – Right of the character
(d) Vertical bar – Insertion bar
(c) Del key – Right of the character
Question 71.
Choose the correct pair:
(a) File – Copy
(b) File – Paste
(c) File – Cut
(d) File – New
(d) File – New
Question 72.
Choose the correct pair:
(a) Ctrl + Left arrow – one word right
(b) Ctrl + Right Arrow – one word left
(c) Home – beginning of a paragraph
(d) End – end of the line
(d) End – end of the line
Question 73.
Choose the incorrect statement:
(a) Title bar is the topmost part of the window.
(b) Maximise button is used for maximising the current document window.
(c) Close button closes the software itself.
(d) Pointer tool is used to select and edit text
(d) Pointer tool is used to select and edit text
Question 74.
Choose the incorrect statement:
(a) Scrolling is the process of moving up and down.
(b) The Enter key must be pressed at the end of its each line in text block.
(c) Editing means making changes to the text.
(d) Text can be selected using mouse or the keyboard
(b) The Enter key must be pressed at the end of its each line in text block.
Question 75.
Choose the incorrect statement:
(a) Press Ctrl + A to select the entire document.
(b) Ctrl + Z is used to reverse the action of the last command.
(c) Backspace key is used to delete the left of the character.
(d) Edit → Clear command is used to delete a block of text.
(c) Backspace key is used to delete the left of the character.
Question 76.
Choose the correct statement:
(a) The selected text can be easily copied and pasted in the required location.
(b) Ctrl + C keys used to center the text in a document.
(c) A red triangle in the bottom window shade means there is end text in the text block.
(d) A PageMaker story is similar to a word processor software
(a) The selected text can be easily copied and pasted in the required location.
Question 77.
Choose the correct statement:
(a) In PageMaker, there are four sets of scroll bars.
(b) PageMaker’s scroll bars work differently than those in a word processor.
(c) Use the scroll bar on the right side to move left and right.
(d) Use the scroll bar at the bottom to move up and down.
(b) PageMaker’s scroll bars work differently than those in a word processor.
Question 78.
Pick the odd one out:
(a) SAP
(b) Adobe PageMaker
(c) Adobe in Design
(d) QuarkXpress
(a) SAP
Question 79.
Pick the odd one out:
(a) Title bar
(b) Line Tool
(d) Tool bar
(c) Menu bar
(b) Line Tool
Question 80.
Pick the odd one out:
(a) File
(b) Edit
(c) Type
(d) Window
(d) Window
Question 81.
Pick the odd one out:
(a) Ctrl + X
(b) Ctrl + Z
(c) Ctrl + C
(d) Ctrl + V
(b) Ctrl + Z
Question 82.
Pick the odd one out:
(a) Line Tool
(b) Rotating Tool
(c) Text Tool
(d) Text block
(d) Text block
Question 83.
Assertion (A):
Adobe PageMaker is a page layout software.
Reason (R):
Page layout software includes tools that allow you to easily position text and graphics on document pages.
(a) Both A and R are true, and R is the correct explanation for A
(b) Both A and R are true, But R is not the correct explanation for A.
(c) A is true, But R is false.
(d) A is false, But R is True.
(a) Both A and R are true, and R is the correct explanation for A
Question 84.
Assertion (A):
A document page is displayed outside of the dark border.
Reason (R):
The area outside of the dark border is reffered to as the paste board.
(a) Both A and R are true, and R is the correct explanation for A . (b) Both A and R are true, But R is not the correct explanation for A.
(c) A is true, But R is false.
(d) A is false, But R is True.
(d) A is false, But R is True.
Question 85.
Assertion (A):
PageMaker will automatically wrap the text to the next line.
Reason (R):
The Enter key must be pressed at the end of the each line in text block.
(a) Both A and R are true, and R is the correct explanation for A
(b) Both A and R are true, But R is not the correct explanation for A.
(c) A is true, But R is false.
(d) A is false, But R is True.
(c) A is true, But R is false.
Question 86.
Assertion (A):
When press Delete key, the position the insertion point to the right of the character to be deleted.
Reason (R):
When press Backspace key, the position the insertion point to the left of the character to be deleted.
(a) Both A and R are true, and R is the correct explanation for A
(b) Both A and R are false.
(c) A is true, But R is false.
(d) A is false, But R is True.
(b) Both A and R are false.
Question 87.
Assertion (A):
Use the zoom tool to magnify or reduce the display of any area in your publication.
Reason (R):
Formatting is the process of changing the general arrangement of text.
(a) Both A and R are true, and R is the correct explanation for A
(b) Both A and R are true, But R is the not correct explanation for A.
(c) A is true, But R is false.
(d) A is false, But R is True.
(b) Both A and R are true, But R is the not correct explanation for A.
Question 88.
DTP stands for:
(a) Desktop Publishing
(b) Desktop Publication
(c) Doctor To Patient
(d) Desktop Printer
(a) Desktop Publishing
Question 89.
________ is a DTP software.
(a) Lotus 1-2-3
(b) PageMaker
(c) Maya
(d) Flash
(b) PageMaker
Question 90.
Which menu contains the New option?
(a) File menu
(b) Edit menu
(c) Layout menu
(d) Type menu
(a) File menu
Question 91.
In PageMaker Window, the area outside of the dark border is referred to as:
(a) page
(b) pasteboard
(c) blackboard
(d) dashboard
(b) pasteboard
Question 92.
Shortcut to close a document in PageMaker is:
(a) Ctrl + A
(b) Ctrl + B
(c) Ctrl + C
(d) Ctrl + W
(d) Ctrl + W
Question 93.
A tool is used for magnifying the particular portion of the area.
(a) Text tool
(b) Line tool
(c) Zoom tool
(d) Hand tool
(c) Zoom tool
Question 94.
_________ tool is used for drawing boxes.
(a) Line
(b) Ellipse
(c) Rectangle
(d) Text
(c) Rectangle
Question 95.
Place option is present in menu.
(a) File
(b) Edit
(c) Layout
(d) Window
(a) File
Question 96.
To select an entire document using the keyboard, press:
(a) Ctrl + A
(b) Ctrl + B
(c) Ctrl + C
(d) Ctrl + D
(a) Ctrl + A
Question 97.
Character formatting consists of which of the following text properties?
(a) Bold
(b) Italic
(c) Underline
(d) All of these
(d) All of these
Question 98.
Which tool lets you edit text?
(a) Text tool
(b) Type tool
(c) Crop tool
(d) Hand tool
(a) Text tool
Question 99.
Shortcut to print a document in Pagemaker is:
(a) Ctrl + A
(b) Ctrl + P
(c) Ctrl + C
(d) Ctrl + V
(b) Ctrl + P
Question 100.
Adobe PageMaker is a __________ software.
Question 101.
__________ Bar is the topmost part of the PageMaker window.
Question 102.
________ is the process of moving up and down or left and right through the document window.
Scrolling the document
Question 103.
__________ tool is used to draw a circle.
Question 104.
The Insert pages option is available on clicking the _________ menu.
Question 105.
Match the following:
(A) Cut | (i) Ctrl + Z |
(B) Copy | (ii) Ctrl + V |
(C) Paste | (iii) Ctrl + X |
(d) Undo | (iv) Ctrl + C |
(a) (A) – (ii); (B) – (iv); (C) – (ii); (D) – (i)
(b) (A) – (iii); (B) – (iv); (C) – (ii); (D) – (i)
(c) (A) – (i); (B) – (iv); (C) – (iii); (D) – (i)
(d) (A) – (iv); (B) – (iv); (C) – (ii); (D) – (i)
(b) (A) – (iii); (B) – (iv); (C) – (ii); (D) – (i)
Question 106.
Choose the odd man out:
(i) Adobe PageMaker, QuarkXPress, Adobe InDesign, Audacity
(ii) File, Edit, Layout, Type, Zip
(iii) Pointer Tool, Line tool, Hide Tool,Hand Tool
(iv) Bold, Italic, Portrait, Underline
(i) Adobe PageMaker, QuarkXPress, Adobe InDesign, Audacity
Question 107.
Choose the correct statement:
(a) Text can be selected using mouse only.
(b) Text can be selected using mouse or the keyboard.
(a) Text can be selected using mouse only.
(a) DTP is an abbreviation for Desktop publishing.
(b) DTP is an abbreviation for Desktop publication.
(a) DTP is an abbreviation for Desktop publishing.
Question 108.
Choose the correct pair:
(a) Edit and Cut
(b) Edit and New
(c) Undo and Copy
(d) Undo and Redo
(a) Edit and Cut