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Tamilnadu Samacheer Kalvi 11th Bio Botany Solutions Chapter 12 Mineral Nutrition

11th Bio Botany Guide Mineral Nutrition Text Book Back Questions and Answers

Part -I

Question 1.
Identify correct match.
1. Die back disease of citrus -(i) Mo
2. Whip tail disease – (ii) Zn
3. Brown heart of turnip -(iii) Cu
4. Little leaf -(iv) B
Samacheer Kalvi 11th Bio Botany Guide Chapter 12 Mineral Nutrition 1
b) 1 (iii) 2 (i) 3 (iv) 4 (ii)

Question 2.
If a plant is provided with all mineral nutrients but, Mn concentration is increased, what will be the deficiency?
(a) Mn prevent the uptake of Fe, Mg but not Ca
(b) Mn increase the uptake of Fe, Mg and Ca
(c) Only increase the uptake of Ca
(d) Prevent the uptake Fe, Mg, and Ca
(a) Mn prevent the uptake of Fe, Mg but not Ca

Samacheer Kalvi 11th Bio Botany Guide Chapter 12 Mineral Nutrition

Question 3.
The element which is not remobilized?
a) Phosphorous
b) Potassium
c) Calcium
d) Sulphur
c) Calcium

Question 4.
Match the correct combination.

A Molybdenum1. Chlorophyll
B Zinc2. Methionine
C Magnesium3. Auxin
D Sulphur4. Nitrogenase

a) A-1 B-3 C-4 D-2
b) A-2 B-1 C-3 D-4
c) A-4 B-3 C-1 D-2
d) A-4 B-2 C-1 D-3
c) A-4 B-2 C-1 D-3

Samacheer Kalvi 11th Bio Botany Guide Chapter 12 Mineral Nutrition

Question 5.
Identify the correct statement:
(i) Sulphur is essential for amino acids Cystine and Methionine
(ii) Low level of N, K, S and Mo affect the cell division
(iii) Non – leguminous plant Alnus which contain bacterium Frankia
(iv) Denitrification carried out by nitrosomonas and nitrobacter.

(a) (i), (ii) are correct
(b) (i), (ii), (iii) are correct
(c) I only correct
(d) all are correct
(b) (i), (ii), (iii) are correct

Question 6.
Nitrogen is present in the atmosphere in huge amounts but higher plants fail to utilize it. Why?
1. Plants absorb minerals from the soil along with water with the help of Roots. Minerals are absorbed as salts.

2. Nitrogen is present in large quantities in the atmosphere in a gaseous form, the gaseous nitrogen must be fixed in the form of Nitrate salts in the soil to facilitate absorption by plant roots.

3. Nitrogen fixation can occur 2 ways by

  • Non – Biological means (Industrial process or by lighting)
  • Biological means (Bacteria / Cyanobacteria Fungi)
  • Therefore higher plants con not utilize the atmospheric Nitrogen.

Samacheer Kalvi 11th Bio Botany Guide Chapter 12 Mineral Nutrition

Question 7.
Why is that in certain plants, deficiency symptoms appear first in younger parts of the plants while in others, they do so in mature organs?
When deficiency symptoms appear first, we can notice the differences in old and younger leaves. It is mainly due to mobility’ of minerals. Based on this, they are classified into
1. Actively mobile minerals and
2. Relatively immobile minerals

a) Actively mobile minerals: Nitrogen, Phosphorus, Potassium, Magnesium, Chlorine, Sodium, Zinc and Molybdenum. Deficiency symptoms first appear on old and senescent leaves due to active movement of minerals to younger leaves, than the older leaves.

b) Relatively immobile minerals: Calcium, Sulphur, Iron, Boron and Copper. Here, deficiency symptoms first appear on young leaves due to the immobile nature of minerals.

Question 8.
Plant A in a nutrient medium shows whiptail disease plant B in a nutrient medium shows a little leaf disease. Identify mineral deficiency of plant A and B?
Mineral deficiency of plant A and B:

  1. Plant A is deficient in the mineral molybdenum (Mo).
  2. Plant B is deficient in the mineral zinc (Zn).

Samacheer Kalvi 11th Bio Botany Guide Chapter 12 Mineral Nutrition

Question 9.
Write the role of nitrogenase enzyme in nitrogen fixation?
Nitrogen fixation is the first step in Nitrogen cycle, during which gaseous nitrogen from the atmosphere is fixed. It required nitrogenase enzyme complex nitrogenase is active only in anaerobic condition. To create this anaerobic condition, a pigment known as leghaemoglobin is synthesized in the nodules which acts as oxygen scavenger and removes oxygen.

Question 10.
Explain the insectivorous mode of nutrition in angiosperms?
Plants which are growing in nitrogen deficient areas develop insectivorous habit to resolve nitrogen deficiency.

  1. Nepenthes (Pitcher plant): Pitcher is a modified leaft and contains digestive enzymes. Rim of the pitcher is provided with nectar glands and acts as an attractive lid. When insect is trapped, proteolytic enzymes will digest the insect.
  2. Drosera (Sundew): It consists of long club shaped tentacles which secrete sticky digestive fluid which looks like a sundew.
  3. Utricularia (Bladder wort): Submerged plant in which leaf is modified into a bladder to collect insect in water.
  4. Dionaea (Venus fly trap): Leaf of this plant modified into a colourful trap. Two folds of lamina consist of sensitive trigger hairs and when insects touch the hairs it will close.

Insectivorous Plants

1. Nepenthes (Pitcher Plant)
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2. Drosera (Sundew)
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3. Dlonaca (Venus Fly tray)
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Part – II

11th Bio Botany Guide Mineral Nutrition Additional Important Questions and Answers

I. Choose the Correct Answers

Question 1.
Plants naturally obtain nutrients from:
(a) atmosphere
(b) water
(c) soil
(d) all of these
(d) all of these

Question 2.
The minerals placed under the list of unclassified minerals are
a) Carbon. Hydrogen, & Oxygen
b) Sodium. Silicon. Cobalt and selenium
c) Copper, Iron, Cadmium, and selenium
d) Magnesium, Sulphur, & Manganese
b) Sodium, Silicon, Cobalt, and Selenium

Samacheer Kalvi 11th Bio Botany Guide Chapter 12 Mineral Nutrition

Question 3.
Who coined the term ‘Hydroponics’:
(a) Julius Von Sachs
(b) William Frederick Goerick
(c) Liebig
(d) Wood word
(b) William Frederick Goerick

Question 4.
Skeletal elements are
a) Carbon, Hydrogen, and Oxygen
b) Nitrogen, Phosphorus, and Calcium
c) Potassium, Magnesium, and Sulphur
d) Nitrogen, Sulphur and Phosphorus
a) Carbon, Hydrogen, and Oxygen

Samacheer Kalvi 11th Bio Botany Guide Chapter 12 Mineral Nutrition

Question 5.
Actively mobile minerals are:
(a) nitrogen and phosphorus
(b) iron and manganese
(c) sodium and cobalt
(d) silicon and selenium
(a) nitrogen and phosphorus

Question 6.
Which chelating agent found in soil are produced by bacteria?
a) Siderophores
c) Auxin
d) Gibberellin
a) Siderophores

Samacheer Kalvi 11th Bio Botany Guide Chapter 12 Mineral Nutrition

Question 7.
Molybdenum is essential for the reaction of:
(a) hydrolase enzyme
(b) nitrogenase enzyme
(c) carboxylase enzyme
(d) dehydrogenase enzyme
(b) nitrogenase enzyme

Question 8.
Minerals that play important role for activation of enzymes involved in Respiration are
a) Molybdenum and Boron
b) Boron and Silicon
c) Calcium and Magnesium
d) Magnesium and Manganese
d) Magnesium and Manganese

Samacheer Kalvi 11th Bio Botany Guide Chapter 12 Mineral Nutrition

Question 9.
Essential component of aminoacids like Cystine, Cysteine and Melhionine is
a) Potassium
b) Magnesium
c) Sulphur
d) Calcium
c) Sulphur

Question 10.
Which of the element is involved in the synthesis of DNA and RNA:
(a) calcium
(b) magnesium
(c) sulphuric
(d) potassium
(b) magnesium

Samacheer Kalvi 11th Bio Botany Guide Chapter 12 Mineral Nutrition

Question 11.
Delay in flowering is due to the deficiency of
a) N, S, Mo
b) Ca, Mg, Mn
c) C, H, O
d) N,P,K
a) N,S,Mo

Question 12.
Kheria disease of Rice and Internal cork of Apple are caused by the deficiency of
a) Calcium and Maganese
b) Zinc and Boron
c) Copper and Manganese
d) Boron and Nickel
b) Zinc and Boron

Samacheer Kalvi 11th Bio Botany Guide Chapter 12 Mineral Nutrition

Question 13.
Indicate the correct statements:
(i) Iron is the essential element for the synthesis of chlorophyll and carotenoid
(ii) Iron is the activator of carboxylene enzyme
(iii) Iton is the component of cytochrome
(iv) lvon is the component of plastocyanin

(a) (i) and (ii)
(b) (ii) and (iv)
(c) (ii) and (iii)
(d) (i) and (iii)
(d) (i) and (iii)

Question 14.
The enzyme that is a constituent of urease and dehydrogenase are
a) Molybdenum
b) Boron
c) Nickel
d) Zinc
c) Nickel

Samacheer Kalvi 11th Bio Botany Guide Chapter 12 Mineral Nutrition

Question 15.
A membrane bound bacterium formed inside the nodule is called
a) Bacteriod
b) Plasmid
c) Nucleoid
d) Noduloid
a) Bacteriod

Question 16.
The increased concentration of manganese in plants will prevent the uptake of:
(a) calcium and potassium
(b) sodium and potassium
(c) boron and silicon
(d) iron and magnesium
(d) iron and magnesium

Samacheer Kalvi 11th Bio Botany Guide Chapter 12 Mineral Nutrition

Question 17.
Plants need one of the following minerals for ATP and meristematic tissue formation
a) K, N
b) N, Cu
c) N, Ca
d) P, N
d) P, N

Question 18.
The techniques of Aeroponics was developed by:
(a) Goerick
(b) Amon and Hoagland
(c) Soifer Hillel and David Durger
(d) Von Sachs
(c) Soifer Hillel and David Durger

Samacheer Kalvi 11th Bio Botany Guide Chapter 12 Mineral Nutrition

Question 19.
Mo is a part of enzyme ……………..
a) Reverse transcriptase
b) Restriction endonuclease
c) Hexokinase
d) Nitrogenase
d) Nitrogenase

Question 20.
Which of the bacterium causes denitrification?
a) Azotobacter
b) Nitrobacter
c) Nitrosomonas
d) Pseudomonas
d) Pseudomonas

Samacheer Kalvi 11th Bio Botany Guide Chapter 12 Mineral Nutrition

Question 21.
Beside paddy fields, cyanobacteria are also found inside the vegetative parts of
a) Psiloturn
b) Pinus
c) Cycas
d) Equiseturn
c) Cycas

Question 22.
The legume plants secrete phenolics to attract:
(a) Azolla
(b) Rhizobium
(c) Nitrosomonas
(d) Streptococcus
(b) Rhizobium

Samacheer Kalvi 11th Bio Botany Guide Chapter 12 Mineral Nutrition

Question 23.
Element involved in Nitrogen fixation is
a) Zinc
b) Copper
c) iron
d) Chlorine
c) Iron

Question 24.
The nitrogenase enzyme is active:
(a) only in aerobic condition
(b) only in anaerobic condition
(c) both in aerobic and anaerobic condition
(d) only in toxic condition
(b) only in anaerobic condition

Samacheer Kalvi 11th Bio Botany Guide Chapter 12 Mineral Nutrition

Question 25.
Plants that can grow in marshy places where there is scarcity of Nitrogen are
a) Halophytes
b) Psammophytes
c) Bryophytes
d) insectivorous plants
d) Insectivorous plants

Question 26.
Decomposition of organic nitrogen (proteins and amino acids) from dead plants and animals into ammonia is called:
(a) nitrification
(b) ammonification
(c) nitrogen fixation
(d) denitrification
(b) ammonification

Samacheer Kalvi 11th Bio Botany Guide Chapter 12 Mineral Nutrition

Question 27.
Internal cork of apple and Exanthema in citrus and whiptail disease of cauliflower are produced by the deficiency of
1. Copper,
2. Zinc,
3. Boron
4. Molybdenum
a) 2,3, 1
b) 2, 3, 4
c) 4, 3, 1
d) 3, 1,4
d) 3,1,4

Samacheer Kalvi 11th Bio Botany Guide Chapter 12 Mineral Nutrition

Question 28.
Necrosis means
a) Discolouration of leaf
b) Stunted growth
c) Death of the tissue
d) Death of the root
c) Death of the tissue

Question 29.
The transfer of amino group (NH2) from glutamic acid to keto group of keto acid is termed as:
(a) Transamination
(b) Hydrogenation
(c) Nitrification
(d) Denitrification
(a) Transamination

Samacheer Kalvi 11th Bio Botany Guide Chapter 12 Mineral Nutrition

Question 30.
Denitrification process deplete important nutrients from soil. It also cause ………………………
a) Acidification of soil
b) Alkalification of soil
c) Neutralization of soil
d) Ammoniafication of soil
a) Acidification of soil

Question 31.
Availability of Nitrogenase enzyme depend on
a) Non avoulability of ATP
b) Availability of Nitric acid
c) Availability of ATP
d) Non availability of Nitric acid
c) Availability of ATP

Samacheer Kalvi 11th Bio Botany Guide Chapter 12 Mineral Nutrition

Question 32.
Obligate or Total parasites are
a) Santalum albumn and orabanche
b) Vanda and Venilla
c) Cuscuta and Rafflesia
d) Viscum and Loranthus
c) Cuscuta and Rafflesia

Question 33.
The association of mycorrhizae with higher plants is termed as:
(a) Parasitism
(b) Mutualism
(c) Symbiosis
(d) Saprophytic
(c) Symbiosis

Samacheer Kalvi 11th Bio Botany Guide Chapter 12 Mineral Nutrition

Question 34.
Major role of minor elements inside living organism is to act as
a) Binder of cell structure
b) Constituent of hormone
c) Building blocks of important amino acids
d) Co factors of enzymes
d) Co factors of enzymes

Question 35.
Lichens are the indicators of:
(a) carbon monoxide
(b) nitrogen oxide
(c) sulphur di oxide
(d) hydrogen sulphide
(c) sulphur di oxide

Samacheer Kalvi 11th Bio Botany Guide Chapter 12 Mineral Nutrition

Question 36.
Free living aerobic nitrogen fixing bacterium is
a) Azotobacter, Beijemeckia and Derxia
b) Nostoc, Anabaena, and Oscullatoria
c) Saccharomyces, Pullularia, Pseudomonas
d) Chlorobium and Rhodospirillum
a) Azotobacter, Beijerneckia and Derxia

Question 37.
Leguminous plants does not include
a) Black gram
b) Bengal gram
c) Pongamia
d) Casuarina
d) Casuarina

Samacheer Kalvi 11th Bio Botany Guide Chapter 12 Mineral Nutrition

Question 38.
Cyanobacteria does not include
a) Nostoc
b) Anabaena
c) Clostridium
d) Oscillatoria
c) Clostridium

II. Match The Following & Find Out The Correct Option

Question 39.
Cuscuta – A) Giant flower
Dianaea – B) Pitcher plant
Rafflesia – C) Dodder
Utricularia – D) Venus fly trap
Nepenthus – E) Bladder wort
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b) C-D-A-E-B

Question 40.

Column IColumn II
I) 94% of dry weight of plant comprisesA) K
II) Maintain turgid and osmotic Potential of cellB) Mn
III) Mineral that play important role in photosynthesis of waterC) Mg
IV) Activator of enzymes RUBP and PEP carboxylaseD) C,H,O

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b) D-A-B-C

Samacheer Kalvi 11th Bio Botany Guide Chapter 12 Mineral Nutrition

Question 41.

Column IColumn II
I) PotassiumA) Mitotic cell division & spindle fomiation
II) CalciumB) Constituent of vitamins Biotin and Thiamine
III) SulphurC) Essential component of amino acids Nucleic acids
IV) NitrogenD) Maintain opening and closing of Stomata

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a) D-A-B-C

Question 42.
I) Criteria required for essential minerals was given by – A) Julius von Sachs
II) Word – Hydroponics Was coined by – B)SoiferHillel& David Durger
III) Hydroponics was developed by – C)Amon& Stout
IV) Aeroponics was developed by – D) William Frederick Goerick
Samacheer Kalvi 11th Bio Botany Guide Chapter 12 Mineral Nutrition 8
c) C -D-A-B

Samacheer Kalvi 11th Bio Botany Guide Chapter 12 Mineral Nutrition

III. Find Out The Incorrect Statement With Reference To Potassium

Question 43.
a. It is essential for opening & closing of stomata
b. It is an essential component of vitamins, hormones, alkaloids and chlorophyll
c. It maintains osmotic potential of the cell
d. It maintain anion, cation balance by ion exchange.
b. It is an essential component of vitamins, hormones, alkaloids and chlorophyll

Question 44.
a. Magnesium is a constituent of chlorophyll
b. Iron is essential for the formation of chlorophyll
c. Phosphorus is a component of ATP
d. Copper is essential for the synthesis of IAA
d. Copper is essential for the synthesis of IAA

Samacheer Kalvi 11th Bio Botany Guide Chapter 12 Mineral Nutrition

Question 45.
Find out wrong choice with reference to symbiotic mode of Nutrition
a. Lichens
b. Mycorrhizae
c. Coralloid roots of cycas
d. Viscum
d. Viscum

Question 46.
The deficiency of which two exhibit competitive behaviour and the deficiencey of the two showing same symptoms.
(I) Iron
(II) Magnesium
(III) Calcium
(IV) Manganese
a) I & II
b) II & III
c) III & IV
d) I & IV
d. I & IV

Samacheer Kalvi 11th Bio Botany Guide Chapter 12 Mineral Nutrition

Question 47.
(I) Alnus and Casuarina are nonlegume nitrogen fixers containing bacterium Frankia
(II) Nostoc and Anabaena are present in the corolloid roots of cycas.
a) Both (I) & (IT) are correct
b) (I) is correct (II) is wrong
c) (I) is wrong (II) is correct
d) Both (I) & (II) are wrong
a) Both (I) & (II) are correct

Question 48.
(I) Dionaea is a submerged hydrophyte in which leaf is modified into a bladder to trap insects
(II) Loranthus is a partial stem parasite, absorb water and minerals from the xylem of the host
a) Both (I) & (II) are correct
b) (I) is correct (II) is wrong
c) (I) is wrong (II) is correct
d) Both (I) & (II) are wrong
c) (I) is wrong (II) is correct

Samacheer Kalvi 11th Bio Botany Guide Chapter 12 Mineral Nutrition

Assertion ‘A’ & Reason ‘R’
a) Both ‘A’ and ‘R’ are True and ‘R’ is the correct explanation of A
b) Both A and R are True, but R is not the correct explanation of A
c) A is True but ‘R’ is False
d) A& Rare False

Question 49.
Assertion: A Manganese is a Micro element
Reason: R Micro elements are required in traces only, less than 1 mg/gm of dry matter
a) Both A and R are True and R is the correct explanation of A

Question 50.
Assertion: Calcium is a constituent of cell wall
Reason: R Calcium is required in mitotic division.
b) A and R are True but ‘R’ is not the correct explanation of A

Samacheer Kalvi 11th Bio Botany Guide Chapter 12 Mineral Nutrition

Question 51.
Assertion: A Deficiency of sulphur causes chlorosis in plants
Reason: R Sulphur is a constituent of chlorophyll
c) A is True but ‘R’ is false

Question 52.
Assertion: A Plants absorb Nitrogen in the form of Nitrate only
Reason: R Nitrogen is the most critical element
d) Both A and R are false

Samacheer Kalvi 11th Bio Botany Guide Chapter 12 Mineral Nutrition

Question 53.
Assertion: A Mineral salt absorption is an active process.
Reason: R Metabolic energy is not used in active absorption.
c) A is true but ‘R’ is false

IV. 2 Mark Questions

Question 1.
Define micronutrients of plants.
Essential minerals which are required in less concentration called Micronutrients.

Question 2.
Is there any mne monic for remembering essential minerals?
CHOPKNs Cafe Mg B Mn Cu Zn Mo Cl (C) HOPKINS (name) Cafe managed by Mine CUZINS, Mo tnd Claude”.

Samacheer Kalvi 11th Bio Botany Guide Chapter 12 Mineral Nutrition

Question 3.
What is the role of molybdenum in the conversion of nitrogen into ammonia?
Molybdenum (Mo) is essential for nitrogenase enzyme during the reduction of atmospheric nitrogen into ammonia.

Question 4.
What are the minerls classifed as unclassified minerals and why?
5ome minerals Such as Sodium, Silicon, Cobalt and Selenium some minerals are not included in the list ol essential nuitrients by they play some specific roles.
Eg. Silicon

  • essential for pest resistance
  • prevent water lodging
  • aids in cell wall formation in Equisetaceae, Cyperaceae & Gramineae

Samacheer Kalvi 11th Bio Botany Guide Chapter 12 Mineral Nutrition

Question 5.
What are the deficiency symptoms of nitrogen?
Chlorosis, stunted growth, anthocyanin formation.

Question 6.
Distinguish between Hydroponics & Aeroponics
Hydroponics: Growing plants in nutrient solution with roots immerse in it and air is supplied with the help of tube.
Hydroponics: It Is a system where roots suspended in air and nuitrients solution in a tank is sprayed over the roots by motor driven rotor – in the form of mist.

Samacheer Kalvi 11th Bio Botany Guide Chapter 12 Mineral Nutrition

Question 7.
Define the term Siderophores.
Siderophores (iron carriers) are iron-chelating agents produced by bacteria. They are used to chelate ferric iron (Fe3+) from environment and host.

Question 8.
What are called critical elements & complete fertilizers?

  • Macro elements which commonly remain deficient in the soil are called Critical elements, (ie) N.P.K.
  • The fertilizer which contain critical elements are called complete fertilizer. They are expressed in the ratio 15: 15: 15(N:P: K)

Question 9.
Why is Iron kept between Macro and Micro nuitrients?
Iron is required lesser than macro nuitrients and larger than the micronuitrient so it can be placed in any one of the two groups.
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Question 10.
Write down the deficiency symptoms of molybdenum in plants.
Chlorosis, necrosis, delayed flowering, retarded growth and whip tail disease of cauliflower.

Samacheer Kalvi 11th Bio Botany Guide Chapter 12 Mineral Nutrition

Question 11.
List two purpose for which you think Magnesium is required essentially to the plants.
(I) Synthesis of Chlorophyll
(II) Formation of nodules in legumes

Question 12.
Define Aeroponics.
It is a system where roots are suspended in air and nutrients are sprayed over the roots by a motor driven rotor.

Question 13.
What is meant by Toxicity of Minerals
If mineral nuitrients lesser than critical concentration cause deficiency, where as when there is increase in
mineral nuitrients more than normal concentration cause Toxicity Toxicity ¡s that particular concentration at which 10% of the dry weight of tissue is reduced.

Samacheer Kalvi 11th Bio Botany Guide Chapter 12 Mineral Nutrition

Question 14.
Give examples for Nitrogen Fixation with out nodulation.

1. LichensAnabaena & Nostoc
2.  AnthocerosNostoc
3.  AzollaAnabaena azollae
4. CycasAnabaena & Nostoc

Question 15.
Give examples for Non – symbiotic Nitrogen fixation by bacteria and Fungi.

AerobicAzotobacter and Dervia
PhotosyntheticChiorobiuni & Rhodospirillum
ChemosyntheticDisulfo – vibrio
Freeliving FungiYeast & Pullularia
CyanobacteriaÑostoc, Anabaen

Samacheer Kalvi 11th Bio Botany Guide Chapter 12 Mineral Nutrition

Question 16.
Define the term Nitrate assimilation.
The process by which nitrate is reduced to ammonia is called nitrate assimilation and occurs during the nitrogen cycle.

Question 17.
What are the negative effects of denitrification.

  • Nitrate in the soil are converted back to atmospheric nitrogen.
  • Denitrification process deplete important nuitrients from the soil.
  • It also causes acidification of the soil.

Question 18.
Name 2 hormones involved in Nodule formation.
During nodule formation in leguminous plants cytokinin from bacteria and Auxin from host (leguminous) plant promotes cell division and leads to nodule formation.

Samacheer Kalvi 11th Bio Botany Guide Chapter 12 Mineral Nutrition

Question 19.
Give two examples of symbiotic mode of nutrition.
Two examples of symbiotic mode of nutrition:

  1. Lichens: It is a mutual association of Algae and Fungi. Algae prepares food and fungi absorb water and provides thallus structure.
  2. Mycorrhizae: Fungi associated with roots of higher plants including Gymriosperms. eg: Pinus.

Question 20.
Decreased availability of the element results in early fall of fruits and flowers. Identify the element.
Phosphorus, Magnesium and Copper (Any one of these three elements) may cause the above symptoms.

Question 21.
Name any 3 diseases caused by copper deficiency.

  1. Die back of Citrus.
  2. Reclamation disease of cereals & legumes.
  3. Exanthema in Citrus.

Question 22.
Notes on unclassified minerals.
Required by some plants – for some specific functions, in trace amounts.
Example: Sodium, Silicon, Selenium & Cobalt.

Samacheer Kalvi 11th Bio Botany Guide Chapter 12 Mineral Nutrition

Question 23.
Explain Nitrate Assimilation.
Definaition: The process by which nitrate is reduced to ammonia is called Nitrate assimilation and it occurs during Nitrogen cycle.
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Question 24.
Explain Aluminium Toxicity.
Aluminium toxicity causes,

  • Precipitation ofNucleic acid
  • Inhibition of ATP ase
  • Inhibition of cell division and binding of Plasma membrane with Calmodulin.

Question 25.
Differentiate between Nitrification & Denitrification
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Question 26.
Organisms like Pseudomonas and Thiobacillus are of great significance in nitrogen cycle. How?
These microorganisms carry out denitrification they help to maintain the constant level of nitrogen in the atmosphere.

Samacheer Kalvi 11th Bio Botany Guide Chapter 12 Mineral Nutrition

Question 27.
What is meant by Symbiotic association give examples?
Close relationship between two organism, both being benefitted out of it is known as symbiosis.
Eg. 1. Nitrogen fixing bacteria Nitrosomonas living in the root nodules of leguminous plants.
2. Fungi associated with roots of higher plants is a symbiotic association known as Mycorrhiza

Question 28.
What is the use of FTWS.

  • FTWS – means floating treatment wet lands.
  • It works on the principle of hydroponics recently FTWS work on the principle of hydroponics, helping to solve pollution that come up due to Eutrophication.

Question 29.
Notes on Lichens.

  • Lichens are pioneer species in xeric succession.
  • Lichens are nothing but symbiotic association of Algae and Fungi partners.
  • Lichens are also indicators of S02 pollution.

Question 30.
Notes on Haustoria.
Total parasitic or partial parasites they have some special structures to absorb food or water from the host plant phloem and xylem. These special absorbing structures are known as Haustoria.

Samacheer Kalvi 11th Bio Botany Guide Chapter 12 Mineral Nutrition

Question 31.
Identify the diagram A.
Cycas corolloid roots – have symbiotic association with Nostoc helping to fix nitrogen.
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Question 32.
Identify the diagram.
Root nodules of leguminous plant inhabiting Rhizobium fixing nitrogen

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Samacheer Kalvi 11th Bio Botany Guide Chapter 12 Mineral Nutrition

3 Mark Questions.

V. Identify And Complete The Equations

Question 1.
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Question 2.
Explain the unclassified minerals required for plants.
Minerals like Sodium,Silicon, Cobalt and Selenium are not included in the list of essential nutrients but are required by some plants, these minerals are placed in the list of unclassified minerals. These minerals play specific roles for example, Silicon is essential for pest resistance, prevent water lodging and aids cell wall formation in Equisetaceae (Equisetum), Cyperaceae and Gramineae.

Samacheer Kalvi 11th Bio Botany Guide Chapter 12 Mineral Nutrition

Question 3.
Draw a model of Hydroponics.
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Question 4.
Explain briefly the functions and deficiency symptoms of potassium.
Functions: Maintains turgidity and osmotic potential of the cell, opening and closure of stomata, phloem translocation, stimulate activity of enzymes, anion and cation balance by ion – exchange. It is absorbed as K+ ions. Deficiency symptoms: Marginal chlorosis, necrosis, low cambial activity, loss of apical dominance, lodging in cereals and curled leaf margin.

Question 5.
Draw the schematic representation of Nitrogenase enzyme function.
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Question 6.
Explain the term critical concentration of minerals.
To increase productivity and also to avoid mineral toxicity knowledge of critical concentration is essential. Mineral nutrients lesser than critical concentration cause deficiency symptoms. Increase of mineral nutrients more than the normal concentration causes toxicity. A concentration, at which 10% of the dry weight of tissue is reduced, is considered a toxic critical concentration.

Question 7.
Nitrogen fixation is shown by Prokaryotes and not by Eukaryotes comment.
Nitrogen fixation is the phenomenon that occurs in Prokaryotes but not in Eukaryotes, because the enzymes nitrogenase, which is capable of nitrogen reduction is present exclusively in prokaryotes and such microbes are often called fixers.

Samacheer Kalvi 11th Bio Botany Guide Chapter 12 Mineral Nutrition

Question 8.
Who are people responsible for developing hydroponics?
Hydroponics or Soil less culture: Von Sachs developed a method of growing plants in nutrient solution. The commonly used nutrient solutions are Knop solution (1865) and Amon and Hoagland Solution (1940). Later the term Hydroponics was coined by Goerick (1940) and he also introduced commercial techniques for hydroponics. In hydroponics roots are immersed in the solution containing nutrients and air is supplied with help of tube.

VI. 5 Mark Questions

Question 1.
Classify minerals on the basis of on their function.
a) Structural component – C, H, O & N
b) Enzyme function – Mo, Zn, Mg, &Ni
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C) Osmotic potential – K:
Potassium -(K) – maintain osmotic Potential by 2 steps.

  1. Absorption of water
  2. Movement of stomata & turgidity

d) Energy components:
Mg – in chlorophyll
P- in ATP

Samacheer Kalvi 11th Bio Botany Guide Chapter 12 Mineral Nutrition

Question 2.
Tabulate the mode of absorption, function and deficiency symptoms of any 5 microelements.
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Question 3.
Give the details of minerals and their deficiency symptoms.
Name of the deficiency disease and symptoms:

  1. Chlorosis (Overall)
    • Interveinal chlorosis
    • Marginal chlorosis
  2. Necrosis (Death of the tissue)
  3. Stunted growth
  4. Anthocyanin formation
  5. Delayed flowering
  6. Die back of shoot, Reclamation disease, Exanthema in citrus (gums on bark)
  7. Hooked leaf tip
  8. Little Leaf
  9. Brown heart of turnip and Internal cork of apple
  10. Whiptail of cauliflower and cabbage
  11. Curled leaf margin

Deficiency minerals:

  1. Nitrogen, Potassium, Magnesium, Sulphur, Iron, Manganese, Zinc and Molybdenum. Magnesium, Iron, Manganese and Zinc Potassium
  2. Magnesium, Potassium, Calcium, Zinc, Molybdenum and Copper.
  3. Nitrogen, Phosphorus, Calcium, Potassium and Sulphur.
  4. Nitrogen, Phosphorus, Magnesium and Sulphur
  5. Nitrogen, Sulphur and Molybdenum
  6. Copper
  7. Calcium
  8. Zinc
  9. Boron
  10. Molybdenum
  11. Potassium

Question 4.
Why are NPK fertilizers important to plants?
Nitrogen: It helps in plant growth and development.

  • It required in large amount
  • It is essential component of Proteins, Amino acids, Nucleic acids, Vitamins, Hormones, Chlorophyll etc.

It is an important constituent of Cell membrane, Proteins, Nucleic acids, ATP, NADP etc.


  • It is essential to maintain turgidity and osmotic potential of the cell.
  • Opening and closure of stomata.
  • Phloem translocation.
  • Ion exchange etc.
  • So overall all the three in right proportion is used by farmers for various plants to enhance yield.

Samacheer Kalvi 11th Bio Botany Guide Chapter 12 Mineral Nutrition

Question 5.
Tabulate the major Essential elements their function & Deficiency symptoms.
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Question 6.
What are the stages of Root nodule formation.
1. Attraction:
Legume roots secretes Phenolics to attract Rhizobium.

2. Infection:

  • Rhizobium – reaches rhizosphere
  • Rhizosphere – to root hair.
  • Curling of root hairs.

3. Spreading & multiplication:
Infection thread grows inwards and infected area is separated from normal tissue.

4. Bacteriod formation:
A membrane bound bacterium is formed inside the nodule ……………. called Bacterioid.

5. Nodule formation:

  • Cytokinin from Bacteria.
  • Auxin from legume roots together promote cell division and nodules are formed.

Question 7.
Explain the fate of Ammonia or Assimilation of Ammonia.

  • Ammonia ions are quite toxic to plants, and hence cannot accumulate in the plants.
  • It should be converted into Amino acids.

There are 3 methods by which it is done.

I) Reductive amination:
In this ammonia reacts with Ketoglutaric acid and form glutamic acid.Samacheer Kalvi 11th Bio Botany Guide Chapter 12 Mineral Nutrition 22

II) Transamination:

  • It involves the transfer of amino group from one amino acid to the ketogroup of another keto acid.
  • Glutamic acid is the main amino acid from which the transfer of NH2 (amino group) takes place and other amino acids are fonned through transamination.
  • The enzyme Transaminase + Pyridoxus phosphate (COenz) reactions.

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III) Catalytic Amination (GS/GOGAT path way)

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Samacheer Kalvi 11th Bio Botany Guide Chapter 12 Mineral Nutrition

Question 8.
Explain parasitic mode of Nuitrition.
Organism deriving their nuitrients from another organism (host and causing damage/disease to the host is known as parasite. Stem parasite Root parasite Stem parasite Root parasite.
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I) Obligate or Total parasite :

  1. Completely depends on host for their survival produce haustoria.
    Total stem parasite:
  2. Leafless plant twine around the host. Eg. Cuscuta on Zizipus, citrus etc.
    Total root parasite:
  3. Plants do not have stem axis – so grow in the roots of host plants produce haustoria.
    Eg. Rafflesia, Orobanche and Balanophora.

II) Partial parasite:
Plant have chlorophyll on their leaves dependent on water and mineral requirements.

  • Partial stem parasite: The plant grow an fig and mango and absorb water and minerals from xylem of host through haustoria.
    Eg. Loranthus.
  • Partial root parasite: This plant in its juvenile stages produces haustoria which grow on roots of many forest trees.
    Eg. Sandal wood tree (santalum album)

Question 9.
Describe Saprophytic mode of nuitrition in Angiosperms?
Derving nuitrients from dead and decaying organic matter is known as saprophytic – nuitrition.
Eg. Bacteria, Fungi

Saprophytic Angiosperms:

  • Neottia: (Bird’s nest orchid) Roots of Neottia get associated with the mycorrhizae and absorb nuitrients from the litter in the soil.
  • The plant leaves lack chlorophyll so dependon mycorrhiza to absorb nuitrients from the decomposed litter in the soil.
  • Monotropa: (Indian pipe) It also lack leaves, so absorb nuitrients from the soil through the mycorrhizal association.