Tamilnadu State Board New Syllabus Samacheer Kalvi 11th Bio Zoology Guide Pdf Chapter 3 Tissue Level of Organisation Text Book Back Questions and Answers, Notes.

Tamilnadu Samacheer Kalvi 11th Bio Zoology Guide Chapter 3 Tissue Level of Organisation

11th Bio Zoology Guide Tissue Level of Organisation Text Book Back Questions and Answers

Part I

I. Choose The Best Options.

Question 1.
The main function of the cuboidal epithelium is
a. Protection
b. Secretion
c. Absorption
d. Both (b) and (c)
d. Both (b) and (c)

Question 2.
The ciliated epithelium lines the
a. Skin
b. Digestive tract
c. Gall bladder
d. Trachea
d. Trachea

Samacheer Kalvi 11th Bio Zoology Guide Chapter 3 Tissue Level of Organisation

Question 3.
What type of fibres are found in connective tissue matrix?
a. Collagen
b. Areolar
c. Cartilage
d. Tubular
a. Collagen

Question 4.
Prevention of substances from leaking across the tissue is provided by
a. Tight junction
b. Adhering junction
c. Gap junction
d. Elastic junction
a. Tight junction

Samacheer Kalvi 11th Bio Zoology Guide Chapter 3 Tissue Level of Organisation

Question 5.
Non-shivering thermogenesis in neonates produces heat through
a. White fat
b. Brown fat
c. Yellow fat
d. Colourless fat
b. Brown fat

Question 6.
Some epithelia are pseudostratified. What does this mean?
Pseudostratified epithelial cells are columnar but unequal in size. Although the epithelium is single-layered yet it appears to be multilayered due to the fact that nuclei lie at different levels in different cells.

Samacheer Kalvi 11th Bio Zoology Guide Chapter 3 Tissue Level of Organisation

Question 7.
Differentiate white adipose tissue from brown adipose tissue

White adipose tissueBrown adipose tissue
1. They have less number of Mitochondria.They have more numbers of mitochondria.
2. They store nutrientsIt is used to heat the bloodstream to warm the body.

Question 8.
Why blood is considered as a typical connective tissue?
Blood is considered a typical connective tissue because it is the fluid connective tissue containing plasma, RBCs, WBCs, and platelets. It functions as the transport medium for the cardiovascular system carrying nutrients, nitrogenous wastes, and respiratory gases throughout the body.

Samacheer Kalvi 11th Bio Zoology Guide Chapter 3 Tissue Level of Organisation

Question 9.
Differentiate between elastic fibres and elastic connective tissue.

Elastic FibresElastic connective tissue
1. It is found in the skin as the leathery dermis and forms fibrous capsules of organs such as kidneys bones and cartilages.This is present in tendons that attach skeletal muscles to bones and ligaments.
2. It allows recoil of tissues following stretching.It attaches one bone to another.
3. It maintains the pulsative flow of blood through the arteries and the passive recoil of lungs following inspiration.It is able to with stand tension exerted in many directions and provides structural strength.

Question 10.
Name any four important functions of epithelial tissue and provide at least one example of a tissue that exemplifies each function.

1. Protection Squamous epithelium. In heart lungs and blood vessels as a protective covering.
2. AbsorptionColumnar epithelium. (It lines the digestive track)
3. SecretionCuboidal and columnar epithelium. Salivary gland endocrine glands.
4. FilterationSquamous epithelium glomerulus.

Question 11.
Write the classification of connective tissue and their functions.
Samacheer Kalvi 11th Bio Zoology Guide Chapter 3 Tissue Level of Organisation 1

Question 12.
What is an epithelium? Enumerate the characteristic features of different epithelia. Epithelial tissue is a sheet of cells that covers the body surface or lines the body cavity.

Types of epitheliumCharacters
1. Squamous epitheliumMade up of single thin layer of flattened cells with irregular boundaries.
2. Cuboidal epitheliumMade up of single layer of cube-like cells.
3. Columnar epitheliumMade up of a single layer of tall cells with round to
oval nuclei at the base.
4. Ciliated epitheliumIt bears cilia on their free surfaces.
5. Nonciliated epitheliumThere is no cilia on the free surfaces of columnar
6. Pseudostratified epitheliumColumnar but unequal in size
7. Compound epitheliumMade up of more than one layer of cells.

Part II

11th Bio Zoology Guide Tissue Level of Organisation Additional Important Questions and Answers

I. Choose The Best Options

Question 1.
What are the types of epithelium
a. Simple squamous epithelium
b. Simple cuboidal epithelium
c. Simple columnar epithelium
d. Stratified epithelium
a. Simple squamous epithelium

Question 2.
Which one of the following is not the functions of the epithelium.
a. Protection
b. Absorption
c. Reproduction
d. Excretion
c. Reproduction

Samacheer Kalvi 11th Bio Zoology Guide Chapter 3 Tissue Level of Organisation

Question 3.
Find out the epithelium with irregular boundaries
a. Ciliated epithelium
b. Squamous epithelium
c. Columnar epithelium
d. Pseudostratified epithelium
b. Squamous epithelium

Question 4.
Name the epithelium which helps in protection, absorption and secretion.
a. Pseudostratified epithelium
b. Compound epithelium
c. Cuboidal epithelium
d. Columnar epithelium
a. Pseudostratified epithelium

Samacheer Kalvi 11th Bio Zoology Guide Chapter 3 Tissue Level of Organisation

Question 5.
Name the tissue which have numerous mitochondria ?
a. Brown adipose tissue
b. White adipose tissue
c. Dense connective tissue
d. Loose connective tissue
a. Brown adipose tissue

Question 6.
Match and find the correct answers
I. Ciliated epithelium – a. Outer skin
II. Ciliated epithelium – b. Heart
III. Squamous epithelium – c. Gall bladder
IV. Compound epithelium – d. Ureter
a. I – c, II – b, III – d, IV – a
b. I – b, II – c, III – d, IV – a
c. I – a, II – b, III – c, IV – d
d. I – d, II – c, III – b, IV – a
d. I – d, II – c, III – b, IV – a

Samacheer Kalvi 11th Bio Zoology Guide Chapter 3 Tissue Level of Organisation

Question 7.
Find out the wrong pair.
a. Exocrine glands – Saliva
b. Endocrine glands – Hormones
c. Ants – Adipocytes
d. Blood – Fluid connective tissue
c. Ants – Adipocytes

Question 8.
Name the tissues present in osteocytes
a. Connective tissue
b. Bone tissue
c. Blood
d. Adipose
b. Bone tissue

Samacheer Kalvi 11th Bio Zoology Guide Chapter 3 Tissue Level of Organisation

Question 9.
What are myofibrils?
a. Minute fibrils of muscle fibres
b. Fibers of epithelial tissues
c. The end of nerve tissue
d. In cardiac muscles
a. Minute fibrils of muscle fibres

Question 10.
Match and find the correct answer
I. Simple squamous epithelium – a. Respiratory tract
11. Simple Cuboidal epithelium – b. Intestine
III. Simple columnar epithelium – c. Kidney
IV. Ciliated epithelium – d. Alveoli
a. I – a, II – b, III – c, IV – d
b. I – d, II – c, III – b, IV – a
c. I – c, II – d, III – a, IV – b
d. I – a, II – c, III – b, IV – d
b. I – d, II – c, III – b, IV – a

Samacheer Kalvi 11th Bio Zoology Guide Chapter 3 Tissue Level of Organisation

(2 marks)

II. Very Short Questions

Question 1.
Define tissues.
Group of cells that are similar in structure and perform common or related functions are called tissues.

Question 2.
Define organ system?
If two or more organs perform common physical and chemical functions they are called “organ systems”.

Question 3.
What are the four types of tissues?
Simple epithelium:

  • It consists of a simple layer.
  • It helps in protection, absorption, filtration, excretion, secretion, and sensory reception.

Compound epithelium:

  • It is multilayered.
  • It provides protection against chemical and mechanical stresses.

Question 4.
What is epithelial tissue? What are its types?
It is a sheet of cells that covers the body surface or lines the body cavity.

  1. Simple epithelium
  2. Compound epithelium

Samacheer Kalvi 11th Bio Zoology Guide Chapter 3 Tissue Level of Organisation

Question 5.
What are the functions of epithelial tissues?

  • Outer covering
  • Protection
  • Absorption
  • Excretion
  • Secretion

Question 6.
What is unicellular glandular epithelium?
It consists of isolated glandular cells.
(Eg.) Goblet cells of the alimentary canal.

Samacheer Kalvi 11th Bio Zoology Guide Chapter 3 Tissue Level of Organisation

Question 7.
Based on the secretion how are exocrine glands classify?

  1. Merocrine
  2. Holocrine
  3. Apocrine

Question 8.
Where are connective tissues originated from?
Connective tissues originated from Mesoderm.
Types of connective tissue: Bones and blood, Cartilage.

Question 9.
What are the functions of connective tissue?

  • Binding
  • Support
  • Protection
  • Insulation
  • Transportation

Question 10.
What are the fibres present in the connective tissues?

  • Collagen
  • Elastic
  • Reticular

Question 11.
What is meant by myofibrils?
Each muscle is made of many long cylindrical fibers arranged in parallel arrays known as myofibrils.

Samacheer Kalvi 11th Bio Zoology Guide Chapter 3 Tissue Level of Organisation

Question 12.
What are involuntary muscles?
Smooth muscles are involuntary as their functions cannot be directly controlled. (Eg.) Blood vessels, Stomach intestine

Question 13.
What is the unit of nervous system and name the tissues which made the nervous system?
The unit of nervous system is neuron. Cells:

  • Excitable cells
  • Neuroglial cells.

Question 14.
What is the function of compound stratified epithelium and where is it seen?
Protection, secretion and absorption.

Site of occurrence:
Ciliated epithelium — Respiratory tract. Nonciliated epithelium – Epididymis urethra of male.

Samacheer Kalvi 11th Bio Zoology Guide Chapter 3 Tissue Level of Organisation

Question 15.
What is meant by tissue fluid? What is its composition?
The areolar connective tissue acts as a reservoir of water and salts for the surrounding body tissue. Hence it is called tissue fluid.

  • Fibroblasts
  • Macrophages
  • Mast cells

Question 16.
What is Ehler’s Danlos syndrome?
Defect in the synthesis of collagen in the joints heart values organ walls and arterial walls.

Question 17.
What is stickler syndrome?
It is a defect which affects collagen and results in facial abnormalities.

Samacheer Kalvi 11th Bio Zoology Guide Chapter 3 Tissue Level of Organisation

Question 18.
What is Rhabdo Myo sarcoma?
It is a life-threatening soft tissue tumour of head neck and urinogenital tract.

Question 19.
What is Rheumatoid arthritis?
The immune cell attack and inflame the membranes around the joints.

Question 20.
What is Sjogren’s syndrome?
It is a disease in which progressive inability to secrete saliva and tears.

Samacheer Kalvi 11th Bio Zoology Guide Chapter 3 Tissue Level of Organisation

Question 21.
What is Palmaris muscle?
It is a long narrow muscle run from the elbow to the wrist and is important for hanging and climbing in primates.

Question 22.
What is Parkinson’s disease?
It is a degenerative disorder of the nervous system that affects movement often including tremors.

Question 23.
What is Alzheimer’s disease?
It is a chronic neurodegenerative disease which includes the symptoms of difficulty in remembering recent events.

Question 24.
What is Biopsy?
It is an examination of tissue or liquid removed from a living body to discover presence cause or extent of a disease.

Samacheer Kalvi 11th Bio Zoology Guide Chapter 3 Tissue Level of Organisation

Question 25.
What is an autopsy?
It is a dissection of a dead body (Post – mortem) examination to discover the cause of death or the extent of disease.

Question 26.
What is Forensic science?
It is the field of science that effectively uses histological techniques to trace out crimes.

Question 27.
The multicellular epithelium helps protect and prevent friction. What is special about the unicellular epithelium
The unicellular epithelium is made up of a single layer of cells. These are seen in the organs which do the functions of absorption secretion and filtration.

Samacheer Kalvi 11th Bio Zoology Guide Chapter 3 Tissue Level of Organisation

Question 28.
What is acinus?
It is the unit of secretion.

Question 29.
What are adipocytes?
This is composed of big adipose tissue in the centre and the cytoplasm is seen as a thin covering layer.

Question 30.
What is the substrate of bone tissue?
The mineral hydroxyapatite is a substrate of bone tissue.

(3 marks)

III. Short Questions 

Question 1.
Explain the types of simple epithelium.
Simple epithelium is a simple layered sheet of cells that covers the body surface or lines the body cavity.
1. Squamous epithelium:
It is made of flattened cells with irregular boundaries. It is found in glomeruli, air sacs of lungs, the lining of heart, blood vessels.

2. Cuboidal epithelium:
It is made of cube-like cells. It is found in kidney tubules, ducts, and glands. It is important for secretion and absorption.

3. Columnar epithelium:
It is made of column-like cells. It lines the digestive tract. It is important for secretion and absorption.

4. Ciliated epithelium:
It has cilia at the free end. It is found in bronchi, uterine tubes. It is helpful in propelling materials.

5. Glandular epithelium:
Cuboidal or columnar epithelium specialized for secretion is called the glandular epithelium. E.g., goblet cells and salivary gland.

Samacheer Kalvi 11th Bio Zoology Guide Chapter 3 Tissue Level of Organisation

Question 2.
Compare dense regular connective tissue with dense irregular connective tissues?

Dense regular connective tissueDense irregular connective tissue
1.Collagen fibres are present.Collagen fibres are present.
2. Fibroblast cells are present.Fibroblast cells are present.
3. it connects the bone with skeletal muscles,It is able to withstand tension exerted in many direction and provides structural strength.

Question 3.
Classify the muscles and their location?
Muscles are of three types.

  1. Skeletal muscles
  2. Smooth muscles
  3. Cardiac muscles.

1. Skeletal muscles:
These muscle fibres are bundled together in a parallel fashion.
Location: They are closely attached to skeletal

2. Smooth muscles:
These fibres are tapered at both ends and do not show striations.
Location: Blood vessels stomach intestine.

3. Cardiac Muscles:
In this muscles, cell junction fuse the plasma membranes of cardiac muscle cells and make them stick together.
Location: Heart.

Samacheer Kalvi 11th Bio Zoology Guide Chapter 3 Tissue Level of Organisation

Question 4.
Explain compound epithelium.

  • The compound epithelium is made up of multilayered cells.
  • These protect organs against chemical and mechanical stresses.
  • These cover the dry surface of the skin, the moist surface of the buccal cavity, pharynx, inner lining of ducts of salivary glands, and pancreatic ducts.

(5 marks)

IV. Essay Questions

Question 1.
What is glandular epithelium? Describe its types?
Some of the epithelial cells get specialized for secretion they are called the glandular epithelium.
I. Based on cellular structure
They are classified as Unicellular (Eg.) Goblet cells of the alimentary canal. Multicellular (Eg.) Salivary gland

II. Based on mode of pouring
Exocrine glands – The products are released through ducts. (Eg.) Mucus secreting glands, Saliva secreting glands.
Endocrine glands – They do not have ducts. Their secretions directly secreted into the fluid bathing the glands.
(Eg.) Pituitary gland.

a) Exocrine glands based on cellular nature

  •  Unicellular
  • Multicellular

b) Exocrine based on the structure

  •  Simple
  • Compound glands

c) Based on their secretary units

  • tubular
  • alveolar
  • tubulo alveolar

d) Based on their mode of secretion

  • Merocrine
  • Holocrine
  • Apocrine.

Samacheer Kalvi 11th Bio Zoology Guide Chapter 3 Tissue Level of Organisation

Question 2.
What is meant by compound gland? What are its uses and its types?
It is made up of more than one layer of cells.

It helps in providing protection against chemical and mechanical stresses.

Buccal cavity, Pharynx salivary glands, Pancreatic ducts


  • Stratified squamous epithelium. It is present in the dry epidermis of the skin,
  • Keratinized type-Mouth and vagina.
  • Non – Keratinized type
  • Stratified cuboidal epithelium – Sweat glands, Mammary gland
  • Columnar epithelium-Pharynx urethra
  • Transitional epithelium – Ureters, urinary bladder.

Question 3.
Explain the types of muscle.
Each muscle is made of long, cylindrical fibres. They are composed of fine fibrils called myofibrils. Muscle fibres contract and relax. Skeletal muscle is attached to skeletal bones. It is striped or striated. It is a voluntary muscle. The smooth muscle fibres are fusiform and do not have striations. It is an involuntary muscle. Cardiac muscle tissue is present in the heart. It is striated and branched and involuntary.