Tamilnadu State Board New Syllabus Samacheer Kalvi 11th English Guide Pdf Poem 3 Lines Written in Early Spring Text Book Back Questions and Answers, Summary, Notes.

Tamilnadu Samacheer Kalvi 11th English Solutions Poem 3 Lines Written in Early Spring

11th English Guide Lines Written in Early Spring Text Book Back Questions and Answers

1. Find words from the poem that convey the following ideas:

Question a.
connected together

Question b.
spread over the surface of the ground in a straggling manner

Question c.
make out or understand

Question d.
slender woody shoots growing from branches or stems of trees

Samacheer Kalvi 11th English Guide Poem 3 Lines Written in Early Spring

2. Complete the summary of the poem by filling in the blanks with the words given below:

Samacheer Kalvi 11th English Guide Poem 3 Lines Written in Early Spring 1

The poet, in a relaxed state of mind, is sitting in a (1) _______. He reflects on how his mood brings (2) _______ thoughts, which are inevitably followed by (3) _______ ones. He feels connected to all of nature, and senses an inherent joy in all (4) _______. He has faith in the fact that all the primroses and periwinkles around him (5) _______ the air they breathe. He feels that every bird in the grove moves with (6) _______. As the twigs catch the breezy air, they do so with the same pleasure (7) _______ all life on earth. This joy of nature seems to be heaven-sent. Nature’s holy plan is to offer joy and peace to all forms of life on earth. The poet’s pleasant train of thought slowly leads to the sad reflection of how mankind alone has wrought sorrow and (8) _______ upon itself. He firmly believes that man is meant to spend his days blissfully taking part in the vitality and joy surrounding him in (9) _______. He, therefore, concludes rhetorically, emphasizing that he has good reason to (10) _______the distress, man unnecessarily brings upon himself.

  1. Grove
  2. Pleasant
  3. Nature
  4. Distressed
  5. Calm
  6. Bower
  7. Breezy
  8. Peace
  9. Sorrow

Samacheer Kalvi 11th English Guide Poem 3 Lines Written in Early Spring

3. Read the lines given below and answer the questions that follow:

(i) And ’tis my faith that every flower’
Enjoys the air it breathes…

Question (a)
What is the poet’s faith?
The poet has faith that nature lives, breathes and enjoys its own presence. Twigs, birds, creepers all live in harmony with each other in absolute bliss and contentment.

Question (b)
What trait of Nature do we see here?
The trait of Nature we see here is sharing and love of nature in all its creations.

(ii) And I must think, do all I can,
That there was pleasure there…

Question (a)
What did the poet notice about the twigs?
The poet noticed it is happy to spread out its tender leaves to catch the breezy air.

Question (b)
What was the poet’s thought about them?
The poet thought the twigs were experiencing the joy of their contact with the breezy air.

(iii) If this belief from heaven be sent,
If such be Nature’s holy plan.

Question (a)
What does ‘heaven’ refer to?
Heaven refers to God.

Question (b)
Why does the poet call it ‘holy’?
The poet believes that the harmonious, peaceful, and happy co-existence of birds, plants, trees, and brooks soothes the troubled mind of man. So, the poet feels as if he were inside a sacred place when he is in the woods. So, he calls the plan ‘holy’.

Samacheer Kalvi 11th English Guide Poem 3 Lines Written in Early Spring

Additional Appreciation Questions:

1. I heard a thousand blended notes
While in a grove I sate reclined.

Question (a)
Where was the poet?
The poet was in the grove.

Question (b)
What are blended notes?
‘Blended notes’ relate to listening to the music of the breeze and the chirping of birds.

Question (c)
What does grove mean?
Grove means a small area of land with a group of trees.

2. “To her fair works did nature link
The human soul that through me ran”

Question (a)
What is linked to human soul?
Nature linked to human soul.

Question (b)
What are the fair works of nature?
Human soul is the fair works of nature.

Samacheer Kalvi 11th English Guide Poem 3 Lines Written in Early Spring

3. “Through primrose tufts, in that sweet bower
The periwinkle trail’d its wreaths”

Question (a)
What is primrose?
It is a wild plant with yellow flowers.

Question (b)
What does ‘tufts’ mean?
‘Tufts’ means bunches.

Question (c)
Where did the poet get to see this scene?
The poet saw this beautiful scene in a grove.

4. Have I not reason to lament
What man has made of man?

Question (a)
What reason has the poet got to lament?
He is very much distressed at the plight of humanity.

Question (b)
What is the solution to the problem?
Man has to love the nature and live in harmony with nature.

Samacheer Kalvi 11th English Guide Poem 3 Lines Written in Early Spring

4. Explain the following lines with reference to the context in about four to five sentences each:

I. In the sweet mood when pleasant thoughts
Bring sad thoughts to the mind.

Reference: These lines are from the poem “Lines Written in Early Spring” written by William Wordsworth.
Context: William Wordsworth was inspired in a small woodland grove, a landscape of beauty. He came upon this spot when walking near Alford village. While sensing the blissful mood and happiness of birds, plants, creepers and the murmuring brook, he juxtaposed what humans did to their kind in Napoleonic wars and amidst happy nature couldn’t help feeling sad. On that occasion, he said these words.

Explanation: The poet was captivated by the celestial beauty of the woodland near Alford village. The chirping of birds, the blooming flowers, and the brooks expressed their ecstasy of being alive. But their charm, peace, and contentment made Wordsworth compare the lives of war-mongers. Suddenly he became sad.
Comment: The poet beautifully portrays his mixed feelings.

II. The birds around me hopp’d and play’d
their thoughts I cannot measure.

These lines are taken from Poem – “Lines Written in Early Spring”, Poet – “William Wordsworth”.
The poet utters these words while observing the beauty of nature.
The poet admires the beauty of nature while sitting in the grove. He observes that every creature is closely linked with nature. They not only feel happy on their own but also make others happy. He observes some birds around him which are hopping and playing happily. Though the poet cannot understand the thoughts in them, he is sure that they are happy.

III. Have I not reason to lament
What Man has made of man?

Reference: These lines are from the poem “Lines Written in Early Spring” written by William Wordsworth.
Context: William Wordsworth was inspired by a small woodland grove, a landscape of beauty. He came upon this spot when walking near Alford village. While sensing the blissful mood and happiness of birds, plants, creepers, and the murmuring brook, he juxtaposed what humans did to their kind in Napoleonic wars and amidst happy nature couldn’t help feeling sad. On that occasion, he said these words.

Explanation: William Wordsworth derived extreme pleasure listening to the songs of birds and voiceless communication of joy between plants, twigs, and flowers. Though he could not fathom the meaning, he realized the blissful state of nature. But he remembered the depravity of man which was evident in Napoleonic wars. He was fed up with man’s capacity to destroy innocent lives and property. So, he lamented “what man has made of man”.
Comment: The mixed feelings of happiness and sadness is well brought out.

Samacheer Kalvi 11th English Guide Poem 3 Lines Written in Early Spring

5A. Read the following sets of lines and identify the figures of speech used in each extract:

a. Toherfair works did Nature link
The human soul that through me ran.
b.And ‘tis my faith that every flower
Enjoys the air it breathes.
c. What Man has made of Man?

Poetic linesFigure of Speech
1. To her works did Nature linkPersonification
2. The human soul that through me ranPersonification
3. And ‘tis my faith that every flowerAlliteration/Personification
4. What Man has made of Man?Alliteration/Aphorism
5. I heard a thousand blended notesOnomatopoeia

Samacheer Kalvi 11th English Guide Poem 3 Lines Written in Early Spring

5B. Read the poem once again. Identify the rhyme scheme and pick out the rhyming pairs of words:
The rhyme scheme of the Poem is ab ab, ab ab………
Rhyming words are:

  1. Notes – thoughts
  2. Reclined – mind
  3. Link – think
  4. Ran – man
  5. Bower – flower
  6. Wreaths – breathes
  7. Play’d – made
  8. Measure – pleasure
  9. Fan – can
  10. Air – there
  11. Sent – lament
  12. Plan – man.

6. Answer the following in a sentence or two:

Question (a)
How does the poet feel while enjoying the beauty of Nature?
The poet was in a sweet mood reclining in a grove. Hearing a thousand blended notes, his mind was filled with pleasant thoughts. He was very happy.

Question (b)
Does Nature affect a person’s thoughts and feelings? Explain.
Yes, the poet finds everything happy – helping and sharing with each other. He feels that man alone is not a part of it.

Samacheer Kalvi 11th English Guide Poem 3 Lines Written in Early Spring

Question (c)
How do people bring grief and sorrow to one another?
People are jealous of one another’s wealth and possessions. One tries to harm the other by waging or provoking wars. Thus people bring grief and sorrow to one another.

Question (d)
Why does the poet think that the birds were happy?
The way in which they hop and play makes the poet think that the birds were happy.

Question (e)
The poet finds joy in various objects of Nature. Explain
The poet found joy in the primrose tufts, the sweet bower, the periwinkle, and the singing; birds.

Question (f)
Bring out the poet’s thoughts, while comparing Nature with human behaviour.
Nature’s holy plan is that every creature should be happy but the humans fight with one another and lead a sorrowful life.

Samacheer Kalvi 11th English Guide Poem 3 Lines Written in Early Spring

7. Complete the following sentences by choosing the best options:

Question (a)
The poet experiences sadness because of _______.
i. the blended notes are jarring
ii. Nature is filled with negativity
iii. he is worried about the destruction caused to Nature
iv. natural calamities occur frequently
iii. he is worried about the destruction caused to Nature

Question (b)
The poem is set in a _______.
i. city
ii. Village
iii. grove
iv. Park
iii. grove

Question (c)
The poem speaks of _______.
i. Mans plan to shape density
ii. Man seeking pleasure and riches
iii. Man indulging in wars and acts of destruction
iv. Mans fear of Nature
iii. Man indulging in wars and acts of destruction

Samacheer Kalvi 11th English Guide Poem 3 Lines Written in Early Spring

8. Answer in a paragraph of about 100 – 150 words:

Do you think the poet wants to say that man is unhappy because he has lost his link with nature and forgotten how to enjoy nature or because man is cruel to other men?


PoemLines are written in Early spring
PoetWilliam Wordsworth
ThemeNature gives life to all

The poet brings out varied reasons for the unhappiness of man. The main reason is he is cruel to other men. In this context, he brings forth the French revolution which had a great impact on the people of both France and Britain. The poet laments about this behaviour of man. Fie also observes that the flowers, birds, and trees have a close link with Nature and follow Nature’s holy plan of being together and sharing happiness. This view is made clear from the lines,

Through primrose tufts, in that sweet bower,
The periwinkle trail’d its wreaths;

The poet feels that man’s innate state must be close to nature. His heart is filled with pain when he thinks about the behaviour of man. His grief gets expressed from the lines,

And much it grieved my heart to think
What man has made of man?

He concludes that except man all other creatures are happy as they have a close link with nature and they share and care for each other. He is not able to find a positive answer for what man has made of man. That is why he says,

Have I not reason to lament
What man has made of man?

Samacheer Kalvi 11th English Guide Poem 3 Lines Written in Early Spring

ஆசிரியரைப் பற்றி:

வில்லியம் வேர்ட்ஸ்வொர்த் (1770-1850) மிகச்சிறந்த ஆங்கிலக் கவிஞர். சாமுவேல் டெய்லர் கோல்ரிட்ஜிடன் இணைந்து Lyrical Ballads என்ற கவிதை தொகுப்பை வெளியிட்டதன் மூலம் ஆங்கில இலக்கியத்தில் புதிய ரொமாண்டிக் காலத்தை தொடங்கிவைத்தார்.

பிரிட்டனின் அரசவைக் கவிஞராக 1984ம் ஆண்டு முதல் வாழ்நாள் இறுதி வரை இருந்து வந்தார். இவர் இயற்க்கை கவிஞர் என்றே எல்லோராலும் அறியப்பட்டடார். “Daffodils”, “The Solitary Reaper”, “To the cuckoo'” “The tables turned”, Lines composed a few miles above Tintern Abbey ஆகியவை இவரின் புகழ் பெற்ற கவிதைகள்.

கவிதையைப் பற்றி:

இக்கவிதையில் கவிஞர் மனிதன் தன் சக மனிதனுக்கு செய்யும் இடையூறுகளை நினைத்து மனம் வருந்துகிறார். இயற்கை என்னும் அற்புதத்தை இறைவன் நமக்காக படைத்துள்ளார். அதில் ஒன்றாக கலந்து கவிஞர் மகிழ்ந்தாலும் மனிதர்களின் செயல்பாடுகள் இயற்க்கைக்கு எதிராக இருப்பதை நினைத்து .மனம் வெதும்புகிறார்.

Samacheer Kalvi 11th English Guide Poem 3 Lines Written in Early Spring

Lines Written in Early Spring Summary in Tamil

சோலையொன்றில் நான் சாய்ந்தமர்ந்திருந்த போது
ஆயிரம் கானங்கள் கலந்த இசையைக் கேட்டேன்.
அவ்வினிய தருணத்தில் இன்ப நினைவுகள்
சுமந்து வந்ததோ துன்ப நினைவுகள்.
என்னே இயற்கையின் கைவண்ணம்!

தன்னையே என் ஆன்மாவுடன் இணைந்து
துன்பறுத்துகிறது என் இதயத்தை – நினைக்க
வேண்டுகிறது மனிதன் மனிதனைக்கொண்டு உருவாக்கியதை
பிரிம் ரோஸ் மலர்களிடையே அம் மர நிழலடியில்
பெரிவிங்கிள் தன் ஊதா பூக்களை பரவ விட்டிருக்கிறது.

Samacheer Kalvi 11th English Guide Poem 3 Lines Written in Early Spring

என் மனம் கூறுகிறது, ஒவ்வொரு பூவும்
அதன் மணத்தை சுவாசத்தில் உணர்த்து மகிழும் என்று.
என்னைச் சுற்றி பறவைகள் துள்ளி விளையாடுகின்றன.
அதன் மன அலைகளோ அளவிட முடியாதவை.
ஆனால் அவற்றின் மிக எளிய அசைவுகள் கூட
மகிழ்வின் உச்சமாக மாறுகின்றன.
மலர் மொட்டுகள் இதழ் விரித்தன.

மணம் வீசும் தென்றல் தழுவிட
நானும் சிந்தித்து செயலாற்ற வேண்டும்
இங்கு இருக்கும் மகிழ்வில் கலந்திட
இந்நம்பிக்கை விண்ணின்று அனுப்பப்பட்ட தென்றல்
இது இயற்கையின் தூய திட்டமென்றால்,
நான் புலம்புவதற்கு காரணமாக இல்லை,
மனிதன் மனிதனைக் கொண்டு உருவாக்கியதை எண்ணி.