Tamilnadu State Board New Syllabus Samacheer Kalvi 12th Bio Botany Guide Pdf Chapter 4 Principles and Processes of Biotechnology Text Book Back Questions and Answers, Notes.

Tamilnadu Samacheer Kalvi 12th Bio Botany Solutions Chapter 4 Principles and Processes of Biotechnology

12th Bio Botany Guide Principles and Processes of Biotechnology Text Book Back Questions and Answers

Samacheer Kalvi 12th Bio Botany Guide Chapter 4 Principles and Processes of Biotechnology

I. Choose the correct answer from the given option:

Question 1.
Restriction enzymes are.
a) Not always required in genetic engineering
b) Essential tools in genetic engineering.
c) Nucleases that cleave DNA at specific sites,
d) both b and c.
d) both b and c

Question 2.
Plasmids are
a) circular protein molecules
b) required by bacteria.
c) tiny bacteria.
d) confer resistance to antibiotics.
d) confer resistance to antibiotics

Samacheer Kalvi 12th Bio Botany Guide Chapter 4 Principles and Processes of Biotechnology

Question 3.
EcoRI cleaves DNA at.

Question 4.
Genetic engineering is
a) making artificial genes
b) hybridization of DNA of one organism to that of the others
c) production of alcohol by using micro organisms
d) making artificial limbs, diagnostic instruments such as ECG, EEC, etc.,
b) hybridization of DNA of one organism to that of the others

Question 5.
Consider the following statements:
I) Recombinant DNA tecimology is popularly known as genetic engineering is a stream of biotechnology which deals with manipulation of genetic materials by man invitro.
II) pBR322 is the first artificial cloning vector developed in 1977 by Boliver and Rodriguez from E.coli plasmid.
III) Restriction enzymes belongs to a class of enzymes called nucleases.
Choose the correct option regarding above statements
a) I & II.
b) I & III.
c) II & III
d) I, II, & III
d) I, II & III

Question 6.
The process of recombinant DNA technology has the following steps
I) Amplication of the gene
II) Insertion of recombinant DNA into host cells
III) Cutting of DNA at specific location using restriction enzyme
IV) Isolation of genetic material(DNA)
Pick out the correct sequence of step for recombinant DNA technology,
a) II, III, IV, I
b) IV, II, III, I
c) I, II, III, IV
d) IV, III, I, II
d) IV, III, I, II

Samacheer Kalvi 12th Bio Botany Guide Chapter 4 Principles and Processes of Biotechnology

Question 7.
Which one of the following palindromic base sequence in DNA can be easily cut about the middle by some particular restriction enzymes?
a) 5’ CGTTCG 3′ 3′ ATCGTA 5!
b) 5’ GATATG3′ 3′ CTACTA 5’
c) 5′ GAAHC 3′ 3′ CTTAAG 5′
d) 5′ CACGTA 3′ 3′ CTCAGT 5′
c) 5′ GAAHC 3′ 3′ CTTAAG 5′

Question 8.
pBR 322, BR stands for
a) Plasmid Bacterial Recombination
b) Plasmid Bacterial Replication
c) Plasmid Boliver and Rodriguez
d) Plasmid Baltimore and Rodriguez
c) Plasmid Boliver and Rodriguez

Question 9.
Which of the following one is used as a Biosensors?
a) Electrophoresis
b) Bioreactors
c) Vectors
d) Electroporation
Correct Answer: enzymes

Samacheer Kalvi 12th Bio Botany Guide Chapter 4 Principles and Processes of Biotechnology

Question 10.
Match the following

Column AColumn B
1. Exonucleasea. add or remove phosphate
2. Endonucleaseb. binding the DNA fragments
3. Alkaline Phosphasec. cut the DNA at terminus
4. Ligased. cut the DNA at middle

Samacheer Kalvi 12th Bio Botany Guide Chapter 4 Principles and Processes of Biotechnology 17
b) 1-c, 2-d, 3-a, 4-b

Question 11.
In which techniques Ethidium Bromide is used?
a) Southern Blotting Techniques
b) Western Blotting Techniques.
c) Polymerase Chain Reaction.
d) Agrose Gel Electroporosis.
d) Agrose Gel Electroporosis

Question 12.
Assertion : Agrobacterium tumifaciens is popular in genetic engineering because this bacterium is associated with the root nodules of all cereals and pulse crops.
Reason : A gene incorporated in the bacterial chromosomal genome gets automatically transferred to the cross with which bacterium is associated.
a) Both assertion and reason are true. But reason is correct explanation of assertion.
b) Both assertion and reason are true. But reason is not correct explanation of assertion.
c) Assertion is true but reason is false.
d) Assertion is false but reason is true.
e) Both assertion and reason are false.
e) Both assertion and reason are false

Samacheer Kalvi 12th Bio Botany Guide Chapter 4 Principles and Processes of Biotechnology

Question 13.
Which one of the following is not correct statement.
a) Ti plasmid causes the bunchy top disease.
b) Multiple cloning site is known as Polylinker.
c) Non viral method tranfection of Nucleic acid in cell
d) Polyactic acid is a kind of biodegradable and bioactive thermoplastic
a) Ti plasmid causes the bunchy top disease

Question 14.
An analysis of chromosomal DNA using the southern hybridisation technique does not use
a) Electrophoresis .
b) Blotting
c) Autoradiography
d) Polymerase Chain Reaction
d) Polymerase Chain Reaction

Question 15.
An antibiotic gene in a vector usually helps in the selection of.
a) Competent cells.
b) Transformed cells
c) Recombinant cells
d) None of the above
b) Transformed cells

Samacheer Kalvi 12th Bio Botany Guide Chapter 4 Principles and Processes of Biotechnology

Question 16.
Some of the characteristics of Bt cotton are
a) Long fibre and resistant to aphids
b) Medium yield, long fibre and resistant to beetle pests
c) high yield and production of toxic protein crystals which kill dipteran pests
d) High yield and resistance to ball worms.
d) High yield and resistance to bollworms

Question 17.
How do you use biotechnology in modern practice?
Today biotechnology is a billion-dollar business around the world, applies biotechnological tools for their product improvement.

  • Pharmaceutical companies.
  • Breweries.
  • Agro Industries & others.
  • Modern biotechnology – include all methods, rDNA technology, cell fusion technology, etc.,
  • Major focus of Biotechnology (see the tabulation)

Samacheer Kalvi 12th Bio Botany Guide Chapter 4 Principles and Processes of Biotechnology 1

Question 18.
What are the materials used to grow microorganisms like Spirulina?
Spirulina can be grown easily on materials like waste water from potato processing plants (containing starch), straw, molasses, animal manure and even sewage, to produce large quantities.

Samacheer Kalvi 12th Bio Botany Guide Chapter 4 Principles and Processes of Biotechnology

Question 19.
You are working in a biotechnology lab with a bacterium namely E.Coli. How will you cut the nucleotide sequence? Explain it.

  • The exact kind of cleavage produced by a v restriction enzyme is important in the • design of a gene cloning experiment.
  • Some cleave both strands of DNA through the centre resulting in blunt or flush end known as symmetric cuts.
  • Some restriction enzymes cut the strand of DNA, a little away from the centre of palindrome sites, between the same two bases on the opposite strands, protruding and recessed ends known as sticky or cohesive end, cuts known as asymmetric cut or
    staggered cuts.
  • It is necessary that the vector and the source DNA are cut with the same restriction enzyme, so that the resultant DNA fragments have the same sticky ends facilitating the action of DNA ligase to join them.

Samacheer Kalvi 12th Bio Botany Guide Chapter 4 Principles and Processes of Biotechnology 2

Question 20.
What are the enzymes you can used to cut terminal end and internal phosphodiester bond of nucleotide sequence?
Restriction exonuclease are the restriction enzyme used to cut nucleotides from the terminal end of DNA. Whereas, restriction endonucleases cut the internal phosphodiester bond with DNA molecule.

Samacheer Kalvi 12th Bio Botany Guide Chapter 4 Principles and Processes of Biotechnology

Question 21.
Name the chemicals used in gene transfer.
Director vector less Gene transfer is possible through several mediators

Chemical mediated gene transfer:
Certain chemicals like Poly Ethylene Glycol(PEG) and Dextran Sulphate.
These chemicals induce the uptake of DNA into plant protoplasts.

Question 22.
What do you know about the word pBR332?
pBR332 – It is a reconstructed plasmid and most widely used as cloning vector.

  • It contains 4361 base pairs.
  • P denotes Plasmid .
  • B&R – The names of Boliver and Rodriguez, the scientists developed this plasmid.
  • 322 – The number of plasmid developed from their lab.
  • It contains ampR & tetR – 2 different antibiotic resistant genes & the recognition sites for several restriction enzymes (Hindlll, ECoRI, Bam H-I, Sal I, Pvu II, Pst I, Cla I) ori & antibiotic resistance genes.
  • Rop – Codes for the proteins involved in the replication of the plasmid.

Samacheer Kalvi 12th Bio Botany Guide Chapter 4 Principles and Processes of Biotechnology 3

Question 23.
Mention the application of Biotechnology.
Introduction: Most important applied interdisciplinary sciences of the 21 st century
It has promise for the benefits of Human Being.
Samacheer Kalvi 12th Bio Botany Guide Chapter 4 Principles and Processes of Biotechnology 4 Samacheer Kalvi 12th Bio Botany Guide Chapter 4 Principles and Processes of Biotechnology 5

Production of secondary metabolites – Biofertilizers, Biopesticides & Enzymes
Biomass Energy, Biofuel, Biorernediation phvtoremediation for environmental biotechnology.

Question 24.
What is the restriction enzymes? Mention their type with a role in Biotechnology.
Restriction enzymes are the enzymes of bacterial origin which cleaves DNA into fragments at or near specific recognition sites within DNA molecules. This principle is used in biotechnology to cut and insert the desired gene (gene of interest) thereby generating an rDNA with desirable characters.

Samacheer Kalvi 12th Bio Botany Guide Chapter 4 Principles and Processes of Biotechnology

a) Exonucleases – remove nucleotides one at a time from the end of DNA.
Eg: Bal 31, Exonuclease III

b) Endonucleases – break the internal phosphodiester bonds with in a DNA.
Eg: Hind II, EcoRI, Pvul, Bam HI, Taql.

Three classes of Restriction endonuclease

  • Type 1, II & III – which differ slightly by their mode of action
  • Type II – preferred in rDNA technology as they cut DNA with in a specific sequence consisting of 4 – 8 bp.
  • Hind II – cut DNA at a point of specific sequence of 6 base pairs (recognition
  • From 200 strains 900 restriction enzymes isolated from over 230 strains of bacteria with different recognition sequences.
  • Restriction endonucleases are named by a standard procedure.
  • The first letter of the enzymes indicates the genus name, followed by the first two letters of the species, then comes the strain of the organism and finally a roman numeral indicating the order of discovery.
  • For example ECORI is from Escherichia (E) coli (co) strain Ry 13 (R) and first endonuclease (I) to be discovered .
  • It contains 2 different antibiotic resistance genes and recognition site for several restriction enzymes.
    This sequence is referred to as a restriction site and is generally – palindromic which means that the sequence in both DNA strands at this site read same in 5′ – 3′ direction and in the 3′ – 5′ direction.

Samacheer Kalvi 12th Bio Botany Guide Chapter 4 Principles and Processes of Biotechnology

Question 25.
Are there any possibilities to transfer a suitable desirable gene to host plant without vector? Justify your answer.
Yes, it is possible to transfer a suitable desired gene to a host plant using certain chemicals, microinjection method, electroporation or by biolistics.

a. Chemical mediated gene transfer:
Chemicals Poly Ethylene Glycol (PEG) & Dextran sulphate – induce DNA uptake into plant protoplasts.

b. Microinjection:
With a fine-tipped glass needle, DNA is directly injected into the nucleus.
The protoplasts are immobilized on solid support (agarose on a microscopic slide)

c. Electroporation method of gene transferJjjJU Protoplasts, cells or tissues subjected to a pulse of high voltage electric power to make transient pores in the plasma membrane, through which uptake of foreign DNA occurs.

d. Liposome – mediated methods of gene transfer
The gene or DNA is transferred in an encapsulated form from Liposome ( the artificial phospholipid vesicles) into the vacuole of plant cells.

e. Biolistics:
The DNA particle with gold or tungsten particle (1.3 gm) coating are bombarded into the target tissue by gene gun or microprojectile gun/shotgun The bombarded cells/tissues are cultured to regenerate plants from transformed cells.
Samacheer Kalvi 12th Bio Botany Guide Chapter 4 Principles and Processes of Biotechnology 6

Samacheer Kalvi 12th Bio Botany Guide Chapter 4 Principles and Processes of Biotechnology

Question 26.
How will you identify vectors?

Able to replicate automatically.Multiple copies can be got along with insert in the host cell.
Small size, low molecular weight less than 10kbpEntry into the host cell is easy.
Should contain oriIt can independently replicate within the host.
Contain suitable marker (Antibiotic resistance) etc.It permit its detection in the transformed host cell.
Should have unique target sites for integration with DNA insert & should have ability to integrate with DNA insert.So that it can be carried into the genome of the host cell.
Most of the cloning vectors have more than one restriction site (MCS) or polylinker.Multiple cloning site (MCS) facilitates the use of restriction enzyme of choice.

Question 27.
Compare the various types of Blotting techniques.

Type. Transfer of DNA/RNA (From – To)
1. Southern BlottingDNA from Agarose gels to Nitrocellulose membrane.
2. Northern Blotting.RNA transferred to Nitrocellulose membrane.
3. Western Blotting.Proteins transferred from protein to Nitrocellulose membrane.

Question 28.
Write the advantages of herbicide-tolerant crops.

1. Weed controlImproves high yielding crops
2. Reduces spray of HerbicideEconomic effort – also ecofriendly & Nonhazardous
3. Use of low toxicity compoundsDoes not harm soil because do not remain active in the soil.
4. Reduce competition between crop plant & weedHealthy plant growth is assured

Samacheer Kalvi 12th Bio Botany Guide Chapter 4 Principles and Processes of Biotechnology

Question 29.
Write the advantages and disadvantages of Bt cotton.

1. Yield – Increase due to effective control of bollwormsCost of Bt cotton seeds are high.
2. Usage of insecticide is reducedRemain effective only up to 120 days after that effectiveness is reduced
3. Cost of cultivation potentially reducedIneffective – against
sucking pests like 1. Jassids, 2.aphids, 3. Whitefly
Affects pollinating insects & thus yield.

Question 30.
What is bioremediation? Give some examples of bioremediation.
It is defined as the use of microorganisms or plants to clean up the environmental pollution. It is an approach used to treat wastes including wastewater, industrial waste, and solid waste. The bioremediation process is applied to the removal of oil, petrochemical residues, pesticides, or heavy metals from soil or groundwater.

In many cases, bioremediation is less expensive and more sustainable than other physical and chemical methods of remediation. The bioremediation process is a cheaper and eco-friendly approach and can deal with lower concentrations of contaminants more effectively. The strategies for bioremediation in soil and water can be as follows:

  1. Use of indigenous microbial population as indicator species for the bioremediation process.
  2. Bioremediation with the addition of adapted or designed microbial inoculants.
  3. Use of plants for bioremediation – green technology.

Samacheer Kalvi 12th Bio Botany Guide Chapter 4 Principles and Processes of Biotechnology

Question 31.
Write the benefits and risks of Genetically Modified Foods.


Risk (Believed to)

High yield without pest.
Health Hazards: Liver, kidney function affected cause cancer.
Reduction in usage of chemical pesticides.Hormonal Imbalance and Physical Disorder.
Reduction in soil pollution.Anaphylactic shock (Sudden hypersensitive reaction) & Allergies.
Conservation of microbial population of soil.Loss of viability of seeds as in terminator seed technology of GM crops.
Reduction in groundwater pollution.Not favoured by agriculturists.
Reduction in air pollution (Chemical spray of pesticides – reduced)

12th Bio Botany Guide Principles and Processes of Biotechnology Additional Important Questions and Answers

I. Choose the correct answer

Question 1.
Which one of the following is a secondary metabolite? IWriiWJ
a. Ethanol
b. Acetic acid
c. Citric acid
d. Toxic pigments
d) Toxic pigments

Samacheer Kalvi 12th Bio Botany Guide Chapter 4 Principles and Processes of Biotechnology

Question 2.
Bio-Technology was coined by.
a. Weisner
b. Karl Prantl
c. Sanger & Gilbert
d. KarlEreky
d) Karl Ereky

Question 3.
Traditional Bio-Technology is also known as.
a. Fermentation Biology
b. Kitchen Technology
c. Hybridization Biology
d. Transgenic Biology
b) Kitchen Technology

Question 4.
The study of Drugs or medicines used in medical treatment is known as.
a. Pharmaceuticals
b. Biomedical Engineering
c. Chemical Engineering
d. Tissue Engineering
a) Pharmaceuticals

Samacheer Kalvi 12th Bio Botany Guide Chapter 4 Principles and Processes of Biotechnology

Question 5.
Which of the following can be Bio Technological products?
a. Antibiotics
b. Vaccines
c. Enzymes
d. All the above.
d) All the above

Question 6.
Multiplication of Alien DNA in organisms required
a. ROP
b. ORI
c. Stop codon
d. TATA box
b) ORI

Question 7.
Tools of Biotechnology is used for effluent treatment, water cycling is known as
a. Process Engineering
b. Production Engineering
c. Mechanical Engineering
d. Microbial Engineering
a) Process Engineering

Samacheer Kalvi 12th Bio Botany Guide Chapter 4 Principles and Processes of Biotechnology

Question 8.
The scientist who use a first viral vaccine to inoculate a child from smallpox is
a. Louis Pasteur
b. Edward Jenner
c. Sanger and Gilbert.
d. Arber and Nathans
b) Edward Jenner

Question 9.
The enzyme used for making artificial sweeteners is
a. Lactose
b. Galactose
c. Invertase
d. Reductase
c) Invertase

Question 10.
Development of Artificial gene functioning within living cells was done by
a. H.G.Khorana
b. Ian Wilmet
c. Sir Robert
d. G. Edwards
a) H.G.Khorana

Samacheer Kalvi 12th Bio Botany Guide Chapter 4 Principles and Processes of Biotechnology

Question 11.
rDNA is also known as
a. Hybrid DNA-RNA
b. Recombinant of vector DNA and desired genes
c. Chimeric DNA
d. Bothb&c
d) Both b & c

Question 12.
Plasmids are
a. ss DNA
b. ds DNA(linear)
d. Vector DNA
d) Vector DNA

Question 13.
pBR322 is most extensively studied
a. Foreign gene
b. r DNA
c. done
d. Plasmid DNA of Ecoli.
d) Plasmid DNA of Ecoli

Question 14.
Restriction enzymes recognize specific
a. Palindromic region,
b. Exons
c. Introns
d. None of these
a) Palindromic region

Samacheer Kalvi 12th Bio Botany Guide Chapter 4 Principles and Processes of Biotechnology

Question 15.
Restriction enzymes of Ecoli are
a. Hind III
b. Bam III
c. EcoRI I & EcoRI II
d. All of these.
c) EcoRI I & EcoRI II

Question 16.
The best cloning organism for biotechnology is
a. Agrobacterium
b. Pseudomonas
c. Lambda phage
d. E. Coli
d) E.Coli

Question 17.
The ability to form tumours is found in the plasmids of
a. E.coli
b. Pseudomonas
c. Agrobacterium tumefaciens
d. Pneumococcus
c) Agrobacterium tumefaciens

Question 18.
Engineered bacterium carries
a. Plasmids
b. rDNA
c. c DNA
d. ssDNA
b) rDNA

Samacheer Kalvi 12th Bio Botany Guide Chapter 4 Principles and Processes of Biotechnology

Question 19.
Electrophoresis and southern blotting techniques are used in
a. DNA fingerprinting
b. Gene Synthesis
c. gene cloning
d. All of these.
a) DNA fingerprinting

Question 20.
In biosesnsors Green Fluorescent protein is used which is isolated from A and spliced
a. A Chlamydomonas – B Ecoli
b. A Gelidium – B Bacillus subtilis
c. A Aequorea victoria – B Arabidopsis thaliana
d. A Asoaragus – B Accacia melanoxylon
c. A Aequorea victoria – B Arabidopsis thaliana

Question 21.
Bacteria protects themselves from viral attack by producing
a. Exonuclease
b. Endonuclease
d. Gy ase
b) Endonuclease

Question 22.
Molecular scissor is
a. Urease
b. Helicase
c. Peptidase
d. Restriction Endonuclease
d) Restriction Endonuclease

Samacheer Kalvi 12th Bio Botany Guide Chapter 4 Principles and Processes of Biotechnology

Question 23.
Which one of the following is used in transfer of foreign DNA to crop plants?
a. Penicillum Expansum
b. TrichodermaHarzianum
c. Meloidogyne Incognita
d. Agrobacterium tumefaciens
d) Agrobacterium tumefaciens

Question 24.
E coli is the mostly used organism for gene cloning, because
a. It is easy to handle
b. It is growing easily under optimal condition
c. It is the safe organism d. All the above.
d) All the above.

Question 25.
Which one of the following palindromic base sequences in DNA can be easily cut at about the middle by some particular restriction enzyme?
a. 5′ CGTTCG3’3′ ATGGTA 5′
b. 5′ GATATG 3′ 3′ CTACTA 5′
c. 5′ GAATTC 3′ 3’CTTAAG 5′
d. 5′ CACGTA3’3′ CTCAGT 5′
c. 5′ GAATTC 3′ 3’CTTAAG 5′

Question 26.
Biolistics (gene gun) is suitable for
a. Constructing recombinant DNA by joining with vectors
b. DNA finger printing
c. Disease resistant genes
d. Transformation of plant cells
d) Transformation of plant cells

Samacheer Kalvi 12th Bio Botany Guide Chapter 4 Principles and Processes of Biotechnology

Question 27.
For transformation micro particles coated with DNA to be bombarded with gene gun are made up of
a. Silver or Platinum
b. Platinum or Zinc
c. Silicon or Platinum
d. Gold or Tungsten
d) Gold or Tungsten

Question 28.
Rising of dough is due to
a. Multiplication of Yeast
b. Production of CO2
c. Emulsification
d. Hydrolysis of wheat flour starch in to sugar
b) Production of CO2

Question 29.
All the process after the fermentation process is known as
a. upstream process
b. downstream process
c. forward process
d. backward process
b) downstream process

Question 30.
For making GMO, the three basic steps that are required are
a. Identification of DNA with desirable gene
b. Introduction of identified DNA into the host
c. Maintenance of introduced DNA in to the host and transfer of DNS to its progeny
d. All the above
d) All the above

Samacheer Kalvi 12th Bio Botany Guide Chapter 4 Principles and Processes of Biotechnology

Question 31.
Zymology is the study of
a. Fermentation & its practical use
b. Name of Bioreactors
c. Upstream pro^ss
d. Downstream process
a) Fermentation & its practical use

Question 32.
ECORI – R stands for
a. Genus
b. Species
c. Strains
d. Group
a) Genus

Question 33.
Which is suitable for transferring an alien DNA into a plant cell?
a. CaCl2
b. Biolistics or gene gun method
c. Micro infection
d. Heat shock
b) Biolistics or gene gun method

Question 34.
The group of degradable biopolymers are
a. CrylAc and DMH-11
b. PHAsandPHB
c. GFPandPGA
d. DMH and HT
b) PHAs and PHB

Samacheer Kalvi 12th Bio Botany Guide Chapter 4 Principles and Processes of Biotechnology

Question 35.
Genetically engineered human insulin is
a. Haematiri
b. Pro insulin
c. Hybridin
d. Humulin
d) Humulin

Question 36.
Probiotics are
a. Food Allergens
b. safe antibiotics
c, Carcinogenic microbes
d. Live microbial food supplements
d) Live microbial food supplement

Question 37.
Bt Brinjal is produced by using A and is having resistance against B.
a. A Ecoli – B Virus
b. A Virus – B Bacteria
c. A Agrobacterium – B Bacillus
d. A Agrobacterium – B Lepidopteron
d. A Agrobacterium – B Lepidopteron

Samacheer Kalvi 12th Bio Botany Guide Chapter 4 Principles and Processes of Biotechnology

Question 38.
PCR refers to
a. A common laboratory technique of making millions of copies of a particular region of DNA
b. A biotechnological procedure of replicating DNA strands
c. Hybridization of DNA molecules in to several fragments
d. It is a test for tracing genetic defects.
a) A common laboratory technique of making millions of copies of a particular region of DNA

Question 39.
The test used in the diagnosis of AIDS are
a. ELISA and Southern blot
b. Northern blot and ELISA
c. Western blot and ELISA
d. ELISA and Widal test
c) Western blot and ELISA

Question 40.
The characteristics of molecular probe are
a. very long molecule
b. double stranded
d. complementary to a part of desired gene options
I. a & b
II. b & c
III. a & d
IV. c & d
iv) c & d

Samacheer Kalvi 12th Bio Botany Guide Chapter 4 Principles and Processes of Biotechnology

Question 41.
Use of biology in industrial process and for improving quality of life is called
a. Biotechnology
b. Genetic engineering
c. Eugenics
d. Microbiology
c) Eugenics

Question 42.
Somoclonal variations occur in plants subjected to
a. r DNA technology
b. Exposed to gamma rays
c. Tissue culture
d. Highly polluted environmrnt
c) Tissue culture

Question 43.
DNA elements with ability to change positions is called
a. intron
b. transposon
c. exon
d. recon
b) transposon

Samacheer Kalvi 12th Bio Botany Guide Chapter 4 Principles and Processes of Biotechnology

Question 44.
The process of RNA interference has been used in the development of plants resistant to
a. viruses
b. Nematodes
c. Fungi
d. Insect pests
b) Nematodes

Question 45.
A transgenic food crop which may help in solving the problem of night blindness in developing countries is
a. Bt Soyabean
b. Star link Maize
c. Golden rice
d. FlavrSavr Tomato
c) Golden rice

Question 46.
LacZ is a reporter gene used in
a. Antibiotic resistant markers
b. Replica Plating Technique
c. Vector mediated gene transfer
d. Insertional Inactivation (Blue white colony selection method)
d) Insertional Inactivation (Blue white colony selection method)

Samacheer Kalvi 12th Bio Botany Guide Chapter 4 Principles and Processes of Biotechnology

Question 47.
PTA – 6
a. GMF
b. Circular protein
c. GFP
d. PLA
c) GFP

Question 48.
The introduction of foreign nucleic acids ito cells by non viral methods is known as
a. Transduction
b. Transfection
b) Transfection

Question 49.
The CO2 and Ethyl alcohol of fermentation are used respectively in
a. Bakery and Brewery
b. Brewery and Sugar Refining
c. Refinery and Brewery
d. Sewage treatment plants & Alcoholic beverage factories
a) Bakery and Brewery

Question 50.
This enzyme is purified from bacteria and calf intestine is
a. DNAligase
b. Alkaline Phosphatase
c. Exo nuclease
d. Endo nuclease
b) Alkaline Phosphatase

Samacheer Kalvi 12th Bio Botany Guide Chapter 4 Principles and Processes of Biotechnology

Question 51.
The use of transposon is well studied in
a. Arabidopsis thaliana & Escherichia coli
b. Escherichia coli & Yeast cell
c. Salmonella typhi & Pisum Sativum
d. None of the above
a) Arabidopsis thaliana & Escherichia coli

Question 52.
Curd milk, cheese and butter are produced with the help of
a. penicillium
b. streptomyces
c. saccharomyces
d. none of the above
d. none of the above

Question 53.
Basta herbicide tolerant gene PPT was isolat ed from
a. Medicago sativa
b. Ginkgo biloba
c. Mentha viridis
d. None of the above
a) Medicago sativa

Samacheer Kalvi 12th Bio Botany Guide Chapter 4 Principles and Processes of Biotechnology

Question 54.
The number of Bt Toxin produced by strains of Bacillus thurigiensis is
a. 200
c. 2600
d, 2400
a) 200

Question 55.
The name & source organism of the gene crylAc and its target pest are
a. Meloidegyne incognita – root borer
b. Bacillus thuringiensis – cotton bollworm
c. Agrobacterium tumefaciens – stem borer
d. Manducta sexta – horn worm
b) Bacillus thuringiensis – cotton bollworm

Question 56.
Which was the first plants to be used to demonstrate the feasibility of CRISPR – mediated targeted mutagenesis and gene replacement
a. Wheat
b. Rice
c. Maize
d. Arabidiopsis
b) Rice

Samacheer Kalvi 12th Bio Botany Guide Chapter 4 Principles and Processes of Biotechnology

Question 57.
Which one of the following selection method takes longer time in bringing about desired
a. Clonal selection
b. Mass selection
c. Pure line selection
d. Natural selection
d) Natural selection

Question 58.
a. Hydrolysins substance
b. Round up Enzyme
c. Bio Pesticide
d. Fertilizer
b) Round up Enzyme

Question 59.
Match the following

1 Plasmida. Jumping gene
2 Ti plasmidb. ds- circular gene
3 PBR322 plasmidc. Has one, ori & inc genes
4 Transposable elementsd. most widely used as cloning vector

1. b. ds- circular gene
2. c. Has one, ori & inc genes
3. d. most widely used as cloning vector
4. a. Jumping gene
Samacheer Kalvi 12th Bio Botany Guide Chapter 4 Principles and Processes of Biotechnology

Question 60.
1. Fermentation – Kohler
2. Monoclonal antibodies – Francis cirde
3. Viral Vaccine – Louis pasteur
4. Double helix structure . of DNA – Edward jenner
a) i-III, ii) I, iii) IV, iv) II
a) i-II, ii) III, iii) IV, iv) I
a) i-IV, ii) III, iii) I, iv) IV
a) i-II, ii) III, iii) I, iv) IV
a) i-III, ii) I, iii) IV, iv) II

Question 61.
Choose the odd man out
With regard to the strategies of Bio remediation
a. Use of indigenous microbial population as indicator species
b. The addition of adapted or designed microbial inoculants
c. Use of plants to clean up pollutants
d. Molecular pharming to produce transgenic organisms.
d. Molecular pharming to produce transgenic organisms.

Samacheer Kalvi 12th Bio Botany Guide Chapter 4 Principles and Processes of Biotechnology

Question 62.
With regard to SCP – Choose the odd man out.
a. Chlorella
b. Spirulina
c. Chlamydomonas
d. Bacillus thuringiensis
d) Bacillus thuringiensis

Question 63.
With regard to secondary metabolites choose the odd man out
a. Antibiotics
b. Terpenoids
c. Rubber
d. Lactic acid
d) Lactic acid

Question 64.
Choose the incorrect pair

a.PBR 322Ecoli cloning vector
b.EcoRl — cIal, Hind 1HRestriction Enzyme
c.ROPProtein involved in the replication of the plasmid


Technique in which multiple copies of the gene (or DNA) of interest is synthesized, invitro

c) ROP – Protein involved in the replication of the plasmid

Question 65.

a. DMH -IIHerbicide-tolerant Pea
b. PLABio degradable & Bio active thermoplastic
c. GFPProtein is isolated from the Jellyfish Aequora Victoria
d. PPTBasta herbicide tolerant gene

a) DMH -11 – Herbicide tolerant Pea

Samacheer Kalvi 12th Bio Botany Guide Chapter 4 Principles and Processes of Biotechnology

Question 66.
Which is the set of fragments obtained by the action of Hae III restriction enzymes on
5^{\prime} \mathrm{GGCC}^{\prime} \\
3^{\prime} \mathrm{CCGG} 5^{\prime}
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Question 67.
With regard to transgenic organism & the processes

a. Biopharrninggenetically engineered pharmaceuticals substances
b. Mycoremediationuse of bacteria to bring about environmental remediation
d. Bioaugmentationuse of selected microbes to speed up degradation process
d. Bioleachinguse of microbes to recover metal pollutants from contaminated place

b. Mycoremediation – use of bacteria to bring about environmental remediation

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II. Assertion and Reason

In each of the following questions, two statements are given. One is assertion (A) and the other one is reason(R) Mark the correct answer as
a) If both ‘A’ and ‘R’ are true and ‘R’ is the correct explanation of A
b) It both ‘A’ and ‘R’ are true but ‘R’ is not the correct explanation of A
c) It A is true but’R’is false
d) If both A&R are false

Question 68.
Assertion : Stirred tank fermenters help in obtaining the foreign gene product Reason : They allow the large scale growth of the biomass that leads to a higher yield of desired proteins
a) If both ‘A’ and ‘R’ are true and ‘R’ is the correct explanation of A

Question 69.
Assertion: PCR is used inrDNA technology. Reason : Special fast multiplying vectors are produced using PCR method.
b) It both ‘A’ and ‘R’ are true but ‘R’ is not the correct explanation of A

Question 70.
Assertion : In EcoRI, the letter R is derived from the genus of bacteria.
Reason :
EcoRI, the name of palindromic nucleotide sequences.
d) If both A & R are false

Samacheer Kalvi 12th Bio Botany Guide Chapter 4 Principles and Processes of Biotechnology

Question 71.
Assertion : Assertion:Micro injection technique is used to inject rDNA directly into the nucleus of an animal cell
Reason: Genegun is used to transfer rDNA into plant cells
b) It both ‘A’ and ‘R’ are true but ‘R’ is not the correct explanation of A

Question 72.
Assertion : In bio reactors, the transforming cells are maintained in their physiologically most active phase..
Reason : A large biomass using higher yields of desired protein is got by it.
a) It both ‘A’ and ‘R’ are true but ‘R’ is not the correct explanation of A

Question 73.
Assertion: n rDNA technology, the restriction enzymes, those produce sticky ends are commonly used.
Reason : Sticky ends facilitates the action of enzyme DNA ligase.
a) It both ‘A’ and ‘R’ are true but ‘R’ is not the correct explanation of A

Question 74.
Assertion : Cloning vector should have selectable marker.
Reason : Selectable marker helps in identifying and eliminating non – trnsformants and selectively permitting the growth of transformants.
a) It both ‘A’ and ‘R’ are true but ‘R’ is not the correct explanation of A

Samacheer Kalvi 12th Bio Botany Guide Chapter 4 Principles and Processes of Biotechnology

III. Choose the correct statement

Question 75.
The bio reactor is a Fermentor – vessel in which the following factors are controlled.
a. Nutrient, temperature and microorganism
b. Aeration, agitation, temperature and pH
c. Aeration, Activation, Agarose gel & hormones.
d. Hormones, Oxygen, Carbon Dioxide & not trade secrets.
b. Aeration, agitation, temperature and pH

Question 76.
Which one of the following statement is true regarding IPR?
a. The discoverer has the full rights on his/her property.
b. IPR includes only the process of the product
c. IPR is not protected by laws framed by the country.
d. The discoverer can use his discovery for his own company but can not sell it to others.
a) The discoverer has the full rights on his/her property.

Question 77.
a. Most of Bt toxins are insecticidal to the larvae of Honeybees, Butterflies & Lepidoptera.
b. Bt – Brinjal is developed to give resistant against viral attacks.
c. Flavr – Savr is a variety of corn produced by Agrobacterium mediated genetic engineering technique
d. Goldenrice has been genetically altered so that the endosperm now accumulates Beta – Carotene
d) Goldenrice has been genetically altered so that the endosperm now accumulates Beta -Carotene

Question 78.
a.Cosmids are hybrid vectors derived from plasmids.
b. YAC plasmid vector does not behave like a yeast chromosome.
c. BAC vector is not used inrDNA technology.
d. The shuttle vectors are plasmids present in most of the Prokaryotes.
a.Cosmids are hybrid vectors derived from plasmids.

Samacheer Kalvi 12th Bio Botany Guide Chapter 4 Principles and Processes of Biotechnology

IV. Choose the incorrect statements

Question 79.
a. ELISA is a diagnostic tool in the identification of pathogen species by using antibodies
b. In plant pathology ELISA is used to weed out virus infected plants.
c. ELISA test is one of the tests in the diagnosis of AIDS.
d. The presence of Mycobacterium tuberculosis is also traced by ELISA test.
d) The presence of Mycobacterium tuberculosis is also traced by ELISA test.

Question 80.
a. DNA probes are used in the identification of viruses and other pathogen.
b. RNA probes are used in the identification of bacteria as pathogens.
c. Northern Blotting can also be used in the «identification of pathogenecity of viruses.
d. Southern Blotting help as a tool to identify virus and other pathogens.
b) RNA probes are used in the identification of bacteria as pathogens

Samacheer Kalvi 12th Bio Botany Guide Chapter 4 Principles and Processes of Biotechnology

IV. Fill in the blanks Answer

1. The method that involved the growth of tissues & cells in a suitable new medium and away from the parent plant is known as…………………….
Tissue culture

2. The range of insects killed by Bt. Toxins are…………………….

Samacheer Kalvi 12th Bio Botany Guide Chapter 4 Principles and Processes of Biotechnology

3. The genes that code for Bt toxins are commercially called…………………….
Cry genes

4. The first company to produce insulin by rDNA technology is…………………….
Eli Lilly

5. The Indian scientist who was the innovator of ELISA in India is…………………….
Usha M.Joshi

6. PCR is usually used to detect the……………………. in a suspected …………………….patient.

7. Are present in increased quantities in glutelin is…………………….

8. Protein encoded by cry Ab control…………………….
Cotton borer

Samacheer Kalvi 12th Bio Botany Guide Chapter 4 Principles and Processes of Biotechnology

9. Use of microorganism in solution to recover toxic metal pollutants from contaminated sites is…………………….

10. The endosperm of normal rice doesnot contain…………………….
Beta carotene

V. Two Marks

Question 1.
What are the tools for genetic engineering?

  • Enzymes (1) restriction endonuclease (2) DNA ligase
  • Vectors
  • Host organisms

Question 2.
What is PCR?
PCR (Polymerase Chain Reaction is common laboratory technique used to make copies (millions) of a particular region of DNA

Question 3.
Differtiate between Exonuclease & Endonuclease

  1. It remove nucleotides one at a time from the end of a DNA molecule
  2. May also cut RNA Eg;Exonuclease

Samacheer Kalvi 12th Bio Botany Guide Chapter 4 Principles and Processes of Biotechnology

Exonuclease :

  1. It break the internal internal phosphodiester bonds with in a DNA molecule
  2. They do not cut RNA | Eg:Hind II -ecoRI Pvul, Bam HI, Taq I

Question 4.
What is the role of Restriction endonuclease in the life of bacteria?

  • They exist in many bacteria, where they function as a part of their defence mechanism called restriction-modification system
  • It helps the bacteria to cut the genetic material of the virus that attack it and render them harmless. EgiE.coli

Question 5.
How do DNA ligases join the DNA fragments?
DNA ligase,joins the sugar and phosphate molecule of double stranded DNA (ds.DNA) with 5’po4 and 3′-OH in an ATP -dependent reaction

Question 6.
What are the two types of vectors?
Cloning vector
It is used for cloning of DNA,insert inside the suitable host cell

Expression vector
It is used to express the DNA insert for producing specific protein inside the host

Samacheer Kalvi 12th Bio Botany Guide Chapter 4 Principles and Processes of Biotechnology

Question 7.
What is meant by ori?
Origin replication (ori) is a sequence from
where replication starts and piece of DNA when linked to this sequence can be made to replicate within the host cells

Question 8.
What is the main function of a selectable marker?

  • Selectable marker , which helps in identifying and eliminating nontransformants
  • It will selectively permit the growth to the transformants

Question 9.
What is known as Walking genes or jumping genes or Transposons?
The DNA sequence able to insert itself at a new location in the – Genome without having any sequence relationship with the target locus -,hence known as walking or jumping genes-or Transposons

Question 10.
Differentiate between BAG &Y AC vector
BAC vector:

  1. It is a shuttle plasmid vector
  2. Most useful cloning vector in r DNAtechnology
  3. Can clone DNA inserts of up to 300 kb
  4. Stable & more user friendly

YAC vector :

  1. Behave like a yeast chromosome
  2. It occur in 2 forms i) circular ii) linear
    I. Circular YAC- multiplies in bacteria
    II. Linear YAC-multiplies in yeast cells

Question 11.
Differentiate between plasmid DNA & chromosomal DNA
Plasmid DNA

  1. Extra chromosomal DNA
  2. Mostly circular double stranded (ds)
  3. Not associated with histones
  4. Show autonomous replication with in a suitable host
  5. Do not act as genetic factor
  6. Don’t have introns

Chromosomal DNA :

  1. Chromosomal DNA
  2. Associated with histone proteins
  3. They replicate with the genome
  4. Can be linear/circular ss or ds
  5. They act as genetic factor
  6. Have both introns & exons

Samacheer Kalvi 12th Bio Botany Guide Chapter 4 Principles and Processes of Biotechnology

Question 12
Ecoli is the most widely used organism as genetic material in Biotechnological studies-justify

  • E.coli genetic makeup has been extensively studied
  • It is easy to handle & grow in short time
  • It can accept a range of vectors & also been studied for safety
  • Under optimal growing conditions the cells divide every 20 minutes

Question 13.
What is Biolistics method/ gene gun/ shot gun/method of DNA introduction ? Give any one practical application of this method of gene transfer

  • It is a method of transfecting cells by bombarding them with microprojectiles coated with DNA
  • It is most useful for inserting genes(such as pesticide/ herbicide resistance genes) into plant cells
  • The bombarded cells or tissues are cultured on selected medium to regenerate plants from the transformed cells

Question 14.
Biotechnologists refer to Agrobacterium tumifaciens as a natural genetic engineer of plants. Give reasons to support then statement
Yes – because the T1 plasmid of this bacterium is very large sized one known as(Tumour inducing) and a portion of it is referred as T-DNA (transfer DNA).Since upon infection of the cells at wound site the bacterium has the natural ability to transfer T- DNA region of its plasmid in to plant genome it is also known as Natural genetic engineer of plants

Samacheer Kalvi 12th Bio Botany Guide Chapter 4 Principles and Processes of Biotechnology

Question 15.
What is ‘Gene knock out’ . Name the two types of vectors used for ‘Gene knock out’

  • In gene targeting experiments the nuclei has been targeted. This is known as gene knock out
  • Two types of vectors are used for it. They are insertion vectors & the replacement vectors

Question 16.
What is Genome project?
In this project the whole – genome of plant is analysed using sequence analysis & sequence homology with other plants.
Eg: Chlamydomonas(Algae), Arabidopsis thaliana, Rice & Maize

Question 17.
What is biofortification?

  • A process in biotechnology by which the nuitritive quantity of food material is increased by gene transfer technology .It is also known as Biofortification
  • The nutritive protein, carbohydrate, Vitamins can be enriched by this process.
  • Eg: Golden rice with vitamin A

Question 18.
What are the advantages of Herbicide tolerant crops

  • Weed control, improves higher crop yields
  • Reduces usage of herbicides
  • Reduces competition between crop & weed
  • Use of low toxicity compounds ( not remain active in soil)
  • Conservation of soil structure and soil microbes

Samacheer Kalvi 12th Bio Botany Guide Chapter 4 Principles and Processes of Biotechnology

Question 19.
How is the Bacillus thuringiensis bacterium protected from BT. toxin and how it is effective in insect body?
BT.toxin is present in its inactive form called protoxin in bacillus thuringiensis
When the bacterium is ingested by the insect, the alkaline PH of the- alimentary canal of insect is activated .The toxin which binds to the epithelial cells of midgut forming pores -leading to swelling & lysis of the cells -leading to death of the insects

Question 20.
Distinguish between cry & cry III Ab

  • Gene for BT.toxin is written as cry and the prote in as cry III At
  • The first letter of protein symbol is always written capital form and written as cry III Ab.

Question 21.
What is bio remediation?
It is an approach in which genetically engineered Micro organism (GEMS) or green plants etc., can be used to treat nonbiodegradable/toxic wastes suches
oil,petrochemical residues,pesticides or heavy metals in
i) Soil ii) Ground water iii) Marine environment and to make environment more sustainable.

Question 22.
What are the limitations of Bioremediation?

  • Only biodegradable contaminants can be degraded
  • The process must be specific to the contaminated site
  • Small scale tests to be conducted before carrying out on a pilot scale
  • It is a costly affair also need more research in these areas.

Question 23.
What is Algal bio-fuel-Explain

  • The use of Algae as a source of energy
  • It is an alternative to i) Fossil fuels, ii) Fuel from corn, iii) Sugar cane
  • It is also used for making bio-fuel or bio-iesal
  • Land unsuitable for Agriculture can be utilised for (farming algae) algal culture. Eg.Botryococcus braunii

Samacheer Kalvi 12th Bio Botany Guide Chapter 4 Principles and Processes of Biotechnology

Question 24.
Write the chemistry of biological hydrogen production by algae?

  • The Technology is photo biological water splitting
  • When thenormal condition of photosynthesis was altered, or when it is deprived of sulfur it switches to the production of Hydrogen and the electrons are transported to ferredoxins
  • [Fe]-hydrogenase enzymes combine them into the production of Hydrogen gas, an alternative fuel for the next generation

Question 25.
Write the principle of electrophoresis?

  • Electrophoresis is a separating technique used to separate different biomolecules with positive and negative charges.
  • By applying electricity (DC) the molecules migrate according to the type of charges they have.
  • The electrical charges on different molecules are variable.
  • +ve charged cation will move towards -ve cathod.
  • -ve charged anions will move towards +ve anode.

Question 26.
What is screening?

  • After the introduction of r-DNA into a suitable host cell
  • It is essential to identify those cells which have received the r-DNA molecule.
  • This process is called screening

Question 27.
Name the two types of gene transfer methods in plants?

  • Direct or vector less gene transfer
  • Indirect or vector mediated gene transfer

Question 28.
Define Zymology?
The study of termentation, its practical uses is called zymology.

Samacheer Kalvi 12th Bio Botany Guide Chapter 4 Principles and Processes of Biotechnology

VI. Three Marks.

Question 1.
Give the two main features of modern biotechnology that differentiated it from conventional technology

  • Ability to change the -genetic material for getting new products according to the requirement through r DNA technology
  • Ownership of the newly developed technology and its social impact

Question 2.
What is a bioreactor?
It is a vessal or container , designed,

A. To provide an optimum environment, in which microorganism or their enzymes interact with a subtract to produce a product
B. It provide a controlled condition, aeration, agitation, temperature and PH.
C. It has 2 processes i) upstream ii) down stream

Question 3.
Differentiate between upstream & downstream process
Upstream process :

  1. 1st part
  2. All the process-of preparation before the starting the process >
  3. Includes sterilization of the bioreactor, preparation & sterilization of culture medium and growth of the suitable inoculum

Downstream process :

  1. Follows upstream
  2. All the process after the fermentation process
  3. Includes distillation centrifuging, filteration & solvent extraction Mostly- involves the purification of the desired product

Samacheer Kalvi 12th Bio Botany Guide Chapter 4 Principles and Processes of Biotechnology

Question 4.
Explain the role of Agrobacterium as a vector in gene transfer.
Ti plasmid :

  • Ti plasmid is found in Agrobacterium tumefaciens a bacteria responsible for inducing tumours in several dicot plants.
  • It plasmid carries transfer (tra) gene which help to transfer T-DNA from one bacterium to other bacterial or plant cell.
  • It has one gene for oncogonecity, ori gene for origin for replication and inc gene for incompatibility.
  • T-DNA of Ti-plasmid is stably integrated with plant DNA
  • Agrobacterium plasmids have been used for introduction of genes of desirable traits in to plants.

Question 5.
Write down the various Applications of SCP. SCP is used in various ways

  • Protein supplement
  • Cosmetic product for healthy hair & skin
  • Poultry industry as excellent source of proteinacious food.
  • In food industry – canbe carrier in production of aroma, tic compounds vitamin, emulsifying agent  improve the nutritive value of baked products & ready to serve meals.
  • In the processing of paper & leather as foam stabilizers.

Samacheer Kalvi 12th Bio Botany Guide Chapter 4 Principles and Processes of Biotechnology

Question 6.
What is Barcode in genetic term?

  • It is genetic form refer to the identify of the taxon based on its genetic makeup.
  • It is an optical machine readable representation of data which describes about A the characters of any plants / objects.

Question 7.
Define Genome or Gene editing.

  • A group of technologies that has the ability to change an organism’s DNA.
  • Genetic material can be added, removed or altered at particular locations in the genome – known as genome or gene editing.
  • Eg. GRISPR – mediated gene replacement – Rice can be switched from sexual to an asexual mode.

Question 8.
What are the (believed to be) Risks of GM Food

  • Affect Liver, Kidney functioning
  • Carcinogenic (cause cancer)
  • Hormonal imbalance & Physical disorder
  • Anaphylactic shocks (sudden hypersensitive reaction) & Allergies
  • Adverse effects on immune system – due to interference of bacterial protein
  • Loss of viability of seeds, (shown in terminator seed technology of GM crops).

Question 9.
What is Northern to Blot & differentiate it from western Blot?.

  • Alwin et al. (1979) devised a special technique Northern Blot hybridization to
    transfer RNA bands.
  • Amino Benzyloxymethyl paper is the filter paper used, which can be prepared from what man 540 paper.

Western Blot

  • It is electrophoretic transfer of protein to blotting papers.
  • Nitrocellulose filter paper can be used.
  • A particular protein is then identified by probing the blot with a radio-labelled antibody – binds on the specific protein to which the – antibody was prepared.

Samacheer Kalvi 12th Bio Botany Guide Chapter 4 Principles and Processes of Biotechnology

Question 10.
How are the flavr-savr type of Tomatoes formed?.

  • The native genes in Tomato produce enzyme Polygalacturonase and this leads to ripening follow by senescence & fruits get spoit.
  • When Anitsense RNA genes inserted into Tomato plant via Agrobacterium mediated gene transfer the gene interfere with the production of Polygalacturonase, there by delay ripening, softening and further spoiling (shelf life of fruits increased).
  • Transgenic tomatos can be transported to long distance with out getting spoilt.

Question 11.
Western blot test is more perfect than ELISA. How?
Both ELISA and Western Blotting are indirect tests – to measure he immune system’s response to an infections agent rather than looking for the components of the agent itself.

ELISA TestWestern Blot Test
It detects the antibodies which the
body starts to produce between 2-12 weeks after being infected,
It is a confirmative test. It is less likely to have false positive results – as it can effectively distinguish between the anti bodies of the particular disease from other antibodies
It is a qualitative, sensitive test – but not a confirmative test. Eg.: HIV – AIDSIt is a clear confirmative test.

Samacheer Kalvi 12th Bio Botany Guide Chapter 4 Principles and Processes of Biotechnology

VII. Five marks

Question 1.
Upstream process, fermentation process & downstream process are the 3 steps.

1. Up-stream proces (Preparation)
It include,

  • Sterilization of the fermenter
  • Sterilization of the culture medium
  • Growth of the suitable inoculum

2. Fermentation process

3. Down stream process (Purification)
It include,

  • Distillation
  • Centrifuging
  • filtration &
  • solvent extraction.

So; for fermentation process to occur the preparation process(upstream process) is essential. If no inoculum we can’t produce culture. Also without sterilization contami-nation occur leading to spoilage of the culture by the harmful microbes.

Samacheer Kalvi 12th Bio Botany Guide Chapter 4 Principles and Processes of Biotechnology

Question 2.
Antibiotic resistant maker is a useful selective marker – Explain.

  • Antibiotic Resistant Marker (ARM) is – a gene when introduced into bacterial cells – (Recombinant) produce – a protein that provide resistance to antibiotics.
  • Recombinants (A) may grow well in a medium with antibiotics (such as ampicillin, chioramphenicol, teiracycline or kanamycinetc)
  • Non recombinants (B) may not be able to grow in these media with these antibiotics.
  • Thus Antibiotic resistant marker is a useful selectable marker in distinguishing the two.

Question 3.
How will you select the transformed cells using Replica plating technique?
Pattern of colonies growing on a culture plate can be copied.


  • A culture plate with growing bacterial colonies is taken (A) – infected.
  • A sterile filter plate (B) – is pressed against culture plate (A) – infected.
  • The filter (B) got infected and then it is pressed against a sterile culture plate (C)
  • New plate (C) got infected with same relative positions as colonies in the original.

The study can be repeated on different conditions.

(i) with an Antibiotic
(ii) with a growth factor etc.,
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Samacheer Kalvi 12th Bio Botany Guide Chapter 4 Principles and Processes of Biotechnology

Question 4.
Explain the separation & Isolation of DNA using GEL Electrophoresis.

  • Agarose GEL Electrophoresis is a,medium used to separate DNA fragements of larger sizes (few 100S to 20,000 bp)
  • Polycrylamide is a medium used to separate DNA fragments of smaller sizes.
  • Agarose GEL provides – a three dimensional matrix & DNA molecules migrates through the – gel and DNA bands can be readily detected at highter sensitivity.
  • Energy – The electric field provide energy
  • Technique – DNA are negatively charged and migrate towards the positive pole (anode)
  • (The marker DNA fragments of known size which allow accurate size determination of an unknown DNA molecule by interpolation)
  • The bands of DNA can be stained by a dye Ethium bromide and can be detected as visible orange fluorescence under UV light and can also be photographed.

Question 6.
Explain RNA or RNA-Interf erence or RNA mediated gene silencing
RNAi (is a phenomena in which ds RNA molecules targetedly select m RNA – molecule and inactive or inhabit or neutralise its gene expression into protein (Translation)

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Samacheer Kalvi 12th Bio Botany Guide Chapter 4 Principles and Processes of Biotechnology

Question 7.
Explain Herbicide tolerant – Basta or Notes on PPT & PAT with reference to Herbicide
1. Basta refers to nonselective herbicide with chemical compoumd Phosphinothricin – which inhibit, the enzyme glutamine synthetase involved in ammonia assimilation.
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2. Like wise PAT – similer FPT was extracted
to get Herbicide resistant transgenic plant:
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Question 8.
Give a tabulation of some transgenic plants & their applications.

Transgenic plantsUseful application of transgenic plants
1 Bt.cottonResist bollworms & gat flies
Increased yield
Reduction in insecticide use
2 Bt.BrinjalResist lepidopteron insects such as fruit and shoot borer- Leucinodes or bonalis
3 Golden riceBio fortified rice-modified to produce beta carotene (used by the body to make vitamin A)
4 Dhara mustard hybrid (DMH-I)Transgenic mustard is resistant to herbicide Basta
Yield is increased
5 Flavrsavr tomatoTransgenic tomato, retaining color & flavor ripening is delayed & can be transported to long distance without getting spoiled.

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Question 9.
Distinguish between the bio polymers PHB, PHA & PLA.
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Question 10.
Give the protocol for the herbicide glyphosate tolerant potato plant.
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Explain the development of transgenic brinjal
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Question 11.
How do the Bt.cotton – plant resist pests?
Bt.cotton is a transgenic plant
Bacillus thuringiensis produces 200 different Bt. toxins
Most of the toxins are effective against moths, Butterflies, Beeltes, cotton bollworms & gatflies

Cry genes produce crytoxins, when dissolved in the alkaline PH of gut of insect the toxins become active , form pores on the epithelial cells , there by sufficient regulation of potassium ions are lost resulting in the death of the epithelial cells leading to death of the larves.

Samacheer Kalvi 12th Bio Botany Guide Chapter 4 Principles and Processes of Biotechnology

Question 12.
What is GFP? What are its properties?

  • Green Fluorescent protein (GFF) – contain aminoacid residues of 26.9 KD a that exhibits bright green fluorescence when exposed to blue UV range (395 nm)


  • This protein is 1st isolated from a Jelly fish Aequorea victoria
  • It has the ability to form internal chromophore without any co factor except molecular oxygen Uses:
  • GFP is used as a reporter of expression
  • It is used in modified forms to make biosensors

Question 13.
Explain the Bio piracy attempt on Neem & Turmeric.
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Question 14.
Explain the Biopiracy of ‘Basmati’s, and how India fought back its rights?
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Question 15.
What are the applications of Biotechnology?
It has wide applications in various sectors

I. Agriculture – Transgenic plants
Bt.cotton, Bt.brinjal, Golden rice, Flavr Savr tomato, Cauliflower, Potato, and Banana – are
the outcome of Biotechnology Resistant varieties They are Resistant to pest, stress, disease, etc.,

II. Medicine:

  • Insulin – is produced by r DNA technology is a breakthrough in medicine
  • Vaccines, enzymes, antibiotics, dairy products & beverages are also products of biotechnology

III. Biochip:
Bio chip-based biological computer

IV. Genetic engineering:
It involves

  • gene manipulation
  • Tissue culture
  • Single-cell protein (food industry) SCP
  • secondary metabolites & etc.,
  • biofertilizers – biopesticides etc.,

V. Environmental aspects Include

  • Bio mass-energy
  • Biofuel
  • Bio & phytoremediation
  • Environmental biotechnology etc.,

Samacheer Kalvi 12th Bio Botany Guide Chapter 4 Principles and Processes of Biotechnology

Question 16.
Give the explanation in a single or two sentences

  1. Bio-pesticide: pesticide derived from plants bacteria, animals, etc.,
  2. Bio-fertilizer: all nutrient outputs of biological origin include plants, animals & microbes
  3. Bio venting: The process that increases oxygen to accelerate the degradation of environmental pollutants
  4. Bio leaching: Microbes in solution, used to recover poisonous metal pollutants in the soil
  5. Bioprospecting: The process of commercialization of new products of based on biological resources
  6. Bio – pharming: use of genetically engineered plants/microbes to produce molecular pharming: pharmaceutical products
  7. BioFuel: plant/microbes/algae used as an alternative fuel source
  8. Biofortification: Breeding crops to enrich the nutritional value either by conventional or gene by genetic engineering
  9. Bioremediation: use plants/microbes to clean up environmental pollutants
  10. Biopiracy: exploiting the traditional knowledge/invention of poor countries by MNC or developed countries without approval or proper compensation
  11. Bio patency: The legal exclusive right for the inventor and thereby excluding others from exploiting the knowledge/invention.
  12. Bio chip: microchip designed intended to function in a biological environment or inside the body of an organism