Tamilnadu State Board New Syllabus Samacheer Kalvi 12th Bio Zoology Guide Pdf Chapter 8 Microbes in Human Welfare Text Book Back Questions and Answers, Notes.

Tamilnadu Samacheer Kalvi 12th Bio Zoology Solutions Chapter 8 Microbes in Human Welfare

12th Bio Zoology Guide Microbes in Human Welfare Text Book Back Questions and Answers

Samacheer Kalvi 12th Bio Zoology Guide Chapter 8 Microbes in Human Welfare

Question 1.
Which of the following microorganism is used for production of citric acid in industries?
(a) Lactobacillus bulgaris
(b) Penicillium citrinum
(c) Aspergillus niger
(d) Rhizopus nigricans
(c) Aspergillus niger

Question 2.
Which of the following pair is correctly matched for the product produced by them?
(a) Acetobacter aceti – Antibiotics
(b) Methanobacterium – Lactic acid
(c) Penicilium notatum – Acetic acid
(d) Saccharomyces cerevisiae – Ethanol
(d) Saccharomyces cerevisiae – Ethanol

Samacheer Kalvi 12th Bio Zoology Guide Chapter 8 Microbes in Human Welfare

Question 3.
The most common substrate used in distilleries for the production of ethanol is
(a) Soyameal
(b) Groundgram
(c) Molasses
(d) Com meal
(c) Molasses

Question 4.
Cry toxins obtained from Bacillus thuringiensis are effective against for ………….
{a) Mosquitoes
(b) Flies
(c) Nematodes
(d) Bollworms
(d) Bollworms

Question 5.
Cyclosporin – A is an immunosuppressive drug produced from ………….
(a) Aspergillus niger
(b) Manascus purpureus
(c) Penicillium notatum
(d) Trichoderma polysporum
(d) Trichoderma polysporum

Samacheer Kalvi 12th Bio Zoology Guide Chapter 8 Microbes in Human Welfare

Question 6.
Which of the following bacteria is used extensively as a bio-pesticide?
(a) Bacillus thurigiensis
(b) Bacillus subtilis
(c) Lactobacillus acidophilus
(d) Streptococcus lactis
(a) Bacillus thurigiensis

Question 7.
Which of the following is not involved in nitrogen fixation?
(a) Pseudomonas
(b) Azotobacter
(c) Anabaena
(d) Nostac
(a) Pseudomonas

Question 8.
CO2 is not released during
(a) Alcoholic fermentation
(b) Lactate fermentation
(c) Aerobic respiration in animals
(d) Aerobic respiration in plants
(b) Lactate fermentation

Question 9.
The purpose of biological treatment of waste water is to ………….
(a) Reduce BOD
(b) Increase BOD
(c) Reduce sedimentation
(d) Increase sedimentation
(a) Reduce BOD

Samacheer Kalvi 12th Bio Zoology Guide Chapter 8 Microbes in Human Welfare

Question 10.
The gases produced in anaerobic sludge digesters are ………….
(a) Methane, oxygen and hydrogen sulphide.
(b) Hydrogen sulphide, methane and sulphur dioxide.
(c) Hydrogen sulphide, nitrogen and methane.
(d) Methane, hydrogen sulphide and CO2
(d) Methane, hydrogen sulphide and CO2

Question 11.
How is milk converted into curd? Explain the process of curd formation?
The LAB bacteria grows in milk and convert it into curd, thereby digesting the milk protein casein. A small amount of curd added to fresh milk as a starter or inoculum contains millions of Lactobacilli, which under suitable temperature (< 40°C) multiply and convert milk into curd. Curd is more nutritious than milk as it contains a number of organic acids and vitamins.

Question 12.
Give any two bioactive molecules produced by microbes and state their uses.

Bioactive molecules from microbeUses
a. LipasesUsed in detergent formulations for removing oily stains from the laundry.
b. StreptokinaseUsed as “Clot buster” to remove clots from blood vessels.

Question 13.
What is biological oxygen demand?
The BOD (Biochemical oxygen demand or Biological oxygen demand). BOD refers to the amount of the oxygen that would be consumed, if all the organic matter in one litre of water were oxidized by bacteria. The sewage water is treated till the BOD is reduced. The greater the BOD of the waste water more is its polluting potential.

Samacheer Kalvi 12th Bio Zoology Guide Chapter 8 Microbes in Human Welfare

Question 14.
Explain the role of cry-genes in genetically modified crops.

Bacillus thuringiensis is a soil-dwelling bacterium which is commonly used as a biopesticide and contains a toxin called cry toxin. Scientists have introduced this toxin-producing gene into cotton and have raised genetically engineered insect resistant cotton plants.

During sporulation Bacillus thuringiensis produces crystal proteins called Delta-endotoxin which is encoded by cry genes. Delta-endotoxins have specific activities against the insects of the orders Lepidoptera, Diptera, Coleoptera and Hymenoptera. When the insects ingest the toxin crystals their alkaline digestive tract denatures the insoluble crystals making them soluble. The cry toxin then gets inserted into the gut cell membrance and paralyzes the digestive tract. The insect then stops eating and starves to death.

Question 15.
Write the key features of organic farming.

  • Protecting soil quality using organic materials and encouraging biological activity.
  • Indirect provision of crop nutrients using soil microorganisms.
  • Nitrogen fixation in soils using legumes.
  • Weed and pest control based on methods like crop rotation, biological diversity, natural predators, organic manures and suitable chemical, thermal and biological interventions.

Samacheer Kalvi 12th Bio Zoology Guide Chapter 8 Microbes in Human Welfare

Question 16.
Justify the role of microbes as a bio-fertilizer.
Biofertilisers are formulation of living microorganisms that enrich the nutrient quality of the soil. They increase physico – chemical properties of soils such as soil structure, texture, water holding capacity, cation exchange capacity and pH by providing several nutrients and sufficient organic matter. The main sources of biofertilisers are bacteria, fungi and cyanobacteria. Rhizobium is a classical example for symbiotic nitrogen fixing bacteria. This bacterium infects the root nodules of leguminous plants and fixes atmospheric nitrogen into organic forms. Azospirillum and Azotobacter are free living bacteria that fix atmospheric nitrogen and enrich the nitrogen content of soil.

A symbiotic association between a fungus and the roots of the plants is called mycorrhiza. The fungal symbiont in these associations absorbs the phosphorus from soil and transfers to the plant. Plants having such association show other benefits such as resistance to rootbome pathogens, tolerance to salinity, drought, enhances plant growth and developments.

For example, many members of the genus Glomus form mycorrhiza. Cyanobacteria (or) blue green algae (BGA) are prokaryotic free-living organisms which can fix nitrogen. Oscillatoria, Nostoc, Anabaena, Tolypothrix are well known nitrogen fixing cyanobacteria. Their importance is realized in the water logged paddy fields where Cyanobacteria multiply and fix molecular nitrogen. Cyanobacteria secrete growth promoting substances like indole-3-acetic acid, indole-3 – butyric acid, naphthalene acetic acid, amino acids, proteins, vitamins which promotes plant growth and production.

Biofertilisers are commonly used in organic farming methods. Organic farming is a technique, which involves cultivation of plants and rearing of animals in natural ways. This process involves the use of biological materials, avoiding synthetic substances to maintain soil fertility and ecological balance thereby minimizing pollution and wastage.

Key features of organic farming

  • Protecting soil quality using organic materials and encouraging biological activity.
  • Indirect provision of crop nutrients using soil microorganisms.
  • Nitrogen fixation in soils using legumes.
  • Weed and pest control based on methods like crop rotation, biological diversity, natural predators, organic manures and suitable chemical, thermal and biological interventions.

Samacheer Kalvi 12th Bio Zoology Guide Chapter 8 Microbes in Human Welfare

Question 17.
Write short notes on the following.
(a) Brewer’s yeast
(b) Ideonella sakaiensis
(c) Microbial fuel cells
(a) Brewer’s yeast – Saccharomyces cerevisiae is a widely used fungal species in preparation & softening of bakery products like dough.

(b) Ideonella sakaiensis is a bacterium is used to recycle PET plastics. The enzyme PETase and MHETase in the bacterium breakdown the PET plastics into terephthalic acid & ethylene glycol.

(c) A microbial fuel cell is a bio-electrochemical system that drives an electric current by using bacteria and mimicking bacterial interaction found in nature. Microbial fuel cells work by allowing bacteria to oxidize and reduce organic molecules. Bacterial respiration is basically one big redox reaction in which electrons are being moved around. A MFC consists of an anode and a cathode separated by a proton exchange membrane. Microbes at the anode oxidize the organic fuel generating protons which pass through the membrane to the cathode and the electrons pass through the anode to the external circuit to generate current.
Samacheer Kalvi 12th Bio Zoology Guide Chapter 8 Microbes in Human Welfare 1

Question 18.
List the advantages of biogas plants in rural areas.
Biogas is used for cooking and lighting. The technology of biogas production was developed in India mainly due to the efforts of Indian Agricultural Research Institute (IARI) and Khadi and Village Industries Commission (KVIC).

Question 19.
When does antibiotic resistance develop?
Antibiotic resistance occurs when bacteria develop the ability to defeat the drug designed to kill or inhibit their growth. It is one of the most acute threat to public health. Antibiotic resistance is accelerated by the misuse and over use of antibiotics, as well as poor infection prevention control. Antibiotics should be used only when prescribed by a certified health professional. When the bacteria become resistant, antibiotics cannot fight against them and the bacteria multiply. Narrow spectrum antibiotics are preferred over broad spectrum antibiotics. They effectively and accurately target specific pathogenic organisms and are less likely to cause resistance.

Samacheer Kalvi 12th Bio Zoology Guide Chapter 8 Microbes in Human Welfare

Question 20.
What is the key difference between primary and secondary sewage treatment?
Primary Treatment:

  1. Physical foam
  2. Solid materials and particulate organic and inorganic materials are removed from sewage.
  3. Principles involved are setting, sedimentation, and filtration.

Secondary Treatment:

  1. Biological foam
  2. Organic matters are removed by using microbes.
  3. Principles involved in aeration and aerobic microbial degradation.

12th Bio Zoology Guide Microbes in Human Welfare Additional Important Questions and Answers

12th Bio Zoology Guide Microbes in Human Welfare One Mark Questions and Answers

Question 1.
The leavering of the dough during fermentation is due to
(a) Formation of ethyl alchohol
(b) Formation of CO2
(c) Formation of oxygen
(d) Action of zymase enzyme
(b) Formation of CO2

Question 2.
Match list I with list II

Raw MaterialProduct
(a) Germinated barley malt(i) Wine
(b) Fermented sugarcane(ii) toddy
(c) Fermented sap of palm tree(iii) Rum
(d) Fermented grape juice(iv) Beer

a – iv, b – iii, c – ii, d – i

Samacheer Kalvi 12th Bio Zoology Guide Chapter 8 Microbes in Human Welfare

Question 3.
Name the person who was the first to use the term antibiotic.
(a) Selman Waksman
(b) Alexander Flemming
(c) Earnest Chain
(d) Howard Florey
(a) Selman Waksman

Question 4
……………. is commonly referred as the Queen of drugs.

Question 5.
Tetracycline is a …………………..
(i) bactericidal antibiotic
(ii) bacteriastatic antibiotic
(iii) narrow spectrum antibiotic
(iv) Broad spectrum antibiotic

(a) i and iii
(b) ii and iii
(c) i and iv
(d) ii and iv
(d) ii and iv

Samacheer Kalvi 12th Bio Zoology Guide Chapter 8 Microbes in Human Welfare

Question 6.
Chlortetracycline was isolated from the culture ……………….
(a) Streptomyces aureofaciens
(b) Streptomyces griseus
(c) Streptococcus lactis
(d) Aspergillus niger
(a) Streptomyces aureofaciens

Question 7.
Identify the name and the formula of industrial alcohol.
(a) Butanol, C4H9OH
(b) Propanol, C3H7OH
(c) Ethanol, C2H5OH
(d) Methanol, CH3OH
(c) Ethanol, C2H5OH

Question 8.
Pick the bacterial species which is not used in ethanol formation.
(a) Zymomonas mobilis
(b) Sarcina ventriculi
(c) Saccharomyces cerevisiae
(d) Streptomyces aureofaciens
(d) Streptomyces aureofaciens

Question 9.
Match the Microbes with the respective organic acids

MicrobesOrganic acids
(a) Aspergillus species(i). Acetic acid
(b) Acetobatem species(ii) Citric acid
(e) Rhizopus species(iii) Butyric acid
(d) Clostridium species(iv) Fumaric acid

a-ii, b -i, c- iv, d-iii

Samacheer Kalvi 12th Bio Zoology Guide Chapter 8 Microbes in Human Welfare

Question 10.
Human insulin is being commercially produced from a transgenic species of…………………
(a) Escherichia
(b) Mycobacterium
(c) Streptococcus
(d) Penicillin
(a) Escherichia

Question 11.
Select the correct statement from the following.
(a) Primary treatment of sewage involves biological oxidation
(b) Excreta of cattle is commonly called Gobur
(c) Delta endotoxin of Bacillus thuringiensis is encoded by pen-genes.
(d) Trichoderma is a free-timing bacteria very common in root ecosystem.
(a) Escherichia

Question 12.
Oil strains in laundry can be removed using ……………….
(a) Peptidane
(b) Protease
(c) Amylase
(d) Lipase
(d) Lipase

Samacheer Kalvi 12th Bio Zoology Guide Chapter 8 Microbes in Human Welfare

Question 13.
Find the odd sentence out.
(i) Biogas primarily consists of methane with CO2 and hydrogen
(ii) The greater the BOD of wastewater the more its polluting potential
(iii) World biofuel day is observed on 10th August
(iv) Cyclosporin A is obtained from Trichoderma polysporum.

(a) i and iii
(b) ii and iv
(c) i and iv
(d) none of the above
(d) none of the above

Question 14.
Match with correct pair
(a) Biofertilizer (i) Bacillus thuringiensis
(b) Bioremediation (ii) Rhizobium
(c) Biopesticide (iii) Pseudomonas
(d) Bioherbicide (iv) Phytophthora palmivora
a – ii, b – iii, c-i, d-iv

Question 15.
Name the genus of virus which are used as effective Biocontrol agent.

Samacheer Kalvi 12th Bio Zoology Guide Chapter 8 Microbes in Human Welfare

Question 16.
Statement 1: Prebiotics are the compounds in food that induce the growth of beneficial microbes
Statement 2: LAB is a probiotic
(a) Statement 1 is correct. Statement 2 is incorrect.
(b) Statement 1 is incorrect. Statement 2 is correct.
(c) Both statements 1 and 2 are incorrect.
(d) Both statements 1 and 2 are correct.
(d) Both statements 1 and 2 are correct.

Question 17.
‘Statement 1: Saccharomyces cerevisiae is commonly called as Baker’s yeast.
Statement 2: Yogurt is produced by the fermentation of milk by saccharomyces cerevisiae
(a) Statement 1 is correct. Statement 2 is incorrect.
(b) Statement 1 is incorrect. Statement 2 is correct.
(c) Both statements 1 and 2 are incorrect.
(d) Both statements 1 and 2 are correct.
(a) Statement 1 is correct. Statement 2 is incorrect.

Question 18.
The flavour in the yogurt is due to ………………..
(a) Formaldehyde
(b) Lactate
(c) Acetaldehyde
(d) Caesin
(c) Acetaldehyde

Samacheer Kalvi 12th Bio Zoology Guide Chapter 8 Microbes in Human Welfare

Question 19.
Assertion (A): Streptomycin is an antibiotic.
Reason (R): Antibiotic are microbial chemicals inhibits the growth of pathogenic microbe.
(a) A is right R is wrong.
(b) R explains A.
(c) A and R are wrong.
(d) A and R are right. R cannot explain A. ‘
(b) R explains A

Question 20.
Assertion (A): Oenology deals with study of wine and its preparation.
Reason (R): Zymology deals with the biochemical process of fermentation and its uses.
(a) A is right R is wrong.
(b) R explains A.
(c) A and R are wrong.
(d) A and R are right. R cannot explain A.
(d) A and R are right. R can not explain A.

Question 21.
In primary sewage treatment, the floating debris are removed by………………….
(a) Distillation
(b) Sedimentation
(c) Sequential filtration
(d) Biological oxidation
(c) Sequential filtration

Samacheer Kalvi 12th Bio Zoology Guide Chapter 8 Microbes in Human Welfare

Question 22.
Yamuna Action Plan was a bilateral project signed between ……………..
(a) India and Pakistan Government
(b) India and Japan Government
(c) India and China Government
(d) India and Srilanka Government
(b) India and Japan Government

Question 23.
Select the correct option denoting the proper sequence of sewage tratment.
(a) Filtration, Sedimentation, Aeration, Biological oxidation and UV radiation
(b) Sedimentation, Filtration, Biological oxidation, Aeration and UV radiation.
(c) Filtration, Aeration, Biological oxidation, Sedimentation and UV radiation.
(d) UV radiation, Sedimentation, Filtration, Biological oxidation and Aeration.
(a) Filtration, Sedimentation, Aeration, Biological oxidation and UV radiation.

Question 24.
The Ganga action plan was launched on ………………..
14th January 1986.

Question 25.
Which of the following plant species is the most suitable oilseed for biodirect production?
(a) Ground nut
(b) Areca nut
(c) Jatropha curcas
(d) Phyllanthus anarus
(c) Jatropha curcas

Samacheer Kalvi 12th Bio Zoology Guide Chapter 8 Microbes in Human Welfare

Question 26.
Match the following medicinal products with their microbial source.
(a) Humulin (z) Streptococcus
(b) Statins (ii) Trichoderma polysporum
(c) Cyclosporin A (z’z’z) Monascus purpureus
(d) Streptokinase (z’v) E-coli
a – iv, b – iii, c – ii, d-i

12th Bio Zoology Guide Microbes in Human Welfare Two Marks Questions and Answers

Question 1.
What does LAB stands for? Give two examples.

  1. LAB stands for Lactic Acid Bacteria
  2. Examples for LAB: Lactobacillus lactis, Streptococcus lactis.

Question 2.
Define LAB.
Lactic Acid bacteria (LAB) are the probiotics that check the growth of pathogenic microbes in the stomach and other digestive parts. .

Question 3.
Given below are the food products obtained by microbial action. Name the respective organism responsible for their production, (a) Swiss Cheese (6) Bread dough
(a) Swiss Cheese – Propionibacterium shermanii
(b) Bread dough – Saccharomyces cerevisiae

Samacheer Kalvi 12th Bio Zoology Guide Chapter 8 Microbes in Human Welfare

Question 4.
What is SCP?
Single cell protein refers to edible unicellular microorganisms like Spirulina. Protein extracts from pure or mixed cultures of algae, yeasts, fungi or bacteria may be used as ingredient or as a substitute for protein rich foods and is suitable for human consumption or as animal feed.

Question 5.
What is fermentor?
A fermentor (bioreactor) is a closed vessel with adequate arrangement for aeration, agitation, temperature, pH control and drain or overflow vent to remove the waste biomass of cultured microorganisms along-with their products.

Question 6.
What are antibiotics?
Antibiotics are chemical substances produced by microorganisms which can kill or retard the growth of other disease causing microbes even in low concentration. Antibiotic means “against life”.

Question 7.
Give reason, (a) Flavour in Yogurt (6) Large holes in Swiss Cheese
(a) The flavour in yogurt is due to acetaldehyde formation.
(b) Large holes in Swiss Cheese is due to more C02 production by propionibacterium shermanii.

Samacheer Kalvi 12th Bio Zoology Guide Chapter 8 Microbes in Human Welfare

Question 8.
Name few industrial microbial products.
Beverages, antibiotics, organic acids, amino acids, vitamins, biofuels, single-cell protein, enzymes, steroids, vaccines, pharmaceutical drugs.

Question 9.
Name few home-made micorbial products.
Yogurt, Paneer, Curd, Idli batter, Bread dough.

Question 10.
Who derived the term antibiotic? Name the antibiotic which he discovered.
The term antibiotic was used first by Selman Waksman in 1943. He discovered Streptomycin.

Samacheer Kalvi 12th Bio Zoology Guide Chapter 8 Microbes in Human Welfare

Question 11.
The first antibiotic was extracted from fungus. Who had done it? And also mention the fungal species used.
Alexander Flemming, discovered the first antibiotic from the fungus Penicillium notatum and Pencillium Chrysogenum.

Question 12.
Write as example for (a) Bacteriostatic antibiotic (b) Bactericidal antibiotic
Bacteriostatic antibiotic – Eg: Tetracycline.
Bactericidal antibiotic – Eg: Streptomycin.

Question 13.
Name any four antibiotics.
Erythromycin, Chloromycetin, Neomycin, Kenamycin.

Question 14.
Compare Broad-spectrum antibiotics with narrow-spectrum antibiotics.
Broad-spectrum antibiotics act against a wide range of disease-causing bacteria. Narrow-spectrum antibiotics are active against a selected group of bacterial types.

Samacheer Kalvi 12th Bio Zoology Guide Chapter 8 Microbes in Human Welfare

Question 15.
Define (a) Antibiosis (A) Superbugs
(a) Antibiosis: Property of antibiotics to. kill microbes.
(b) Superbugs: Bacterial strains gained resistance against antibiotics.

Question 16.
What is studied under zymology and oenology?

  • Zymology deals with the biochemical process of fermentation and its application.
  • Oenology deals with study of wine and winemaking.

Question 17.
Saccharomyces cerevisiae is called as brewer’s yeast. Justify.
Saccharomyces cerevisiae commonly called brewer’s yeast is used for fermenting malted cereals and fruit juices to produce various alcoholic beverages. Wine and beer are produced without distillation, whereas whisky, brandy and rum are obtained by fermentation and distillation.

Question 18.
How wine is made? Which organism is involved in the process.

  • Wine is made by the fermentation of grape juice.
  • Grape juice is fermented by different strains of Saccharomyces cerevisiae into alcohol.

Question 19.
Name the 2 types of grape wine. How they differ from one another?
Grape wine is of two types, red wine and white wine. For red wine, black grapes are used including skins and sometimes the stems also are used. In contrast white wine is produced only from the juice of either white or red grapes without their skin and stems.

Samacheer Kalvi 12th Bio Zoology Guide Chapter 8 Microbes in Human Welfare

Question 20.
Saccharomyces Cerevisiae is a widely used fungus in making beverages. Considering this complete the table by mentioning the raw material and respective product.
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A – Wine, B – Germinated barley, C – Whisky, D — Rum

Question 21.
Ethanol is a industrial alcohol – Justify.
Saccharomyces cerevisiae is the major producer of ethanol (C2H5OH). It is used for industrial, laboratory and fuel purposes. So ethanol is referred to as industrial alcohol.

Question 22.
Name the bacterial species involved in ethanol production.
Zymomonas mobilis and Sarcina ventriculi.

Question 23.
What are the substrates used in producing industrial alcohol.
Molasses, Com, Potatoes, Wood wastes.

Question 24.
Write the equation for alcoholic fermentation.
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Question 25.
Complete the table by filling with respective organic acid and microbes.

Organic AcidMicrobes
Acetic acid………..W………..
………..X………..Aspergillus niger
Fumaric acid………..Y………..
………..Z………..Clostridium butyricum

W- Acetobacter aceti
X – Citric acid,
Y – Rhizopus oryzae,
Z – Butyric acid

Samacheer Kalvi 12th Bio Zoology Guide Chapter 8 Microbes in Human Welfare

Question 26.
Genetically engineered Streptococci is used in medicine. How?
Genetically engineered Streptococci are used as “clot buster” for, removing clots from the blood vessels of patients who have undergone myocardial infarction.

Question 27.
Write a brief note on Cyclosporin A.
Cyclosporin A, an immunosuppressant used in organ transplantation is produced from the fungus Trichoderma polysporum. It is also used for its anti-inflammatory, anti-fungal and anti-parasitic properties.

Question 28.
State the source of statins and its medical role.

  • Statins is obtained from Monascus Purpureus (yeast fungus).
  • It competitively inhibits the enzyme responsible for cholesterol synthesis there by reducing the blood cholesterol level.

Question 29.
Expand and define BOD.
BOD – Biological Oxygen Demand (or) Biochemical Oxygen Demand
BOD refers to the amount of the oxygen that would be consumed, if all the organic matter in one litre of water were oxidized by bacteria.

Question 30.
Define activated sludge.
Once the BOD of sewage water is reduced significantly, the effluent is then passed into a settling tank where the bacterial “floes” are allowed to sediment. This sediment is called activated sludge.

Samacheer Kalvi 12th Bio Zoology Guide Chapter 8 Microbes in Human Welfare

Question 31.
Give a brief account on Ganga action plan.
The Ganga action plan was launched on 14th January 1986. The main objective of the programme is to improve the water quality of River Ganges by interception, diversion and treatment of domestic sewage and to identify grossly polluting units to prevent pollution.

Question 32.
Name the biocontrol agents used to get rid of Aphids & mosquito larvae.
Lady bird beetle & Dragon flies.

Question 33.
How insect resistant plants are developed using Bacillus thuringiensisl
Bacillus thuringiensis is a soil dwelling bacterium which is commonly used as a biopesticide and contains a toxin called cry toxin. Scientists have introduced this toxin producing genes into cotton and have raised genetically engineered insect resistant cotton plants.

Question 34.
Which group of insects can be controlled by using delta-endotoxins of Bt-crops?
Lepidoptera, Diptera, Coleoptera and Hymenoptera.

Question 35.
Name the two viruses that acts as biocontrol agents.
Buculoviruses and Nucleopolyhedrovirus

Question 36.
Rhizobium is a bacteria but acts as bio-fertilization. How?
Rhizobium is symbiotic nitrogen-fixing bacteria that infects the root nodules of leguminous plants and fixes free atmospheric nitrogen into organic forms.

Samacheer Kalvi 12th Bio Zoology Guide Chapter 8 Microbes in Human Welfare

Question 37.
Give any two examples for free-living nitrogen-fixing bacteria.
Azospirillum and Azotobacter

Question 38.
Name a few blue-green algae (BGA).
Oscillatoria, Nostoc, Anabaena, Tolypothrix

Question 39.
Define organic farming.
Organic farming is a technique, which involves the cultivation of plants and rearing of animals in natural ways. This process involves the use of biological materials, avoiding synthetic substances to maintain soil fertility and ecological balance thereby minimizing pollution and wastage.

Question 40.
Pseudomonas putida and pollution abatement – comment.
Pseudomonas putida is a genetically engineered, multi plasmid hydrocarbon-degrading bacterium. These bacteria can digest the hydrocarbons in the oil spills helps to overcome water pollution.

Question 41.
Complete the following equation by identifying the microbes involved in bioremediation.
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A – Ideonella sakaiensis
B – Dehalococcoides species.

Samacheer Kalvi 12th Bio Zoology Guide Chapter 8 Microbes in Human Welfare

12th Bio Zoology Guide Microbes in Human Welfare Three Marks Questions and Answers

Question 1.
Differentiate between Prebiotics and Probiotics.
Prebiotics :
Prebiotics are compounds in food (fibers) that induce the growth or activity of beneficial microorganisms.

Probiotics :
Probiotics are live microorganisms intended to provide health benefits when consumed, generally by improving or restoring the gut flora.

Question 2.
How yogurt is produced?
Yogurt is produced by bacterial fermentation of milk, and lactic acid is produced as a byproduct. Microorganisms such as Streptococcus thermophilus and Lactobacillus bulgaricus coagulate the milk protein and convert the lactose in the milk to lactic acid. The flavour in yogurt is due to acetaldehyde.

Question 3.
Name the scientists who were awarded Nobel Prize in 1945 for discovering the penicillin drug & its role as an antibiotic.
(a) Alexander Fleming (b) Earnest Chain (c) Howard Florey

Question 4.
Both Tetracycline and Streptomycin are broad-spectrum antibiotics yet functionally discriminate. How?
Though Tetracycline & Streptomycin are broad-spectrum antibiotics, Tetracycline acts as a bacteriostatic antibiotic whereas streptomycin acts as a bactericidal antibiotic against both gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria.

Question 5.
Under which condition does a microbe gains resistance against antibiotics?
Antibiotic resistance occurs when bacteria develop the ability to defeat the drug designed to kill or inhibit their growth. It is one of the most acute threats to public health. Antibiotic resistance is accelerated by the misuse and overuse of antibiotics, as well as poor infection prevention control. Antibiotics should be used only when prescribed by a certified health professional. When the bacteria become resistant, antibiotics cannot fight against them and the bacteria multiply. Narrow spectrum antibiotics are preferred over broad-spectrum antibiotics. They effectively and accurately target specific pathogenic organisms and are less likely to cause resistance.

Samacheer Kalvi 12th Bio Zoology Guide Chapter 8 Microbes in Human Welfare

Question 6.
Write a short on “Pathaneer”.
In some parts of South India, a traditional drink called pathaneer is obtained from fermenting sap of palms and coconut trees. A common source is tapping of unopened spadices of coconut. It is a refreshing drink, which on boiling produces jaggery or palm sugar. When pathaneer is left undisturbed for few hours it gets fermented to form today with the help of naturally occurring yeast, to form a beverage that contains 4 percent alcohol. After 24 hours toddy becomes unpalatable and is used for the production of vinegar.

Question 7.
Explain in simple about the production process of industrial alcohol.
The process of ethanol production starts by milling a feedstock followed by the addition of dilute or fungal amylase (enzyme) from Aspergillus to break down the starch into fermentable sugars. Yeast is then added to convert the sugars to ethanol which is then distilled off to obtain ethanol which is upto 96 percent in concentration. Ethanol and biodiesel represents the first generation of biofuel technology. Ethanol is often used as a fuel, mainly as a biofuel additive for gasoline

Question 8.
Write the percent of alcohol in Beer, Wine and Distilled spirits
Beer – 3 to 5 % alcohol; Wine – 9 to 14% alcohol; Distilled spirits – 35 to 50% alcohol.

Samacheer Kalvi 12th Bio Zoology Guide Chapter 8 Microbes in Human Welfare

Question 9.
Complete the table.
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A – Germinatd Barley;
B- Rum;
C- Fermented sap of palm and coconut tree;
D- Saccharomyces cerevisiae.

Question 10.
Name the enzymes used as clarifier for Bottled juices.
PeCtinase, Protease, Cellulase.

Question 11.
Write a short note on bio diesel.
Biodiesel is a fuel made from vegetable oils, fats or greases. Biodiesel fuel can be used in diesel engines without altering the engine. Pure biodiesel is non-toxic, biodegradable and produces lower level of air pollutants than petroleum-based diesel fuel. The Government of India approved the National Policy on Biofuels in December 2009 and identified Jatropha curcas as the most suitable oilseed for biodiesel production. Pongamia species is also a suitable choice for production of biodiesel.

Question 12.
Name the act enforced by government to conserve water bodies. Also mention its objectives.
National river conservation plan (NRCP) was enacted in 1995 to improve the water quality of the rivers, which are the major fresh water resources in our country. This important assignment taken up under the NRCP includes,

  • To capture the raw sewage flowing into the river through open drains and divert them for treatment.
  • Setting up sewage treatment plants for treating the diverted sewage.
  • Construction of low cost sanitation toilets to prevent open defecation on river banks.

Samacheer Kalvi 12th Bio Zoology Guide Chapter 8 Microbes in Human Welfare

Question 13.
Give an account on MFC.
A microbial fuel cell is a bio-electrochemical system that drives an electric current by using bacteria and mimicking bacterial interaction found in nature. Microbial fuel cells work by allowing bacteria to oxidize and reduce organic molecules. Bacterial respiration is basically one big redox reaction in which electrons are being moved around. A MFC consists of an anode and a cathode separated by a proton exchange membrane. Microbes at the anode oxidize the organic fuel generating protons which pass through the membrane to the cathode and the electrons pass through the anode to the external circuit to generate current.

Question 14.
How Bacillus thuringiensis provides insect resistance?
During sporulation Bacillus thuringiensis produces crystal proteins called Delta-endotoxin which is encoded by cry genes. Delta-endotoxins have specific activities against the insects of the orders Lepidoptera, Diptera, Coleoptera and Hymenoptera. When the insects ingest the toxin crystals their alkaline digestive tract denatures the insoluble crystals making them soluble. The cry toxin then gets inserted into the gut cell membrance and paralyzes the digestive tract. The insect then stops eating and starves to death.

Question 15.
Give an account on Weedicides.
Weedicides are substances, which destroy weeds without harming the useful plants. Bioweedicides are compounds and secondary metabolites derived from microbes such as fungi, bacteria or protozoa. The first bioherbicide developed in 1981 was a Mycoheribicide derived from the fungus Phytophthora palmivora. It controls the growth of strangler vine in citrus crops.

Question 16.
What are the Bio-fertilizers? Mention their role in agriculture?
Biofertilisers are the formulation of living microorganisms that enrich the nutrient quality of the soil. They increase physicochemical properties of soils such as soil structure, texture, water holding capacity, cation exchange capacity and pH by providing several nutrients and sufficient organic matter.

Samacheer Kalvi 12th Bio Zoology Guide Chapter 8 Microbes in Human Welfare

Question 17.
What is mycorrhiza? How does it benefit the plants?
A symbiotic association between a fungus and the roots of the plants is called mycorrhiza. The fungal symbiont in these associations absorbs the phosphorus from soil and transfers to the plant. Plants having such association show other benefits such as resistance to rootbome pathogens, tolerance to salinity, drought, enhances plant growth and developments. For example, many members of the genus Glomus form mycorrhiza.

Question 18.
Write a brief note on Cyanobacteria & its significances.
Cyanobacteria (or) blue-green algae (BGA) are prokaryotic free-living organisms that can fix nitrogen. Oscillatoria, Nostoc, Anabaena, Tolypothrix are well known nitrogen-fixing cyanobacteria. Their importance is realized in the waterlogged paddy fields where Cyanobacteria multiply and fix molecular nitrogen. Cyanobacteria secrete growth-promoting substances like indole-3-acetic acid, indole-3- butyric acid, naphthalene acetic acid, amino acids, proteins, vitamins which promote plant growth and production.

Question 19.
Define bio-remediation and its types.
The use of naturally occurring or genetically engineered microorganisms to reduce or degrade pollutants is called bioremediation. Bioremediation is less expensive and more sustainable than other remediations available. It is grouped into in-situ bioremediation (treatment of contaminated soil or water in the site) and ex-situ bioremediation (treatment of contaminated soil or water that is removed from the site and treated).

Samacheer Kalvi 12th Bio Zoology Guide Chapter 8 Microbes in Human Welfare

12th Bio Zoology Guide Microbes in Human Welfare Five Marks Questions and Answers

Question 1.
Explain the role of microbes in the production of enzymes & bio-active molecules?
Microbes used for the production of chemicals like organic acids and enzymes. Examples of organic acid producers are Aspergillus niger for citric acid, Acetobacter aceti for acetic acid, Rhizopus oryzae for fumaric acid, Clostridium butyricum for butyric acid and Lactobacillus for lactic acid.

Yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) and bacteria are used for the commercial production of enzymes. Lipases are used in detergent formulations and are used for removing oily stains from the laundry. Bottled juices are clarified by the use of pectinase, protease and cellulase. Rennet can also be used to separate milk into solid curds for cheese making. Streptokinase ’ produced by the bacterium Streptococcus and genetically engineered Streptococci are used as “clot buster” for removing clots from the blood vessels of patients who have undergone myocardial infarction.

Cyclosporin A, an immunosuppressant used in organ transplantation is produced from the fungus Trichoderma polysporum. It is also used for its anti-inflammatory, anti-fungal and anti-parasitic properties. Statins produced by the yeast Monascus purpureus have been used to lower blood cholesterol levels. It acts by competitively inhibiting the enzyme responsible for the synthesis of cholesterol. Recombinant human insulin has been produced predominantly using E. coli and Saccharomyces cerevisiae for therapeutic use in humans.

Question 2.
Describe the stages of the Sewage treatment process.
Sewage treatment is usually performed in the following three stages.
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Primary treatment: Primary treatment involves the physical removal of solid and particulate organic and inorganic materials from the sewage through filtration and sedimentation. Floating debris is removed by sequential filtration. Then the grit (soil and small pebbles) are removed by sedimentation. All solids that settle form the primary sludge and the supernatant forms the effluent. The effluent from the primary settling tank is taken for secondary treatment.

Secondary treatment or biological treatment: The primary effluent is passed into large aeration tanks where it is constantly agitated mechanically and air is pumped into it. This allows vigorous growth of useful aerobic microbes into floe (masses of bacteria associated with fungal filaments to form mesh-like structures). While growing, these microbes consume the major part of the organic matter in the effluent.

This significantly reduces the BOD (Biochemical oxygen demand or Biological oxygen demand). BOD refers to the amount of oxygen that would be consumed if all the organic matter in one liter of water were oxidized by bacteria. The sewage water is treated till the BOD is reduced. The greater the BOD of the wastewater more is its polluting potential. Once the BOD of sewage water is reduced significantly, the effluent is then passed into a settling tank where the bacterial “floes” are allowed to sediment.

This sediment is called activated sludge. A small part of activated sludge is pumped back into the aeration tank to serve as the inoculum. The remaining major part of the sludge is pumped into large tanks called anaerobic sludge digesters. Here, the bacteria which grow anaerobically, digest – the bacteria and the fungi in the sludge. During this digestion, bacteria produce a mixture of gases such as methane, hydrogen sulfide and CO2. These gases form biogas and can be used as a source of energy.

Tertiary treatment: Tertiary treatment is the final process that improves the quality of the wastewater before it is reused, recycled or released into natural water bodies. This treatment removes the remaining inorganic compounds and substances, such as nitrogen and phosphorus. UV is an ideal disinfectant for wastewater since it does not alter the water quality – except for inactivating microorganisms. UV is a chemical free process that can completely replace the existing chlorination system and also inactivates chlorine-resistant microorganisms like Cryptosporidium and Giardia.

Samacheer Kalvi 12th Bio Zoology Guide Chapter 8 Microbes in Human Welfare

Question 3.
How microbes are used in Gobar gas production?
Biogas is a mixture of different gases produced by the breakdown of organic matter in the absence of oxygen. Biogas can be produced from raw materials such as agricultural wastes, manure, municipal wastes, plant material, sewage, food waste, etc., Biogas is produced under anaerobic condition, when the organic materials are converted through microbiological reactions into gas and organic fertilizer.

Biogas primarily consists of methane (63 percent), along with CO2 and hydrogen. Methane producing bacteria are called methanogens and one such common bacterium is Methanobacterium. Biogas is devoid of smell and bums with a blue flame without smoke. The Methanogens are also present in anaerobic sludge and rumen of cattle. In rumen, these bacteria help in the breakdown of cellulose. The excreta of cattle called dung is commonly called “Gobar”. Gobar gas is generated by the anaerobic decomposition of cattle dung. It consists of methane, CO2 with some hydrogen, nitrogen and other gases in trace amounts.

In a biogas plant, anaerobic digestion is carried out in an air tight cylindrical tank known as digester. It is made up of concrete bricks and cement or steel. Bio-wastes are collected and slurry of dung is fed into this digester. It has a side opening into which organic materials for digestion are incorporated for microbial activity.

Anaerobic digestion is accomplished in three stages: solubilization, acidogenesis and methanogenesis. The outlet is connected to a pipe to supply biogas. The slurry is drained through another outlet and is used as fertilizer. Biogas is used for cooking and lighting. The technology of biogas production was developed in India mainly due to the efforts of Indian Agricultural Research Institute (IARI) and Khadi and Village Industries Commission (KVIC).

Question 4.
Bioremediation & microbes – Discuss.
Aerobic microbes degrade the pollutants in the presence of oxygen. They mainly degrade pesticides and hydrocarbons. Pseudomonas putida is a genetically engineered microorganism (GEM). Ananda Mohan Chakrabarty obtained patent for this recombinant bacterial strain. It is multiplasmid hydrocarbon-degrading bacterium which can digest the hydrocarbons in the oil spills.

Nitrosomonas europaea is also capable of degrading benzene and a variety of halogenated organic compounds including trichloroethylene and vinyl chloride. Ideonella sakaiensis is currently tried for recycling of PET plastics. These bacteria use PETase and MHETase enzymes to breakdown PET plastic into terephthalic acid and ethylene glycol.

Anaerobic microbes degrade the pollutants in the absence of oxygen. Dechloromonas aromatica has the ability to degrade benzene anaerobically and to oxidize toluene and xylene. Phanerochaete chrysosporium an anaerobic fungus exhibits strong potential for bioremediation ‘ of pesticides, polyaromatic hydrocarbons, dyes, trinitrotoluene, cyanides, carbon tetrachloride, etc.,

Dehalococcoides species are responsible for anaerobic bioremediation of toxic trichloroethene to nontoxic ethane. Pestalotiopsis microspora is a species of endophytic fungus capable of breaking down and digesting polyurethane. This makes the fungus a potential candidate for bioremediation projects involving large quantities of plastics.

Samacheer Kalvi 12th Bio Zoology Guide Chapter 8 Microbes in Human Welfare

Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTs) Questions

Question 1.
One can notice large holes in Swiss cheese. Which bacterium is responsible for these holes. What are these holes due to?
Propionibacterium shermanii.
The holes are due to the formation of large amount of carbon-di-oxide during fermentation.

Question 2.
Name the resource agent of statins. How does this bioactive molecule functions in our body?
Monascus purpureus (Yeast).
Statins acts effectively to reduce the blood cholestrol level.

Question 3.
Cyclosporin-A is an immuno supprenant. Suggest any one area where it can be used efficiently? Explan.
Being an immuno-suppresant, cyclosporin-A can be used in organ transplant surgeries/pattent to overcome graft rejection.

Samacheer Kalvi 12th Bio Zoology Guide Chapter 8 Microbes in Human Welfare

Question 4.
Name the blank spaces a, b, and c of the given table:
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(a) Clostridium butyricum
(b) Fungus
(c) Cyclosporin A