Tamilnadu State Board New Syllabus Samacheer Kalvi 12th English Guide Pdf Prose Chapter 1 Two Gentlemen of Verona Text Book Back Questions and Answers, Summary, Notes.

Tamilnadu Samacheer Kalvi 12th English Solutions Prose Chapter 1 Two Gentlemen of Verona

12th English Guide Two Gentlemen of Verona Text Book Back Questions and Answers

Textual Questions:

I. Answer the following questions in one or two sentences each based on your understanding of the story:
(Note: IQ Important Questions)

Question a.
Who did the narrator meet at the outskirts of Verona? (IQ)
The Narrator met Nicola and Jacopo at the outskirts of Verona.

Question b.
Why did the driver not approve of the narrator buying fruits from the boys?
The driver did not approve of the narrator buying fruits from the boys because of their shabby appearance.

Question c.
The boys did not spend much on clothes and food, why?
The boys had to save every penny towards the weekly medical bill of their sister Lucia. So, they did not spend much on clothes and food.

Samacheer Kalvi 12th English Guide Prose Chapter 1 Two Gentlemen Of Verona

Question d.
Were the boys saving money to go to the states? How do you know?

  1. The boys had the commitment to saving the life of their sister.
  2. So they were not saving money to go to the states.

Question e.
Why did the author avoid going to Lucia’s room?

  1. The author did not like to disturb the happy family party.
  2. So he avoided going to Lucia’s room.

Question f.
What was Lucia suffering from? (IQ)
Lucia was suffering from tuberculosis of the spine.

Question g.
What made the boys join the resistance movement against the Germans?

  1. The Germans killed the boy’s father and made them homeless.
  2. This made the boys join the resistance movement.

Question h.
What made the boys work so hard? (IQ)
They did not want charity from the hospital. The determination to save the life of their sister made the boys work hard.

Question i.
Why didn’t the boys disclose their problem to the author?

  1. The boys didn’t like to gain sympathy.
  2. So they did not disclose their problem to the author.

Samacheer Kalvi 12th English Guide Prose Chapter 1 Two Gentlemen Of Verona

2. Answer the following questions in three or four sentences each: (Text Book Page No. 5)

Question a.
Describe the appearance of Nicola and Jacopo.
One boy had worn Jersey and cut-off khaki pants. The other had a shortened army tunic gathered in loose folds about his skinny frame. They had tangled hair and dark earnest eyes.

Question b.
What were the various jobs undertaken by the little boys? (IQ)
They shined shoes, sold fruits, hawked newspapers, conducted tourists round the town, and ran errands.

Question c.
How did the narrator help the boys on Sunday? (IQ)
The author took the boys in his car to a tiny village called Poleta, set high upon a hill. He drove the car up to a large red-roofed villa. The boys asked the author to come thereafter for an hour and went inside.

Question d.
Who took the author to the cubicle? (IQ)
The nurse who was taking care of the boy’s sister Lucia took the author to the cubicle.

Question e.
Describe the girl with whom the boys were talking to in the cubicle.

  1. The girl seemed to be about twenty.
  2. She wore a pretty lace jacket.
  3. Propping up on pillows, she was listening to the chatter of the boys.
  4. Her eyes were soft and tender.

Question f.
Recount the untold sufferings undergone by the siblings after they were rendered homeless.
The boys and their sister were thrown in the streets. Lucia had to give up her singing lessons. They had suffered horribly from near starvation and exposure to the cold winter. Lucia developed tuberculosis of the spine. The boys built a home from the rubbles. They had to admit Lucia to a nursing home. To pay the weekly medical bill, they worked from dawn to midnight doing odd jobs eating very little.

Question g.
The narrator did not utter a word and preferred to keep the secret to himself. Why? Substantiate the statement with reference to the story.

  1. The narrator kept the secret to himself because he knew that the boys did not like to reveal their secret to anyone.
  2. When the narrator asked them what did they do with the money they earned, they were not ready to give a prompt reply for it.

Samacheer Kalvi 12th English Guide Prose Chapter 1 Two Gentlemen Of Verona

3. Answer the following in a paragraph of 100-150 words each: (Text Book Page No. 5)

Question a.
What was the driving force that made the boys do various jobs?
In the war-hit Verona, everything was difficult. Food had become scarce and dear. The hospital which offered to treat Lucia was forced to charge a weekly fee. Work was scarce. But the boys were determined to save the life of their beloved sister.

After the untimely death of the father in the war, the two little boys Nicola and Jacopo took the responsibility of earning money by doing all odd jobs for defraying the medical expenses for their sister on their tender shoulders. They spent very little on their food and clothes. The driving force behind their selfless sacrifice and hard work from dawn to midnight was the love they had for their elder sister. They wanted her to get well soon and become an accomplished singer in life. Once you set a goal far above your capacity but work hard ceaselessly, you are bound to achieve it.

Question b.
How was the family affected by the war?
The family was terribly affected by the war. Their father, a well-known singer had been killed in the early part of the war. After some time a bomb had destroyed their home and so the three children Nicola, Jacopo, and Lucia were thrown out into the streets. Their comfortable and cultured life got destroyed by the war. In fact, they suffered horribly from near starvation and exposure to the cold winter.

For many months they lived in a shelter made of broken building walls and bricks. In the meantime, the two boys get separated from their sister. They were under German rule for nearly three years. The boys grew to hate the Germans just because they suffered a lot because of them. In fact, they were the first to join the resistance movement against the Germans.

Question c.
Write a character sketch of Nicola and Jacopo.
Nicola was 13 and Jacopo only 12. They were brothers. They were tanned, had tangled hair and dark earnest eyes. Though they were just kids, they were serious about their work. They did hundreds of errands for the tourists. They were found doing brisk business shining shoes or selling wild berries. They had the skill to find seats in the theater for the tourists and also guide the tourists through many important sites of the city of Verona such as Juliet’s tomb. Jacopo was lively as a squirrel.

Nicola’s smile was steady and engaging yet in their innocent faces, one could find seriousness far beyond their years. What struck one was the extreme willingness of both the boys to work. Under the scorching Sun, they hawked newspapers. When the narrator enquired what they did with the money they earned as they were not spending it on clothes or food or saving it for emigrating to America, Nicola coloured but he did not reveal the secret family adversity. Both are gentlemen because they did not want anyone’s sympathy.

Samacheer Kalvi 12th English Guide Prose Chapter 1 Two Gentlemen Of Verona

Question d.
What message is conveyed through the story “Two Gentlemen of Verona”
The message conveyed through the story is one can overcome one’s adversities with strong will and determination. Nothing is impossible in this world. It is one’s hard work and dedication which can help one to achieve one’s goal. The boys in the story were badly affected by the war. In spite of it they were ready to do many odd jobs to save their sister.

This action of the boys throws light on the fact that family is the true demonstration of love, affection, and faith. Yet another message which gets conveyed is that it is the situation and circumstance which one faces in one’s life that makes one shoulder responsibilities with strong determination. In simple words, we can say that Nature is the best teacher who teaches us many lessons in our life.

Question e.
Justify the title of the story “Two Gentlemen of Verona”.
In the story ‘Two Gentlemen of Verona’, the two orphan boys Jacopo and Nicola work immensely and exhaustively. They shine shoes, sell newspapers, run errands, and show tourists round the city. They take only figs and black tea as food. They save every penny for the medical treatment of their sister Lucia who is suffering from tuberculosis of the spine. The narrator himself admits that their willingness to work impressed him. They demonstrate an unusual devotion to their work.

The objective of their hard work and purpose behind their half-starved daily routine is not known to many in Verona. Anyone may polish shoes or hawk newspapers but it is the magnanimity of heart and nobleness of purpose that actually determines whether one is a real gentleman or a hypocrite. Hence the title ‘‘Two Gentlemen of Verona” is justified.

Question f.
Adversity brings out the best as well as the worst in people. Elucidate this statement with reference to the story.
No human life is possible without adversities. In fact, it is these adversities that bring out the qualities of self-confidence and endeavor in a person. It depends upon the mentality of a man to make it the worst or brings out the best out of it. In this story, the two boys faced the great disaster of losing their father and their home because of the war. To add fuel to it their sister suffered from tuberculosis of the spine.

This was the worst adversity in their life as they lost almost everything at a young age. but they did not lose hope. They had a strong determination to work hard and earn money for the treatment of their sister. Many good qualities like love, devotion, sacrifice, sincerity, and maturity get revealed just because of the adversities they face in their life. Thus the statement “Adversity brings out the best as well as the worst in people” is justified.

Question g.
Which character do you like the most in the story and why?
Of all the characters, I like Nicola who is a 13-year-old boy (i.e.) one of the two gentlemen of Verona. Though he is small, he is mature beyond his years. Like John Keets, he hated sympathy and self-pity. He does not want any favour except for the opportunity to work. He has an engaging smile. He and his brother Jacopo were hardworking and devoted to their sister Lucia. He has seriousness far beyond his years.

Even when kindly enquired by the narrator as to why he was spending little on clothes and food, he doesn’t open up. He colours deeply and grows pale. He even avoided the eyes of the narrator. When his squirrel-like brother requested the narrator to send them in his car to Poleta on Sunday, Nicola doesn’t like it. He glares at his brother in vexation and says, “we couldn’t think of troubling you, sir.” He wins the respect of all readers because of his maturity, willingness to work, and devotion to his sister.

Samacheer Kalvi 12th English Guide Prose Chapter 1 Two Gentlemen Of Verona


A.J. Cronin has explained the importance of dedication towards a relationship in the story, “Two Gentlemen of Verona”.

About the story:
The story is about the two boys named Nicola and Jacopo, who do numerous things to earn money only to pay for their sister’s treatment who suffers from tuberculosis of the spine. The narrator was driving down the foothills of the Alps along with his companion. At that time, two young boys who sold wild strawberries stopped their car.

Two gentlemen of Verona:
‘The small boys appeared to be quite shabby. The boys were brothers, The elder one Nicola was 13 and the younger Jacopo was 12 years old. The narrator and his companion bought the biggest basket of strawberries from the boys. They came to know that the boys did many kinds of jobs like selling fruits, polishing shoes, selling newspapers, etc., to earn money. During the time of their stay in the town, the young boys were very helpful.

Lucia’s Suffering:
The boys earned money but they spent only a little. The boys earned the money to cure their sister who was hospitalised for tuberculosis of spine. They had a decent life before the war and the war made them orphans. They tried their best to make the payments regularly to the hospital, The narrator drove them to the hospital one Sunday and knew everything about the boys and he did not reveal it to the boys. He drove them back in silence.

Their selfless action brought nobility to human life, they were really two gentlemen of Verona.

Samacheer Kalvi 12th English Guide Prose Chapter 1 Two Gentlemen Of Verona

a) Read the following words taken from the story. Give two synonyms and one antonym for each of these words. Use a dictionary, if required: O(Text Book Page No. 6)

Samacheer Kalvi 12th English Guide Prose Chapter 1 Two Gentlemen Of Verona 1

disapprovecondemn / criticise / refuseapprove
briskquick / hurried / activeidle / inactive
engagingattractive / appealing / interestingboring.
humblecourteous / polite / modestimpolite
eagerkeen / willing / cravinguninterested
persuadeinduce / encouragedissuade
nobilityhonour / dignitydishonour

b) Homophones and Confusables: (Text Book Page No. 6, 72, 148)
Homophones are two or more words with the same sound but with different spellings and meanings. You have already learned that homophones are words that sound alike but are different in spelling and
E.g. feet – feat / face – phase / sort – sought / hair – heir/

Question 1.
What are confusables?
Confusables /confusables are words that are commonly confused with one another in meaning or usage
because of slight similarities in spelling, pronunciation, or meaning.
e.g. moment – movement / except – expect / human – humane / discover – invent.

Samacheer Kalvi 12th English Guide Prose Chapter 1 Two Gentlemen Of Verona

(i) Given below is a list of common confusables. Distinguish the meaning of each pair of words by framing your own sentences: (Text Book Page No. 6)

a) emigrate – leave one’s country/move abroad (my friend wants to emigrate from Asia)
immigrate – come to live permanently in a foreign country (He wants to immigrate to India)

b) beside – near (He stands beside me)
besides – in addition to (Besides having a car, he also has a bike)

c) judicial – legal (The court ordered judicial custody of the convict)
judicious – wise (The lawyer argued in a judicious manner)

d) eligible – qualified (He ¡s an eligible hand)
illegible – not clear (Mostly doctor’s prescriptions are illegible)

e) conscience – moral sense (His conscience promoted him to know his mistakes)
conscious – awareness (He has consciously abused his teacher)

f) industrial – commercial (The industrial chemicals are polluting the river)
industrious – hard-working (Sathish is an industrious student)

g) eminent – famous (Ramesh is an eminent scientist)
imminent – about to happen (There is an imminent danger of corona virus)

h) illicit – illegal (Ten people were arrested for brewing illicit liquor)
elicit – bring out (The teacher elicited answers from the student)

i) prescribed – advised (The doctor prescribed powerful medicines to me)
proscribed – remove (The police proscribed the striking students)

j) affect – change (The place is affected by the flood)
effect – the result of a change (The effect of the flood in very heavy)

k) aural – related to hearing
oral – related to speaking

l) born – related to birth (Raji was born on 2nd January 2020)
borne – carry (The people near the border borne the brunt of the attack.)

(ii) Fill in the blanks using suitable homophones or confusables:

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Samacheer Kalvi 12th English Guide Prose Chapter 1 Two Gentlemen Of Verona

c) Give the meanings of the following phrasal verbs and frame sentences using them: (Text Book Page No. 7)

Question 1.
cut off

  • to remove something by cutting
  • The branch was cut off from the tree

Question 2.
come upon

  • meet someone by chance
  • I came upon my Maths teacher in Chennai

Question 3.
put out

  • stop something burning
  • The firefighters put out the fire

Question 4.
draw up

  • stop
  • A taxi drew up outside the hotel

Question 5.
pass out

  • become unconscious/faint
  • The politician passed out when the income tax officials quizzed him.

Question 6.
take off

  • Start flying/remove clothing
  • The flight took off at the right time.

Question 7.
turn away

  • refuse permission
  • The reporters who came to interview the Prime Minister were turned away.

Question 8.
stand by

  • help someone who ¡s in difficult to be ready.
  • My friend stood by me all the time.

Question 9.
bank on

  • depend on
  • The whole team is banking on him to win the match.

Samacheer Kalvi 12th English Guide Prose Chapter 1 Two Gentlemen Of Verona

d) Read the list of words formed by adding suffixes: (Text Book Page No. 7)
frequently, satisfaction, willingness, inevitable, preparation, government, periodic, management,
population, department, announcement, comfortable, resemblance, nobility.

Form two derivatives from each of the following words by adding prefixes and suffixes: (Text Book Page No. 7)
Samacheer Kalvi 12th English Guide Prose Chapter 1 Two Gentlemen Of Verona 3

managemismanagemanagement, manageable
differentindifferentdifferentiate / difference
friendbefriendfriendship, friendly


Floods are an inevitable natural disaster which can occur in any part of the world. Floods can prove all the more
disastrous in localities, where population density is high. Preparation for Disaster Management has become imperative for any city, town, or village during monsoons. The Government Department entrusted with Disaster Management makes periodic announcements about the precautions to be taken whenever floods are anticipated.

Samacheer Kalvi 12th English Guide Prose Chapter 1 Two Gentlemen Of Verona

Now, you are going to listen to the cautionary instructions that are given to the general public living in flood-prone areas. Listen carefully and complete the following sentences:

Question a.
The announcement was made by the Department of _______.
Disaster Management.

Question b.
Widespread heavy rains are expected from the early hours of _______.

Question c.
The public is asked to find out the locations of _______.
the closest flood shelters available and routes to reach them

Question d.
An emergency kit should contain water bottles, biscuit packets, and a _______.
whistle to signal for help

Question e.
A list of__________ should be displayed on the wall.
emergency telephone numbers

Question f.
Important documents can be secured by keeping them in a ___________case.

Question g.
Damage to refrigerators can be avoided by _______.
leaving their door open

Question h.
Mobile phones should be charged to enable the marooned to contact their friends, relatives, and _______.
emergency services

Question i.
___________ should be placed in the toilet bowls to prevent sewage inflow.

Question j.
Listen to the_________ and follow the instructions implicitly.
periodic news updates

Samacheer Kalvi 12th English Guide Prose Chapter 1 Two Gentlemen Of Verona

Speaking: (Text Book Page No. 8)

Drafting a Speech:

Task 1:
On the occasion of World Environment Day, you have been asked to deliver a speech during the morning assembly on the importance of tree planting. Write the speech in about 100 – 150 words:

  1. Introduction
  2. Suggested value points:
    Pollution control – Medicine – Necessary for wildlife – Cause rainfall
  3. Conclusion

Respected Principal, the chief guest

Good evening. I am immensely delighted to speak to you on World Environment Day. All of you know that
we celebrate Environment Day on 5th June, every year. Let me explain why we celebrate World Environment
Day. The relationship between humanity and the environment is a delicate balance. Since the industrial revolution,
the world’s population has increased exponentially.

With the population growth, the environment has been profoundly affected Deforestation, pollution and global climatic changes are amongst the adverse effect the explosive population and technological expansion have introduced. The main objective of Environment Day is to gain a greater understanding of the environment.

This enhanced awareness, I believe, will help the country reduce its carbon footprint, increase the use of solar power, reduce and recycle non-biodegradable waste and evolve alternative technologies which would reduce our dependence on fossil fuels.

Moreover, tree planting will be done on a mission mode by school children and college students representing
NCC and NSS wings. This would spread the forest cover and give shelter to the wildlife and also ensure
plentiful rainfall sustaining life on this lovely planet. The student community shall disseminate the urgent need to
conserve water and other natural resources appeal to the younger generation, I mean my friends to be socially
responsive and do their part to preserve the environment.

Samacheer Kalvi 12th English Guide Prose Chapter 1 Two Gentlemen Of Verona

Task 2:
Prepare a speech on “The importance of a reading habit” in about 100—150 words as using the hints given below together with your own ideas: (Text Book Page No. 9)

  1. Introduction
  2. Suggested value points
    Knowledge enrichment — Skill development — Meaningful usage of time — Overall development
  3. Conclusion

The most distinguished chief guest, revered Principal, dignitaries on the Dias and off the dais, my beloved teachers and friends. This morning I wish to share my views on a man-making habit called ‘Reading’.

Books are the quietest and most constant of friends. They are the most accessible and wisest of counsellors and the most patient of teachers. Some schools do focus on developing a flair for reading by keeping a library period. Children are allowed to borrow books and also share their observations with their peers after the library hour is over. Such sharing introduces children to the wonderful world of books.

The art of reading is in great part that of acquiring a better understanding of life from one’s encounter with it in a book. Through reading, one exposes oneself to new things, new ways to solve a problem. Reading is a very useful hobby. Wiseman has lauded the importance of reading and the hobby of reading. Kofi Annan said, “Literacy is a bridge from misery to hope”.

William James said, “So it is with children who learn to read fluently and well. They begin to take flight into whole new worlds as effortlessly as young birds take to the sky”. Dear friends let us read books and conquer the world.

Samacheer Kalvi 12th English Guide Prose Chapter 1 Two Gentlemen of Verona

Reading – Note Making: (Text Book Page No. 9)

Read the passage given below and make notes:

To match the best cities across the world, the Government of India initiated ‘smart cities’ to drive economic growth and improve the quality of life of people. The agenda under smart city promises to resolve urban sustainability problems. Urban forests provide a range of important ecosystem services that are critical for the sustainability of cities. Urban forestry, which is defined more as ‘Management of Trees’ contributes to the physiological, sociological, and economic well-being of the society.

Mangroves, lakes, grasslands, and forests in and around our cities, act as sponges that absorb the air and noise pollution and they present themselves as our cultural and recreational hotspots. However, these spots are rapidly being reclaimed and replaced in the name of development. The presence of urban green has shown to increase the economic value of the place.

Urban forests contribute to reducing the cost of building stormwater drain systems for municipalities and neutralizing the urban heat island effect. Plants not only provide shade but also help in regulating the micro-climate. They help regulate energy budgets, improve air quality, and curtail noise pollution. Trees, herbs, shrubs, and grasses arrest sedimentation and prevent other pollutants from entering our water systems, This will give a chance for our urban lakes and rivers to recover and help improve aquatic ecosystems.

Biodiversity also gets a boost through the urban forests and helps create corridors connecting the forest areas, High biodiversity areas can also help to build resilient ecosystems. The availability of forests within our urban areas gives an opportunity for children to connect to the natural environment and learn about native species.
Smart city:
1. Initiation by Indian Government

  • Economic growth
  • Urban sustainability.

2. Urban forestry

  • management of trees
  • Act as sponges to absorb pollution.

3. Benefits of urban forestry

  • Regulated micro-climate
  • Arrests sedimentation and pollutants.

Samacheer Kalvi 12th English Guide Prose Chapter 1 Two Gentlemen of Verona


Task 1:
Tick the correct options and complete the dialogue:

A: Hello. What do you watch/are you watching?

B: A programme about the Jillian Wala Bagh massacre, which I recorded last night. I study /I’m studying about it this term.

A: All that I know / I’ve known about it is that hundreds of people died /had died in it.

B: Yes, it was much, much worse than anyone has expected/had expected. It went on / has gone off for hours. Do you want / Have you wanted to watch the programme with me?

A: No, thanks. I’ve got to do some veena practice. I’ve just remembered / I just remembered that we’ve got a concert tomorrow, and I don’t have/haven’t had time to practice my new piece this week.

B: OK. I’ve already done / I already did my practice, so I’ve got time to watch TV. See you later.

Task 2:
Complete the sentences with the correct tense form of the verbs in brackets: (Text Book Page No. 11)

Question a.
(tell) me exactly what (happen) last night!
Tell me exactly what happened last night.

Question b.
Mrs. Mageswari is my Maths teacher. She (teach) me for four years.
Mrs. Mageswari is my maths teacher She has been teaching me for four years.

Question c.
I (never /think) of a career ¡n medicine before I spoke to my Biology teacher but now I (seriously! consider) it.
I had never thought of a career in medicine before I spoke to my biology teacher but now I seriously consider it.

Question d.
Oh no! I (forget) to bring my assignment! What am I going to do? This is the second time I (do) this!
Oh no I forgot to bring my assignment! what am I going to do? This is the second time I am doing this.

Question e.
I can’t remember what my teacher (say) yesterday about our homework. I (not listen) properly because Hussain (talk) to me at the same time.
I can’t remember what my teacher said yesterday about our homework. I did not listen properly because Hussian was talking to me at the same time.

Question f.
Last year we (go) on a school trip to Kanyakumari. We (have) a very interesting time.
Last year we went on a school trip to Kanyakumari. We had a very interesting time.

Question g.
At the moment I (think) about what course to pursue next year but I (not make) a final decision yet.
At the moment I am thinking about what course to pursue next year but I have not made a final decision yet.

Question h.
I (get) up at 7 every morning but this morning I (sleep) for a long time and I (not get) up until 8.
I get up at 7 every morning but this morning I slept for a long time and I did not get up until 8.

Samacheer Kalvi 12th English Guide Prose Chapter 1 Two Gentlemen Of Verona

Task 3:
Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verbs given in the brackets:

Question a.
Everyone _________ when the earthquake hit the small town. (sleep)
was sleeping

Question b.
Evangeline _______ her job a couple of years ago. (quit)

Question c.
Where ___________ your last holidays? (you spend)
did you spend

Question d.
I think Suresh _________ for Tiruvallur next morning. (leave)
will leave

Question e.
I was angry that I _______ such a mistake (make).
had made

Question f.
My mother was tired yesterday because she __________ well the night before (not sleep).
did not sleep

Question g.
Her parents ___________ in Coimbatore for two weeks from today (be).

Question h.
Nothing much ________ when I got to the meeting (happen).
had happened

Question i.
Scientists predict that by 2050, man ________ on Mars. (land)
will land

Question j.
Sh! Someone ___________ to our conversation! (listen)
is listening

Question k.
The plane ________ off in a few minutes. (take)
will take

Question l.
They _________ about me when I interrupted their conversation. (talk)
were talking

Question m.
Justin and his parents _________ in an apartment right now because they can’t find a cheap house. (live)
are living

Question n.
Rajini Prem’s family _________ in Chengalpet now. (be)
Question o.
Yusuf_________ to the movies once in a while. (go)

Question p.
This _________ an easy quiz so far (be).
has been

Question q.
Our team _________ any games last year. (not win)
did not win

Question r.
We _________ a wonderful film at the cinema last night. (see)

Question s.
Hurry up! The movie ________ (already begin)
has already begun.

Samacheer Kalvi 12th English Guide Prose Chapter 1 Two Gentlemen Of Verona

Modal Auxiliaries: (Text Book Page No. 12)

Modal Auxiliary is a special auxiliary that is used to denote a particular mood or expression of the subject.
There are 13 Modal Auxiliaries (four of which are quasi-modals/ margins).
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Task 1:
Fill in the blanks with modal auxiliaries: (Text Book Page No. 14)

Question a.
The candidates _______ answer five out of ten questions.

Question b.
How _______ you open my bag?

Question c.
Tajudeen ________ finish this work by Monday.

Question d.
_______ I go to school today?

Question e.
I wish you ________ tell me the truth.

Question f.
Poonam __________ not catch the bus yesterday.

Question g.
People who live in glass houses ______ not throw stones.

Question h.
You ________ not go to the market as I have brought vegetables.

Question i.
_______ you have taken all this trouble?

Question j.
You ______ be joking.

Question k.
I tried to climb up the tree, but _____ not.

Question l.
Hima Das ran so fast that she ______ win the medal.

Question m.
You ________ lead a horse to water, but you _______ make it drink.
can, cannot

Question n.
I ________ like to have a cup of coffee.

Question o.
My grandfather _____ visit this temple when he was young.
used to/would

Samacheer Kalvi 12th English Guide Prose Chapter 1 Two Gentlemen Of Verona

Task 2:
Complete the following sentences with modals using the clues given:

Question a.
You _________ help the needy. (moral obligation)
must/ought to

Question b.
If I were you, I ________ not behave like that. (conditional sentence)

Question c.
I _______ never tell a lie. (determination)

Question d.
My uncle _______ have reached by now. (possibility)

Question e.
The patient is critical. He __________be taken to the hospital.(compulsion)

Question f.
I ________ to play hockey when I was a student. (past habit)
used to

Question g.
You _______ not attend my class. (order)

Question h.
He ___________ come today. (remote possibility)

Question i.
You ___________ follow the traffic rules. (regulation)

Question j.
He play the match. (willingness)

Question k.
You __________ not waste time on it. (necessity)

Question l.
Had the doctor come in time, he _______ have saved the patient.(probability)

Samacheer Kalvi 12th English Guide Prose Chapter 1 Two Gentlemen Of Verona

Reported Speech:

Task 1:
Read what these people say and rewrite as sentences: (Text Book Page No. 15)underlines

Question 1.
I am very busy.
Raja said that he was very busy.

Question 2.
I have completed my work.
Satya said that he had completed his work.

Question 3.
I don’t like to go out.
Johnson said that he didn’t like to go out.

Question 4.
I have just come back from Chennai.
Akshita said that she had just come back from Chennai.

Question 5.
I am learning English.
Jayan said that he was learning English.

Question 6.
I bought a pen yesterday.
Madhu said that she had bought a pen the previous day.

Question 7.
We will go shopping tomorrow.
Joseph and Mary said that they would go shopping the next day.

Question 8.
We can’t attend the party.
Afsar and Ayesha said that they could not attend the party.

Question 9.
How are you?
Satish asked how he was.

Question 10.
I am fine. Thank you
Victor said that he was fine and thanked him.

Samacheer Kalvi 12th English Guide Prose Chapter 1 Two Gentlemen Of Verona

Task 2:
Read the following dialogue and complete the report in the space provided:

Priya: Where are you going to?
Vijay: I am going to the railway station.
Priya: Why are you going there?
Vijay: I want to receive my uncle who is coming from Bangalore.

Question 1.
Priya asked Vijay ___________
Priya asked Vijay where he was going.

Question 2.
Vijay replied __________
Vijay replied that he was going to the railway station.

Question 3.
Priya further inquired ___________
Priya further enquired why he was going there.

Question 4.
Vijay stated that ___________
Vijay stated that he wanted to receive his uncle who was coming from Bangalore.

b) Teacher: Why are you late?
Divya: I missed the bus.
Teacher: You should have reached the bus stop on time.
Divya: My grandmother is ill. So, I had to take her to the doctor.
Teacher: I am sorry. What ails her?
Divya: She has a high fever.

Question 1.
The teacher asked Divya why she was late. Divya replied that (a) ________.The teacher told her that (b) _____. Divya said that her grandmother was ill so she had to take her to the doctor. The teacher felt sorry and further asked her (c) _____. Divya explained that she (c)_________ high fever.
(a) She had missed the bus
(b) She should have reached the bus stop on time.
(c) what ailed her?
(d) had

Samacheer Kalvi 12th English Guide Prose Chapter 1 Two Gentlemen Of Verona

Task 3:
Rewrite the following passage in indirect speech: (Text Book Page No. 16)

Question 1.
Pradeep got out of bed with much excitement. “It is going to be a lovely sunny day,” he remarked
to his sister Varshini. “Just let me sleep a bit longer, Pradeep,” Varshini begged, “and since you are feeling so
enthusiastic, “she suggested, “Why don’t you go and help a mother in cooking?” Sure, I will say Pradeep.
“Can I help you, mum?’ he said to his mother. “Yes, of course. There are idlis and vadas on the dining table.
Have your breakfast.” “Thank you, mum; I’ll surely help you by eating them.”
Pradeep got out of bed with much excitement. He told his sister Varshini that it was going to be a lovely sunny day. Varshini begged him to let her sleep a bit longer and since he was feeling so enthusiastic she asked him why not go and help a mother in cooking. Pradeep said that he would. He asked his mother if he could help her. The mother replied positively and added that there were idlis and vadas on the dining table and told him to have his breakfast. Pradeep thanked his mother and said that he would surely help her by eating them.

Samacheer Kalvi 12th English Guide Prose Chapter 1 Two Gentlemen Of Verona

Read the following letter carefully, discuss with your partner, and answer the questions:

I request you to publish the following letter in your daily to address an important issue which needs immediate redressal.

During weekends motorcyclists are seen racing on the East Coast Road and the Old Mahabalipuram road of Chennai. The amateur racers are risking their own lives and of the public as well. They are fearless and irresponsible, not knowing the price of human lives. Risking others and their lives for their pleasure is highly condemnable.

Even school students indulge in such activities and cause fatal accidents. The racers have started
occupying the lanes and streets of busy localities. As such, the violation of traffic rules often results in the loss of young lives. Such reckless riders who violate traffic rules should be punished severely. As a responsible citizen of society, I request the authorities concerned to take appropriate measures to put an end to this menace.
Yours truly,


Question a)
Who is the sender of the letter?
Srivastava is the sender of the letter.

Question b)
Who is the receiver?
The editor of a daily is the receiver.

Question c)
What is the issue?
Motorcycle racing is the issue.

Question d)
What is the request of the sender?
The request of the sender to the authorities concerned is to take appropriate measures to put an end to the motorcycle racing.

Question e)
Who will take steps after reading it?
The traffic police will take steps after reading it.

Samacheer Kalvi 12th English Guide Prose Chapter 1 Two Gentlemen Of Verona

b) You have chosen Computer Science in the Higher Secondary Course. Write a letter to your friend giving reasons for your choice. Read the clues given in brackets to complete the letter.

Dear Arjun (Greeting),

Hope you are well (enquire about his well-being). I would like to say that I have chosen computer science in Hr. Sec course. Firstly I want you to help me with my future (the reason for your choice of group). I wish to become an Engineer (state your ambition). We come to hear a lot of instances of misusing social media. (discuss recent unhealthy happenings in social media and society). These have made me select the course so that after knowing the system well. I will be able to find out something to stop such things (demand or need of this profession). I have plans to pursue M.S in the US (higher studies or specialization).

All the best for your CA preparation. Convey my regards to all at home.

Yours lovingly,
(your name)

Task: (Text Book Page No. 18)
a) You had been to your Grandma’s house during the summer holidays. You enjoyed your stay in her company. Write a letter to your Grandma stating how much you miss her after returning to your home.

My dear Grandma,

I hope, you are quite well. But I am not fine here, because I miss you a lot. I enjoyed your company during my summer holidays. I feel very sad after returning to my home. I am expecting my next vacation to come. I felt very happy when I stayed with you. Take care of your health. See you on your next vacation.

Yours lovingly,
Arjun S.

Address on the envelope


Mrs. R.Vasantha,
No.75, West Street,
Trichy – 627032.

Samacheer Kalvi 12th English Guide Prose Chapter 1 Two Gentlemen Of Verona

b) You are the head of the English department in a renowned institution. You are invited to preside over the inauguration of the English Literary club in your alma mater. Respond to the letter you have received either accepting the invitation or expressing your inability to attend the function.

M Ravi Kumar,
Head of the Department of English,
Joseph College of Arts and Science,
Madurai – 627035

The Principal,
ABC College of Arts and Science
Trichy – 620177


Sub: Accepting your invitation – reg.

This is to kindly inform you that I have received your invitation to the inauguration of the English Literary club. I am really happy to preside over the function in my alma mater. I am sure that I will be at the function on time.
Thanking you,

Yours faithfully,
M Ravikumar.


Address on the envelope


The Principal
ABC College of Arts and Science

c. Write a letter to the Headmaster of your school requesting him to help you obtain a duplicate mark sheet of class XII, which you lost while traveling.

S. Anand,
No. 12, West Street,

The Headmaster,
TCS. Hr. Sec. School,

Sub: Requesting to obtain a duplicate mark sheet of class XH-reg.

I would like to bring to your kind notice that I had missed my mark sheet for class XII while traveling. Therefore, I kindly request you to help me to obtain a duplicate mark sheet.

Thanking you,

Yours faithfully,
B. Anand.


Address on the envelope


The Headmaster,
TCS. Hr. Sec. School,

d) Write a letter to AZ Company requesting them to replace the defective juicer that you bought recently. Include the following details: the problem, date of purchase, receipt number, model, and warranty.

S. Rahul,
No.2, North Street,

The manager,
AZ company,


Sub: Requesting to replace the defective juicer-reg.

I would like to bring to your kind notice that I had bought a juicer in your company a week ago. Now it is not working but properly due to magnetic sensors. I have also mentioned the date of purchase and receipt number. So, kindly replace the defective juices as early as possible.
Thanking you,

Yours faithfully,
S. Raghul.


Address on the envelope



The manager,
AZ company,

e) You wish to become a pilot. Write a letter to a college enquiring about the details of the pilot training course offered by the college. Include the following details in your inquiry: duration of the course, fee structure, scholarships, hostel facilities, and placement details.

No.75, East street,

The principal,
ABC College of Technology,


Sub: Enquiring about the details of the pilot training course offered-reg.
This is to inform you that I would like to know about the pilot training course offered at your college. Please let me know the duration of the course, fee structure, scholarships, hostel facilities, and placement details as soon as possible.

Thanking you,

Yours faithfully,
D. Kumar.


Address on the envelope



The principal,
ABC College of Technology,

Samacheer Kalvi 12th English Guide Prose Chapter 1 Two Gentlemen of Verona

f) Write a letter to the manager of Waves Furniture Company ordering furniture for a coaching center. Include the following details: description of the furniture, number of pieces, mode of payment, time, and delivery options.

S. Ramesh,
No.72, Anbu Nagar, Palayamkottai.

The manager,
The waves furniture company,


Sub: Ordering some furniture-reg.

We are in need of some furniture for our coaching center. Kindly send the goods by train to the above address.

Chair50 nos
Tables10 nos
Boards5 nos

Thanking you,

Yours faithfully,
S. Ramesh.


Address on the envelope


The manager,
The waves furniture company,

g. Write an application for the post of Personal Secretary to the Managing Director of a company. Include the following details: Educational qualification, experience, various other qualifications required for the post.


The Managing Director,
Software solution,


Sub: Application for the post of personal secretary -reg.

Ref: Advertisement in The Hindu dated 8th June 2020.

I read your advertisement in “The Hindu” dated 8th June 2020.1 wish to apply for the post of personal secretary. I have given below my bio-data. If I am appointed, I assure you that I will discharge my duties to your entire satisfaction.

Bio – Data

  1. Name of the applicant: xxx
  2. Residential Address: yyy
  3. Father’s name: A.Jeyaraj
  4. Date of birth and age: 27th Dec 1990
  5. Age: 28 years old
  6. Sex: Male/Female
  7. Educational Qualification: M.A. English
  8. Experience: 3 years
  9. Languages Known: Tamil, English, and Hindi
  10. Special Talent: Fluency in English, good knowledge of computer, a good athlete
  11. Salary expected: 15,000/- per month

Thanking you,


I, XXX hereby declare that the information which I have furnished is true to the best of my knowledge.

Yours faithfully,
Place: yyy, XXX
Date: 10.06.2020.

Address on the envelope



The Managing Director,
Software solution,

h) Write a letter to the editor of a newspaper about the nuisance created by the roadside vendors blocking the pavements and occupying the parking zone.

K. Ashok,
No.7, West Mambalam st,

The Editor,
The Indian Express,


Sub: Publishing the nuisance created by the roadside vendors in your newspaper -reg.

This is to bring to your kind attention that the roadside vendors are blocking the pavements and occupying the parking zone and thereby creating a nuisance to the public. So, please bring the news to the government by publishing this in your newspaper.

Thanking you,

Yours faithfully,


Address on the envelope



The Editor,
The Indian Express,

j) Write a letter to your relative or friend who is admitted in the hospital for treatment of jaundice. Advise him/her not to worry about the illness and be positive. Assure him/her of your psychological and financial help during the crisis.

My dear Friend,

I heard that you are admitted to the hospital for the treatment of jaundice. It is only a common disease, especially in summer days. So, you take rest and always think positive which will enable you to recover from it soon. If you need any financial help, please inform me at once, So that I will help and be with you.

Yours lovingly,
Arun S

Address on the envelope


Mrs. M. Karthick,
No.45, North street,

Samacheer Kalvi 12th English Guide Prose Chapter 1 Two Gentlemen of Verona

ஆசிரியரைப் பற்றி:

ஆர்ச்சிபால்டு ஜோசப் க்ரோனின் (Archibald Joseph Cronin) (1896-1981) ஸ்காட்டிஷை சார்ந்த நாவலாசிரியர், நாடக ஆசிரியர் மற்றும் இயற்பியலாளர் ஆவார். மருத்துவப் பயிற்சிப் பெற்ற க்ரோனின் இருபதாம் நூற்றாண்டின் புகழ் பெற்ற கதை சொல்லுபவரில் ஒருவர், அவரின் பல கதைகள் இவரின் மருத்துவ பணியிலிருந்து வெளிப்பட்டதாகவும் (emerged) அவைகளின் கதைப்பாணி, சமூக அக்கறையுடையதாகவும், அமைக்கப்பட்டிருக்கும்.

க்ரோனின் புத்தகங்கள் அதிகமாக விற்பனையாவது மட்டுமல்லாமல் சில படைப்புகள் (The Citadel and The Keys of the Kingdom) வெற்றிகரமான படங்களாகவும், வானொலி மற்றும் தொலைகாட்சிகளிலும் ஒளிபரப்பப்பட்டன. இவரின் “Novella country doctor” என்னும் படைப்பு தேர்ந்தெடுக்கப்பட்டு BBC வானொலியிலும், தொலைக்காட்சி தொடரிலும் அதிக நாட்களாக ஒளிபரப்பப்பட்டது.

பாடத்தைப் பற்றி:

கொடுக்கப்பட்டுள்ள இந்த பாடத்தின் ஆசிரியர் A.J.Cronin இரு சிறுவர்களின் வாழ்க்கைப்பற்றியும், அவர்கள் தங்களின் சிறுவயதிலேயே அனுபவிக்கின்ற துன்பங்களைப் பற்றியும் விவரிக்கிறார். பெற்றோரை தங்களின் சிறு வயதிலேயே இழந்த முதுகெலும்பு காசநோயால் பாதிக்கப்பட்ட (Tuberculosis of the spine) சகோதரியைக் காப்பாற்ற போராடும் இரு சகோதரர்களின் செயல்களில் வெளிப்படும் அன்பு, அர்ப்பணிப்பு, தியாகம், நேர்மை மற்றும் முதிர்ச்சி ஆகியவை குறித்த ஒரு கதை கொடுக்கப்பட்டுள்ளது. அவர்களுடைய செயல்கள் எவ்வாறு மனிதநேயத்திற்கு ஒரு புதிய நம்பிக்கையை ஊட்டுகிறது என்பதை அறிய தொடர்ந்து வாசிப்போம்.

Two Gentlemen Of Verona Summary in Tamil

நாங்கள் மகிழுந்தில் (Car) வெரோனா புறநகர்பகுதியில் ஆல்ப்ஸ் (Alps) மலையின் அடிவாரம் வழியாக பயணித்த போது இரு சிறுவர்கள் எங்களை நிறுத்தினர். அவர்கள் காட்டு ஸ்ட்ராபெரி (strawberry) பழங்களை விற்றுக் கொண்டிருந்தனர். ”வாங்காதீர்கள்” என்று, எங்களின் எச்சரிக்கையான (Cautious) வாகன ஓட்டுநர் லூகி (Luigi) கூறினான். “வெரோனா நகரின் உட்பகுதியில் இதை விட சிறந்த பழங்களை நீங்கள் பெறலாம். மேலும் இந்தப் பையன்கள்….” என்று அவர்களின் அழுக்குத் தோற்றத்தை ஏற்றுக்கொள்ளாத வகையில் அவரது தோளை அழுத்தினார். ஒரு சிறுவன் மேலாடையையும், வெட்டப்பட்ட காக்கி காற்சட்டையையும் அணிந்திருந்தான்.

மற்றொருவன் சிறியதாக்கப்பட்ட, முழங்கால் வரை அணியக்கூடிய உடையை அவனது மெல்லிய உடம்பில் தொளதொளவென் அணிந்திருந்தான். பழுப்பு நிறத்தையும், கலைந்த முடியையும், ஊக்கமான கண்களையும் உடைய அந்த இரு சிறிய உருவங்களை இன்னும் கூர்ந்து நோக்கியபடியே, நாங்கள் அவர்களால் கவரப்பட்டதை உணர்ந்தோம். என்னுடன் வந்தவர் (companion), அச்சிறுவர்களிடம் பேச்சுக்கொடுத்து அவர்களிருவரும் சகோதரர்கள் என்று அறிந்தார். மூத்தவன் பெயர் நிக்கோலா (Nicola), வயது 13; எங்கள் காரின் கதவின் அருகே வந்து நின்றவன் பெயர் ஜாகோபா (Jacopo), வயது 12-யை நெருங்கும். நாங்கள் அவர்களின் பெரிய கூடை முழுவதையும் வாங்கிக்கொண்டு (bought) நகரத்தை நோக்கிப் புறப்பட்டோம்.

அடுத்த நாள் காலையில் நாங்கள் எங்கள் விடுதியில் இருந்து வெளியே வந்தபோது, எங்களின் அந்த நண்பர்கள் காலணிகளை பளபளப்பாக்கும் பெட்டியில் (shoe shine box) குணிந்தவாறு, நகரின் பொது சதுக்கத்தின் (public square) நீர்வீழ்ச்சி அருகில் சுறுசுறுப்பாக வேலை செய்வதைக் கண்டோம்.

சிறிது நேரம் அவர்களைக் கவனித்தோம் (watched). அவர்களின் தொழில் மந்தமான (slackened) போது நாங்கள் அவர்களிடம் சென்றோம். அவர்கள் எங்களை இன்முகத்தோடுவரவேற்றார்கள் “நீங்கள் வாழ்வாதாரத்திற்கு தான் பழங்களை விற்றீர்கள் என்று நினைத்தேன்” என்றேன்.

“நாங்கள் நிறைய வேலைகள் பார்ப்போம்” ஐயா என்றான் நிக்கோலா. அவன் நம்பிக்கையுடன் (hopefully) எங்களை நோக்கினான். “நாங்கள் இங்கு வரும் பார்வையாளர்களுக்கு இந்த நகரத்தையும், ஜீலியட்டின் கல்லறையையும் மற்றும் அவர்கள் விரும்பும் இடங்களையும் சுற்றிக்காண்பிப்போம்’, என்றான்.

நான் புன்னகையுடன் “சரி எங்களுக்கும் சுற்றிக் காண்பி” என்றேன். நாங்கள் சுற்றிப்பார்த்து கொண்டிருந்த போது, அவர்களின் குறிப்பிடத்தக்க நடத்தை (demeanour) என் ஆர்வத்தை மேலும் தூண்டியது. அவர்கள் குழந்தைத்தனத்துடன் பல செயல்களில் கள்ளக்கபடமில்லாமல் (artless) இருந்தார்கள். ஜாகோபா அணிற்பிள்ளைப் (squirrel) போன்று மிகவும் சுறுசுறுப்புடன் இருந்தான். நிக்கோலா எப்பொழுதும் சிரித்த முகத்தோடு இருந்தான். இருந்தாலும் அச்சிறுவர்களின் குழந்தை முகங்களில், அவர்களின் வயதுக்கு அப்பாற்பட்ட தீவிரம் (seriousness) காணப்பட்டது.

Samacheer Kalvi 12th English Guide Prose Chapter 1 Two Gentlemen of Verona

அதற்கு அடுத்த வாரத்தில் அவர்களை நாங்கள் அடிக்கடி (frequently) பார்த்தோம். அவர்கள் எங்களுக்கு மிகவும் உபயோகமாக (useful) இருந்தார்கள். எங்களுக்கு அமெரிக்க சிகரெட்டுகள் வேண்டுமென்றாலும், இசை நிகழ்ச்சிக்கு சீட்டு வேண்டுமென்றாலும், நல்ல உணவகத்திற்கு செல்ல வேண்டுமென்றாலும் எங்களின் தேவைகளை நிறைவேற்ற நாங்கள் நிக்கோலா மற்றும் ஜாகோபாவை நம்பினோம். அவர்களின் வேலை செய்யும் ஆர்வம் எங்களை வெகுவாக ஈர்த்தது. இந்த கடுமையான வெயிலிலும் அவர்கள், காலணிகளை பளபளப்பாக்குதல், பழங்கள் விற்றல், ஓர் இடத்திலிருந்து இன்னொரு இடத்திற்கு எடுத்துச் சென்று செய்தித்தாள்களை விற்றல், பார்வையாளர்களை சுற்றிக் காண்பித்தல் என அனைத்து வேலைகளையும் ஒரே நேரத்தில் செய்தனர்.

ஒரு நாள் இரவு அவர்களை காற்றோட்டமான, ஆள் நடமாட்டமில்லாத (deserted), சதுக்கத்தின், விளக்குகளுக்கு கீழே, கல் நடைபாதையில் (pavement) ஓய்வெடுப்பதை கண்டோம். நிக்கோலா கலைப்புடன் அமர்ந்திருந்தான். விற்காத ஒரு கட்டு செய்தித்தாள்கள் அவன் காலடியில் கிடந்தன. ஜாகோபா, அவனது சகோதரரின் தோளின் மேல் தலைவைத்து தூங்கி கொண்டிருந்தான். நேரம் நள்ளிரவை நெருங்கியது.

“ஏன் இவ்வளவு நேரம் இங்கே இருக்கிறீர்கள், நிக்கோலா?”

“பதுவாவிலிருந்து (Padua) வரும் கடைசி பேருந்துக்காக காத்துக் கொண்டிருக்கிறோம். அது வந்தவுடன் எங்களின் அனைத்து செய்தித்தாள்களையும் விற்று விடுவோம்”. என்றான்.

“நீங்கள் இவ்வளவு கடினமாக உழைக்க வேண்டுமா? பார்பதற்கு மிகவும் களைப்பாக (tired) இருக்கிறீர்கள்”. என்று நான் கேட்டேன்.

“நாங்கள் அதனை குறையாக தெரிவிக்கவில்லை ஐயா”, என்றான்.

மறுநாள் காலை நான் காலணிகளை பளபளப்பாக்க சதுக்கத்தின் நீர்வீழ்ச்சி அருகே சென்றபோது, “நிக்கோலா, நீங்கள் உழைப்பதைப் பார்த்தால் நீங்கள் நிறைய சம்பாதிக்க வேண்டும். நீங்கள் ஆடைகளில் செலவலிப்பதில்லை. மிகக் குறைவாகவே சாப்பிடுகிறீர்கள், வழக்கமாக நீ கருத்த ரொட்டித்துண்டு (blackbread) மற்றும் அத்திப்பழங்களை (figs) மட்டுமே சாப்பிடுவதை நான் கண்டிருக்கிறேன். உங்கள் பணத்தை வைத்து நீங்கள் என்ன செய்கிறீர்கள்? என்று என்னிடம் சொல்”.

அவன் உடனே குழம்பிப்போய் மிகுந்த வருத்தமுற்றான். பின்பு தரையைப் பார்த்துக் குணிந்தான்.
”அமெரிக்காவிற்கு புலம் பெயர்வதற்காகவா (emigrate) பணத்தை சேமிக்கிறீர்கள்?” என்று கேட்டேன். அவன் என்னை பக்கவாட்டில் பார்த்து பேசினான். “எங்களுக்கும் அமெரிக்கா போக வேண்டும் என்று பெரிய ஆசை உண்டு” ஆனால், இங்கே, இப்போது நாங்கள் வேறு திட்டங்கள் வைத்திருக்கிறோம்”.

“என்ன திட்டங்கள்?” (plans)
அவன் சங்கடத்துடன் (uncomfortably) புன்னகைத்தான். “சாதரணமான திட்டங்கள் தான்”, என்றான் மெதுவான குரலில்.

“நல்லது,” “நாங்கள் வரும் திங்கட்கிழமை புறப்படுகிறோம். நாங்கள் புறப்படுவதற்குள் உனக்கு ஏதாவது செய்ய வேண்டுமா?” என்றேன். வேண்டாமென் நிக்கோலா தலையை அசைத்தான். ஆனால் திடிரென ஜாகோபா, ஐயா நாங்கள் ஒவ்வொரு ஞாயிற்றுகிழமையும் முப்பது கிலோமீட்டர் அப்பால் இருக்கக்கூடிய ‘பொலேடா (Poleta) என்ற இடத்திற்கு வாடகை மிதிவண்டியில் (hire bicycles) செல்வோம். நீங்கள் எங்களிடம் மிக கனிவுடன் நடந்து கொள்வதால், நாளை எங்களை உங்கள் காரில் அங்கு அழைத்து செல்லலாம் என்றான். நான் லூகியிடம் ஞாயிற்றுகிழமை ஓய்வு. இருந்தபோதும் உங்களுக்காக கார் ஓட்டுகிறேன்” என்று பதிலளித்தேன்.

சிறிய இடைவெளிக்குப்பின், நிக்கோலா அவனது சகோதரனை எரிச்சலுடன் (Vexation) முறைத்தான். “உங்களுக்கு தொந்தரவு வேண்டாம் என்று நினைத்தோம் ஐயா”
“இது ஒன்றும் தொந்தரவு இல்லை”.

தனது உதட்டை கடித்தபடியே மெல்லிய குரலில் சரி நல்லது’ என்றான். அடுத்த கிராமத்திற்கு காரில் பயணமானோம். நாங்கள் அங்கு வசிக்கக் கூடிய இடம் மிகச்சாதரணமாகத்தான் இருக்கும் என கற்பனை செய்திருந்தேன். ஆனால், ஜாகாபாவோ எங்களை பெரிய சிவப்புக் கூரையிட்ட, பெரிய கல் சுவரால் சூழப்பட்ட கிராமப்புற வீட்டுக்கு அழைத்துச் சென்றான். என்னால் என் கண்களையே நம்பமுடியாமல் திகைத்திருந்த வேளையில், என்னுடன் வந்த இரு பயணிகளும் காரில் இருந்து குதித்து இறங்கினர்.

“நாங்கள் அதிக நேரம் எடுத்துக்கொள்ள மாட்டோம் ஐயா, ஒரு மணி நேரம் மட்டுமே. நீங்கள் இங்கே உள்ள தேநீர் கடையில் ஏதேனும் அருந்த விரும்புகிறீர்களா?”. அவர்கள் இருவரும் சுவரின் பின்னால் மறைய (disappear) ஆரம்பித்தனர்.

சில நிமிடங்களுக்கு பிறகு, நானும் அவர்களை பின்தொடர்ந்தேன். நான் கம்பியினால் ஆன ஒரு வாசலைக் கண்டேன். தீர்மானமாக (determinedly) அழைப்பு மணியை அடித்தேன்.

இரும்பு வளையத்தினால் (steel-rimmed) ஆன கண்ணாடியை அணிந்த ஒரு கனிவான பெண்மணி வந்தாள். அந்த பெண்மணி வெள்ளை நிற செவிலியர் உடையுடன் வந்தாள். நான் வியந்து பார்த்தேன்.

“நான் இங்கே இரு சிறுவர்களை அழைத்து வந்தேன்”. ஓ! அப்படியா! என்று அவர் முகம் பிரகாசமானது. அவள் கதவை திறந்து என்னை உள்ளே அனுமதித்தாள். நிக்கோலா, ஜாகோபாவிடம், நான் உங்களை அழைத்துச் செல்கிறேன்” என்றேன்.

Samacheer Kalvi 12th English Guide Prose Chapter 1 Two Gentlemen of Verona

அவள் என்னை குளிர்ந்த, பளிங்கினால் ஆன தாழ்வாரம் (vestibule) வழியே ஒரு மருத்துவமனைக்கு அழைத்துச்சென்றாள். (அந்த கிராமத்து வீடே இப்போது மருத்துவமனையாகி இருந்தது. ஒரு சிறிய படுக்கை அறையின் வாசலில் அவள் நின்று, தன் வாயில் அவள் கையை வைத்து புன்னகைத்தப்படி, கண்ணாடி பிளவின் (glass partition) வழியே என்னைப் பார்க்கச் சொன்னாள்.

அந்த இரு பையன்களும், 20 வயது மதிக்கத்தக்க அழகான பின்னலாடை அணிந்திருந்த தலையணைகளால் தாங்கப்பட்டு படுக்கையிலிருந்த பெண்ணின் அருகில் கட்டிலில் அமர்ந்திருந்தனர். அந்த பெண் அவர்கள் பேசுவதைக் (chatter) கேட்டுக் கொண்டிருந்தாள். அவளது கண்கள் இளமையாகவும், மென்மையாகவும் இருந்தது. பார்த்தவுடன் அவளது தோற்றம் அவளுடைய சகோதரர்களை ஒத்திருப்பதை யாராலும் சொல்ல முடியும். அவளது மேசையில் ஒரு ஜாடி நிறைய காட்டு மலர்களும், கூடவே பழங்களும், நிறைய புத்தகங்களும் இருந்தன.

“நீங்கள் உள்ளே போகவில்லையா?” என்று முனுமுனுத்தாள் அந்த செவிலியப் பெண். “உங்களைப் பார்த்தால் ‘லூசியா (Lucia) மகிழ்வாள்” என்றாள் செவிலி.

நான் தலையை அசைத்து மறுத்த படியே அங்கிருந்து நகர்ந்தேன். அவர்களின் மகிழ்ச்சியான குடும்ப சந்திப்பின் போது உள்ளே நுழைய வேண்டாம் என்று நான் நினைத்தேன். ஆனால் படிகட்டுகளின் கீழே நின்று அவளிடம் அந்த இரு சிறுவர்களைப் பற்றி நீ அறிந்ததை கூறு என்று கெஞ்சி (begged) கேட்டேன். அவளும் சம்மதித்தாள்.

“அவர்கள் இருவருக்கும் அவர்களின் அக்கா லூசியாவைத் தவிர இவ்வுலகில் யாரும் கிடையாது” என்று விவரித்தாள் (explained). மனைவியை இழந்த அவர்களின் தந்தை ஒரு நல்ல பாடகர் (singer), அவர் போர்காலத்தில் கொல்லப்பட்டார்.

பின் சிறிது காலத்தில் அவர்கள் வீட்டின் மீது ஒரு குண்டு விழுந்து, இம்மூன்று சிறுவர்களையும் வீதிக்கு தூக்கி எறிந்தது. அவர்கள் எப்போதும் சுகமான (comfortable) வாழ்வை வாழ்ந்து வந்தார்கள். லூசியாவோ ஒரு பாடகராக பயிற்சி செய்து கொண்டிருந்தாள். மேலும் அவர்கள் கடுங்குளிரினாலும், பசியினாலும் கடுமையாகப் பாதிக்கப்பட்டார்கள்.

பல மாதங்கள், அவர்கள் பழைய செங்கல் மற்றும் சிறந்த பொருள்களினால், அவர்களே செய்த கூடாரத்தில் வாழ்ந்து வந்தார்கள். அதன்பின் 3 வருடங்கள் ஜெர்மனியர்கள் இந்த நகரை ஆண்டார்கள் ஜெர்மானியர்களை (Germans) வெறுத்தபடியே (hate) இச்சிறுவர்கள் வளர்ந்த னர்.

“ஜெர்மானியர்களை எதிர்த்து எதிர்ப்பு இயக்கம் (resistance movement) தோன்றிய போது இவர்கள் முதலில் போய் அதில் இணைந்தனர். போர் முடிவடைந்து அமைதி திரும்பியபோது, அவர்கள் தங்கள் அன்பிற்குரிய சகோதரியிடம் திரும்பி வந்தார்கள். மேலும் தங்களது சகோதரி முதுகெலும்பு காசநோயால் (tuberculosis) பாதிக்கப்பட்டிருப்பதை கண்டறிந்தார்கள்”, என்று அவள் ஒரு கணம் நிறுத்தி மூச்சை உள்ளிளுத்தாள்.

“அவர்கள் அவளை கை விட்டு (give up) விட்டார்களா? என்ற கேள்விக்கு நான் பதில் கூற வேண்டியதில்லை. அவர்களே அவளை இங்கு கொண்டு வந்து எங்களிடம் அவளை இந்த மருத்துவமனையில் சேர்த்துக் கொள்ளும் படி வேண்டி கேட்டுக் கொண்டார்கள், இந்த 12 மாதங்கள் அவள் எங்கள் நோயாளியாகவே (patient) இருக்கிறாள், மேலும் அவளது நிலையில் முன்னேற்றம் இருக்கிறது. அவள் மீண்டும் எழுந்து வந்து பாடுவாள் என்ற நம்பிக்கை எங்களுக்கு உள்ளது”.

“இங்கு எல்லாமே இப்போது மிக கடினமாக (difficult) உள்ளது. எனவே உணவு, தங்குமிடம் என அனைத்திற்கும் நாங்கள் பணம் வசூலிக்கவில்லையென்றால் எங்களால் மருத்துவமனையை நடத்த இயலாது. ஆனால் ஒவ்வொரு வாரமும் லூசியாவின் சகோதரர்கள் அவளுக்கான கட்டணத்தை (payment) செலுத்திவிடுவார்கள்.

அவர்கள் என்ன வேலை செய்கிறார்கள் என்று தெரியவில்லை, நானும் கேட்பதில்லை. வெரோனா நகரில் வேலைக் கிடைப்பது மிகக் கடினம். என்னவாக இருந்தாலும் சரி, அவர்கள் நன்றாக செய்கிறார்கள் என்று எனக்குத் தெரியும்”.

“ஆமாம், இதைவிடச் சிறப்பாக அவர்களால் செய்ய இயலாது” என்று நானும் சம்மதித்தேன் (agreed). அவர்கள் என்னிடம் வரும் வரையில் நான் வெளியே காத்திருந்தேன். வந்ததும் மீண்டும் நகருக்கு திரும்பினோம். அவர்கள் என்னிடம் எதுவும் பேசாமல் அமர்ந்திருந்தார்கள். நானும் அவர்களிடம் ஒரு வார்த்தைக்கூட கேட்கவில்லை. அவர்கள் தங்கள் சகோதரி குறித்த இரகசியத்தை (secret) தங்களுடன் மட்டுமே வைத்துக் கொள்ள விரும்புவார்கள் என்று எனக்குத் தெரியும்.

போர் (war) அவர்களது மனநிலையை உடைக்கமுடியவில்லை . அவர்களின் தன்னலமற்ற செயல், மனித வாழ்க்கைக்கு ஒரு புதிய பெருந்தன்மையையும் (nobility), மனித சமுதாயத்திற்கு ஒரு பெரிய நம்பிக்கையைத் (hope) தரக்கூடிய உறுதியையும் அளித்துள்ளன.

Samacheer Kalvi 12th English Guide Prose Chapter 1 Two Gentlemen of Verona


1. Shrugraise one’s shoulders slightlyconcur
2. tunica loose outer garment without sleeves
3. slackenedreducedgrow/increase
4. demeanorappearance and behaviourrudeness
5. artlessinnocentartful
6. hawksell things crying out loudly, going from place to place
7. deserteduninhabited, unoccupiedcrowded, populous
8. emigratetake up citizenship of another countryimmigrate
9. vexationannoyancedelight, contentment
10. vestibulelobbywayout
11. chattera series of short, quick, high- pitched soundsquiet
12. intrudeenter without permissionabandon
13. rubbledebris, broken brickstreasure, valuable
14. glaringstaring fiercelysoft
15. destinationend, terminalstart, beginning
16. dwellinghabitat, residence
17. scarcelyrarely, seldomfrequently
18. leapedjumpeddescended
19. blinkwink of an eye, flutterbe aware
20. propped upto supportlet down
21. resemblancesimilarity, affinitycontrast, difference
22. exposuresubjection, risksafety, cover
23. starvationmalnutrition, needsupply, plenty
24. barelyscarcely, hardlyoften
25. persuadedconvinced, induceddissuaded
26. devotionattachment, fondnessaversion, dislike
27. nobilitygreatness, honordishonour, humiliation
28. cautiouscarefulreckless
29. disapprovecriticizeapprove
30. briskenergetic / fast / quickidle / slow
31.engagingamicable / charming / captivatinghateful / boring
32. humblecourteous / poor / inferiorintricate / superior
33. eagercraving / anxious / enthusiasticapathetic/unenthusiastic
34. resistancedefiance / fighting / struggleassistance / cooperation
35. persuadeinduce / promptdissuade / discourage
36. scarceinsufficient, deficientfrequent / adequate
37. nobilityhonour / dignity / virtuedishonour

Samacheer Kalvi 12th English Guide Prose Chapter 1 Two Gentlemen Of Verona


1. outskirtsborderinterior
2. cautiouscarefulreckless / careless
3. disapprovedcriticizeapproval/permit
4. shabbyill-dressedsmart
5. angledentwinedplain
6. set offto start on a journey
7. glanceglimpse, lookexamine
8. provokeevoke, cause, kindleallay
9. frequentlyregularly, oftenrarely
10. relied upondepended ondistrusted
11. errandsodd jobs
12. paleill or tiredhealthy
13. burst outexplode, begin suddenlydull