Tamilnadu State Board New Syllabus Samacheer Kalvi 5th English Guide Pdf Term 2 Poem 2 The Swimmer Text Book Back Questions and Answers, Summary, Notes.

Tamilnadu Samacheer Kalvi 5th English Solutions Term 2 Poem 2 The Swimmer

5th English Guide The Swimmer Text Book Back Questions and Answers

Let us understand:

A. Take out the correct rhyming pair from the poem and match with the given word:

Samacheer Kalvi 5th English Guide Term 2 Poem 2 The Swimmer 1
Samacheer Kalvi 5th English Guide Term 2 Poem 2 The Swimmer 2

Samacheer Kalvi 5th English Guide Term 2 Poem 2 The Swimmer

Answer the following:

Question 1.
How did the girl seem?
The girl seemed greater than all.

Question 2.
How were her strokes?
Her strokes were like dancing light.

Question 3.
Why did the audience cheer?
The audience cheered because she was nearing the finishing line.

Question 4.
Why did she pick up her pace?
She picked up her pace, as she wanted to win the race.

Question 5.
Did she give up the fight?
No, she never gave up the fight.

Samacheer Kalvi 5th English Guide Term 2 Poem 2 The Swimmer

Let Us Know:

Conjuction (இணைப்புச்சொல் / இடைச்சொல்):

Let us recall:

conjunction is a word that joins two words or sentences.

Question 1.
He has a pencil _____ a paper. (and/or/but)
Samacheer Kalvi 5th English Guide Term 2 Poem 2 The Swimmer 3

Question 2.
He has a ball _____ not a bat. (and/or/but)
Samacheer Kalvi 5th English Guide Term 2 Poem 2 The Swimmer 4

Question 3.
Do you want apple______ pear? (and/or/but)
Samacheer Kalvi 5th English Guide Term 2 Poem 2 The Swimmer 5

Samacheer Kalvi 5th English Guide Term 2 Poem 2 The Swimmer

A. Match the following:

1. The cat was hungrya. because I had a headache
2. I was on leaveb. so it ate a fish.
3. He was afraid of the dogc. because she had to attend a function
4. She went home earlyd. so he ran away


1. The cat was hungrya. so it ate a fish.
2. I was on leaveb. because I had a headache
3. He was afraid of the dogc. so he ran away
4. She went home earlyd. because she had to attend a function

Samacheer Kalvi 5th English Guide Term 2 Poem 2 The Swimmer

B. Fill in the blanks with correct connecting words:

because, so

Question 1.
He ate two chocolates _____ he got cough.

Question 2.
The rat ran fast ______a cat was chasing it.

Question 3.
He missed his purse _____ he was sad.

Question 4.
Tom left the class ______ he was sick.

Question 5.
He lost the key ______ he couldn’t open his room.

Samacheer Kalvi 5th English Guide Term 2 Poem 2 The Swimmer

Let Us Listen:

Listen to the audio and answer the questions:

Question 1.
What does the red signal mean?
(a) to go
(b) to stop
(b) to stop

Question 2.
What does the green signal mean?
(a) to wait
(b) to go
(b) to go

Question 3.
When do we cross the zebra crossing?
(a) when vehicles are stopped
(b) when vehicles are going
(a) when vehicles are stopped

Question 4.
Why do we wear helmets?
(a) to avoid head injury
(b) to get rid of sunlight.
(a) to avoid head injury

Question 5.
Can we use cellphone while driving?
(a) Yes
(b) No
(b) No

Samacheer Kalvi 5th English Guide Term 2 Poem 2 The Swimmer

Let us Speak:
Samacheer Kalvi 5th English Guide Term 2 Poem 2 The Swimmer 6

5th English Guide The Swimmer Additional Questions and Answers

Question 1.
How does she dive?
She dives like a fish.

Question 2.
How does she swim?
She swims with a perfect flight.

Question 3.
What does the poet compare her strokes to?
Her strokes are compared to dancing light.

Question 4.
How does she rip across the water?
She rips across the water with flair.

Question 5.
When did they call her as winner?
When she reached the wall of the finishing line, they called her as winner.

Fill in the blanks with suitable Conjunction:

because, so

Question 1.
She sings songs _____ she wants to become a singer.

Question 2.
It is very cold outside, _____ I brought you a sweater.

Question 3.
It is raining, _____ I take the umbrella.

Question 4.
He sold his cell phone ______ it was an old model.

Question 5.
He scored low marks _____ he did not study well.

Samacheer Kalvi 5th English Guide Term 2 Poem 2 The Swimmer

The Swimmer Summary in English and Tamil

She stands still and tall,
She seems greater than all.
She dives like the fish,
To be like her, one can only wish.

அவள் நெடுந்துயர்ந்து நிற்கிறாள்,
அவள் அனைவரைவிடவும் சிறப்பாக இருக்கிறாள்.
அவள் மீனைப்போல நீரில் மூழ்குகிறாள்,
அவளைப்போல இருக்க, ஒருவரால் நினைக்க
மட்டும்தான் (ஆசைப்படத்தான்) முடியும்.

She swims with perfect flight,
Her strokes like dancing light.
She breathes air,
And rips across the water with flair.

அவள் மிகச்சரியாக நீந்துகிறாள்
அவளின் சைவுகள் ஒரு விளக்கு நடனமாடுவதுஅ போல உள்ளன.
அவள் சுவாசித்துக் கொண்டே நீரை கிழித்துக் கொண்டு நுட்பமாக கடக்கிறாள்.

Samacheer Kalvi 5th English Guide Term 2 Poem 2 The Swimmer

Up ahead, the audience cheer,
She knows that the finish line is near.
She picks up her pace,
As she wants to win the race.

பார்வையாளர்களின் ஆரவார ஒலிகள் முன்னே ஒலிப்பதால்,
வெற்றிக்கோடு அருகில்தான் உள்ளது என அவளுக்குத் தெரியும்,
போட்டியில் வெல்லவேண்டும் என்பதற்காக அவள் தன் வேகத்தைக் கூட்டுகிறாள்.

Straining with all her might,
She never gives up the fight.
As she reaches the wall,
Her name as winner they call.

மிகுந்த சிரமத்துடன் (பிரயாசையுடன்) முழு பலத்துடன் செயலாற்றும் அவள்,
தன் போட்டியை எப்போதுமே விட்டுத்தரமாட்டாள். அவள் தன் வெற்றிக்கோட்டை அடைகையில் அவள் பெயரை “வெற்றிபெற்றவர்” என அவர்கள் (பார்வையாளர்கள்) கூறுகின்றனர்.

Samacheer Kalvi 5th English Guide Term 2 Poem 2 The Swimmer

The Swimmer Glossary:

Ahead – Forward முன்னேறுதல்)
Audience – People/spectators (பார்வையாளர்கள்)
Cheer – Expressing good wishes (உற்சாக குரல் எழுப்புதல்)
Flair – Ability/talent (திறமை)
Give up – Surrender (விட்டுவிடுதல் / சரணாகதி (சரணடைதல்)
Might – Strength (பலம்)
Pace – Speed (வேகம்)
Rips – Pull (something) quickly or forcibly (விரைவாக அல்லது வேகமாக எதையாவது இழுத்தல்)
Strain – Force (சிரமம் / உந்துதல்)
Straining – Making an effort – முயற்சித்தல்)
Strokes – A particular style of moving the arms and legs in swimming. (கைகளையும், கால்களையும் நீந்தும்போது குறிப்பிட்ட பாணியில் அசைத்தல்)