Tamilnadu State Board New Syllabus Samacheer Kalvi 5th English Guide Pdf Term 2 Prose Chapter 2 The Strength in his Weakness Text Book Back Questions and Answers, Summary, Notes.

Tamilnadu Samacheer Kalvi 5th English Solutions Term 2 Prose Chapter 2 The Strength in his Weakness

5th English Guide The Strength in his Weakness Text Book Back Questions and Answers

In-Text Question (Think):

Question 1.
What can be the reason for the master to teach the boy only one stroke? Discuss.
As Akilan lost his left hand, the master taught him the most difficult Judo. If his opponent wants to beat him, he should hold his left hand, which was lost in an accident.

Samacheer Kalvi 5th English Guide Term 2 Prose Chapter 2 The Strength in his Weakness

Let us understand:

A. Choose the correct option:

Question 1.
His father wanted him to do well in ______.
(a) Cricket
(b) studies
(c) Kabbadi
(b) studies

Question 2.
Akilan’s passion is to learn ______.
(a) Karate
(b) Judo
(c) Kalari
(b) Judo

Question 3.
Master trained Akilan on a ______.
(a) two strokes
(b) many strokes
(c) single stroke
(c) single stroke

Question 4.
Akilan learnt Judo for ______.
(a) three years
(b) two years
(c) one year
(b) two years

Samacheer Kalvi 5th English Guide Term 2 Prose Chapter 2 The Strength in his Weakness

B. Name the character or speaker:

Question 1.
“Believe yourself.”
Judo master

Question 2.
“Learn well, live well!”
Akilan’s father

Question 3.
“How did I win the competition with a single stroke?”.

Question 4.
“My dear, you learnt the most difficult stroke in Judo.”
Judo master

Samacheer Kalvi 5th English Guide Term 2 Prose Chapter 2 The Strength in his Weakness

C. Answer the following questions:

Question 1.
Who was Akilan’s inspiration?
Akilan’s physical education teacher was his inspiration.

Question 2.
How did he lose his hand?
He met with an accident and lost his hand.

Question 3.
What was his master’s advice?
His master’s advice was to believe in himself and to focus on his strength.

Question 4.
Why did everyone ridicule the boy?
Everyone ridiculed the boy because they doubted how could a boy with one hand win the national competition.

Question 5.
How did he win the match?
He won the match because he learnt the most difficult stroke that very few can master. If his opponent wants to beat him, they should hold his left hand. That was the secret behind his victory.

Samacheer Kalvi 5th English Guide Term 2 Prose Chapter 2 The Strength in his Weakness

Let us Build:

Same Meaning:
Samacheer Kalvi 5th English Guide Term 2 Prose Chapter 2 The Strength in his Weakness 1
The Words ‘big’ and ‘huge’ have similar meanings. There are many words that have the same meaning.

Example :
Samacheer Kalvi 5th English Guide Term 2 Prose Chapter 2 The Strength in his Weakness 2

Samacheer Kalvi 5th English Guide Term 2 Prose Chapter 2 The Strength in his Weakness

Read the sentences and write the word with the same meanings for the underlined words:

Samacheer Kalvi 5th English Guide Term 2 Prose Chapter 2 The Strength in his Weakness 3

Question 1.
I ate a big apple.Samacheer Kalvi 5th English Guide Term 2 Prose Chapter 2 The Strength in his Weakness 4 ______

Question 2.
This is a little dog. Samacheer Kalvi 5th English Guide Term 2 Prose Chapter 2 The Strength in his Weakness 5 ______

Question 3.
I threw a rock in the lake.Samacheer Kalvi 5th English Guide Term 2 Prose Chapter 2 The Strength in his Weakness 6 ______

Question 4.
I am so happy. Samacheer Kalvi 5th English Guide Term 2 Prose Chapter 2 The Strength in his Weakness 7 ______

Samacheer Kalvi 5th English Guide Term 2 Prose Chapter 2 The Strength in his Weakness

Circlė the differences between the following pictures:

Question 1.
Samacheer Kalvi 5th English Guide Term 2 Prose Chapter 2 The Strength in his Weakness 8
iSamacheer Kalvi 5th English Guide Term 2 Prose Chapter 2 The Strength in his Weakness 9

In picture 1In picture 2
The sun is happy.The sun is sad
The tree is tall.The tree is short.
The pond is full of water.The pond is empty.

The words that denote differences in the above pictures give the opposite meaning.

  • Happy is the opposite of sad.
  • Tall is the opposite of short.
  • Füll is the opposite of empty.

Samacheer Kalvi 5th English Guide Term 2 Prose Chapter 2 The Strength in his Weakness

Fill in the blanks with the correct opposites:
bright, huge, full, bottom

Question 1.
Is this bottle empty? No, it is ______.
Samacheer Kalvi 5th English Guide Term 2 Prose Chapter 2 The Strength in his Weakness 10

Question 2.
Is this a small tree? No, it is ______.
Samacheer Kalvi 5th English Guide Term 2 Prose Chapter 2 The Strength in his Weakness 11

Question 3.
Is he standing on top? No, he is at the ______.
Samacheer Kalvi 5th English Guide Term 2 Prose Chapter 2 The Strength in his Weakness 12

Question 4.
Is this a dark room? No, It is ______.
Samacheer Kalvi 5th English Guide Term 2 Prose Chapter 2 The Strength in his Weakness 13

Samacheer Kalvi 5th English Guide Term 2 Prose Chapter 2 The Strength in his Weakness

5th English Guide The Strength in his Weakness Additional Questions and Answers

Write the same meanings for the following words:

Question 1.
Active –

Question 2.
choose –

Question 3.
Afraid –

Question 4.
Often –

Question 5.
Soon –

Question 6.
Began –

Question 7.
Strong –

Question 8.
Easily –

Samacheer Kalvi 5th English Guide Term 2 Prose Chapter 2 The Strength in his Weakness

Write the opposite meanings for the following words:

Question 1.
Active x

Question 2.
Remember x

Question 3.
Good x

Question 4.
Few x

Question 5.
Before x

Question 6.
Fast x

Question 7.
Strong x

Question 8.
Difficult x

Samacheer Kalvi 5th English Guide Term 2 Prose Chapter 2 The Strength in his Weakness

Answer the following questions:

Question 1.
What kind of a boy was Akilan?
Akilan was an active and energetic boy.

Question 2.
Where did he spend most of his evenings?
He spent most of his evenings in the playground.

Question 3.
What did Akilan tell his parents?
Akilan told his parents about his passion for Judo and also showed the medals he won in sports.

Question 4.
What were his parents keen about?
His parents were keen to fulfill their son’s passion.

Question 5.
How did Akilan feel on his first day?
Akilan was very excited on his first day in Judo school.

Samacheer Kalvi 5th English Guide Term 2 Prose Chapter 2 The Strength in his Weakness

Question 6.
What did his master train him at first?
His master trained him the basics before teaching the advanced skills.

Question 7.
In which competition did his master select Akilan?
His master selected him for the “National Judo Competition”.

Question 8.
How many contenders did Akilan defeat?
He defeated all his six contenders.

Question 9.
How many rounds did the final match have?
The final match had a total of six rounds.

Question 10.
Why was Akilan defeated in the first two rounds?
As the opponent was strong, Akilan was defeated in the first two rounds.

Samacheer Kalvi 5th English Guide Term 2 Prose Chapter 2 The Strength in his Weakness

The Strength in his Weakness Summary in English and Tamil

Akilan was an active and energetic boy. He liked sports as much as studies. They were like his eyes. How could he choose one over the other? He had a passion for sports. So he spent most of his evenings in the playground. He also remembered his father’s words “Learn well, live well!”. So, Akilan used to spend his mornings on his studies. His physical education teacher was his inspiration.

அகிலன் ஒரு துறுதுறுப்பான ஆற்றல் மிகுந்த சிறுவன். அவனுக்கு கல்வியைப் போல விளையாட்டிலும் விருப்பம் உண்டு. அவனது (இரு கண்களைப்போல அவை இருந்தன. அவன் அவன் அந்த இரண்டில் ஒன்றை மட்டும் அந்த இரன எவ்வாறு உயர்வாக கருதமுடியும்?

அவனுக்கு விளையாட்டுகளில் ஆர்வம் இருந்ததால்,தன் பெரும்பாலான மாலைப் பொழுதுகளை விளையாட்டு மைதானத்தில் கழிப்பான். “நன்றாய் கற்று, நலமாய் வாழ்க” என்ற தன் தந்தையின் வார்த்தைகளை நினைவில் கொள்வான். எனவே, அவன் காலை நேரத்தை கல்வியில் செலவிடுவான். ஜூடோ கலையில் சிறந்தவரான அவனது விளையாட்டு ஆசிரியர்தான் அவனுக்கு உத்வேகமாக இருந்தார்.

The teacher was good at Judo. His passion for learning Judo grew every day. He was afraid that his interest in Judo would upset his parents. Finally, one day, Akilan told his parents about his passion for Judo and also showed the medals he won in sports. His parents were astonished on seeing the medals and certificates that he won in school.

ஜூடோ மீதான் அவனது விருப்பம் நாள்தோறும் வளர்ந்து கொண்டே இருந்தது. ஆனால், ஜூடோ மீதான தனது ஆர்வம், தன் பெற்றோரை சங்கடப்படுத்திவிடுமோ என அவன் நினைத்தான். முடிவில், ஒரு நாள், அகிலன் தன் பெற்றோரிடம் தனக்கு ஜூடோ கலையின் மீதுள்ள ஆர்வத்தைப் பற்றி கூறி, பள்ளியில் நடைபெற்ற பந்தயங்களில் தான் பெற்ற பதக்கங்களை காண்பித்தான். அவன் பெற்றிருந்த பதக்கங்களையும், சான்றிதழ்களையும் கண்டு அவனது பெற்றோர்

Samacheer Kalvi 5th English Guide Term 2 Prose Chapter 2 The Strength in his Weakness

After a few months, in an accident, Akilan lost his left hand. That day onwards he did not go out of house often. He used to sit in a corner. His parents were keen to fulfill their son’s passion. His father showed an advertisement for a Judo school that he came across in a newspaper. Akilan saw the advertisement, his passion for Judo energised him.

சில மாதங்களுக்குப் பின்னர், விபத்தில் அகிலன் தன்னுடைய இடது கையை இழந்தான். அதன் பின்னர் அவன் வீட்டிலேயே முடங்கி விட்டான், வேறு எங்கும் செல்வதில்லை. அவன் பெற்றோர், மகனின் விருப்பத்தை நிறைவேற்ற முயன்றனர். அவன் தந்தை அகிலனிடம் செய்தித்தாளில் வந்திருந்த ஒரு ஜூடோ பள்ளியின் விளம்பரத்தை காண்பித்தார். அதைக் கண்ட அகிலனின் ஜூடோ ஆர்வம் உத்வேகம் அடைந்தது.

He asked his father if he could join the school. His father with tears of joy, got him admitted in the Judo school. Akilan was very excited on his first day in Judo school. His master was the best Judo teacher in the town. His master trained him the basics before teaching the advanced skills.

தன் தந்தையிடம் அகிலன் தன்னை அந்த ஜூடோ பள்ளியில் சேர்த்துவிடும்படி கேட்டான். ஆனந்த அதில் சேர்த்துவிட்டார். சேர்ந்த முதல் நாளிலேயே அகிலன் பரவசமடைந்தான். அவனுடைய ஜூடோ மாஸ்டர்(ஆசிரியர்) அந்த நகரிலேயே சிறந்த ஜூடோ நிபுணர். அவர் அகிலனுக்கு மேம்பட்ட பயிற்சிகளை அளிக்குமுன், ஆரம்பநிலை பயிற்சிகளை முதலில் சொல்லிக் கொடுத்தார்.

Everyone wondered how a boy with one arm could master Judo. Akilan learnt and practiced consistently for two years. He practiced only a single stroke for two years. Akilan was surprised and annoyed as his master taught him only one stroke but, soon he mastered the stroke.

ஒருகை மட்டுமே உடைய ஒரு சிறுவன் எவ்வாறு ஜூடோ கலையை கற்று சிறப்படைய இயலும் என அனைவரும் வியந்தனர். ஒரே ஒரு குறிப்பிட்ட பயிற்சியை ஆசிரியர் தொடர்ந்து செய்யச் செய்தார். அவனும் செய்தான். ஆனால் ஏன் அது ஒன்றையே பயிற்சி செய்யச் சொல்கிறார் என்ற வருத்தமும், வியப்பும் அவன் கொண்டிருந்தாலும் பயிற்சி செய்து அதில் அவன் நிபுணத்துவம் அடைந்தான்.

Samacheer Kalvi 5th English Guide Term 2 Prose Chapter 2 The Strength in his Weakness

No one could excel him in that stroke. To everyone’s surprise, Akilan picked by the master for the “National Judo Competition”. Everyone ridiculed Akilan and his master, as they were not sure how a boy with one hand could win a national competition! To everyone’s surprise, Akilan easily defeated all his six contenders with his single stroke. Akilan reached the finals.

அந்த குறிப்பிட்ட பயிற்சியில் வேறுயாராலும் was அவனை விஞ்ச இயலவில்லை அனைவரும் ஆச்சரியப்படும் வகையில் “தேசிய ஜூடோ” போட்டிக்கு அகிலனை அவன் ஆசிரியர் தேர்ந்தெடுத்தார். தேசிய ஜூடோ போட்டியில் எப்படி ஒரு ஒற்றைக்கையை உடையவன் பங்குபெற இயலுமென அனைவரும் அகிலனையும், அவனது ஆசிரியரையும் பழித்தனர்.

ஆனால் அனைவரும் வியப்படையும் வண்ண ம் அகிலன் ஆறுபேரை தான் கற்ற அந்த ஒற்றை பயிற்சியின் மூலம் வென்று இறுதிப்போட்டிக்கு முன்னேறினான்.

Akilan’s heart was beating fast, and he could not believe that he was in the finals. The final match began, and it had a total of six rounds. The opponent was very strong and defeated Akilan easily in the first two rounds. The referee blew his whistle then, Akilan’s master rushed to him and said “Believe yourself. The key to success is to focus on your strengths and not your weakness.”

தான் இறுதிப்போட்டிக்கு தகுதிபெற்றதை அகிலனால் நம்ப இயலவேயில்லை. அவன் இதயம் வேகமாக படபடத்தது. இறுதிப்போட்டியில் உள்ள மொத்தமான ஆறு சுற்றுகளில் எதிராளி முதல் இரண்டு சுற்றுகளில் வென்றுவிட்டான். நடுவர் விசிலை (ஊதுகுழல்) (போட்டிக்கு இடையில்) ஊதிய உடன் அகிலனின் ஆசிரியர் அவனிடம் சென்று “உன்னை நீ நம்பு, உன் வலிமையில் நீ கவனம் செலுத்த வேண்டும், பலவீனத்தில் அல்ல” என்று அறிவுரை கூறினார்.

Akilan felt some new energy rushing through him. He did not want to lose this match. AKilan understood the hidden hint his master gave him. He had to focus on his single stroke and not on the strength of the opponent.

தன்னுள் ஏதோ புத்துணர்ச்சி பரவுவதை அகிலன் உணர்ந்தான். அந்த கட்டத்தில் தோற்க அவன் விரும்பவில்லை. தன் ஆசிரியர் பூடகமாக கூறிய குறிப்பை அவன் உணர்ந்து கொண்டான். அவன், தன்னுடைய அந்த ஒற்றை பயிற்சி (அடி யில் கவனம் செலுத்த வேண்டுமே தவிர, தன் எதிராளியின் பலத்தில் அல்ல என்று உணர்ந்து கொண்டான்.

Bam! Bam! Bam! Bam! Four strokes and four knockouts. Akilan had won the finals. He was the champion!

“பாம்! பாம்! பாம்! பாம்!” என்று நான்கு அடிகள் நான்கு ‘நாக் அவுட்கள்’ ( மயங்க வைக்கும் அடி. ஆம், அகிலன் வென்று வெற்றியாளன் (சாம்பியன்) ஆகிவிட்டான்.

Samacheer Kalvi 5th English Guide Term 2 Prose Chapter 2 The Strength in his Weakness

Akilan thanked his master for training him and for believing in him. Soon, Akilan’s curiosity took over, on and he asked, “How did I win the and he asked, “How did I win the competition with a single stroke?” His master told him, “My dear, you learnt the most difficult stroke in Judo that very few can master. If your opponent wants to beat you, they should hold wants to beat you, they should hold behind your victory!”

தன்மேல் நம்பிக்கை வைத்து பயிற்சி அளித்த ஆசிரியருக்கு, அகிலன் நன்றி சொன்னான். பிறகு ஆர்வத்துடன் “எவ்வாறு நான் ஒரே ஒருபயிற்சியை (அடியை) வைத்து வென்றேன்?” என அவரிடம் கேட்டான். அதற்கு ஜூடோ ஆசிரியர் அவனிடம் “என் அன்பிற்குரியவனே! நீ ஜூடோ கலையின் மிகவும் கடினமான, யாரும் எளிதில் நிபுணத்துவம் பெற இயலாத முறையை (பயிற்சி)  நீ கற்றுக்கொண்டாய்.

உன் எதிரிகள் உன்னை வெல்ல வேண்டுமென்றால் அவர்கள் உன் இடது கரத்தைப் பற்ற வேண்டும் (அகிலனுக்கு அது இல்லை !) இதுவே நீ வெற்றி பெற்ற ரகசியம்” என்று கூறினார்.

The Strength in his Weakness Glossary:

Advanced – Ahead in development (மேம்பட்ட முன்னேற்றம்)
Annoyed – Irritated/angry (எரிச்சல் / கோபம் அடைதல்)
Astonished – Surprised (வியப்படைதல்)
Consistently – Regularly (தொடர்ச்சியாக)
Contenders – Persons competing with others (போட்டியாளர்கள்)
Curiosity – Interest (ஆர்வம்)
Energetic – Active (ஆற்றலுடன்)
Excel – Exceptionally good (மிகச்சிறந்த)
Focus Centre of interest (மையம் (கர்வத்தின் மையம்)
Hint – Signal (சைகையால் (அ) குறிப்பால் உணர்த்துதல்)
Inspiration – Mentally stimulated to do something creative (உத்வேகம் (உத்வேகத்துடன் உருவாக்குதல்)
Keen – Eager (ஆர்வம்)
Knockout – The act of knocking someone out. (வெளியேற்றுதல் அவெளியேறுதல்)
Opponent – Rival (எதிராளி)
Passionm – Strong emotion (அழுத்தமான உணர்வு)
Referee – Umpire (நடுவர்)
Ridiculed – Teased (மட்டம் தட்டுதல் (அவமானப்படுத்துதல்))
Upset – Disturbed (மனமுடைதல், சங்கடம் / அமைதி பாதிக்கப்படுதல்)
Wondered – To think with a feeling of surprise (ஆச்சரியப்படுதல்)