Tamilnadu State Board New Syllabus Samacheer Kalvi 5th English Guide Pdf Term 2 Supplementary Chapter 1 The Two Pigeons Text Book Back Questions and Answers, Summary, Notes.
Tamilnadu Samacheer Kalvi 5th English Solutions Term 2 Supplementary Chapter 1 The Two Pigeons
5th English Guide The Two Pigeons Text Book Back Questions and Answers
A. Write true or false:
Question 1.
The pigeon started to worry for her friend.
Question 2.
They would rest on the tree.
Question 3.
The bird catcher’s clothes were dry.
Question 4.
The pigeon flew away for dry twigs.
Question 5.
The bird-catcher let the pigeon jump into the fire.
B. Fill in the blanks:
Question 1.
The pigeon returned home when it started to _____.
Question 2.
The bird-catcher had a pigeon in his _____.
Question 3.
The bird-catcher decided to sit under the _____.
Question 4.
The hen-pigeon got dry _____ for the bird catcher.
C. Identify the character or the speaker:
Question 1.
“I hope he is safe.”.
Question 2.
“Do not feel sad dear.”
Question 3.
“I will camp here for the night.”
The bird-catcher
Question 4.
“Oh no! What shall I do now?”
Question 5.
“I was cruel and selfish.”
The bird-catcher
D. Answer the following questions:
Question 1.
What did she whisper?
She whispered that the cock-pigeon was never so late and hoped that he was safe.
Question 2.
Where did the bird catcher sit?.
The bird-catcher sat under a tree.
Question 3.
Why did the bird catcher need fire?
The bird-catcher needed fire, to keep himself warm.
Question 4.
Who is the guest?
The bird-catcher is the guest for the pigeons.
Question 5.
What will you do if someone ensnares birds?
I will do my best to free them from the cage.
Let us read aloud:
Read the passage three times and colour a watermelon for each time:
Many animals lived in a big forest. An elephant had a small piece of land. She grew many vegetables and fruits in it. She took great care of the garden, but it gave food that was just enough for her. One summer, the forest was dry, as it did not rain. All the trees and plants were dry and the forest looked brown. All the animals felt hot. Many animals moved to another forest.
The elephant somehow got water for just one watermelon plant which had only one watermelon in it. A rabbit who had three babies came there in search of food. She saw the watermelon and went near it. “Stop!” said the elephant. The moment the elephant saw her babies, she took pity and gave the watermelon. That night it rained heavily in the forest. Soon the garden was full of vegetables and fruits. The elephant shared them with all.
A.Choose what the elephant did:
B. What is the main idea of the story?
a. If we help someone, we will receive twice in return.
b. During difficult times, we should save for ourselves.
c. Praise others to get your way.
a. If we help someone, we will receive twice in return.
Let us write:
Letter writing:
18 April, 2019.
Dear Grandma,
Thank you for the gift. It was nice.
Yours lovingly,
25 October, 2019.
Dear Grandma,
Hi, How are you? I hope this letter finds you in good health. Thank you for the wristwatch presented to me for my birthday. It is very light and waterproof. It is useful to know the time during my exams.
Yours lovingly,
Question 1.
Discuss which letter you enjoyed reading? Why?
I enjoyed reading the second letter, as Agathiyan was also concerned about his grandmother’s health. It was a detailed letter which tells about the use quality of the present.
Moorthy is an old man. He comes to the park every day. He tells exciting stories to the children who play there. After playing, children sit around him to hear stories of ‘kings and queens’ and ‘monkeys and lions’. You are one of the children who love his stories.
Question 2.
Write a letter, thanking Moorthy thatha. You can use the keywords below.
lovely, excellent, interesting, enjoyable, fun, thank, thoughtful
Dear Moorthy thatha,
Hi, How are you? I hope this letter finds you in good health. Thank you for your excellent and interesting stories, which you had told us in the park. It was really lovely and enjoyable to hear those stories from you. We had a lot of fun and all of us were thoughtful in your stories. Now we miss you a lot.
Yours lovingly,
I can do:
A. Answer the following:
Question 1.
Name of the object
Question 2.
In your mother tongue
Question 3.
Use in a sentence ·
The parrot is in a cage.
B. Tick the correct suffix:
Question 1.
Question 2.
Question 3.
Question 4.
C. Recite the poem “Mother Nature”:
Activity to be done by students
D. Write the correct forms for the present perfect tense:
Question 1.
They _____ (start) playing.
have started
Question 2.
She _____ (write) a letter.
has written
E. Write a thank you letter to your aunt for the time you spent at her home during holidays:
Dear aunty,
How are you? I hope this letter finds you in good health. I thank you so much for the time, I spent at your home during my holidays. I enjoyed very much with your children Kavin and Varun. We also spent the time usefully by reading some good storybooks. Thanks a lot for all these things.
Yours lovingly,
5th English Guide Supplementary Chapter 1 The Two Pigeons Additional Questions and Answers
I. Answer the following Questions:
Question 1.
Who were friends?
Two white pigeons were friends.
Question 2.
What happened one day in the forest?
One day, it rained heavily in the forest.
Question 3.
What did the hen-pigeon do to remove the water from her body?
The hen-pigeon ruffled her feathers and shook her body to remove the water.
Question 4.
What did the bird catcher do to the cock-pigeon?
The bird-catcher silently reached near the pigeon and trapped the pigeon in his cage.
Question 5.
In what state was the cock-pigeon in the cage?
The cock-pigeon was unconscious in the cage.
Question 6.
What did the hen-pigeon do to have a closer look at his friend?
The hen-pigeon flew down to the lowest branch to have a closer look at his friend.
Question 7.
Why did the bird catcher not go home?
The bird-catcher did not go home because it was too dark and late in the night.
Question 8.
Why was the bird catcher overwhelmed?
The bird-catcher was overwhelmed by the hospitality of the pigeon.
Question 9.
What did the pigeons give the bird catcher in the morning?
In the morning, the pigeons got him nuts, fruits, and seeds to eat.
II. Write True or False:
Question 1.
During the night, the pigeons would lock their wings and sleep.
Question 2.
The pigeons spent their days looking for friends.
Question 3.
The hen-pigeon did not wait for the cock-pigeon.
Question 4.
The cock-pigeon was extremely happy in the cage
Question 5.
The bird-catcher thanked the pigeons and walked away.
III. Fill in the blanks:
Question 1.
He did not know there was a bird catcher _____.
Question 2.
The pigeon tried to fly _____ in vain.
Question 3.
The hunter put the pigeon in his cage and started to _____.
walk home
Question 4.
_____ gripped the hen-pigeon.
Question 5.
The pigeon flew from the tree in ______ of dry twigs.
IV. Identify the character or the speaker:
Question 1.
“My life will be meaningless without him”
Question 2.
“I will never trap any bird again”
The bird-catcher
Question 3.
“You are my guest”
Question 4.
“He needs your help”
Question 5.
“I will help you in any way I can”
The bird-catcher
The Two Pigeons Summary in English and Tamil
Once, there lived two white pigeons. They were friends. They spent their days looking for food. During afternoons, they would rest on their favourite tree in the forest. Then they would sing and dance. Soon, it would be night, they would lock their wings and sleep.
ஒரு காலத்தில் இரண்டு வெண் புறாக்கள் வாழ்ந்துவந்தன. இரண்டும் உணவு தேடுவதிலேயே நாட்களை கழித்தன அவைகள் இரண்டும் நண்பர்கள் ஆவர். மதிய நேரத்தில் தமக்கு பிடித்தமான மரத்தில் அவைகள் ஓய்வெடுக்கும். அதன் பிறகு பாடி ஆடும். இரவானவுடன் தம் இறகுகளை மூடிக்கொண்டு அவை அங்கன்சல்லும்.
One day it was raining heavily in the forest. The animals ran to their home. So did one of the hen-pigeons. She ruffled her feathers and shook her body to remove the water. She adjusted her wings and perched on the tree and started waiting for the cock-pigeon. The rain continued to pour heavily and it was getting dark. She started to worry for her friend. “He is never so late. I hope he is safe,” she whispered to herself.
ஒரு நாள் காட்டில் பலத்த மழை பெய்தது. விலங்குகள் தத்தம் உறைவிடங்களுக்கு விரைந்து சென்றன. இந்த இரண்டில் ஒன்றான, ஒரு பெண்புறா மரத்தின் மீதமர்ந்து, தன் சிறகுகளை படபடத்து ஈரத்தை வெளியேற்றி ஆண் புறாவிற்காக காத்திருந்தது. மழையும் விடாமல் பெய்தது, இருள் சூழ ஆரம்பித்தது. தன் நண்பனைக் குறித்து கவலைப்பட்ட அது, “எப்போதும் அவன் இவ்வளவு நேரம் கழித்து வருவதில்லை அவன் பத்திரமாக இருப்பான் என நான் நம்புகிறேன்”. என தனக்குள் சொல்லிக்கொண்டது.
“Ah! The rain is heavy let me wait in this tree till it stops thought the cock-pigeon and perched on a tree. He did not know there was a bird catcher nearby. The bird-catcher silently reached near the pigeon and CLAMPED! He had caught the pigeon. The pigeon tried to fly and futter in vain. The cock-pigeon was tensed and fainted. The hunter put the pigeon in his cage and started to walk home. “I should be home before the rain increases.” he thought to himself.
மழை நிற்கும் வரை நான் இந்த மரத்தில் காத்திருப்பேன்” என ஆண்புறா மரத்தில் அமர்ந்தது. அதன் அருகில் ஒரு வேடன் (பறவை பிடிப்பவன்) இருப்பது தெரியாமலேயே அது அமர்ந்திருந்தது. மெதுவாக அதன் அருகில் வந்த பறவை பிடிப்பவன்
(வேடன்) அதை பிடித்துவிட்டான். பறக்க அது முயற்சித்தும் அது முடியாததால், பதற்றத்தில் அது மயங்கி விழுந்து விட்டது. அந்த புறாவை கூண்டில் போட்ட வேடன் “மழைக்கு முன் நான் வீட்டை அடைய வேண்டும்” என நினைத்துக் கொண்டே சென்றான்.
It started to rain heavily, just then, the hen-pigeon saw a bird catcher coming near the tree. In the cage, he had the cock-pigeon. It was pigeon. Was it her unconscious. Fear gripped the hen pigeon. Was it her friend? The bird-catcher neared the tree. She had to hide, but she also wanted a closer look to see if it was her friend. She flew down to the lowest branch. “Oh no! It is him. What shall I do now? I have to help my friend.” worried the hen-pigeon. The sky thundered and the bird-catcher took cover under her tree. “Looks like I have to wait till the rain stops,” said the bird catcher.
மழை வலுத்து வருகையில், பெண்புறா, ஒரு பறவை பிடிப்பவன், கூண்டுடன் மரத்தின் அருகே வருவதைக் கண்டது. அவன் வைத்திருந்த அந்தக்கூண்டில் ஆண் புறா இருப்பதை அது கண்டது. அப்போது அந்த ஆண் புறா மயக்க நிலையில் இருந்தது. அது தன் நண்பனாக இருக்குமோ? என்கிற அச்சம், பெண்புறாவை சூழ்ந்துக்கொண்டது. தான் வேடனிடமிருந்து மறைந்துகொள்ள நினைத்தாலும், அந்த கூண்டிற்குள் இருப்பது யார் என அறிய அது அருகே சென்று காண எண்ணியது.
அதனால், இது கீழ்கிளையில் சென்றமர்ந்து நோக்கியது. “ஓ,அது அவனேதான் (நண்பன்தான்). நான் இப்போது என்ன செய்வது? அவனுக்கு நான் உதவ வேண்டுமே?” என நினைத்து அது வேதனை அடைந்தது. வானம் இடி இடித்தது. “நான் இந்த மழை ஓயும் வரை காத்திருக்க வேண்டும் போலுள்ளதே” என்று கூறிய படி வேடன் மரத்தடியில் ஒதுங்கினான்.
Soon it stopped raining, the bird catcher wanted to leave, but it was too dark and late in the night. “I will camp here for the night and leave in the morning:” he thought. It was a wet and cold night and he wanted to start a fire to keep himself warm. He could not find any dry twigs. The pigeon in the cage woke up and tried and tried to fly for his wings to hit the cage.
மழை சற்று நேரத்தில் நின்றது. வேடனும் புறப்பட விரும்பினான். ஆனால் வெகு நேரமாகிவிட்டதால் இருட்டிவிட்டது. “நான் இன்றிரவு இங்கு தங்கி, நாளை காலை புறப்படுகிறேன்” அவன் நினைத்தான். அந்த இரவு ஈரமானதாகவும், குளிராகவும் இருந்ததால் அவன் தீ மூட்டி குளிர்காய விரும்பினான். அவனுக்கு உலர்ந்த இலைகள் எதுவும் கிடைக்கவில்லை. இதற்குள் கூண்டில் இருந்த புறா மயக்கத்தில் இருந்து எழுந்து தன் இறக்கைகளை அடித்துக்கொண்டு கூண்டை விட்டு பறக்க முயற்சித்தது.
The hen-pigeon started to cry. Her friend said, “Do not feel sad dear. We have a guest now. The man is shivering and hungry. He needs your help.” The pigeon flew from the tree in search of dry twigs. She got two or three twigs at a time and made a big heap of dry twigs. She got flintstones for the bird catcher to start the fire. The bird-catcher was surprised by the hen-pigeon. He made fire.
இதைக் கண்டு பெண் புறா அழ ஆரம்பித்தபோது, அதன் நண்பன் அதனிடம் “அன்பே! வருந்தாதே. நமக்கு ஒரு விருந்தினர் வந்துள்ளார். அவர் குளிரில் நடுக்கத்தாலும், பசியினாலும் தவிக்கிறார். அவருக்கு உன் உதவி தேவை” என்றது. உடனே, பெண் புறா காய்ந்த இலைகளைத் தேடி பறந்து சென்று இரண்டு, மூன்று இலைகளைக் கொண்டு வந்தது. அவன் தீ மூட்டினான்.
“You are my guest. I have no food to give you. I will jump into this fire so that you can eat me. The bird-catcher was overwhelmed by the hospitality of the pigeon. He caught the hen pigeon and stopped her from jumping into the fire. “Oh, kind bird! What do you want? I will help you in any way I can.” said the bird catcher. “Please set my friend free. My life will be meaningless without him.” replied the pigeon.
அந்த பெண்புறா அவனிடம்” நீங்கள் எங்கள் விருந்தாளி. உங்களுக்கு அளிக்க என்னிடம் (உணவு) எதுவுமில்லை நான் தீயில் குதிக்கிறேன். என்னை உண்டு பசியாறுங்கள்” எனக் கூறியது. அந்தப் புறாவின் விருந்தோம்பலைக் கண்ட வேடன் மிகவும் சந்தோஷமடைந்தான். அந்த பெண் புறா தீயில் விழுமுன்னர் அதை பிடித்த வேடன், “அன்பான பறவையே, உனக்கு என்ன வேண்டும்? உனக்கு நான் எவ்வாறு உதவ இயலும்?” எனக் கேட்க, “என் நண்ப னை விடுவித்து விடுங்கள்” என பெண்புறா அவனிடம் கேட்டுவிட்டு “அவர் இல்லாது என் வாழ்வு அர்த்தமற்றதாகிவிடும்” என்று கூறியது.
He opened the cage and set the pigeon free. “I was cruel and selfish. I will never trap any bird again” said the bird catcher. He stayed the night there. In the morning, the pigeons got him nuts, fruits, and seeds to eat. The bird-catcher thanked the pigeons and walked away.
வேடன் உடனே கூண்டின் கதவைத் திறந்து ஆண்புறாவை விடுவித்துவிட்டு “நான் எவ்வளவு சுயநலமாக இருந்துவிட்டேன்.” எனக் கூறிகொண்டான். அன்றிரவு அங்கேயே அவர் தங்கினான். மறுநாள் காலையில், புறாக்கள் அவனுக்குப் பழங்கள், விதைகள், கொட்டைகள் ஆகியவற்றை உண்ண அளித்தன. வேடனும் அவர்களுக்கு நன்றி கூறிவிட்டு சென்றான்.