Samacheer Kalvi 8th English Guide Book Back Answers Solutions

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Samacheer Kalvi 8th English Guide Supplementary Chapter 7 The Mystery of the Cyber Friend

Tamilnadu State Board New Syllabus Samacheer Kalvi 8th English Guide Pdf Supplementary Chapter 7 The Mystery of the Cyber Friend Text Book Back Questions and Answers, Summary, Notes.

Tamilnadu Samacheer Kalvi 8th English Solutions Supplementary Chapter 6 The Mystery of the Cyber Friend

8th English Guide The Mystery of the Cyber Friend Text book Back Questions and Answers

The Mystery of the Cyber Friend Textual Exercise Questions and Answers

A. Fill in the blanks. (Text Book Page No. 210)
Samacheer Kalvi 8th English Guide Supplementary Chapter 7 The Mystery of the Cyber Friend 1

1. Shree lives in …………….. town.
Katpadi junction

2. Shree celebrated her …………….. birthday.

3. Madhoo was ……………..
film actress

4. Chaitra finally asked her to come ……………..
to the railway station

Samacheer Kalvi 9th English Guide Prose Chapter 2 I Can’t Climb Trees Anymore

5. Akka went to …………….. to get a help for them.
station master

B. Say whether the following are ‘True’ or ‘False’.

1. Shree spends most of the time on T.V.

2. Shree’s aunt stays with them.

3. Chaitra is Shree’s school friend.

4. Chaitra gifted Shree a new camera phone.

5. Shree went alone to the train station to meet Chaitra.

Samacheer Kalvi 9th English Guide Prose Chapter 2 I Can’t Climb Trees Anymore

6. A fraud middle-aged man pretended to be Chaitra.

C. Name the speaker. (Text Book Page No. 211)
Samacheer Kalvi 8th English Guide Supplementary Chapter 7 The Mystery of the Cyber Friend 2

Lines from the lessonSpeaker
1. “Do you do anything other than eating?”an online friend of Shree
2. “Are you feeling unwell?”Akka
3. “I don’t have a camera phone “Shree
4. “I told you I am thirteen, the same age as you”.Imposter in the name of Chaitra
5. “You are a brave pair!”Police woman

D. Based on your reading of the text list out the merits and demerits of using computers.
Samacheer Kalvi 8th English Guide Supplementary Chapter 7 The Mystery of the Cyber Friend 3

1.connection with peopleheadache, weak eyesight
2.watching moviessleep disorders
3.listening to musicdepression, stress
4.playing gamessocial isolation, aggressive behavior
5.enjoying other activitiesfinancial problems, ruined relationships

E. Read the passage carefully and answer the questions given below. (Text Book Page No. 212)
Just then train moves. He runs towards a bogey door. The station manager rushes forward to catch the man. But he disappears into the crowded train. They all go to the police station. “You are a brave pair” says a policewoman. “Thank you for informing us about this imposter. Shree, you were clever to confide in a trusted adult! Will you put up this poster about cyber security in your school, please? We would also like to conduct a cybercrime cell will need to take a look at Shree’s computer. The next day, a cybercrime officer goes through Shree’s computer. Within hours, the police find the man who pretended to be Chaitra.

1. Whom did the station master try to catch?
The station master tried to catch the man who an imposter.

2. Where did they all go?
They all went to the police station.

Samacheer Kalvi 9th English Guide Prose Chapter 2 I Can’t Climb Trees Anymore

3. Who are the brave pair in the story?
Shree and Akka are the brane pair.

4. Was the man honest or not?
No. He was a dishonest man.

5. How did the police find out the criminal?
The police found the criminal through his computer identity address.

F. Answer the following questions. (Text Book Page No. 212)

1. Why did Shree’s parents buy her a computer?
Shrees parents bought her a computer because they wanted her to learn computers.

2. How did Shree make friends through computer?
Shree made friends online.

3. What were the online activities given in this story?
Chaitra tells lies to Shree, saying that she is studying in a school near to Shree’s school. She used a film stars picture as her profile. She asked Shree to come to the railway station all alone.

4. How did Shree’s aunt save Shree from the man who pretended to be Chaitra?
Shree’s aunt informed and sought the help of the station master. When they saw the imposter standing in front of Shree, Shree’s aunt hit the man with her bag. The imposter ran towards the train. The man escaped on the train. So, Shree and her aunt went and gave a complaint to the police station.

Samacheer Kalvi 9th English Guide Prose Chapter 2 I Can’t Climb Trees Anymore

5. How did the police find the man who pretended to be Chaitra?
A Cybercrime officer went through Shree’s computer within hours he found the man, who pretended to be Chaitra.

Step to Success (Text Book Page No. 212)

1. The following series is provided and you need to answer the question accordingly.
In this series find the letter which is fifth to the left from the thirteenth letter from your right
1) M
2) I
3) H
4) J
2) I

2. Based on the above series of English alphabet, if every alternate alphabet starting from C is deleted than which of the following alphabet will seventh from the left side of the series?
1) H
2) J
3) I
4) G
3) I

Samacheer Kalvi 9th English Guide Prose Chapter 2 I Can’t Climb Trees Anymore

3. If the above series is written in reverse order than what will be the eleventh letter of the fifteenth letter from your left?
2) W
3) D
4) X
Answer: (A)
Note: Answer is (A). The correct Answer is not given in the options from the text book.

The Mystery of the Cyber Friend Summary in English

Shree, a girl of thirteen befriends a new girl named Chaitra through the internet. Chaitra sends a photo of a film star. Chaitra speaks nicely to Shree. Still, she tells some other lies. She asks Shree to come to the railway station all alone. Shree is confused.

The next day she and her aunt reach the railway station at a particular time. Instead of Chaitra, a middle-aged man comes to meet Shree. He introduces himself as the uncle of Chaitra. Shree gets shocked and shouts. Aunt and the station master try to catch the imposter. Still, he escapes. The next day, the officer of the cybercrime inspects the computer of Shree and the police nabs the imposter.

The Mystery of the Cyber Friend Summary in Tamil

ஸ்ரீ என்ற 13 வயதுப் பெண் இணையத்தின் வழியாய் சைத்ரா என்ற சமவயதுப் பெண்ணைத் தோழியாக பெறுகிறாள். இணையத்தின் மூலமாய் சைத்ரா ஒரு சினிமா நடிகை புகைப்படத்தை தன் புகைப்படம் என்று பொய் சொல்கிறாள். அவள் ஸ்ரீயிடம் நன்றாய் பேசினாலும் வேறு சில பொய்கள் பேசுகிறாள். ஸ்ரீ ரயில் நிலையத்துக்கு தனியாக தன்னை சந்திக்க வர வேண்டும் என செய்தி அனுப்புகிறாள். ஸ்ரீ குழப்பம் அடைகிறாள்.

அடுத்த நாள் ஸ்ரீ அவளது அத்தை இருவரும் குறிப்பிட்ட நேரத்தில் ரயில் நிலையத்தை அடைகிறார்கள். சைத்ராவுக்குப் பதிலாக, ஒரு நடுத்தர வயது மனிதன் ஸ்ரீயை நோக்கி வந்து, தன்னை ஸ்ரீயின் மாமா என அறிமுகப்படுத்திக் கொள்கிறான். ஸ்ரீ அதிர்ச்சி அடைகிறாள். கத்துகிறாள். அத்தையும், ஸ்டேசன் மாஸ்டரும் அந்த ஆள் மாறாட்டக்காரனை பிடிக்க முயல்கிறார்கள். இருப்பினும் அவள் கூட்டத்தில் ஓடி தப்பித்துக் கொள்கிறாள். மறுநாள் ஒரு அதிகாரி, கணிணி பாதுகாப்பு துறையை சேர்ந்தவர். ஸ்ரீயின் கணிணியை பார்வையிடுகிறார். பின்னர் காவல்துறையினர் அந்த ஆள் மாறாட்டக்காரனை கண்டுபிடித்து விட்டனர்.

The Mystery of the Cyber Friend About the Author in English

Zac O’Yeah has published altogether fifteen books in Swedish, many of them important bestsellers – including the Gandhi – biography Mahatma! which was short-listed for the August Prize 2008- for best non-fiction book of the year. His most recent books include the popular comic thriller, Mr. Majestic! In 2018, he also published the acclaimed travelogue. A walk through Barygaza and the popular children’s thriller. The Mystery of the Cyber Friend. He is also a literary critic and columnist, also contributing now and then to the travel magazines National Geographic and Outlook Traveller. He is also a translator specializing in introducing Indian writing – such as Pankaj Mishra, Bankim Chandra Chatterjee, Bama, and others – to Swedish readers. He has had a long involvement with theatre as a playwright, director, designer, producer, and occasional performer.

The Mystery of the Cyber Friend About the Author in Tamil

சாக் ஓ யுஹ் 15 புத்தகங்கள் ஸ்வீடிஷ் மொழியில் எழுதியுள்ளார். அவற்றில் பல நன்கு பிரபலமானவை. காந்தி வாழ்க்கை வரலாறு அதில் ஒன்று. இப்புத்தகம் ஆகஸ்டு பரிசு 2008க்கு கதை அல்லாத புத்தகவரிசையில் தேர்ந்து எடுக்கப்பட்டது. அவரது சமீபத்திய புத்தகம், மிஸ்டர். மெஜஸ்டிக் என்ற பிரபல காமிக் திரில்லர். 2018ல் அவர் பயணநூல் ஒன்று எழுதியுள்ளார். பாரி காசாவின் வழியாக ஒரு பயணம் என்று தலைப்பில் எழுதியது பயணநூல். குழந்தைகட்கான திரில்லர் நாவல், கணிணி நண்பரின் மர்மம் என்பதாகும். அவர் ஒரு விமர்சகர். பத்திரிக்கையாளர். பயண பத்திரிக்கையாளர். ‘National Geographic, out look Traveller’ போன்ற பத்திரிக்கைகளில் எழுதுபவர். பங்கஜ் மிஸ்ரா, பங்கிம் சந்திர சட்டர்ஜி, பாமா போன்ற எழுத்தாளர்களின் படைப்புகளை, ஸ்வீடிஷ் மொழியில் மொழி பெயர்த்துள்ளார். அவருக்கு நாடக துறையில் நீண்ட நாள் பரிச்சயம் உள்ளது. அவரே ஒரு நாடக ஆசிரியர், தயாரிப்பாளர், திட்டமிடுபவர், சில சமயம் நடிகரும் கூட.

Samacheer Kalvi 8th English Guide Supplementary Chapter 6 Homeless Man and his Friends: A True Story

Tamilnadu State Board New Syllabus Samacheer Kalvi 8th English Guide Pdf Supplementary Chapter 6 Homeless Man and his Friends: A True Story Text Book Back Questions and Answers, Summary, Notes.

Tamilnadu Samacheer Kalvi 8th English Solutions Supplementary Chapter 6 Homeless Man and his Friends: A True Story

8th English Guide Homeless Man and his Friends: A True Story Text book Back Questions and Answers

Homeless Man and his Friends: A True Story Textual Exercise Questions and Answers

A. Comprehension Questions (Text Book Page No. 177)

1. What is the name of the hero of this story?
“The name of the hero of this story is Cesar

2. Where did this story happen?
This story happened at the hospital in Rio do Sul, in Brazil.

3. When was he admitted in the hospital?
Cesar was admitted to the emergency room of the hospital at about 3 a.m.

4. Where is the hospital?
The hospital is in Rio do Sul, South Brazil.

Samacheer Kalvi 9th English Guide Prose Chapter 2 I Can’t Climb Trees Anymore

5. Who accompanied him to the hospital?
A gang of dogs accompanied him to the hospital.

B. Write the answers to the following questions in 100 words.

1. Where did the nurse post this story?
A nurse named Cris Mamprim, worked at a hospital to look after the patients. One day a man came to the hospital to seek treatment and medication for his ailment. The nurse knew neither his condition nor his background. Soon she and her colleagues realized that he had a gang of four dogs to accompany him. When she witnessed the unbelievable loyalty of the dogs, she snapped a photo of the touching scene and later she posted it on Facebook. She writes that” I came across this today, at the hospital where I work at 3 A.M. while their master being treated, his companions waited at the door”.

2. What did Cesar do when he was offered food by the nurses?
Cesar is the hero of the story. One day he went to a hospital to seek treatment and medication for his illness. Meanwhile, a miraculous event happened there. None of his relatives came to look after Ceasar, but he was accompanied by four dogs. When the nurses offered him some food to eat he did not eat the whole but saved something to give the dogs later.

3. How many dogs accompanied him when he left the hospital?
When the treatment was over, Cesar was about to leave the hospital. At that time four dogs came there to accompany him. An hour later, Cesar left the hospital with the four dogs, as happily wagging their tails.

Samacheer Kalvi 9th English Guide Prose Chapter 2 I Can’t Climb Trees Anymore

4. How many people followed Mamprim’s post?
Mamprim worked as a nurse at the hospital. She witnessed the loyalty of the dogs. She snapped a photo of the touching scene and posted it on Facebook. It was followed by 1,36,000 people and commented by 24,000 people when she posted it.

C. Can you guess the meaning of the following words after understanding the story?

Samacheer Kalvi 8th English Guide Supplementary Chapter 6 Homeless Man and his Friends A True Story 1

homelessa person without home
boomeranga weapon that returns to the originators
straywandering – street dog
health facilityhospital
accompanygo with someone as a companion
waggingmoving / shaking
mistreatmenttreatment is given wrongly

Step to Success (Text Book Page No. 178)


Number the alphabet according to their position to decode the following:
Samacheer Kalvi 8th English Guide Supplementary Chapter 6 Homeless Man and his Friends A True Story 2

1. In a certain code language, if BUG = 30 and ALMS = 45 then CADET:
a) 70
b) 24
c) 33
d) 37
c) 33

2. In a certain code language, if INFER = 25 and JERSEY = 28, then CHOICE =?
a) 43
b) 34
c) 89
d) 52
a) 43

3. In a certain code language, EGG is 577 and ICE is 935 then what is 8945?

Samacheer Kalvi 9th English Guide Prose Chapter 2 I Can’t Climb Trees Anymore

4. In a certain code language, YSMIR is TNHDM and VPJHN is QKECI then GKTZO is ………………. ?

Connecting to Self

Tick the boxes that you have done and check yourself whether you are a good friend.
Samacheer Kalvi 8th English Guide Supplementary Chapter 6 Homeless Man and his Friends A True Story 3
Samacheer Kalvi 8th English Guide Supplementary Chapter 6 Homeless Man and his Friends A True Story 4

Homeless Man and his Friends: A True Story Summary in English

Cesar, a homeless, Poorman was admitted to the hospital, at Rio do Sul in South Brazil. He had been feeding the stray dogs. Those four dogs came to the hospital to see him. When he was discharged he went with him happily. The use of the hospital took notice of it and posted the above incident on her Facebook accounts. Though Cesar was homeless he was not friendless.

Homeless Man and his Friends: A True Story Summary in Tamil

சீசர் என்ற ஏழை மனிதன் வீடற்றவர். அவன் நோய்வாய்ப்பட்டு தெற்கு பிரேசில் நாட்டில் உள்ள ரியே டோ சுல் என்ற இடத்தில் உள்ள மருத்துவமனையில் சேர்ந்தார். அவன் தன் உணவை தெருநாய்களுடன் பகிர்ந்து கொள்வது வழக்கம். எனவே அந்த நான்கு நாய்கள் வந்து மருத்துவமனையில் காத்து இருந்தன. சீசர் வெளியே சென்றதும் நாய்கள் அவனை மகிழ்வுடன் பின் தொடர்ந்தன. சீசர் வீடற்றவன்தான். ஆனால் நண்பர்கள் இல்லாதவன் அல்ல.

Samacheer Kalvi 8th English Guide Supplementary Chapter 5 When Instinct Works

Tamilnadu State Board New Syllabus Samacheer Kalvi 8th English Guide Pdf Supplementary Chapter 5 When Instinct Works Text Book Back Questions and Answers, Summary, Notes.

Tamilnadu Samacheer Kalvi 8th English Solutions Supplementary Chapter 5 When Instinct Works

8th English Guide When Instinct Works Text book Back Questions and Answers

8th English When Instinct Works Textual Exercise Questions and Answers

A. Comprehension:

I. Choose the best option.

1. The season mentioned in the story is ……………… .
a) spring
b) autumn
c) summer
d) winter.
b) summer

2. In one low part of the road the ……………… was halfway up to black beauty’s knees.
a) the river
b) dust
c) water
d) leaves
c) water

Samacheer Kalvi 9th English Guide Prose Chapter 2 I Can’t Climb Trees Anymore

3. The bridge was broken in the ……………… .
a) front
b) rear
c) middle
d) up
c) middle

4. The instinct in ……………… had often saved the lives of men.
a) girls
b) animals
c) birds
d) boys
b) animals

5. Black beauty dared not move even to the sharp snap of the ……………… .
a) stick
b) thread
c) whip
d) kick.
c) thread

II. Match the following:
Samacheer Kalvi 8th English Guide Supplementary Chapter 5 When Instinct Works 1

1. Man at the toll gate.d) flashing a torch
2. Bridgee) sturdy rails
3. Johna) had many stories to tell.
4. Black beautyb) wise
5. Animalsc) have special knowledge

III. Fill in the blanks. (Text Book Page No. 147)
Samacheer Kalvi 8th English Guide Supplementary Chapter 5 When Instinct Works 2

1. Just then, the man at the ……………… on the other side ran out,. ……………… a torch.
tollgate, flashing

2. Even when John tried to ……………… him forward Beauty did not move.

Samacheer Kalvi 9th English Guide Prose Chapter 2 I Can’t Climb Trees Anymore

3. We were saved because Beauty had known that something was ……………… with the bridge

4. Suddenly an ……………… tree came crashing down and fell right in front of us.

5. He told that the bridge had just broken due to the ……………… .

6. As we went through the wood, the of the trees were swaying and making a ……………… rushing sound.
branches, terrible

7. A little later, when we reached the bridge Beauty came to a ……………… .
sudden stop

8. When we started back from the town, it was late in the ……………… . The wind was much ……………… .
afternoon, stronger

9. John said we must go back to the ………………, find another way to the wooden
crossways, bridge

Samacheer Kalvi 9th English Guide Prose Chapter 2 I Can’t Climb Trees Anymore

10. Oh! What a good ……………… he gave me that night. And then a really thick ……………… .
supper, bed of stra

IV. Based on your understanding of the story write the answers for the following questions in a sentence or two.

1. Did Black Beauty like to pull the cart?
Yes, Black Beauty liked to pull the cart, as it was very light and the high wheels rolled along so smoothly.

2. How was the weather?
The weather was rainy and windy.

3. Describe the bridge?
The low wooden bridge had sturdy rails on both sides. As the river banks were fairly high, the bridge went across just level.

4. What was the alternate plan suggested by John to reach the wooden bridge?
They must go back to four crossways. It would be about six miles before reaching the wooden bridge. This was the alternate plan suggested by John.

Samacheer Kalvi 9th English Guide Prose Chapter 2 I Can’t Climb Trees Anymore

5. Why was Black Beauty reluctant to cross the bridge?
The moment Black Beauty’s feet touched the ground which was the first part of the bridge, the horse sensed something was wrong. So it was reluctant to cross the

V. Write the answers to the following questions in 100 words.

1. What did the man at the toll gate on the other side tell them?
The man at the toll gate on the other side told them that the river was rising fast.

2. Was Black Beauty afraid to cross the bridge?
No, Black Beauty was not afraid to cross the bridge. But it knew that there was some problem and the bridge was not safe to cross.

3. What did John think about human’s attitude toward animals?
God has given animals special knowledge to sense dangers.

Samacheer Kalvi 9th English Guide Prose Chapter 2 I Can’t Climb Trees Anymore

4. What would have happened to all the three if Black Beauty had not been wiser?
If Black beauty had not been wiser, all the three would have been drowned at the wooden bridge.

VI. How will you take care of your pet? Write about in fifty words.
Samacheer Kalvi 8th English Guide Supplementary Chapter 5 When Instinct Works 3

I will look after my pet as I treat myself. 1 will clean my pet and its residing place also regularly. I will give healthy food daily to my pet to eat. I will teach good manners to my pet every day. If I want to go out I will take my pet out with me. I’ll never allow my pet to eat useless food items.! will pay much attention to its health. I will take it to the veterinary doctor to know about its health condition every month.

Step to Success

Coding-Decoding verbal reasoning.

1. In a certain code language, if Violet is called as Green, Green is called as Red, Red is called as Brown, Brown is called as Orange, Orange is called as Yellow, Yellow is called as Blue, and Blue is called as Indigo, then what is the colour of human blood in that language?
a) Red
b) Blue
c) Green
d) Violet
e) Brown
e) Brown

Samacheer Kalvi 9th English Guide Prose Chapter 2 I Can’t Climb Trees Anymore

2. In a certain code language, if Pen means Eraser, Eraser means Book, Book means Scale, Scale means Sharpener, Sharpener means Duster and Duster means Table, then what is the name of the object that is used to clean the blackboard in that language?
a) Duster
b) Sharpener
c) Table
d) Scale
e) Book
c) Table

3. In a certain code language, if Bread is called Butter, Butter is called Milk, Milk is called Shirt, Shirt is called Shoe, Shoe is called Bicycle, Bicycle is called Watch, Watch is called Aeroplane and Aeroplane is called Ship, then which of the following indicates the time in that language?
a) Watch
b) Bicycle
c) Milk
d) Ship
e) Aeroplane
e) Aeroplane

Connecting to Self (Text Book Page No. 149)

Put a ✓ for the do’s and put a ✗ for dont’s

Samacheer Kalvi 8th English Guide Supplementary Chapter 5 When Instinct Works 4
Picture – 1 We should stop and carefully cross. ✓

Samacheer Kalvi 8th English Guide Supplementary Chapter 5 When Instinct Works 5
Picture – 2 Taking self! in front of a running train is dangerous. ✗

Samacheer Kalvi 8th English Guide Supplementary Chapter 5 When Instinct Works 6
Picture – 3 Talking over the cellphone while drawing is dangerous. ✗

Samacheer Kalvi 8th English Guide Supplementary Chapter 5 When Instinct Works 7
Picture – 4 Putting on the seat belt is correct. ✓

Samacheer Kalvi 8th English Guide Supplementary Chapter 5 When Instinct Works 8
Picture – 5 Standing on the foot board and hanging on the bus is dangerous. ✗

Samacheer Kalvi 8th English Guide Supplementary Chapter 5 When Instinct Works 9
Picture – 6 Playing on the road is dangerous. ✗

When Instinct Works Summary in English

The horse was harnessed to the new cart. On a rainy day, the horse was taken out. The river was in spate. The horse was taken on the wooden bridge. Suddenly the horse stopped. It refused to go forward. At that time man shouted them to stop. The bridge was broken in the middle. Part of the bridge had been carried away by the flood. The instinct of the horse saved the lives of men.

When Instinct Works Summary in Tamil

குதிரை வண்டியில் பூட்டப்பட்டது. ஒரு மழை நாளில், குதிரை வெளியே அழைத்துச் செல்லப்படுகிறது. நதி வெள்ளத்தில் பொங்கி கொண்டிருந்தது. குதிரை மரப்பாலத்தில் மீது சென்று கொண்டு இருந்தது. திடீரென குதிரை நின்றது. முன்னேறிச் செல்ல குதிரை மறுத்தது. அப்போது நிற்கும்படி ஒரு மனிதன் கத்தினான். மரப்பாலம் நடுவழியில் உடைந்து விட்டது. பாலத்தின் ஒரு பகுதி வெள்ளத்தில் அடித்து செல்லப்பட்டது. குதிரையின் உள்ளுணர்வு, மனிதர்கள் உயிரை காப்பாற்றியது.

When Instinct Works About the Author in English

Anna Sewell was an English writer of children’s classic ‘Black Beauty. Although it has to be treated as a children’s book, it was originally meant for those who took care of horses. She talks about kindness, sympathy and understanding in the treatment of horses.

When Instinct Works About the Author in Tamil

அன்னா சீயுல் குழந்தைகளுக்கான புத்தகம் எழுதும் எழுத்தாளர் ஆவாார். “Black Beauty” அவரது சிறந்த புத்தகம் ஆகும். ஆரம்பத்தில் இந்த கதை, குதிரையின் காப்பாளர்களுக்கு உரியது என்று நினைக்கப்பட்டது. அன்னா, குதிரைகளை கையாளும்போது நாம் காட்ட வேண்டிய அன்பு, கருணை, புரிதல் போன்ற நற்குணங்கள் பற்றிச் சொல்லுகிறார்.

Samacheer Kalvi 8th English Guide Supplementary Chapter 4 Crossing the River

Tamilnadu State Board New Syllabus Samacheer Kalvi 8th English Guide Pdf Supplementary Chapter 4 Crossing the River Text Book Back Questions and Answers, Summary, Notes.

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8th English Guide Crossing the River Textbook Back Questions and Answers

8th English Crossing the River Textual Exercise Questions and Answers
Read and Understand: (Text Book Page No. 116)

A. Match the following.

ritualspell bound
punditto cross the river easily
Motieloquent discourse
secretpassenger boat


punditeloquent discourse
ferrypassenger boat
secretto cross the river easily

B. Fill in the blanks: (Text Book Page No. 117)

1. Pundit have many ………………. and ……………….
disciples, admirers

2. Moti is a poor ……………….

Samacheer Kalvi 9th English Guide Prose Chapter 2 I Can’t Climb Trees Anymore

3. The milkmaid discharged her duties ………………..

4. Moti feels it as a ………………. to serve the great pundit.

5. The pundit was an ………………. speaker.

6. Moti assured to give the milk at the dawn ………………..
before sunrise

C. Answer the following:

1. What was the pundit’s discourse about?
The pundit’s discourse was about God and Truth and similar tough and complex matters.

Samacheer Kalvi 9th English Guide Prose Chapter 2 I Can’t Climb Trees Anymore

2. Why did Moti, the milkmaid, feel happy?
The milkmaid, Moti thought it a great privilege it to serve a great pundit. So, Moti was happy.

3. What was the resolution of Moti?
Moti’s resolution was that even if the landlord failed to pay her for the milk and her labour, she would not fail in her duty.

4. Give a reason for the pundit to ask for the milk at dawn.
The pundit was under a vow for performing a certain ritual for which he needed the milk at dawn.

5. Why did Moti come late on the first day of the ritual?
She came late on the first day of the ritual because the boatman did not turn up that early even though Moti informed him of the need for her to cross the river.

Samacheer Kalvi 9th English Guide Prose Chapter 2 I Can’t Climb Trees Anymore

6. Mention an incident that shows the naivety of Moti.
Moti believed the words of the pundit about crossing the river uttering the name of Lord Vishnu. This incident shows the naivety of Moti.

7. How did the milkmaid cross the river?
She just uttered the name of Vishnu and walked across the river.

8. What was the secret shared by pundit to milkmaid?
Jocularly, the pundit told Moti, that one could cross even the ocean of life by uttering the name of Lord Vishnu. This was the secret shared by pundit to the milkmaid.

9. How did the pundit appreciate the milkmaid? Who else did he convey his thanks for?
He appreciated the pain she had taken in getting up early, milking the cow, and delivering the milk to him at dawn. He also asked the milkmaid to convey his thanks to the boatman.

Samacheer Kalvi 9th English Guide Prose Chapter 2 I Can’t Climb Trees Anymore

10. Why did the pundit faint at the end of the story?
Seeing Moti, the milkmaid crossing the river walking with ease the pundit almost fainted.

D. Identify the speaker:

1. “But I apply the secret?”

2. “Tell the boatman how pleased I am with him.”

Step to Success (Text Book Page No. 117)

A. Select the correct option to fill in the blanks.

1. As I ……………… in the rain for the bus to arrive, it appeared as ……………… it would not arrive, ……………… it took all my patience.
a) weighted, though, so
b) wetted, if, so
c) waited, though, till
(c) waited, though, till

B. Select an option that correctly forms the 2nd pair similar to the 1st.

1. Bread : Yeast: : Curd : ?
a) Germs
b) Bacteria
c) Fungi
d) Virus
b) bacteria

Samacheer Kalvi 9th English Guide Prose Chapter 2 I Can’t Climb Trees Anymore

2. Fungi: Fungus : : Species : ?
a) Specey
b) Specy
c) Specie
d) Species
d) species

3. Throw : Worth :: Tide : ?
a) Water
b) Ocean
c) Edit
d) Sea
c) Edit

4. Lion: Forest: : Otter : ?
a) Cage
b) Water
c) The Alps
d) Burrow
b) Water

Connecting to Self (Text Book Page No. 118)
Samacheer Kalvi 8th English Guide Supplementary Chapter 4 Crossing the River 1
Samacheer Kalvi 8th English Guide Supplementary Chapter 4 Crossing the River 2

Crossing the River Summary in English

Moti, a poor milkmaid used to supply milk to the household of a celebrated Pundit. Usually, she would cross the river with the help of a ferry boat. When the Pundit wanted milk for a certain ritual, he needed milk before dawn. Since the boatman could not come that early, Moti was puzzled. Jocularly, the Pundit told her that she could cross even the ocean by uttering the name of Lord Vishnu. Moti believed it and also crossed the river on foot without a boat. The Pundit looked at her with surprise.

Crossing the River Summary in Tamil

மோதி என்ற எளிய பால்காரி, புகழ் பெற்ற பண்டிதர் இல்லத்திற்கு வழக்கமாய் பால் கொணர்வாள். ஆற்றை படகில் கடந்து வருவாள். பண்டிதர் ஒரு விசேஷ பூஜை செய்வதற்காக அதிகாலையிலேயே பால் வேண்டும் என்றார். படகுகாரன் அதிகாலையில் வரமாட்டான் என்பதை பண்டிதரிடம் கூறினாள். அதைக் கேட்ட பண்டிதர், விளையாட்டாக விஷ்ணுவின் நாமத்தைச் சொல்லிக்கொண்டு கடலையும் கடக்கலாம் என்றார். மோதி, அதனை நம்பி ஏற்று அதேபோல் விஷ்ணுவின் நாமத்தைக் கூறிக்கொண்டு படகு இல்லாது நடந்தே ஆற்றைக் கடந்தாள். அதை அப்பண்டிதர் ஆச்சரியத்துடன் கண்டு வியந்தார்.

Crossing the River About the Author in English

Manoj Das (bom 1934) is an award-winning Indian author who writes irr Odia and English. In 2000, Manoj Das was awarded Saraswati Samman. He was awarded Padma Shri in 2001, the fourth highest Civilian Award in India for his contribution in the field of Literature and Education. Kendra Sahitya Akademi has bestowed its highest award i.e. Sahitya Akademi Award Fellowship. His deeper quest led him to mysticism and he has been an inmate of Sri Aurobindo Ashram in Puducherry since 1963.

Crossing the River About the Author in Tamil

மனோஜ் தாஸ் 1934ல் பிறந்தார். விருது பெறும் இந்திய எழுத்தாளர். ஒரிய மொழியிலும் ஆங்கிலத்திலும் எழுதக்கூடியவர். 2000ஆம் ஆண்டு, மனோஜ் தாஸ் சரஸ்வதி சமான் என்ற விருதினைப் பெற்றார். 2001ஆம் ஆண்டு, பத்ம ஸ்ரீ விருது பெற்றார். இந்த விருது இந்திய குடிமக்களுக்குரிய விருதுகளில் நான்காம் இடத்தில் உள்ள உயரிய விருதாகும். இலக்கியம் மற்றும் கல்வி போன்ற துறைகளில் இவரது பங்களிப்புகளுக்காக வழங்கப்பட்டது. கேந்திரிய சாகித்ய அகாடமியின் உயர்ந்த விருதான சாகித்திய அகாடெமியின் தோழமை விருது வழங்கப்பட்டுள்ளது. இவரது ஆழ்ந்த தேடல் இவரை ஆன்மீகத்தில் கண்டறியப்படாத விஷயங்களை நோக்கி இவரை உந்தியுள்ளது. எனவே இவர் புதுச்சேரியில் உள்ள ஸ்ரீ அரபிந்தோ ஆசிரமம் சென்று 1963 முதல் தங்கியுள்ளார்.

Samacheer Kalvi 8th English Guide Supplementary Chapter 3 The Three Questions

Tamilnadu State Board New Syllabus Samacheer Kalvi 8th English Guide Pdf Supplementary Chapter 3 The Three Questions Text Book Back Questions and Answers, Summary, Notes.

Tamilnadu Samacheer Kalvi 8th English Solutions Supplementary Chapter 3 The Three Questions

8th English Guide The Three Questions Text book Back Questions and Answers

Section I

8th English Guide The Three Questions Textual Exercise Questions and Answers

A. Choose the correct answer from the options given below. (Text Book Page No. 86)

1. The king wanted to know the answers for …………… questions.
a) three
b) five
c) nine
a) three

2. The hermit lived in a …………….. .
a) cottage
b) palace
c) wood
c) wood

Samacheer Kalvi 9th English Guide Prose Chapter 2 I Can’t Climb Trees Anymore

3. ………………. widely renowned for his wisdom.
a) hermit
b) messengers
c) warriors
a) hermit

B. Fill in the blanks.

1. The answer for the first question was to have a ………………. to fix the proper time for everything.
council of wisemen

2. ………………. were referred to know the right time for every action.
The magicians

Samacheer Kalvi 9th English Guide Prose Chapter 2 I Can’t Climb Trees Anymore

3. The king decided to consult a ………………. .

C. Who said these words?

1. “They all answered his questions differently.”
The learned men

2. How can I learn to do the right thing at the right time?
The king

Samacheer Kalvi 9th English Guide Prose Chapter 2 I Can’t Climb Trees Anymore

3. “Now rest awhile – and let me work a bit”?

D. Answer the following questions:

1. What were the king’s questions?
The king’s questions were :
What was the right time for every action?
Who were the most necessary people?
How to know what was the most important thing to do?

2. Was the king satisfied with the answers? Why?
The king was not satisfied with his answers because everyone gave different answers.

Samacheer Kalvi 9th English Guide Prose Chapter 2 I Can’t Climb Trees Anymore

3. Why was the king advised to go to the magicians?
The king was advised to go to the magicians in order to know the right time for every action.

4. Whose advice did the people say would be important to the king in answer to the second question?
People said the most necessary people to the king were councilors, others, the priests, doctors and warriors.

Section II

8th English Guide The Three Questions Textual Exercise Questions and Answers

A. Write ‘True or False’ for the following statement. (Text Book Page No. 89)

1. The bearded man was an enemy of the king.

2. The king and the hermit refused to help the wounded man.

Samacheer Kalvi 9th English Guide Prose Chapter 2 I Can’t Climb Trees Anymore

3. The wounded man asked for the king’s forgiveness.

4. The king promised to restore the property of the bearded man.

B. Match the words in column ‘A’ with their meanings in column ‘B’.
Samacheer Kalvi 8th English Guide Supplementary Chapter 3 The Three Questions 1
Samacheer Kalvi 8th English Guide Supplementary Chapter 3 The Three Questions 2

C. Answers the following questions, (Text Book Page No. 90)

1. Who came running out of the wood? What happened to him?
A bearded man came running out of the wood. He was wounded in his stomach. He was bleeding due to the large wound.

2. How did the king and the hermit restore the life of a wounded man?
The king and the hermit washed the wound again and again. They bandaged and re-bandaged the wound and stopped bleeding. They gave him water to drink. They kept him on the bed.

Samacheer Kalvi 9th English Guide Prose Chapter 2 I Can’t Climb Trees Anymore

3. Why did the king sleep through the night?
The king was tired from his walk and from the work he had done in digging the earth to help the hermit. So, he fell asleep. He slept soundly all through the night.

4. What were the changes in the behaviour of the wounded man at the end?
The bearded man asked for the forgiveness of the king. He confessed that he came to kill the king. He wished to serve the king throughout his life. The king was glad to have made peace with his enemy.

D. Answer the following in 100 words.

1. What were the answers to the three questions? What is the message of the hermit?

  • The only important time is now at present. Because we have power only in the present, not in the past or future.
  • The most necessary person is the one who is with us at present.
  • The most important business is to do good to others.
  • Only for this purpose man is sent into this life.
  • These were the answers of the hermit to the king.

Samacheer Kalvi 9th English Guide Prose Chapter 2 I Can’t Climb Trees Anymore

2. Why did the bearded man ask for the king’s forgiveness? What did the king do to show his forgiveness?
The bearded man confessed to the king that he had been an enemy of the king. He came there to kill the king. He was recognized by the bodyguard and got wounded. The king had killed his brother and seized his property. So he wanted to take revenge on the king. Since the king nursed his wound and saved his life he changed his mind. He asked for the forgiveness of the king.

He wanted to be a faithful slave to the king for the rest of his life. He also said that his sons also would serve the king. The king forgave the bearded man. He promised to restore his property. He also said that he would send his physician and servants to cure the bearded man. The king felt that he had gained a new friend. The king was glad to have made peace with his enemy so easily.

Step to Success

Read the English folk tale given below and fill up the blank spaces with suitable words.

There were once three tortoises – a father, a mother, and a baby. On one fine morning during the spring, they decided that they would like to go for a picnic. They picked the place where they would go a nice wood at some distance, and they began to put their things together. They got tins of cheese, vegetables, meat, and fruits. They were ready for the picnic. They set out Carrying their baskets. After eighteen months they sat down for rest. They enjoyed the picnic very much.
that, and, and, on, after, where

The Three Questions Summary in English

The king had three important questions in his mind. He wanted to get proper answers for them. He tried but could not get any answer. He met a wise hermit in the wood. He helped the hermit in his work. Still, the hermit gave no answer. Suddenly a stranger rushed to that spot. A wounded man came and fell fainting on the ground. The king and the hermit nursed and gave him water and bed in the night. The stranger asked for the king’s forgiveness. He was a killer who came to kill the king. He confessed and made peace with the king. The king asked answers to the three questions again. The hermit said that doing good is the most important business. The most important time is the current time when we have any power. The most important person is the one with whom we are.

The Three Questions Summary in Tamil

அரசன் ஒருவர் அவரது மனதிலிருந்த மூன்று கேள்விகளுக்கு பதில் பெற விரும்பினார். ஆனால் முடியவில்லை . ஒரு அறிவார்ந்த சந்நியாசியை சந்தித்து விடை பெற விரும்பினார். அவர் பதில் அளிக்கவில்லை. அவரது பள்ளம் தோண்டும் வேலையில் மன்னர் உதவி செய்தார். மீண்டும் கேள்விகளுக்கு பதிலை வேண்டிக் கேட்டார். அப்போதும் சந்நியாசி பதில் அளிக்கவில்லை . அப்போது அங்கே ஒரு புதிய மனிதன் ஓடி வந்தார். காயங்களுடன் அவன் வந்து மயங்கி விழுந்தான். அரசரும் துறவியும் அவனுக்கு பணிவிடை செய்து உதவினர். காயத்தைக் கவனித்தனர். நீரும் புகலிடமும் கொடுத்து உதவினர். அவன் காலையில் மன்னரிடம் மன்னிப்புக் கேட்டான். ஏனென்றால் அவன் மன்னரைக் கொல்ல வந்ததவன். தன் தவறை வெளிப்படுத்தி மன்னிப்பும் கேட்டாதால் மன்னரும் சமாதானமானார். அரசர் துறவியிடம் மீண்டும் தன் மூன்று கேள்விகளுக்கு பதில் என்னவென்று கேட்டார். மிக முக்கியமான காரியம் பிறர்க்கு நன்மை செய்வதாகும். மிக முக்கியமான நேரம் தற்சமயம் தான். ஏனெனில் அதுதான் நம்மிடம் சக்தி இருக்கும் நேரம். மிக முக்கிய மனிதர் உன்னோடு இருக்கும் நபர் தான் என்று பதில் அளித்தார் துறவி.

The Three Questions About the Author in English

Leo Tolstoy (1828 – 1910) was a Russian writer who is regarded as one of the greatest authors of all time. He is best known for the novels War and Peace (1869) and Anna Karenina (1877).

The Three Questions About the Author in Tamil

லியோ டால்ஸ்டாய் (1828-1910) எல்லா காலங்களிலும் போற்றப்படும் எழுத்தாளர்களில் ஒருவராவார். அவர் ஒரு ரஷ்ய எழுத்தாளர். போரும் சமாதானமும் (1869) மற்றும் அன்ன கரேன்னியா (1877) ஆகிய நாவல்களுக்காக மிகவும் அறியப்பட்டவர்.

Samacheer Kalvi 8th English Guide Supplementary Chapter 2 Jim Corbett, A Hunter Turned Naturalist

Tamilnadu State Board New Syllabus Samacheer Kalvi 8th English Guide Pdf Supplementary Chapter 2 Jim Corbett, A Hunter Turned Naturalist Text Book Back Questions and Answers, Summary, Notes.

Tamilnadu Samacheer Kalvi 8th English Solutions Supplementary Chapter 2 Jim Corbett, A Hunter Turned Naturalist

8th English Guide Jim Corbett, A Hunter Turned Naturalist Text book Back Questions and Answers

8th English Guide Jim Corbett, A Hunter Turned Naturalist Textual Exercise Questions and Answers

A. Fill in the blanks:

1. Jim Corbett died on ……………… .
19th April, 1955

2. Corbett shot wild animals in his …………………… .
cine film camera

3. …………………. was the first man-eater shot by Corbett.
The Champawat Tiger

Samacheer Kalvi 9th English Guide Prose Chapter 2 I Can’t Climb Trees Anymore

4. Corbett shot the tigress dead, near the ……………….. .
Chataar Bridge

B. Read the following passage and answer the questions given below:

Jim Corbett played a key role in establishing, India’s first national park in the Kumaon Hills, the Hailey National Park, in Uttarakhand, India. It was initially named after, Lord Malcolm Hailey. Jim Corbett died on 19 April 1955. The park was renamed in 1957 as, The Jim Corbett National Park. It was named after him to honour his role in establishing this protected area in 1930s.

1. Who played a key role in establishing the national park?
Corbett played a key role in establishing the India’s first National Park in the Kumaon Hills.

Samacheer Kalvi 9th English Guide Prose Chapter 2 I Can’t Climb Trees Anymore

2. Why was the park named Hailey National Park?
The park was named Hailey National Park in memory of “Lord Malcolm Hailey”.

3. When was it renamed Jim Corbett National Park?
The park was renamed in 1957 as the Jim Corbett National Park to honour his role in establishing the protected area in 1930s.

C. Answer the following in one or two words:

1. What was the birth name of Jim Corbett?
Edward James Corbett was his birth name.

2. What was the name of Corbett’s dog?
The name of Jim Corbett’s dog was Robin.

Samacheer Kalvi 9th English Guide Prose Chapter 2 I Can’t Climb Trees Anymore

3. How many kills did the Champawat Tiger recorded?
The Tiger recorded 436 deaths.

4. Who was the last kill of the Champawat Tiger?
The last person to be killed by the Champawat Tiger was a 16-year-old girl in a village near Champawat.

5. When did Jim Corbett die?
He died on 19th April in 1955.

D. Answer the following in 100 words.

1. According to Corbett, why a tiger turns into a man-eater?
According to Corbett’s theory, a tiger starts eating humans, when they grow old or got hurt. As they cannot run fast, they start killing humans. People cannot run as fast as animals. So they become easy prey. After eating human flesh once, a tiger will not eat any other flesh. These tigers are called man-eaters. Join Corbett’s first man-eating tiger hunt was the Champawat Tiger. It was a Bengal tigress. It was responsible for nearly 436 deaths in Nepal and the Kumaon area of India.

Samacheer Kalvi 9th English Guide Prose Chapter 2 I Can’t Climb Trees Anymore

2. How was the Champawat Tiger killed?
Jim Corbett camped in the Kumaon district, and started tracking the tigress. After several unsuccessful attempts, Corbett managed to kill, the tiger when it killed 16 years old girl. He followed a trail of blood left there. After a whole day of pursuit, Corbett had to abandon the hunt, decided to use villagers and to organize a bait the next day near the Champa river. The tigress got caught in the bait. With the help of the tahsildar of Champawat, the bait was organized with about 300 villagers. The next day, Corbett shot the tigress dead, near the Chataar Bridge, in Champawat.

3. What were the findings of the postmortem?
A post-mortem was done on the Bengal Tigress. It showed that the upper and lower ’ canine teeth on the right side of her mouth were broken. The upper one was broken in half and the lower one broke right down to the bone. This injury was a result of an old gunshot from the game hunter who failed to track and kill it. According to Jim Corbett this injury prevented her from hunting her natural prey and so she started to hunt humans.

Step to Success (Text Book Page No. 61)

Analogy – verbal reasoning questions.
There is a certain relation between two given words, find the relation to find the missing word:

1. Reading : Knowledge, Work : ?
a) Experience
b) Engagement
c) Experiment
d) Employment
a) Experience

2. Cricket: Bat, Hockey : ?
a) Field
b) Stick
c) Player
d) Ball
b) Stick

Samacheer Kalvi 9th English Guide Prose Chapter 2 I Can’t Climb Trees Anymore

3. Dog : Rabies, Mosquito : ?
a) Plague
b) Death
c) Malaria
d) Sting
c) Malaria

4. Man : Biography, Nation : ?
a) Leader
b) People
c) Geography
d) History
d) History

5. Bread : Bakery, Brick : ?
a) Mint
b) Kiln
c) Furnace
d) Mine
b) Kiln

6. Doctor : Diagnosis, Judge : ?
a) Court
b) Punishment
c) Lawyer
d) Judgement
d) Judgement

Connecting to Self

Try to know whether your hobby makes things easy.
Samacheer Kalvi 8th English Guide Supplementary Chapter 2 Jim Corbett, A Hunter Turned Naturalist 1
Samacheer Kalvi 8th English Guide Supplementary Chapter 2 Jim Corbett, A Hunter Turned Naturalist 2

Jim Corbett, A Hunter Turned Naturalist Summary in English

Tim Carbett, hunter, writer and naturalist hunted the man-eaters on the request of the government. A Bengal tiger that caused 43 6 deaths was shot by Jim, at the request of the British government, in the Kumaon district. Jim was not for game hunting. He was for the conservation of forests and the protection of wildlife. India’s first national port at Uttharakand was named after Jim Corbett after his death.

Jim Corbett, A Hunter Turned Naturalist Summary in Tamil

ஜிம் கார்பெட், வேட்டையாளர், எழுத்தாளர், இயற்கை ஆர்வலர் ஆவார். அரசு வேண்டுகோள் விடுத்தால், மனிதர்களை கொல்லும் விலங்குகளை அவர் கொல்வார். வங்காள புலி 436 இறப்புகளுக்கு காரணமாய் இருந்தது. ஆங்கில அரசு வேண்டுகோளின்படி ஜிம் கூமான் மாவட்டத்தில் அப்புலியை வேட்டையாடினார். காடுகளை பாதுகாக்க வேண்டும். விலங்குகளை பாதுகாக்க வேண்டும் என்பது அவரது விருப்பம். உத்தரகான்ட் மாநிலத்தில் உள்ள தேசிய பூங்கா ஜிம் கார்பெட் இறப்புக்குப் பின் அவர் பெயர் சூட்டப்பட்டு உள்ளது.